How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Bad breath is a common problem that can make you feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. However, there are many natural remedies for bad breath which you can use to help get rid of the odor.


Approximately half of all people have chronic foul breath at some time in their life. Bad breath is not only humiliating, but it may also be a symptom of a severe health issue – though this is not the case in the majority of instances. I’ll offer my best suggestions for getting rid of bad breath quickly, including dietary modifications, vitamins, and essential oils that may all be utilized to naturally freshen your breath.

Chronic foul breath, commonly known as halitosis, is something that no one likes to deal with, and it’s frequently a touchy subject. So if you want to learn how to get rid of bad breath, you must first comprehend the underlying reasons for the problem.

Bacteria accumulation in the mouth is the most common cause of foul breath. While certain foods, such as garlic or onions may produce short foul breath, they are seldom the source of persistent bad breath. Instead, the excess of yeast and candida in your body is the cause of stinky breath daily.

After you’ve ruled out any underlying causes for your bad breath, you have a few alternatives to explore for ridding yourself (and your loved ones) of an all-too-common issue. Continue reading to find out how to get rid of foul breath.

What Is Bad Breath?

Lousy breath, often known as halitosis if it’s a persistent disease, is used to describe foul-smelling smells emanating from the mouth.

Almost everyone suffers from bad breath at some point in their lives. The reason is sometimes something you’ve eaten, and other times its germs in your mouth. Volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) are a significant contributor to oral malodor (also known as foul breath), which may be caused by food breakdown, dental plaque, oral illness, and other causes.

Breath Problems Causes

Bad breath is often misunderstood to originate in the intestines or stomach. This is a fabrication. Bad breath is usually caused by the back of the tongue, throat, tonsils, teeth, and gums. This is where you’ll find naturally occurring bacteria that may produce sulfur-containing chemicals, causing foul breath.

Bad breath is frequent in the case of gum disease (also known as periodontal disease, which is an infection of the gums and teeth) since bacteria grow underneath the surface of the gums, causing inflammation and the production of sulfur compounds.

Foul-smelling smells may also be caused by food particles trapped in the mouth. Temporary foul breath is produced by bacteria and odorous chemicals present in particular foods, and it typically goes away within 24 hours of the meal being wholly digested.

You may also have unpleasant “morning breath” if bacteria have gotten dry overnight, causing them to react by increasing their activity. Are you trying to figure out how to get rid of foul breath in the morning? Brush your teeth; that’s all there is to it!

If specific foods are the source of your foul breath, this is also a simple remedy.

The following foods should be avoided if you have foul breath:

  • Onions and garlic are the foods that cause the most odorous breath; although both are nutritious, if you’re going to an event and want to prevent bad breath, avoid or use them in moderation.
  • Fried foods and other meals rich in trans fats — Halitosis develops because these meals take a long time to pass through the digestive system.
  • Sugar contributes to halitosis by causing tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Caramels and other “sticky” foods should be avoided since they may cling to teeth and cause decay.
  • Sweetened beverages – Sugary drinks coat your teeth with sugar, and many of us forget to clean our teeth after drinking them.

On the other hand, chronic foul breath is more of a sign of a deeper issue. Chronic foul breath may be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Bacterial overgrowth in the mouth, which may occur as a result of inadequate dental hygiene.
  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Periodontal disease (gum disease)
  • Tooth rotting is a common problem
  • Dry mouth that lasts for a long time (stagnation of saliva)
  • Food particles entrapped in the mouth
  • Getting older
  • Tobacco usage and smoking
  • Dental appliances that don’t fit properly
  • Infections of the mouth caused by yeast
  • Caries in the teeth that have not been addressed (cavities)
  • More severe medical problems, such as liver disease or diabetes, may also occur.

Is Mouthwash Effective in Treating Bad Breath?

I suggest you focus on addressing the underlying problem rather than disguising it with items like chewing gum or mouthwash, regardless of what is causing your foul breath (after ruling out any severe health issues). First and foremost, wash your teeth twice every day with natural toothpaste and floss at least every morning and night. Scraping your tongue may also help you get rid of germs in your mouth.

Mouthwash and chewing gum are two of the most frequent methods individuals attempt to combat bad breath. On the other hand, most mouthwashes and gums include alcohol, artificial sweeteners, colors, and a variety of other chemicals that customers should avoid.

Some mouthwashes contain as much as 27 percent alcohol, which is equivalent to a six-pack of beer! This may cause oral burning and discomfort, particularly if you have open cuts in your gums, cold sores, or other open wounds. Another issue with mouthwash is that it dries out your mouth and creates an anaerobic, bacteria-friendly environment, encouraging foul breath even more.

