Treatment for Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is a mineral that our body needs to function correctly. It helps with muscle contraction and relaxation, nerve transmission, bone growth, and blood pressure reduction. With the recent increase in magnesium deficiency, people need to know what symptoms they should watch out for and how to treat them.

Magnesium shortage is a serious problem since it is probably the essential mineral in the body.

“Every known ailment is linked with a magnesium shortage, and it’s the missing solution to many diseases,” says Norman Shealy, MD, Ph.D., an American neurosurgeon and pioneer in pain treatment. Magnesium is not only crucial for calcium, potassium, and sodium regulation, but it is also necessary for cellular health and plays a role in over 300 metabolic processes in the body.

Magnesium is required to produce glutathione, your body’s most potent antioxidant, dubbed “the master antioxidant.” Unfortunately, most people are unaware of this, and millions of individuals suffer from a magnesium shortage every day without even realizing it.

Magnesium Deficiency Causes

Magnesium deficiency, formerly believed to be uncommon, is much more prevalent than most doctors think. This is why:

  • Soil depletion, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and food additives have all combined to produce a catastrophe waiting to happen. The proportion of magnesium in food has dropped as minerals have been eliminated, taken away, or are no longer accessible in the soil.
  • Mineral malabsorption, particularly magnesium, may be caused by digestive disorders such as the leaky gut. As a result, hundreds of millions of people nowadays are unable to take their nutrition. Also, since our mineral absorption decreases as we age, the likelihood of a deficit rises across the board.
  • The prevalence of chronic diseases and their treatment is at an all-time high. Magnesium insufficiency and mineral absorption are linked to the majority of chronic illnesses. The gut, which is crucial for absorbing magnesium from our meals, is damaged by medications.
  • Even if you drink a lot of water when on a keto diet, you will lose a lot of water weight, and essential electrolytes like magnesium, potassium, and salt will be flushed out of your system. This happens a lot at first, but drinking magnesium-rich beverages like bone broth may help.

Is magnesium insufficiency anything to be concerned about? It depends entirely on your risk factors and current symptoms (see below). Furthermore, around 80% of individuals have poor magnesium levels. Therefore you’re inadequate.

Remember that just 1% of the magnesium in your body is in your circulation, so you might have a shortage and not even know it because of a simple blood test.

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency 

Many individuals may be low in magnesium without even realizing it. Here are some vital signs to keep an eye out for that may suggest a deficiency:

1. Leg Cramps

Leg cramps affect seventy percent of adults and seven percent of children regularly. Leg cramps, it turns out, may be more than an annoyance – they can be painful! Researchers have discovered that magnesium shortage is often to blame due to magnesium’s involvement in neuromuscular signaling and muscle contraction.

Doctors are increasingly prescribing magnesium supplements to assist their patients. Another symptom of magnesium insufficiency is restless leg syndrome. Magnesium and potassium should be increased in your diet to help with leg cramps and restless leg syndrome.

2. Sleeplessness

Magnesium insufficiency is often linked to anxiety, hyperactivity, and restlessness, all of which are symptoms of sleep problems. This is thought to be because magnesium is required for the action of GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter that is known to “calm” the brain and induce relaxation.

The optimum time of day to take magnesium is approximately 400 mg before bed or with supper. Adding magnesium-rich items to your supper menu, such as nutrient-dense spinach, may also assist.

3. Fibromyalgia (muscle pain)

The function of magnesium in fibromyalgia symptoms was investigated in research published in Magnesium Research. It was discovered that increasing magnesium intake decreased pain and tenderness while also improving immunological blood indicators.

This study should encourage people living with fibromyalgia since it shows the systemic impact magnesium supplements have on the body. In addition, magnesium supplements are often related to autoimmune diseases.

4. Nervousness

Magnesium shortage may cause irritability and anxiety because it affects the central nervous system, particularly the GABA cycle in the body. As the deficit develops, it produces high anxiety, sadness, and hallucinations in extreme instances.

