9 Natural Antifungal Remedies

Antifungal creams are a popular treatment for vaginal yeast infections, but they have a few drawbacks. Learn how to use these natural remedies instead of conventional treatments.

Anyone who has ever had a fungal illness understands how aggravating it can be. Fungal infections may cause a lot of pain and even humiliation (think smelly feet), but they seldom pose a severe health risk. Athlete’s foot, toenails or fingernail fungus, jock itch, Candida or yeast infections, oral thrush, ringworm, and meningitis are some of the more prevalent fungal illnesses.

Antifungal drugs, such as antifungal cream, are often used to treat and prevent mycosis or fungal infection. Medications are usually obtained via a doctor’s prescription or over the market; however, multiple studies have shown that natural antifungal cream therapies are more successful.

Is There an Antifungal Overuse Epidemic?

Members of the genus Aspergillus are common fungi found wherever on the planet. Over 185 Aspergillus species have been found so far, with 20 of them known to cause severe infections in people, animals, and plants. Aspergillus flavus is the most well-known since it causes direct infections and illnesses in humans.

A flavus is the second most common cause of human invasive aspergillosis behind a fumigatus. Although invasive aspergillosis is uncommon in adults with a healthy immune system, it may lead to more significant problems in immunosuppressed patients. In addition, despite the advent of novel antifungal medications and synthetic preservatives recently, synthetic antifungal agents have resulted in a substantial rise in treatment resistance.

Azole chemical component is included in the most commonly used antifungal creams. However, research demonstrates that many azoles cause frequent sensitivities and allergic responses and that natural therapies are increasingly generating considerably superior outcomes.

The American Society for Microbiology determined that these medications might cause serious hypersensitivity responses and that a systemic allergic reaction to fluconazole, in particular, has been described, prompting doctors to be careful before prescribing another azole as an antifungal agent.

Furthermore, these azoles may endanger anybody pregnant. Therefore, the ability of a panel of azole antifungal drugs regularly given to women of reproductive years to inhibit aromatase, the enzyme that synthesizes estrogen, was investigated. The topical medications econazole, bifonazole, clotrimazole, miconazole, and sulconazole, as well as the oral drugs fluconazole and ketoconazole, were studied. This study discovered that several azole medicines might interfere with estrogen production during pregnancy, influencing the prognosis.

According to another research, recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is still difficult to treat in clinical practice. According to recent epidemiological research, Non-Albicans Candida spp are more resistant to azole antifungal therapy and are the causal pathogens of vulvovaginal candidiasis. This is just one more example of how research shows that synthetic medications cannot cure fungal infections as well as they should be.

The good news is that researchers are discovering that plant products and other organically based treatments contain antimicrobial qualities that have been identified and utilized for antifungal lotions in China since ancient times. Essential oils are among the most promising categories of natural items to create safer antifungal medicines among the many groups of plant products.

While care should always be given when utilizing an essential oil or any new therapy, the vast majority of essential oils are classified as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). Therefore, while essential oils are a viable option, many natural medicines are available, many of which may be found in your pantry.

9 Effective Natural Antifungal Treatments

1. Probiotics and yogurt

Numerous helpful microorganisms live in the vaginal canal, keeping disease-causing microbes like Candida. When anything disrupts that delicate balance, such as antibiotics or hormones, the yeasts multiply out of control. Using yogurt or probiotic foods like kombucha to treat vaginal yeast infections has become a popular natural therapy. The idea is to restore the vagina’s population of friendly bacteria.

Studies indicate Lactobacillus recolonization of the vagina shows potential as a therapy for yeast infections, according to a 2003 paper. Although more research is needed, we know that frequent consumption of good bacteria does very little damage and is typically quite beneficial to the body. It’s crucial to mention that placing yogurt straight into the vaginal canal is not recommended since it might cause infection.