According to the American Dental Association, cosmetic mouthwashes may temporarily cover poor breath and offer a pleasant taste, but they have little impact on bacteria or volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs).

Mouthwash containing ethanol (alcohol) has also been linked to an increased risk of oral cancer in certain instances. “Some studies are worried that long-­term usage of products containing alcohol may raise the risk of oral cancer, but the ADA believes alcohol rinses are safe,” according to the University of California Berkley Wellness newsletter. However, if you have a history of oral cancer or risk factors for it, such as smoking, the ADA recommends avoiding such rinses.”

Furthermore, acetaldehyde, a by-product of mouthwash, is a “possible human carcinogen (Group B2)” based on human cancer studies and has been found to irritate the eyes, skin, and respiratory system.”

If you can locate a mouthwash that doesn’t include these chemicals, it’ll almost certainly contain artificial colors and tastes that you don’t want in your body. But, as is the case with many Western “remedies,” these bad-breath treatments merely conceal your issue. The actual aim should be to treat the underlying source of foul breath and eliminate it.

6 Natural Remedies

If you have a chronic case of foul breath, try one or more of these remedies to restore your breath’s freshness.

1. Eliminate sugars and grains from your diet

Overgrowth of yeast and candida, which may cause foul breath and a variety of other symptoms, is one of the first things to treat. This is accomplished by eating a diet low in sugar and high in probiotic-rich foods. So, if you consume a lot of processed sweets, grains, white bread, white rice, and even whole wheat goods, you may be contributing to the issue.

Sugars and grains aid many bacteria in their activity and development. Eliminating or eliminating sugar, sugar-laden goods, and wheat from your diet can help you get rid of bad breath. Of course, this action may also assist you in maintaining or losing weight, as well as improving your general health.

I suggest that you go grain-free for a while and cut out all sugar from your diet. Sugar and processed grains should be replaced with meals like:

  • Foods that are high in protein
  • Foods that are high in fiber
  • Fats that are good for you (see below)
  • Probiotic-rich foods — 24 to 29-hour cultured homemade probiotic yogurt, purchasing goat milk kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, and coconut kefir are the most refined ones probiotic-rich foods you can include. To help restore healthy bacteria in your mouth, eat a lot of probiotic-rich foods.
  • Fermented foods – treating candida using fermented vegetables, which are high in probiotics, enables your body’s beneficial bacteria to assist in the fight against yeast and candida.
  • Herbs, citrus fruits, and vegetables are alkalizing foods. Vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants, are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
  • These beautiful green leafy herbs, parsley, and mint are natural breath fresheners.
  • To flush pollutants, drink at least 8 glasses of water.
  • Green tea – due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, green tea may also aid in the reduction of foul breath.

2. Increase your intake of healthy fats

Ensure you’re getting enough healthy fats, such as those found in organic, virgin coconut oil, or olive oil. Healthy fats may also be found in nuts, seeds, avocado, eggs, aged cheeses, seafood, and meat, which can help you “crowd out” sugar and refined carbohydrates. And, sure, saturated fat may be helpful, so consume a range of fat-containing meals to maintain optimum gut and digestive health.

Medium-chain fatty acids, such as lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid, are found in coconut oil. These have antibacterial properties and are beneficial to both dental and gastrointestinal health. However, if you have a liver or gall bladder problem, consult your doctor before adding additional saturated fats like coconut oil to your diet since high-fat meals may be difficult to digest.

3. Include supplements and essential oils in your regimen

The next step is to include specific foods and supplements into your daily routine to eliminate bad breath. A probiotic supplement is the first. You may also use peppermint essential oil as a second option. Peppermint oil used as an oral rinse has been shown in studies to help decrease halitosis. Peppermint oil mouth rinse is a safe, no-side-effects solution that effectively fights germs that cause foul breath.

Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day is the most excellent way to keep your mouth clean and prevent food particles from remaining in your teeth and gums. With a combination of baking soda, coconut oil, and peppermint oil, I create my Homemade Probiotic Toothpaste. Freshen your breath with a single drop of peppermint oil on your tongue or in your water.

4. Parsley should be consumed

Parsley is an aromatic herb that may significantly improve your breath. However, parsley isn’t only for decoration; it may also be used to cure foul breath.

Parsley’s alkaline nature is one of the reasons it’s good for your breath. If you’re creating your vegetable juice, use parsley, mint, and green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, and Swiss chard. Drinking cucumber and celery juice may also help you breathe better. According to one research, the alkalizing combination of raw apple, parsley, spinach, and mint was effective as a natural cure for bad breath due to its ability to enhance enzyme activity and naturally oxidized and deodorize harmful bacteria.

