24 Evidence-Based Benefits of Bananas

What are Bananas

Apart from being healthy and delicious, bananas have many vitamins and nutrients that lead to better health, digestion, and weight loss.

Bananas are a convenient snack, and you can carry them with you anywhere you go.

Contrary to popular belief, despite its unique shape and appearance, bananas are actually berries, just like blueberries and strawberries.

In the same manner, they do not grow on trees with branches; rather, the banana plant is a humongous shrub.

Bananas are much loved and considered one of the most popular fruits in the world.

This highly versatile fruit can be eaten alone as a snack or in exotic desserts and more.

So, what are you waiting for?

It’s time you learn more about this well-loved fruit.

Bananas History



This humble fruit, botanically a berry, has been around for a very long time.

In fact, when you are buying a banana from the supermarket, did you know you are actually purchasing a relic of hegemonic empires?

Ever since its market value was discovered, the fruit has been continuously exploited.

Farmers in southern Asia and Papua New Guinea were the first to harvest it.

It has been suggested that cultivation of bananas dates back to at least 5000 BCE in Papua New Guinea.

It is likely that other species of the fruit were cultivated later in southern Asia, which is now considered the primary region where bananas are grown, the second being Africa.

There is evidence that bananas were discovered in Madagascar in 400 CE.

It is also believed that Alexander the Great found bananas in India in 327 BC.

Despite its popularity in the tropics, however, bananas remained unknown in the U.S. until the late 1800s.

The fruit was first formally introduced in 1876. For many years; bananas were considered a “luxury fruit” and sold in individual tin foil.

Lorenzo Baker, a Cape Cod sea Captain, was one the very first merchants who sought an opportunity to making money trading bananas.

He discovered bananas in Jamaica and brought a hefty shipment back to New Jersey back in 1870.

In 1885, he opened the Boston Fruit Company with a Boston businessman named Andrew Preston Mass cultivation of bananas eventually led to the creation of two dominant competitors in the banana industry: Chiquita and Dole.

At present, these companies have become entirely dependent on the cultivation of bananas.

Origin of Name

The origin of the word banana seems to be from West Africa, possibly from the Wolof word “banana,” later passed down to the English Language by either Portuguese or Spanish.

How Banana Grows


How Bananas Grow

Unlike other fruits, bananas do not grow from a seed but from a rhizome or bulb.

The time between planting and harvesting a banana ranges from nine to twelve months.

The plants are typically grown in tropical regions, where average temperatures are generally high.

They are harvested when they are still green.

Contrary to popular belief, bananas do not grow on trees or palms even though their plants resemble palm trees.

To grow tall and strong, banana plants need plenty of water and humidity.

If you ever intend on growing the fruit, they need a lot of space and cannot be planted in single rows or blocks.

Bananas Varieties



More than a thousand different varieties can be found and come in a range of colors, shapes, and styles.

Below are some of the main varieties of bananas.

Apple Bananas


Apple Bananas

Apple bananas are named after their exceptionally sweet taste.

They are also referred to as Candy Apple Banana and are widely grown in the tropical forests of Hawaii.

Unlike conventional yellow bananas, apple bananas have a slightly pinkish appearance with a moist flesh inside.

The sweet taste makes the fruit a popular choice for preparing desserts but can also be eaten as a snack.

Additionally, apple bananas do not turn brown as quickly as other types of bananas.

Cavendish Bananas


Cavendish Bananas

Cavendish bananas are the most popular bananas today.

They conventionally have a long and yellow appearance.

They turn from green to yellow and can even be super brown.

The perfect ripeness of the banana depends greatly on a person’s taste.

While yellow bananas make for perfect snacks, brown bananas can be used to make banana bread or smoothies.

Lady Finger Bananas


Lady Finger Bananas

As the name indicates, lady finger bananas are smaller and sweeter in nature than Cavendish bananas.

They can be eaten fresh or used in desserts.

Cooking Bananas


Cooking Bananas

While most varieties can be eaten straight out of their peels and are absolutely fresh once they have achieved their desired ripeness, not all bananas are like that.

As the name indicates, cooking bananas need to be cooked before they are eaten.

One of the most common varieties includes plantains.

These staple crops are commonly used in Latin America.

Unlike other varieties, these bananas can be cooked and sautéed until crispy, fried into chips, and even steamed.

