Ginger Essential Oil Uses and DIY Recipes

Ginger essential oil is one of the most versatile oils in any kitchen. It can be used to flavor food, calm an upset stomach and skin irritations, and even add a spicy kick to smoothies. With so many uses for a ginger essential oil that is not limited by reason alone, it’s easy to see why this popular product has made its way into countless kitchens worldwide!

Ginger essential oil is a popular oil that has been used for centuries. It is known to have many benefits, including fighting off cold and flu symptoms. The ginger essential oil also has a variety of DIY recipes that can be used on your skin.


Ginger is a flowering plant in the Zingiberaceae family used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Its root is commonly used as a spice. Ginger is used in Asian dishes because of its digestive effects. Because of its propensity to help digestion, it’s regularly added to meals, particularly meat. Ginger root and ginger essential oil are becoming more popular due to preserving and tasting food.

The therapeutic health advantages of ginger essential oil are essentially equal to those of fresh ginger; in fact, the essential oil is the most effective form of ginger since it contains the most significant quantities of gingerol. Therefore, ginger essential oil is the most effective form of ginger medication. It may be taken orally to alleviate health problems or applied topically to a painful location with a carrier oil.

Ginger essential oil is now used to treat nausea, indigestion, menstruation irregularities, inflammation, and respiratory problems. It’s also known as “the oil of empowerment” since it’s believed to instill sentiments of bravery and self-assurance when used as aromatherapy.

Nutritional Values of Ginger Essential Oil

Ginger is a herbaceous perennial with three-foot-tall annual stalks. Narrow, green foliage and golden blossoms adorn the stalks. Ginger is native to southern China, but it moved to the Spice Islands, other areas of Asia, and ultimately West Africa and the Caribbean. In the first century A.D., Ginger was brought to Europe and India due to the lucrative spice trade; India is still the most significant plant producer today, accounting for over 33% of worldwide output.

Ginger is a member of the same plant family as turmeric and cardamom, all of which are very good for your health and well-being. It smells sweet, spicy, woody, and toasty. Ginger essential oil is a warming, antibacterial, laxative, tonic, and stimulating.

Gingerols, an oily resin from the root that works as a very effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, are among the 115 chemical components discovered in ginger root that have medicinal advantages. In addition, sesquiterpenes, which are defensive agents with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities, make up around 90% of ginger essential oil.

The bioactive ingredients in Ginger essential oil, particularly gingerol, have been thoroughly evaluated clinically. The research suggests that ginger should be used regularly — it has the potential to cure a wide range of conditions and diseases and unlock a plethora of essential oil uses and benefits.

10 Advantages of Ginger Essential Oil

1. Supports digestion and soothes upset stomachs

Ginger essential oil is one of the finest natural cures for colic, indigestion, diarrhea, spasms, stomach pains, and even vomiting. Ginger oil may also be used as a natural anti-nausea treatment.

The gastroprotective action of Ginger essential oil in rats was investigated in a 2015 animal research published in the Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology. In Wistar rats, ethanol was utilized to cause a stomach ulcer, which was reduced by 85 percent with ginger essential oil therapy. In addition, following oral administration of the essential oil, ethanol-induced lesions such as necrosis, erosion, and bleeding of the stomach wall were dramatically decreased.

The effectiveness of essential oils in relieving tension and nausea following surgical operations was studied in a scholarly review published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Ginger essential oil was shown to help lower nausea and the need for nausea-relieving drugs after surgery when breathed. Ginger essential oil also had an analgesic effect for a short time, helping to reduce pain after surgery.

2. Fights Infections

Ginger essential oil is an antiseptic that destroys diseases caused by germs and microorganisms. Intestinal infections, bacterial dysentery, and food poisoning are examples of this. It has also been shown to have antifungal activities in lab trials.

Ginger essential oil molecules were shown to be efficient against Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, and Staphylococcus aureus in an in vitro research published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Diseases. In addition, Candida albicans growth was also inhibited by ginger oil.

3. Assists with Respiratory Issues

Ginger essential oil is a natural cure for colds, flu, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, and shortness of breath because it eliminates mucus from the throat and lungs. In addition, the ginger essential oil is an expectorant; it causes the body to produce more secretions in the respiratory system, lubricating the irritating region.

The ginger essential oil has been proved to be a natural asthma treatment in studies. Asthma is a respiratory characterized by bronchial music in studies spasms, lung lining edema, and increased mucus production. This makes it difficult to breathe normally. Pollution, obesity, infections, allergies, exercise, stress, and hormone imbalances may all contribute to this—the anti-inflammatory qualities of ginger essential oil aid to decrease edema in the lungs and open airway. In addition, researchers determined that chemicals discovered in ginger might, ginger, and its functional features caused significant and quick relaxation of human airway smooth muscle to be used alone or in conjunction with existing treatments for asthma and other airway illnesses, such as beta2-agonists.