Chlorophyll, found in parsley and many other green plant foods, helps neutralize foul breath and works as a deodorizer. Fresh mint, of course, is another plant that aids in breath freshening.

If chewing on a sprig of parsley doesn’t satisfy you, try dipping it in vinegar first. If you enjoy how mouthwash works but don’t want the health hazards, try this all-natural treatment for foul breath instead: To make this all-natural mouthwash, boil parsley sprigs, mint, and cloves, then cool and filter. Another excellent way to help fight bad breath is to drink green tea with fresh herbs.

5. Take a bite out of a lemon

The use of lemon and water may also help to eliminate foul breath. Lemon juice has been found to contain phytochemicals, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties that may aid in the killing of germs and fungi and reduce oral irritation.

You may receive all the advantages of lemon water by sucking on a lemon slice or squeezing a fresh lemon into a glass of water. This method is wildly successful when it comes to fighting bad breath caused by onions, garlic, and other foods. Suck a lemon slice or squeeze a fresh lemon into a glass of water for a refreshing drink. Then sip or gargle with the water.

If you can’t perform any of these, a drop of lemon juice on the tip of your tongue will suffice. Lemon will increase saliva production, which will aid in the fight against foul breath.

6. Get Plenty of Water

Because a dry mouth is a breeding environment for bacteria that generate odorous substances and by-products, it may induce foul breath.

One of the most excellent methods to keep these bacteria’s activities to a minimum is to drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water each day. Unfortunately, people who work in professions that involve a lot of talking (such as salespeople, teachers, and attorneys) often have foul breath due to dry mouth. Fortunately, there is a simple solution: drink enough water to fight bad breath.

How to Deal

  • How to get rid of bad breath from the mouth – Use the suggestions above to help balance the bacteria in your mouth. Also, stop smoking, avoid using tobacco products, and get your teeth cleaned regularly. Make careful to repair cavities, cracks in your teeth, and previous dental treatment — such as ill-fitting dental fillings or crowns that may house germs — as soon as possible.
  • Getting Rid of Bad Breath in the Throat – Adjust your diet and lifestyle to treat acid reflux/heartburn/GERD. Also, consider if you have a cold or a sore throat that is causing you to have foul breath. If dietary adjustments don’t appear to be helping, talk to your dentist about alternative possibilities.
  • How to get rid of stomach-related foul breath – If you often burp, feel gassy, or think you can “taste” lousy breath emanating from your digestive tract, it’s time to see a doctor. This may indicate that you have a gastrointestinal issue that needs to be addressed. Address digestive problems such as acid reflux/heartburn/GERD, food allergies, and candida or SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth). An exclusion diet, a low carb/sugar diet, or a low FODMAP diet may be necessary. If you’re also feeling foul smells due to gas and bloating, this may be an indication that your GI problems are creating bad breath.
  • How to Get Rid of Gingivitis-Related Bad Breath – Brush and floss regularly, make the dietary adjustments outlined above, and see your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and exams. It’s also critical not to smoke or use tobacco products since this will exacerbate the illness.
  • How to Get Rid of Periodontal Disease-Related Bad Breath – Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day. Try cleansing your tongue as well. Check-ups and professional cleanings should be scheduled with your dentist regularly. When excellent dental hygiene isn’t enough to solve the issue, several treatment alternatives are available, some of which are intrusive and others aren’t. Your dentist may suggest treatments for foul breath, such as tongue scraping (called debridement) or thorough gum cleaning procedures called “scaling and root planing,” which remove stubborn plaque and tartar.

Last Thoughts

  • Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a frequent problem caused by an underlying issue such as poor dental hygiene, a poor diet, gum disease, tooth decay, or even more severe medical problems, including liver disease or diabetes.
  • The back of the tongue, throat, and tonsils are the most common sources of bad breath. This is where you’ll find naturally occurring bacteria that produce sulfur compounds, which cause foul breath.
  • Rich-fiber meals, water, parsley, citrus fruits, fresh vegetables, and foods high in probiotics are all items that may help you get rid of bad breath.
  • Skip the sweets and grains, eat more healthy fats, experiment with supplements and essential oils, consume parsley, chew on lemon, and drink enough water to get rid of bad breath.

Frequently Asked Questions

What herb cures terrible breath?

A: Mint.

What can I drink to stop bad breath?

Many different things can be done to help with bad breath. One of the most popular is brushing your teeth with toothpaste with baking soda or chewing gum after meals.

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  • how to cure bad breath fast
  • natural remedies for bad breath from the stomach
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