Interesting Facts


Interesting Facts

  • Radioactive Powers. Technically, bananas are radioactive in nature because they contain high amounts of potassium-40, which is a radioactive isotope.
  • Inexpensive fruits. While prices of bananas were really high centuries ago when people first discovered its high market value, banana prices have reduced by around 37% since 1980. This makes bananas one of the most inexpensive fruits in the market today, which is quite surprising since bananas are shipped from great distances and require refrigeration and handling.
  • Herbaceous Plants. Bananas grow on the world’s tallest herbaceous plants that reach up to twenty feet. Herbaceous plants do not have branches and woody stems and resemble shrubs.
  • The Banana States. The term “Banana Republic” was first used to describe states that were home to large banana companies and would support some dictator whose primary motive was to safeguard the banana companies and ensure there was continuous cultivation of large, inexpensive crops.
  • Bananas Once Had Seeds. The original bananas were actually full of seeds, but seedless banana hybrids were eventually developed. While bananas still have tiny seeds, they do not serve any vital function in the plant’s reproduction.

Bananas Can Cheer You Up


  • Bananas Can Cheer You Up. Having a tough day at work? Eating a banana might cheer you up! The banana is the only fruit that contains vitamin B6, amino acid, and tryptophan, which together combine to help the body produce a natural chemical called serotonin that improves mood and alleviates depression.
  • At Risk of Extinction. Bananas could become extinct because nearly all commercial varieties originate from a single plant in Southeast Asia and are perfect clones of each other. This makes the plant highly susceptible to fungal diseases. One aggressive disease or virus could possibly eliminate them in a short time.
  • Around 1,000 Varieties. While there are approximately one thousand varieties of bananas in the world today, most cannot be planted. In fact, there is no other banana type that can substitute or act as a good replacement for Cavendish bananas.
  • Difficult to Extract Juice. Despite having a water content of 80%, it is incredibly difficult to extract juice from a banana due to its unique molecular structure. Currently, the only way to get banana juice is by blending bananas and not from squeezing the fruit, which cannot be considered juice at all, and is why atomic scientists in India are looking for ways to extract juice from the fruit.

Important Staple Food


  • Important Staple Food. Apart from having potassium and all kinds of nutrients, bananas are considered a staple starch in many parts of the world. Populations in tropical environments use both the fruit and its skin while cooking. The skin and flesh of the banana can be eaten both raw and cooked.


Nutrition Facts

Banana Nutrition Facts

(Source: USDA National Nutrient database)

Bananas are considered one of the most popular fruits today and are equally loved by both children and adults.

The starchy fruit is a healthy source of vitamin C, potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, and countless other phytonutrients and antioxidants.

Bananas are mainly rich in carbohydrates and considered a healthy source of starch, but the carbohydrate composition of the fruit changes as the fruit ripens.

Bananas also have fiber, which makes it a delicious and filling snack.

A single medium-sized banana (118 grams) contains about 105 calories, which has carbs, water, some protein, and almost no fat.

A medium-sized banana contains approximately 9% potassium, 11% vitamin C, 33% vitamin B6, 14% manganese, 10% copper, and 8% magnesium of the recommended dietary intake (RDI) along with a range of antioxidants (1).

You can also get significant amounts of vitamin A, iron, zinc, niacin, pantothenic acid, thiamin, and selenium.

Bananas and Carbohydrates


Health Benefits of Bananas


Bananas and Carbohydrates

As mentioned above, bananas are starchy fruits with lots of good (complex) carbohydrates.

While unripe bananas have greater starch content, ripe bananas tend to have more sugar.

Green bananas are about 70% to 80% starch, but as the fruit ripens, the starch is converted into sugar (2).

The most abundant forms of carbohydrates found in bananas include glucose, sucrose, and fructose.


Bananas and Fiber

Unripe bananas have a high content of resistant starch.

As the name indicates, resistant starches are resistant to digestion and thus considered a type of fiber.

Like fiber, resistant starch passes through the large intestine, where it is fermented by bacteria in a chemical process that results in the formation of a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate.

Butyrate is important for maintaining good intestinal health (3).

Bananas are also a good source of various other kinds of fiber, including pectin (4).

As bananas ripen, the proportion of water-soluble starch slowly increases, causing the banana to soften as it ages (5).

Both resistant starch and pectin are important for moderating the rise of blood sugar after a meal.


Bananas and Potassium

Bananas are an excellent source of potassium.

The health benefits of a potassium-rich diet include lower blood pressure, less risk of strokes, and positive effects on cardiovascular health.

