5 Natural Eye Health Boosters

Blurry vision is a common symptom of eye health problems. It can be caused by an eye infection, dry eyes, or other conditions that affect the cornea and lens. The good news is there are many natural ways to boost your eye health with simple remedies.


Blurry vision is a fairly frequent occurrence. However, with reasons ranging from normal aging to stroke, it’s critical to figure out why your eyesight is hazy.

In most instances, the reason is likely to be expected and curable — or perhaps a transient alteration. However, it may be the first indication of a severe health problem or irreversible eyesight loss in some instances. You can receive the proper therapy if you figure out what’s causing your hazy eyesight. In most instances, natural treatments may be used to restore vision or concentrate and prevent cloudy vision from recurring.

What Is Blurry Vision, and What Causes It?

Any lack of focus or clarity in what you perceive is considered blurry vision. It may affect one or both eyes, one or both areas of vision (such as the outer field of vision), or everything you see. It may also be blurry just for objects near up, only for things far away, or only in specific circumstances.

Blurred vision is usually transitory and moderate. It indicates that your eyesight isn’t flawless; in certain instances — in cases of abrupt hazy vision — it may indicate a severe health problem. An eye doctor should evaluate minor or gradual changes in vision. Seek medical attention immediately away if you notice a sudden or extreme change in your eyesight.

Symptoms and Signs

The following are some of the signs and symptoms of hazy vision:

  • At any distance, eyesight is blurry
  • When you look at anything, there is a lack of detail or concentration
  • Hazy edges
  • The vision that is cloudy or unclear
  • Floating dots in your peripheral vision
  • Frequently squinting, wiping your eyes, or blinking

These changes may occur gradually or abruptly. They may appear and go, especially if they are linked to sun exposure, eye strain, headaches, or other health issues. One or both eyes may be affected.

Other symptoms you’re having simultaneously may be linked to the source of your visual issues. Eye redness and discomfort, for example, may suggest an infection. A stroke may be indicated by dizziness or slurred speech, as well as sharp hazy vision. If you have a headache and see changes in your eye, you may be experiencing the beginnings of a migraine.

If you have any concerns about your symptoms or notice any abrupt changes in your eyesight, you should always seek expert medical help.


Blurred vision may be caused by various factors, ranging from minor vision issues to severe health issues.

The following are some of the most frequent reasons for hazy vision:

  • Nearsightedness, farsightedness, and difficulty reading objects up close are all terms used to describe myopia, hyperopia, and presbyopia. They occur when one or both eyes lose their capacity to focus correctly. In addition, squinting, eye strain, and headaches are all symptoms of difficulty concentrating.
  • Astigmatism is an unevenly formed cornea that causes objects to seem fuzzy at any distance. When light rays enter the eyes, do not concentrate on the same spot on the retina.
  • Chronic dry eyes – When your eyes don’t produce enough natural tears, your eyesight may become hazy or change.
  • Fatigue, too much sun, or eye strain – When our eyes are stressed by staying up too late or being exposed to too much sunlight, we may have moderate momentary blurred vision. It typically goes gone after a few days of relaxation.
  • Pregnancy – Hormones alter the structure of your eye, which may cause visual abnormalities such as hazy vision, dry eyes, and double vision. Some visible exceptions during pregnancy, on the other hand, may signal a severe health issue, such as gestational diabetes or preeclampsia (high blood pressure).
  • Migraines – These severe migraines may include visual problems. They may produce transient clouded vision, flashing lights, halos, kaleidoscope (fractured image), and zigzag patterns, among other things.
  • Eye drops, medicines, and LASIK surgery – Some eye treatments, such as medicated eye drops and LASIK vision surgery, may result in hazy vision. They may also cause inflammation or dry eyes, which may result in impaired vision. In addition, as a side effect of allergy medications, dry eyes or impaired vision may occur.
  • Drifting floaters in your eyesight may cause objects to seem hazy or confused. Floaters are becoming increasingly frequent as you get older, but if you see a sudden influx of them, visit an eye doctor right away. This may indicate a torn re(tina.
  • Contacts or glasses – Blurry vision may be caused by wearing contacts or drinks with the incorrect prescription or by wearing contacts for too long. Proteins and other debris may build up on contact lenses, just as they do on eyeglasses, making things difficult to see.