2. Garlic

Garlic’s antifungal qualities have been shown in several investigations. Some women advocate putting garlic cloves in the vaginal canal at night; however, even though this therapy is unlikely to cause serious harm, there is no scientific proof that it helps.

On the other hand, garlic is even more beneficial than prescription medications like Lamisil in treating athlete’s foot. Research has shown that a garlic chemical known as “ajoene” is particularly efficient against the fungus that causes athlete’s foot.

3. Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano oil is a potent antibiotic derived from plants. In research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, essential oregano oil was assessed for its impact on fungus produced by bacteria. It demonstrated substantial antibacterial activity against five kinds of pathogenic bacteria.

What makes oregano so unique? The antimicrobial chemicals known as phenols, including thymol and carvacrol, are found in 71 percent oregano oil. While oregano is a potent natural antibiotic, it should still be used with care. It should be highly diluted with a carrier oil since it might induce a burning feeling. In addition, I wouldn’t use it on sensitive areas of the body.

4. Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree oils have been found in multiple trials to be helpful against different Candida species. Therefore, using a micro broth technique, tea tree oil was investigated. In addition, the exact formulation was evaluated in an experimental vaginal infection using fluconazole–itraconazole-susceptible or-resistant C. Albicans strains (Candida).

Tea tree oil was shown to be efficacious in vitro against all strains tested and to be very effective in speeding the removal of Candida from the infected rat vagina. Regardless of whether the infected C. Albicans strain was sensitive or resistant to fluconazole, further research resulted in the infection being resolved.

5. Virgin coconut oil

Coconut oil is well-known for its immune-boosting and health-promoting effects. However, coconut oil has a lot of advantages when it comes to fungus in the body. Yeast and fungus may be found in all of your body’s mucous membranes, including the intestines, but they seldom cause issues until they get excessive.

This is where a natural antibiotic, such as coconut oil, might come in handy because fungal growth may be caused by too much sugar, stress, or a weakened immune system. A fungal nail is simply one sign of this fungal overgrowth, which a systemic fungal infection may also accompany.

Coconut oil includes medium-chain fatty acids, which have antifungal properties. These unique lipids have significant antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that destroy the fungus. Thus they should be investigated for toenail fungus therapy and beyond. Oral ingestion, as well as a topical application, might be beneficial.

6. Oil of Dill

Since ancient times, dill oil has been employed in Ayurvedic treatment. In addition, Dill has antibacterial characteristics, making it a viable source for an environmentally friendly antifungal medication.

The capacity of the essential oil isolated from the seeds of Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) to break the permeability barrier of the plasma membrane, which may assist in eradicating fungus-causing bacteria, was proven in research.

7. Avoid sweets and moldy foods.

Infection from fungal may be considerably reduced by reducing sugar and processed carbs. This is because yeast feeds on sugar and ferments it into ethanol and acetaldehyde, both poisonous chemicals.

You lower the amount of sugar accessible to the yeast in your intestines when you stop a possible sugar addiction and reduce the quantity of sugar in your diet. Immune responses may occur due to yeast overgrowth, which leads to the leaky gut syndrome. Processed foods and sweets of any kind, cheese, alcoholic drinks, mushrooms, and processed meats should all be avoided. Moderately consume grains and high-carbohydrate veggies. Lean proteins and raw or gently cooked vegetables should be prioritized.

8. Caprylic Acid

Antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal activities are all found in caprylic acid. It is often used as a component in topical fungicides and can stimulate the immune system. In addition, caprylic acid aids in the natural reduction of yeast development in the gastrointestinal system, allowing good bacteria to flourish. It is perfectly natural when taken orally and helps avoid an imbalance due to different germs being present.

9. Boric acid

Boric acid has antibacterial qualities, making it an excellent and inexpensive fungal home treatment. According to studies, boric acid suppository pills are pretty efficient against yeast infections, especially Candida infections. According to one early trial, when administered nightly for 7 to 10 days, boric acid suppositories had a 92 percent cure rate. That’s a significant figure!