Plantain is especially considered an excellent source of potassium and dietary fiber (67).

Potassium-rich foods, such as avocados, potatoes, and bananas, are highly beneficial for people who suffer from heart rhythm problems since these foods encourage a healthy heartbeat and trigger the heart to squeeze blood through the body.

Potassium also helps your muscles move, keeps your nerves in top working condition, and aids your kidneys in filtering blood.

Bananas Rich in Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)


Rich in Vitamin B6

The vitamin B family is essential for converting food inside the body into energy.

Bananas contain loads of vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine).

In fact, consuming a medium-sized banana provides 33% of the RDI of vitamin B6.

Consuming the recommended amount of pyridoxine is important for maintaining a healthy digestive, cardiovascular, immune, and nervous system.

The B6 vitamin is required for proper brain development and function and along with the hormones norepinephrine and serotonin affects mood.

The vitamin is also known to help the body create melatonin, a hormone that regulates the body’s internal clock.


Rich in Copper

This trace mineral is integral for various chemical functions inside the body.

Copper is important for good heart health (8) by acting as a cofactor in the production of red blood cells (9).

Most of the body’s copper is found in the skeletal muscles, heart, brain, and liver.

Copper aids in the formation of collagen that speeds up the absorption of iron and boosts energy.

Copper deficiency may lead to increased risk of infection and bone-related disorders, such as osteoporosis.


Bananas and Manganese

Like other fruits, bananas also contain trace amounts of manganese, which contributes to better growth, development, and metabolism (10).

Manganese helps in the absorption of vital vitamins, including vitamins E and B, and important minerals, such as magnesium.

Manganese acts as an important cofactor for various enzymatic reactions.

Patients who suffer from vitamin deficiency may benefit from increasing their manganese intake through their diet.

Manganese is also an important coenzyme that stimulates metabolic activity in the body.

Include more manganese in your diet by eating berries and fruits, such as bananas.

Bananas Great Source of Vitamin C


Great Source of Vitamin C

Bananas are an excellent source of vitamin C, which contributes to better skin health and protection against several immune system deficiencies.

Many years ago, pirates suffered from bleeding gums, also known as scurvy, when they would be at sea for long periods of time.

They were suffering from vitamin C deficiency.

For healthy gums, include more vitamin C-rich foods in your diet, such as limes, oranges, kiwis, and bananas.

Vitamin C also protects the body against immune system deficiencies.

Bananas and Dopamine


Bananas and Dopamine

While dopamine is an important neurotransmitter that aids in the transmission of messages in the brain, dopamine in bananas serves a different function by improving mood and acting as a powerful antioxidant (11).

Dopamine is an important chemical that is responsible for affecting emotions and a person’s sensation of pain and pleasure.

Eat one Cavendish banana and you might just have a better mood.

Since bananas have other nutrients as well, you will also benefit from a healthy heart and be more alert.


Catechin and Bananas

Catechin is among the most notable antioxidants found in bananas.

High amounts of catechin have been associated with various health benefits, particularly a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Catechin is considered a disease-fighting antioxidant and flavonoid that is abundantly found in green tea and helps with weight loss (12).

Catechin initiates high antioxidant activity that protects the body against serious oxidative damage.

The antioxidant also reacts with toxins created by harmful bacteria along with harmful metals, such as cadmium, chrome, and mercury, to help protect the body.

Consider drinking a glass of green tea along with a medium-sized banana to get sufficient catechin in your diet.

By eliminating free radicals, catechins stop the development of substances that promote the growth of cancer.

Bananas Very Rich in Antioxidants


Very Rich in Antioxidants

Similar to other fruits and vegetables, bananas are rich in antioxidants, which are critical for gathering oxygen radicals in the cells.

If not collected, these oxygen radicals can result in premature aging, causing inflammation and problems related to the immune system (13).


Better Heart Health

Unfortunately, heart disease is considered one of the world’s most common causes of premature death.

To safeguard yourself and your family, consider adding ample amounts of bananas to your diet.

According to the National Academy of Sciences, people who have a diet low in sodium and rich in potassium have a lower risk of developing high blood pressure and stroke.

Fortunately, bananas are rich in potassium and various other minerals that contribute to better heart health.

According to one study, consuming around 1.3 grams of potassium significantly reduces the risk of heart disease (28).

Bananas also contain flavonoids, which are associated with better heart health.

Bananas are important for good heart health because they contain significant amounts of omega 3, phytosterols, and lutein.