The following are more severe reasons for hazy vision:

  • Infections and irritation issues in the eyes, such as uveitis, eye herpes, and optic neuritis (inflammation), may result in cloudy vision. Furthermore, a retinal macular hole may cause abrupt cloudy vision.
  • Cataracts – Although hazy vision is the obvious symptom of a cataract, many individuals also experience fuzzy vision, glares, a haze over their eyes, and nocturnal “halos” of light.
  • Macular degeneration due to age — As individuals become older, they may notice a progressive loss, distortion, or blurring of vision.
  • Glaucoma – This is a condition that causes gradual or abrupt blurring of vision at the borders of your field of vision, as well as a narrowing of the visual field (tunnel vision).
  • Diabetic retinopathy – Damage to blood vessels in the eyes may occur in individuals with diabetes, resulting in impaired vision.
  • With or without double vision, blur vision may indicate a brain hemorrhage or stroke. Any abrupt change in eyesight should be followed up with a visit to your doctor.
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS) – This neurological illness may produce blurry vision, indicating the disease.
  • Various — Vision alterations or loss may occur due to other diseases such as prematurity or brain tumors.

Factors that are at risk

The following are some of the risk factors for hazy vision or conditions that may cause it:

  • Getting older
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • During your mother’s pregnancy, she had an illness (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, or other infections)
  • Being born prematurely (less than 30 weeks gestation) or with a birth weight of fewer than 1,500 grams
  • Eye illnesses, impaired vision, or eye problems in the family
  • There is a history of metabolic or genetic disease in your family.
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Anxiety or tension
  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Diseases of the nervous system
  • Sickle cell disease is a kind of anemia that affects people.
  • Syndrome of hyperviscosity
  • Blood pressure that is too high
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Infection of the eyes
  • Sun exposure over an extended period
  • The strain on the eyes
  • Migraines are a kind of headache that occurs regularly.
  • Dry eyes
  • If you’ve had recent eye surgery or if you’ve had an eye injury,
  • Medicating your eyes
  • Taking other drugs that cause blurry vision or visual abnormalities, such as specific allergy treatments
  • Use of corticosteroids for a long time
  • Smoking


The cause determines the treatment for hazy vision. The blurriness may go away on its own in certain instances, and no treatment is required. This is often the case with visual alterations caused by migraines, eye strain, or exposure to the sun. In other instances, eyesight returns to normal after the underlying reason is removed. Examples of medications and health problems that produce hazy vision as a side effect are medications.

Treatments for hazy vision vary depending on the reason and include:

  • Glasses – Prescription eyeglasses are the most frequent therapy for cloudy vision.
  • If your fuzzy vision is caused by dry eye syndrome, rewetting drops are medicated drops that moisten dry eyes or help you generate your natural tears.
  • If a medicine is causing your hazy vision, your doctor may suggest an alternate over-the-counter or prescription treatment.
  • Treatment for the underlying medical condition — People with hazy vision due to diabetic retinopathy, preeclampsia, glaucoma, stroke, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, and other diseases may see improvements in their vision after their primary health problem is addressed. In many instances, this necessitates the use of prescription medications as well as a lifestyle change. On the other hand, vision alterations may be permanent and lead to blindness in certain instances if left untreated.

Treatments for Blurry Vision That Aren’t Drugs

Natural remedies for hazy vision, like conventional medication, depend on the blurriness source. Whether you know why your eyesight is blurry, you may see if any natural treatments listed below are suitable for your condition.

1. Keep your eyes safe

Trauma, illnesses, sun exposure, and other environmental factors may all contribute to blurred vision. These simple, natural methods to safeguard your eyes may decrease your chances of experiencing blurry vision due to these factors.

  • Get your eyes checked regularly. Regular eye examinations allow your eye doctor to detect potential vision issues, such as severe eye diseases, infections, and irritants.
  • Keep your corrective lenses clean. Cleaning contacts should be done according to your eye doctor’s recommendations, and replacing connections should be done according to the package guidelines. This will prevent protein accumulation, which may cause things to get hazy. Keep your eyeglasses clean by regularly wiping them down with an eyewear cloth and using a cleaning solution as required.
  • Protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses. Safety goggles for home repair tasks and contact sports, sunglasses for outdoor activities, and water goggles for swimming are all examples. This helps to protect your eyes from things like sand and chlorine, as well as trauma and UV radiation.
  • Allow your eyes to rest. Give your eyes regular rest if you work in front of a computer screen or spend a lot of time reading. At least once every 15 minutes, take a break from your computer or whatever you’re reading. To keep your eyes moist, often blink, especially while staring at a computer or phone display. Allow your gaze to be drawn to something at a different distance. For example, focus for at least 30 seconds on a tree outside the window. This change in focus and respite from near displays or reading may provide a break for your eyes and help to decrease eye strain.
  • Make use of appropriate lighting. When lighting conditions aren’t optimal, it may induce eye strain and tiredness. Your eyes may need to strain to see correctly whether the light is too bright or too faint. Keep the brightness and location of the light in a range that enables you to open your eyes without squinting or watering efficiently.
  • Please don’t smoke. Smokers are more likely to suffer a variety of eye issues, including hazy vision and vision loss. Cataracts, macular degeneration, dry eyes, uveitis, and diabetic retinopathy are among them.