Magnesium, in particular, has been proven to relax the body muscles and enhance mood. So it’s a necessary mineral for good mental health. Taking magnesium regularly is one of the things I’ve advised to people with anxiety over the years, and they’ve experienced tremendous benefits.

Magnesium is required for the proper functioning of every cell in the body, from the stomach to the brain, so it’s no surprise that it impacts so many systems.

5. Hypertension or High Blood Pressure

Magnesium and calcium work together to keep blood pressure in check and protect the heart. As a result, if you’re magnesium deficient, you’re likely to be calcium deficient as well, which may lead to hypertension or high blood pressure.

According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition with 241,378 individuals, a diet rich in magnesium foods may decrease the incidence of stroke by 8%. This is significant because hypertension is responsible for half of all ischemic strokes worldwide.

6. Diabetes mellitus type 2

Type II diabetes is one of the four major causes of magnesium insufficiency, but it’s also a frequent symptom. For example, low magnesium levels were ten times more frequent in new diabetics and 8.6 times more common in existing diabetics in a study of 1,452 individuals conducted in the United Kingdom.

Because of magnesium’s involvement in sugar metabolism, diets high in magnesium have been found to substantially reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes, as anticipated. Another research found that just supplementing with 100 mg of magnesium each day reduced the incidence of diabetes by 15%.

7. Tiredness

Magnesium shortage is characterized by low energy, weakness, and tiredness. Magnesium deficiency affects the majority of CFS sufferers. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, 300–1,000 mg of magnesium per day may assist, but be cautious since too much magnesium might induce diarrhea.

If you encounter this adverse effect, decrease your dose slightly until the problem goes away.

8. Migraine Headaches 

Due to its role in regulating neurotransmitters in the body, magnesium shortage has been linked to migraine headaches. According to double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, migraine headaches may be reduced by up to 42% when taking 360–600 mg of magnesium daily.

9. Osteoporosis 

“The typical person’s body has approximately 25 grams of magnesium, and roughly half of it is in the bones,” according to the National Institute of Health. This is particularly essential to remember for the elderly, who are in danger of bone deterioration.

There is, thankfully, hope! After only 30 days, supplementing with magnesium reduced the progression of osteoporosis “substantially,” according to research published in Biology Trace Element Research. To naturally increase bone density, in addition to taking a magnesium supplement, you should consider increasing your vitamin D3 and K2 intake.

Do You Have a Magnesium Deficiency?  

So, who is at the most risk of magnesium deficiency? The National Institute of Health claims that not everyone is made equal when it comes to metabolizing and assimilating magnesium. In reality, some individuals are born with a higher risk of magnesium insufficiency than others.

Magnesium insufficiency may be passed down down the generations as an inability to absorb this vital element. In addition, a low-magnesium diet and mental or professional stress may deplete magnesium levels in the body. Magnesium short as a result, magnesium cause headaches, diabetes, tiredness, and other symptoms, and it can be inherited, caused by a poor diet, or even caused by stress.

The following are the four most significant at-risk groups:

  • Those who suffer from stomach issues — It all begins in the stomach. Because most magnesium is absorbed in the small intestine, conditions such as celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and regional enteritis may all lead to magnesium shortage. In addition, people who have gastrointestinal operations, such as resection or bypass of the small intestines, are also at risk for magnesium insufficiency.
  • Persons with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance – Type 2 diabetics and people with insulin resistance have trouble absorbing magnesium, partly due to increased urine. Natural food modifications that lower glucose concentrations in the kidneys may be very beneficial for these individuals.
  • Senior citizens — Magnesium levels decrease as individuals age for a variety of reasons. Researchhads revealed that the elderly do not consume as many magnesium-rich foods as they did when they were younger. So this is a straightforward fix. But, on the other hand, the uncontrolled risk factor is that as we become older, we naturally have lower magnesium intestine absorption, lower magnesium bone reserves, and more urine loss.
  • People who struggle with alcoholism – Alcoholics often suffer from magnesium shortage due to the factors listed above. The simplest way to grasp this is to think of alcohol as an “antinutrient.” It suctions nutrition from your cells and inhibits normal absorption and use of vitamins and minerals. I’d even go so far as to say that regular recreational alcohol consumption, rather than simply alcoholism, may cause magnesium deficiency. Most individuals can tolerate one to two glasses of wine each week, but anything more than that is very demanding on the liver. In addition, alcohol may deplete minerals in your body because it promotes dehydration, gut floral imbalance, immune system weakness, disrupted sleep habits, and accelerated aging.