Phytosterols aid in lowering high cholesterol levels in the body, which can clog your arteries (22).

High cholesterol is one of the main causes of heart attacks and strokes.

Fortunately, eating a banana every day can potentially reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Bananas are also rich in soluble fiber that reduces bad cholesterol levels.

Eat several bananas a day to fulfill your daily soluble fiber needs.


Low Glycemic Index

The glycemic index describes how quickly foods raise blood sugar levels in your body.

Foods with a high glycemic index are known to cause obesity and other health concerns.

Fortunately, bananas have a low glycemic index of 42 to 58.

Bananas Supports Digestion


Supports Digestion

Apart from being delicious and sweet, bananas contain significant amounts of potassium and dietary fiber, both of which are associated with better gastrointestinal health.

The trace mineral potassium improves muscle function in the digestive tract, while dietary fiber adds bulk to the food, aiding its movement through the digestive tract.

There are two types of dietary fiber: insoluble fiber and soluble fiber.

As the name indicates, insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water.

It makes up about 7% of the fiber content in bananas.

Including more fiber in your diet reduces the risk of constipation and several other disorders.


Bananas and Diarrhea

Bananas are considered a perfect food to soothe diarrhea.

It is easy to digest, making it easy on the stomach for both children and seniors (14).

Additionally, since people are prone to lose large quantities of electrolytes, such as potassium, bananas help restore potassium, helping the affected feel much better.

Bananas Helps with Mood and Stress


Helps with Mood and Stress

Bananas are an excellent source of a chemical compound called amino acid tryptophan, which is eventually converted into serotonin in the body.

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid; hence, it can only be introduced into your body through your diet.

Regulating healthy levels of serotonin elevates mood and reduces stress (15).

This enhances your general outlook on life, helping you adopt a positive attitude. Serotonin also helps regulate sleep patterns (16).


Bananas and Ulcers

Ulcers are open sores caused by injury to the mucous lining of the stomach.

Fortunately, the symptoms caused by ulcers can be treated using antibiotics and making diet changes.

Eating raw bananas can effectively cure stomach ulcers (17).

Raw bananas contain a chemical compound called sitoindosides that promotes the secretion of mucus in the digestive tract.

The mucus acts as a protective layer that prevents acid from damaging the mucous lining.

This helps heal ulcers and prevents fresh ones from erupting.

Raw bananas also promote cell growth in the intestinal tract.


Great Source of Energy

The abundance of vitamins and minerals in bananas make them an excellent source of energy.

Bananas’ antioxidants lead to a speedy recovery after workouts and protect the body against muscle cramps (18).

This makes bananas a great post-workout snack.

The simple sugars in bananas are quickly absorbed by the body, resulting in instant energy.

While energy drinks and snacks are popular today, many professional athletes eat bananas before performing.

Bananas Great for Your Skin


Great for Your Skin

Bananas have high water content — nearly 75% that hydrates and rejuvenates the skin, protecting it from drying out.

Adding bananas to your face mask helps your skin look healthier and younger, thanks to the high levels of vitamin A in bananas that aid in the repair of dried and damaged skin cell (19).

Vitamin A also restores skin moisture and renews damaged skin cells by reducing oxidative stress.

You can also use banana peels to treat skin conditions, such as pimples and acne.


Bananas and Bone Health

Bananas are critical for bone health, as they contain high levels of potassium, which is an electrolyte that prevents the loss of calcium (20).

Calcium aids in the development of bones and contributes to a healthier bone mass.

Without enough calcium, your bones might never reach their full strength.

Eating a single banana equals an entire day’s worth of potassium.

Bananas and Weight Loss


Bananas and Weight Loss

Bananas are the perfect snack for weight loss, as they contain ample amounts of fiber and resistant starch (21).

Consuming more fiber in the form of healthy fruits and vegetables has been linked with lower body weight.

This nutritious and filling fruit prevents you from craving sugary goods and gaining too many pounds.

Bananas have few calories.

An average-size banana contains only one hundred calories, but it will keep you full for several hours. How?

Well, a single banana contains 3 grams of fiber, which is far more than most fruits, such as a plum, which just contains 0.9 grams of fiber.

Other than that, a sliced piece of watermelon contains 0.6 grams of fiber.

So, by eating a couple of bananas every day, all that fiber is going to end up keeping you full and your hunger pangs at bay.