4. Assists in the reduction of inflammation

Inflammation is a natural and valuable reaction in a healthy body that aids healing; but when the immune system overreacts and attacks good body tissues, we’re greeted with inflammation in healthy body tissues, which produces bloating and swelling, pain, and discomfort.

Most illnesses are caused by abnormal inflammation, which is the source of leaky gut syndrome, arthritis, fibromyalgia symptoms, celiac and irritable bowel fibromyalgia symptoms, and reaction; it’s critical to eat anti-inflammatory foods and plants.

The anti-inflammatory benefits of Ginger essential oil are due to a component called zingibain. This vital component relieves pain and treats muscular aches, arthritis, migraines, and headaches. Ginger important addition, ginger is thought to lower the number of prostaglandins in the body, which are pain-causing molecules.

Ginger essential oil has antioxidant activity and significant anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive pr according to a 2013 animal research published in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. The enzyme levels in mice’s blood rose after a month of treatment with ginger essential oil. The dosage also scavenged free radicals and reduced acute inflammation significantly.

5. Improves heart health

The essential oil of ginger can lower cholesterol and blood coagulation. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a few early studies reveal that ginger may decrease cholesterol and help prevent blood clotting, which might aid in the treatment of heart disease, in which blood arteries can get clogged, resulting in a heart attack or stroke.

Ginger oil seems to enhance lipid metabolism and cholesterol levels, potentially lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

A 10-week use of ginger extract by mice resulted in substantial, according to research published in the Journal of Nutrition, increases in plasma triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels, according to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition. received 1,000 milligrams of ginger daily for ten weeks had substantial reductions in blood triglyceride levels of up to 15% when compared to the placebo group.

6. Antioxidant Deficiencies

The overall antioxidant content of ginger root is relatively high. Antioxidants are molecules that assist prevent cell damage, mainly damage produced by oxidation; oxidative damage is a significant cause of illness today and has been related to heart disease, cancer, and dementia.

Ginger essential oil may lower age-related oxidative stress indicators and minimize oxidative damage, according to the book “Herbal Medicine, Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects.” Lipid peroxidation was reduced when ginger extracts were used, which is when free radicals “steal” electrons from lipids and cause damage. This potent ginger essential oil aids in the battle against free radical damage.

Another research included in the book found that rats given ginger had reduced kidney damage as a result of oxidative stress caused by ischemia, which occurs when blood flow to tissues is restricted.

Recent research has focused on the anticancer properties of ginger essential oil, which have been linked to the antioxidant properties of [6]-gingerol and zerumbone, two of the oil’s components. According to the study, these potent components may prevent cancer cells from sizing. In addition, they are efficient in inhibiting CXCR4, a p. They’ve in several malignancies, including pancreatic, lung, kidney, and skin cancers.

Ginger essential oil has also been shown to prevent tumor growth in mouse skin, particularly when gingerol is included in treatments, suggesting that it might be utilized as a natural cancer therapy.

7. Aphrodisiac 

Ginger essential oil improves sexual desire and may help with impotence and libido loss. Impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction, is a condition in which a man is unable to maintain an erection for long enough to engage in regular, gratifying sexual activity; the reasons might be physiological or psychological.

Ginger essential oil is a powerful and natural aphrodisiac and a natural cure for impotence due to its warming and characteristics. It also relieves tension and instills thoughts of bravery and self-awareness, removing self-doubt and dread.

8. Helps to Relieve Anxiety

Ginger essential oil may help with Anxiety, agitation, despair, and weariness when used as aromatherapy. In addition, ginger oil’s warming properties assist in sleep and provide sensations of bravery and calm.

Ginger oil treats emotional issues such as fear, abandonment, and a lack of self-confidence or drives in Ayurvedic medicine.

Women with PMS who took two ginger capsules daily from seven days before menstruation to three days after menstruation for three cycles had less severe mood and behavioral symptoms, according to a research published in ISRN Obstetrics & Gynecology.

According to lab research done in Switzerland, a ginger essential oil also triggered the human serotonin receptor, which may help ease Anxiety.

9. It helps to relieve muscle and menstrual pain

Ginger essential oil relieves menstrual cramps, headaches, backaches, and soreness due to its pain-relieving components, such as zingibain. In addition, because of its capacity to decrease inflammation and promote circulation, research shows that drinking a drop or two of ginger essential oil daily is more helpful in treating muscle and joint pain than medicines prescribed by general practitioners.

A daily ginger supplement decreased exercise-induced muscular discomfort in 74 individuals by 25% in a research conducted at the University of Georgia.

Patients suffering from inflammation-related discomfort might benefit from ginger oil. For example, researchers from the Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the University of Miami discovered that when 261 participants with osteoarthritis of the knee took a ginger extract twice daily instead of a placebo, they had less pain and required fewer painkillers.