Magnesium Is Affected by Soil Depletion

What if you don’t fall into any of these categories yet are youthful, energetic, and seem to be in good health? Does this imply you’re free to go now? No, not at all.

Magnesium used to be plentiful in almost all meals. However, due to changes in agricultural methods and growth cycles over the past century, food has become more deficient in magnesium.

Farmers in the Bible harvested crops on a Sabbath cycle of six years on, one year off. This helps preserve the soil’s nutritional quality, which is then transferred to the foods we eat.

According to studies, today’s produce’s nutritional quality pales compared to just 60 years ago.

The Organic Consumers Association cites several additional studies with comparable results: According to a Kushi Institute study of nutritional data from 1975 to 1997, average calcium levels in 12 fresh vegetables fell by 27%, iron levels by 37%, vitamin A levels by 21%, and vitamin C levels by 30%.

Comparable research published in the British Food Journal showed that the average calcium content had decreased 19 percent, iron 22 percent, and potassium 14 percent in 20 vegetables from 1930 to 1980. Another research found that to get the same amount of vitamin A that our ancestors would have received from one orange, you’d have to consume it right now.

The fundamental truth is that soil depletion and our present capitalistic agricultural methods endanger you even if you follow a fully organic, non-GMO raw food diet.

Even so, you should include a variety of high-magnesium foods in your diet.

Magnesium Supplements That Work

If you believe you are significantly low in magnesium and want to raise your levels fast, you should consider taking an all-natural supplement.

I suggested using one of the magnesium supplements listed below:

  1. Magnesium Chelate is a kind of magnesium that binds to several amino acids and is in the same condition as the food we eat, making it highly absorbable.
  2. Magnesium Citrate combines magnesium and citric acid with laxative effects and is often used to treat constipation.
  3. Magnesium Glycinate is a chelated form of magnesium with absorption and bioavailability, making it suitable for rectifying a deficit.
  4. Magnesium Threonate is newer, developing kind of magnesium supplement that looks promising, owing to its better capacity to permeate the mitochondrial membrane and maybe the finest magnesium supplement available.
  5. Magnesium Chloride Oil is a kind of magnesium that comes in the form of an oil. It can penetrate the skin and enter the body. This is the most acceptable type of magnesium to consume if you have digestive problems like malabsorption.

Side Effects of Magnesium

As a reminder, 20 percent of individuals who take 600 mg or more of magnesium as a supplement suffer diarrhea.

My advice is to stay around 300–400 mg and contact your natural health physician if you have any GI issues.

Final Thoughts

  • According to studies, magnesium is a magnesium element for the body, and a magnesium shortage has been linked to almost every disease.
  • Soil disease, GMOs, digestive disorders, and chronic illness are all causes of magnesium insufficiency.
  • Cramps, sleeplessness, muscular discomfort, anxiety, high blood pressure, diabetes, tiredness, migraines, and osteoporosis are all signs of magnesium insufficiency.
  • People with GI problems, diabetes, and alcoholism, as well as the elderly, are more likely to be magnesium deficient.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is magnesium needed for?

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. It is needed for many different functions, including nerve and muscle function, blood glucose control, energy production, and bone health.

What are the ten signs of low magnesium?

Low magnesium can be caused by several things, including not eating enough fruits and vegetables, having low blood sugar, or being dehydrated. Some signs of low magnesium include muscle cramps, fatigue, dizziness, anxiety, confusion, irritability, headaches, constipation, and weight loss.

What does magnesium help with?

Magnesium is a mineral that helps regulate blood sugar and can help with mood disorders.

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