Bananas Improve Insulin Sensitivity


Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin is an important hormone that is responsible for regulating many different processes in the body, but sometimes the cells in our body are unable to respond to insulin as they are supposed to, which leads to a condition called insulin sensitivity.

Insulin resistance may result in a number of health concerns, most importantly, type 2 diabetes.

Numerous studies have shown that consuming fifteen to thirty grams of resistant starch every day may help in the treatment of insulin sensitivity, with notable results in only four weeks (23).


Bananas and Muscle Cramps

Do you usually suffer from muscle cramps, especially after your morning run?

Mineral deficiency is considered one of the most common causes of muscle cramps because our muscles contract through electrical impulses maintained by electrolytes.

Minerals, such as potassium and magnesium, also act as electrolytes in the body.

Mineral deficiencies can thus result in erratic muscle activity, most commonly in the form of cramps (24).

Eating potassium and magnesium-rich foods, such as bananas, reduces the likelihood of cramps.

Consider eating a banana as a healthy post-workout snack.


Good Source of Probiotics

Prebiotics are carbohydrates that cannot be broken down by the body; instead, such foods are useful for friendly bacteria living inside the gut, i.e., probiotics (25).

Bananas contain significant amounts of soluble fiber with little roughage.

Eating a diet rich in probiotic foods, such as bananas, is important for good health, as the probiotics in your gut protect the body against several disease-causing pathogens.

Adding probiotics to your diet helps your body maintain the number of probiotics in your gut, which eventually results in healthy bowel movements.

To obtain the best results, combine your daily intake of bananas along with yogurt, which is a food rich in probiotic bacteria; hence, eating a combination of these foods will keep your gut healthy.

Bananas and Kidney Stones


Bananas and Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are one of the most prevailing urinary conditions in the U.S.

They are caused by an imbalance of nutrients in your urine.

Kidney stones are basically mineral concentrations in the urine.

These stones develop over several months or years due to the accumulation of minerals, including uric acid, calcium, and oxalate (26).

Kidney stones mainly occur as a result of absorbing too much calcium.

The condition has a number of painful symptoms, including severe abdominal pain, nausea, and fever.

Lack of potassium in your diet increases the amount of calcium you excrete.

Fortunately, bananas are a good source of potassium and especially beneficial for maintaining healthy kidneys.

Eating bananas four to six times a week decreases a person’s risk of developing kidney diseases.

How to Buy and Store Bananas


How to Buy and Store

When choosing a banana, you should keep two main things in mind:

Ripeness is the measure of whether or not the fruit can be eaten.

Although you can eat a few kinds of unripe bananas, brown spots indicate that the fruit has started to deteriorate.

Bananas are originally green but ripen over a period of time.

You can tell if the banana is ripe by inspecting its bright yellowish color.

Choose bananas according to what you will use them for.

  • Ripe bananas can be used in making desserts, such as puddings and banana bread.
  • Unripe bananas can be purchased if you intend on using bananas every day. This will prevent them from getting ruined, as bananas ripen over a period of time.


The state of ripeness can be indicated by inspecting the color of the banana.

  • The best bananas to eat are bright yellow with only a few brown spots. At this stage, the banana has a sweet flavor along with yellow flesh.
  • On the other hand, bananas that are green or with green tips not fully developed have not reached their full flavor potential.
  • Avoid bananas with discolored skin or that appear dull and gray.


Even if the banana has perfect yellow color, it does not guarantee it is the perfect fruit to purchase.

Be sure to inspect its texture.

  • The banana should feel firm in your hands. Avoid purchasing bananas that are too mushy and have too many brown spots.


Ensure that the banana does not have a fermenting, alcohol-like smell.

It should not smell too strong.

Always Buy More

You can never go wrong purchasing more fruit.

Be on the lookout for overly ripe bananas available at discounted prices.

You do not have to use the bananas immediately, and you can freeze them in case of a banana emergency.

Better yet, use frozen bananas to make delicious ice cream sundaes.

Or consider purchasing small bunches of bananas of various degrees of ripeness, which will ensure you have a banana ready to eat every day.


Aside from inspecting the color of the banana, be on the lookout for deterioration.

  • Purchase a banana that is free of brown spots
  • Be on the lookout for bananas that show obvious signs of damage from handling, and check for debris.
  • Occasionally, the banana peel may be completely brown, but the flesh will be in prime condition.

Store Bananas at Room Temperature

As bananas are transported from warmer climates, they are sensitive to temperatures lower than 55°F.