10. Enhances the function of the liver

Because of ginger essential oil’s antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties and animal research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry evaluated its efficacy in treating alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is linked to cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Ginger essential oil was given orally to mice with alcoholic fatty liver disease every day for four weeks in the treatment group. According to the findings, the therapy exhibits hepatoprotective properties. In addition, the number of metabolites rose after alcohol delivery and subsequently returned to normal in the treatment group.

Interesting Facts

Ginger tonics have been used to heal diseases by the Chinese and Indians for over 4,700 years, and its medical powers made it a valuable product during the Roman Empire commerce around the time of Christ. Because of the spice trade, ginger spread across Asia, Africa, Europe, and India over time.

A pound of ginger was comparable to the cost of a sheep in the 13th and 14th centuries! It was being imported in preserved form to be used in sweets by the Middle Ages; in fact, Queen Elizabeth I of England is credited with inventing the gingerbread man, which has become a popular Christmas delicacy.

Jamaican Ginger was the first oriental spice to be cultivated in the New World and sent to Europe, beginning in 1585. India is the world’s leading ginger grower, followed by China, Nepal, Nigeria, Thailand, and Indonesia.


  • Rub one to two drops of ginger essential oil on the heart twice daily to promote blood circulation and heart health.
  • Rub two to three drops of the oil on the affected region twice a day for muscular and joint discomfort.
  • Add two to three drops to a diffuser or inhale twice a day to increase mood and emotions of bravery.
  • Diffuse two to three drops of ginger oil or apply one to two drops to the stomach for nausea.
  • Diffuse two to three drops of ginger oil or apply one to two drops on the feet or lower abdomen to boost libido.
  • Add two to three drops of ginger oil to warm bath water to assist digestion and eliminate toxins.
  • Drink ginger tea or add one drop of ginger essential oil to green tea twice a day to help with respiratory issues.
  • Add one drop of ginger oil to a glass of water or a cup of tea and sip gently to cure vomiting.
  • Start with a modest amount of ginger (one or two drops) and add it to any dish that calls for it.

Where Can I Get Ginger Essential Oil?

Ginger essential oil may be found online and at certain health food shops. Because of its therapeutic and robust effects, you’ll want to get the most refined ginger oil you can, particularly if you’re taking it internally. Look for a product that is 100 percent pure-grade, and if you want to take the oil internally, choose one that is USDA Organic and labeled as a nutritional supplement.

It’s also vital to search for a CO2 extracted product rather than one that has been steam distilled. Steam distillation uses heat, which destroys the essential oil’s valuable components. CO2 extraction, on the other hand, operates as little heat as feasible and does not require the use of solvents such as hexane or ethanol.

 Side Effects 

Ginger essential oil seldom causes adverse side effects. However, ginger oil may cause minor heartburn, diarrhea, and tongue irritate excessive dosages, Ginger excessive dosages.

Before consuming ginger essential oil, Bremen should check their physicians; pregnant women should not take more than one gram each day. Ginger may be used to treat nausea, stomach cramps, and headaches in children over the age of two, but see your doctor first.

If you’re on a blood thinner, speak to your doctor before using ginger essential oil since it might make you bleed more easily. If you’re on diabetic medication, avoid using ginger essential oil since it may cause your blood sugar to drop. Finally, if you’re using blood pressure medication, avoid using ginger essential oil since it will reduce your blood pressure, perhaps dangerously low.

Last Thoughts

  • The therapeutic health effects of ginger essential oil are essentially equivalent to those of raw ginger. In addition, gingerol, one of the most medicinal components found in ginger, is present in greater concentrations in ginger oil.
  • Ginger essential oil is used to treat a wide range of ailments, including nausea and upset stomach, as well as menstruation difficulties, inflammation, and respiratory problems.
  • Internally (in tiny doses), aromatically, and topically, ginger oil may be utilized. It should be diluted with a carrier oil if used on sensitive skin.
  • Ginger essential oil’s main health advantages include its ability to:
    • soothe an unsettled stomach and aid digestion
    • a cure for infections
    • help with respiratory issues
    • decreases inflammation
    • improve heart health
    • supplying antioxidants
    • act as an aphrodisiac in nature
    • Anxiety relief
    • relieve muscular and menstrual cramps
    • increase the function of the liver

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you use ginger essential oil for?

A: Ginger essential oil is used for various health-related applications, including pain relief and alleviating nausea.

Can you put ginger essential oil directly on your skin?

A: No, this is not safe for your skin.

What does ginger oil do for the skin?

A: Ginger oil is a lotion that soothes the skin and helps improve blood circulation. It can be used on your whole body or relax areas of pain such as muscle tension and arthritis.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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