2. Stay away from potential triggers

You may detect and avoid triggers if you experience hazy vision that is just momentary or linked with particular circumstances. For example, migraines, stress and anxiety, and poorly managed health problems are frequent causes of hazy vision episodes.

  • Keeping a headache journal is a good idea. Many individuals who get headaches or migraines regularly may use a diary to track their triggers. Keep track of what you eat, how much sleep you receive, and any events leading to the headache. You may notice a trend in the things that cause your headaches. Certain meals, alcohol or caffeine, stress, fatigue, and other factors are all common causes. You may attempt to avoid or limit the triggers after you’ve identified them to decrease your chances of having a headache. For example, reducing your headaches may help you see better if you have headaches and hazy vision.
  • Keep anxiousness at bay. Practice anxiety-reduction techniques if your eyesight becomes hazy during times of intense anxiety. These are some of them:
    • Consultation with a psychotherapist or anxiety coach
    • Aromatherapy
    • Exercise
    • Meditation
    • Spending time with loved ones and attending support groups
  • Maintain a healthy level of stress. High-stress levels, including anxiety, may produce transient visual abnormalities, including hazy vision, in some individuals. During times of high stress and little sleep, physical exhaustion may also contribute to this. You may use some of Dr. Axe’s stress-relieving techniques. Yoga, prayer, acupuncture, cognitive behavioral therapy, a nutrient-dense diet, and others are among them.
  • Make sure you get adequate sleep. Lack of sleep and physical exhaustion may both cause hazy vision, as well as stress, anxiety, headaches, and a variety of other health issues. Therefore, avoid screen time for at least 30 minutes (an hour is even better) before bedtime, and utilize blue-light filtering settings on your phone or tablet throughout the evening, if available.

3. Do some eye exercises

Many people’s eyesight deteriorates as they grow older. If you have hazy vision due to nearsightedness, farsightedness, or age-related difficulties seeing up close, you may require prescription eyeglasses. You may be interested in vision exercises to enhance or maintain your vision, in addition to getting an eye exam to receive a professional diagnosis and prescription.

While eye exercises are beneficial for individuals with specific alignment difficulties and a few critical eye illnesses, the American Academy of Ophthalmology claims that there is no scientific proof that they help people with nearsightedness, farsightedness, or other common vision impairments. However, performing the exercises is not harmful, and some individuals swear by them. In addition, they may aid in the reduction of eye strain and tiredness. However, even with frequent usage of the exercises, you should not anticipate quick or drastic improvements in your eyesight.

  • Hold a small item at arm’s length, like a pen, for the Trombone. Keep your attention on the thing as you gently bring it back to your nose. Then, when you get it back out to arm’s length, remain focused on it.
  • Apply constant pressure or a circular massage to the regions surrounding the outside of your eye sockets with your fingers. This may help you relax your face muscles and relieve stress.
  • When gazing at an item (or a person, words, or anything else), you may attempt to evaluate it visually utilizing micromovements. Simply said, you stare at the item and “draw” the borders and lines inside it with your eyes, tracing the intricacies. However, the goal is to gto evaluate from one aspect to the next, rather than beginning with one and concentrating on it. Allow yourself to blink freely while you walk. Then take a look at the item as its whole to see if it seems more apparent.
  • To use as flashcards, use a deck of cards or a box of dominos. Take a card or a cube from the pile, hold it at arm’s length, and look at it for less than a second, blinking as needed. Then, stop staring at it and attempt to figure out how many dots there were on the domino or which card it was.

You may keep doing these exercises until your eyes get weary. After that, you may devote a few minutes each day to each and repeat the process many times per day. Some of the above exercises were created by Dr. William Bates, an eye specialist in the early twentieth century. He thought that activities might be used to enhance eyesight and eliminate the need for spectacles.

4. Take care of any underlying health issues

Eye disorders are often linked to underlying health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, glaucoma, or sinus infections. You may need to address the other health issue first to enhance your eyesight. Collaborate with your eye doctor and a medical expert to develop the best strategy for your overall health and vision. After you’ve dealt with the other issue, your eyesight may improve on its own. If it doesn’t, talk about a strategy for dealing with your vision problems in the future.