Store bananas at room temperature or the ideal temperature between 60°F and 70°F.

Storing bananas at high temperatures may cause them to ripen too rapidly.

How to Add More Bananas To Your Diet


How to Add More Bananas to Your Diet

This delicious fruit can be eaten as a healthy snack or added to your daily meals.

If you intend on eating bananas every day, consider purchasing small bunches of bananas in varying degrees of ripeness.

You can start by eating the yellow bananas, while the green ones will ripen over time.

Here are a few clever ways you can add more of this fruit to your diet:

  • Prepare a healthy and nutritious snack for yourself by adding a bunch of chopped bananas along with a handful of ripe blueberries to your porridge. This will add more flavor and texture to your plain meal.
  • Craving something sweet? Why not make yourself some banana bread? Due to its natural sweetness, banana bread does not require any added sugar or butter and is much healthier than store-bought cakes and treats that have lots of sugar.
  • Bought a few extra bananas? Consider freezing them as a healthier alternative to ice cream. Frozen bananas are much loved by both adults and children and can be fed to babies when teething.
  • Fruit smoothies and milkshakes have become a hit and are a nutritious and easy way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Make yourself a healthy smoothie consisting of bananas, fresh yogurt, and a dash of raspberries or strawberries. For an instant fiber boost, add a spoonful of oatmeal as well.
  • Tired of eating the same breakfast every day? Treat yourself to some banana and blueberry pancakes, which are easy to make.

Banana Peels are Edible

In several parts of the world, Banana peels are often cooked and eaten.

Banana peels contain healthy amounts of carotenoids and polyphenols, which you can certainly use in your diet.

Banana flowers can also be eaten.

Cooked banana flowers apparently taste like artichokes, and the flowers can be cooked like ordinary vegetables.

Two Simple Recipes Bananas


Two Simple Recipes

Want to add more bananas to your diet? Consider these simple, yet delicious recipes.

Mango Banana Smoothie

Are you always rushing around at breakfast time and need to prepare a healthy snack for work?

Consider making yourself this healthy, tasty, and simple smoothie:


  • 1 chopped banana
  • ½ cup of frozen mango pieces
  • ½ cup orange-mango juice blend
  • ⅓ cup plain yogurt


  • Toss all the ingredients into the blender and process until smooth. Enjoy!

Healthy Banana Bread

Ditch unhealthy and sugary cakes, and treat yourself to something healthy and sweet.

Here’s the perfect banana recipe that is not only healthy but also easy to make.


  • ⅓ cup melted coconut oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup mashed ripe bananas (2 large bananas)
  • ½ cup honey or maple syrup
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1¾ cups white whole-wheat flour
  • ¼ cup milk of choice or water
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • ½ tsp. the ground cinnamon, more to garnish on top

Optional: ½ cup of nuts, such as chopped walnuts or pecans, or mix-ins, such as chocolate chips, chopped fresh banana slices, or raisins.


  • Preheat the oven to 165o Grease a 9″x5″ loaf pan with cooking spray.
  • Beat the oil and honey together in a large bowl using a whisk. Beat again after adding the eggs, and then whisk in the milk and mashed bananas. Set aside the bowl for a couple of minutes in a warm place, such as the top of a stove or warm it in the microwave for about 10 seconds.
  • Now combine the salt, baking soda, cinnamon, and vanilla, and whisk to blend. Use a large spoon to stir in the flour until all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Add in the extra treats, such as the pecans and walnuts, gently folding them in.
  • Now transfer the batter into the loaf pan. Lightly sprinkle the top with cinnamon.
  • Bake the banana bread in the oven for 55 to 60 minutes. Remove the loaf of bread from the oven, and allow it to cool for a few minutes. Serve with fresh banana slices.

Banana Precautions



While bananas are typically healthy food, eating too much of anything is bad for you.

Bananas contain high levels of potassium, which can cause heart problems since the mineral works by slowing the heartbeat.

Eating potassium-rich foods is also known to increase the effects of such medicines like beta blockers that cause the heart rate to slow down to a dangerous level.

Essentially, the kidneys may not be able to filter out excessive potassium, resulting in diseases, such as hyperkalemia.



As you can see, bananas really are good for your health no matter your age.

In fact, even babies can eat mashed bananas as a healthy snack.

Bananas are the most popular fruit in the world, so what are you waiting for?

It’s time to head over to the store and purchase a bunch of bananas.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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