The Journal Diabetes Care discovered that boric acid vaginal suppositories were more effective than oral azole medication in treating Candida infections in diabetic women. Likewise, The Journal of Women’s Health discovered that it’s a safe alternative for treating four or more Non-Albicans Candida infections in a single year.

On the other hand, Boric acid may induce vaginal burning and should be diluted or taken under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, it is dangerous when eaten and should not be used regularly or during pregnancy.

Antifungals Have a Long History

Until the 1940s, there were few antifungal creams and medications available for the treatment of systemic fungal infections; nonetheless, the discovery was found while studying biotin deficiency in animals and microorganisms, albeit it was generally neglected at the time.

Vanden Bossche discovered another azole with antifungal action that blocked purine absorption in Candida yeast in the mid-1970s. Though their usage was linked with hazardous side effects, discovering these antifungals constituted a significant leap in medical mycology.

The azoles were discovered some decades later, with the first release in the early 1980s, due to the ongoing hunt for new and less harmful antifungals. However, recent discoveries of fluconazole and itraconazole in the 1990s showed a more extensive range of antifungal action. Unfortunately, these medicines eventually developed several therapeutically significant limitations, including resistance, the formation of dangerous medication combinations, and poor performance as they traveled throughout the body, as well as their toxicity.

New technologies have attempted to improve the situation, claiming increased efficacy against resistant and developing infections. Regardless, it seems that natural therapies are doing even better as antifungal agents.

Use Antifungal Creams and Remedies with Caution

You can learn about douching, but douching and yeast infections are not compatible. Cleaning the vaginal area may increase yeast infections by eliminating good bacteria. If you already have a yeast infection, douching may move it to the cervix and into the uterus, so be cautious. Douching with vinegar may be harsher since the liquid can harm the vaginal walls.

Although many drugs are accessible without a prescription, some of them can harm the liver. Several plants and essential oils may help cure fungal infections, although they may interfere with other medications. To be sure, consult your doctor. People with chronic illnesses or a weaker immune system are more vulnerable to fungal infections.

How to Prepare

10 minutes in total

10-12 people


  • 1/2 cup virgin olive oil, cold-pressed
  • 1/2 ounce garlic, minced
  • 1 to 2 oz. shea butter
  • 1-2 oz. coconut oil, unrefined
  • a tenth of a drop of essential oregano oil
  • 10 drops essential oil of tea tree


  1. Melt the shea butter in a double boiler. If you don’t have a double boiler, use a heat-safe container, such as a jar, that you can set in a pan filled with water.
  2. Place the shea butter in the refrigerator to chill and partially harden once it has melted. It takes roughly 10–15 minutes to do this task.
  3. Place in a bowl after removing from the refrigerator. Slowly drizzle in the olive oil while beating the shea butter.
  4. Whip it to the appropriate consistency using an electric hand mixer. Then, just use a spatula to combine the ingredients thoroughly if you don’t have one.
  5. One everything is thoroughly combined, add the garlic and blend once more. After that, gradually add the essential oils. Blend everything together thoroughly.
  6. Put the mixture in a glass jar with a cover to keep it safe. For a longer shelf life, keep in the refrigerator or in a cold, dark area for up to 3 weeks.
  7. Every night before bed, apply a generous coating of the ointment to the dried afflicted area and let it to air dry. In the morning, you might apply another small layer. Continue to use the salve twice a day until your symptoms subside. Remember that oregano and tea tree oil are not recommended for usage in sensitive places like the groin.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best natural antifungal?

A: Garlic is one of the best natural antifungal treatments.

How do you make natural antifungal cream?

A: A great way to make antifungal cream is with a mixture of equal parts coconut oil, olive oil and honey.

What can antifungal cream be used for?

A: Antifungal cream can be used to treat a number of fungal infections like athletes foot, ringworm, jock itch and many others.

Related Tags

  • antifungal foods for skin
  • natural antifungal drugs
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  • yeast infection on face home remedies

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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