The natural methods listed below may assist in addressing common health conditions that result in visual problems:

  • Reduce the number of sinus infections. Sinus infections may cause blurry vision due to congestion and itchy, dry, or watery eyes. As a side effect, certain medicines for sinus infections and seasonal allergies may produce hazy vision. Some natural treatments for sinus infections and methods to avoid infections in the first place may be beneficial. These are some of them:
    • Keeping yourself hydrated
    • Inhaling steam or taking hot showers
    • Irrigation of the nose
    • Hygiene is essential (keep your hands clean and keep your fingers away from your nose, mouth, and eyes)
  • Consume a healthy, well-balanced diet. When our diets are adequate, diabetes, heart disease, and many other diseases that may contribute to impaired eyesight can be improved. Diets rich in veggies and low in processed foods are generally constant suggestions, even if they vary based on your specific health issue. Fatty meats, added sugar, simple carbs, and meals with little nutritional value should all be avoided by most individuals.
  • Maintain a regular eye examination schedule. Infections, tissue damage, and other issues that may be causing hazy vision may be detected by an eye doctor. They may also recognize symptoms of underlying illnesses and provide appropriate therapies or medications. Regular exams increase your chances of seeing-eye disorders or other severe health issues before they cause irreversible visual loss.
  • Try some natural treatments for dry eyes. Try these natural treatments if your dry eyes are causing you to have a fuzzy vision. These are some of them:
    • You avoid locations or activities where there is a lot of air movement (windy spaces, rooms with fans, bicycling, etc.) or wear goggles or glasses to protect your eyes.
    • Avoiding places where there is cigarette or fire smoke
    • Making use of a humidifier
    • Applying warm compresses to your eyes, followed by a mild cleaner to your eyelids
    • A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids is recommended.
  • Prenatal care should be scheduled regularly. If a woman’s eyesight changes during pregnancy, she may need glasses for a while. Some people, however, may need further monitoring due to blood pressure or seizure issues. You may ensure that you are frequently checked for preeclampsia by informing your prenatal care provider about any visual changes, reducing the risk to you and your baby.

5. Take vitamins into consideration

Various dietary supplements have been shown to assist with eye health in studies. Supplements, on the other hand, cannot prevent or treat all eye diseases. The most robust study on the effect of supplements on eyesight protection, for example, is in the area of age-related macular degeneration. Nevertheless, if your doctor says any or all of the accessories listed below are safe for you based on your previous medicines, you may want to give them a go-to see if they help with your hazy vision or general eye health:

  • B1 (thiamine), C, and E vitamins
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Lutein
  • Calcium
  • Folic acid
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids.
  • Beta-carotene
  • Zeaxanthin

Many of these antioxidants and vitamins are also present in healthy vegetable and protein-rich diets:

  • For example, lutein and zeaxanthin are found in green leafy vegetables and eggs.
  • Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits and many vegetables.
  • Healthy fatty acids may be found in eggs, cold-water fish, almonds, and olive or flaxseed oils.
  • Zinc is found in green leafy vegetables, meat, and legumes.
  • Vitamin E is found in sweet potatoes and nuts.


  • If you have a sudden or severe change in eyesight, get immediate medical attention.
  • If you have sudden, painless blurry or double vision, along with any of the following signs or symptoms, get medical attention right once – you may be suffering a stroke:
    • Dizziness
    • The face is drooping.
    • Problems with balance
    • Slurred speech, words that are indistinct or mixed up
    • One arm has numbness or weakness.
  • If you experience hazy vision while pregnant, contact your doctor right away. It may be an indication of preeclampsia.
  • Migraine onset may be indicated by sudden blurred vision and headache, with or without additional visual abnormalities. You may also have light sensitivity, see flashing lights, wavy lines, spots, hal, or even momentarily lose partial eyesight. If this is the first time it has occurred to you, see a doctor right away. If you often have these symptoms in conjunction with a headache, you may benefit from migraine therapy. But, again, consult a doctor about the issue and symptoms.
  • An eye doctor should examine any visual alterations. Even little minores in eyesight may indicate a severe problem that could damage your long-term health or result in vision loss.
  • Do not begin or discontinue taking prescription medicines because of adverse effects without seeing your doctor first.
  • Consult your doctor before beginning any new vitamins or natural treatments for eyesight. Natural treatments  with other medicines have unanticipated adverse effects, hazardous for individuals with specific medical problems.

Last Thoughts

  • Blurred vision is a fairly frequent occurrence. It may be caused by a variety of factors, the most frequent of which is impaired eyesight. Eyeglasses may be used to remedy this.
  • Migraines and underlying health issues such as glaucoma, eye infection, or migraines are other frequent causes of hazy vision.
  • Blurry vision may be temporary or permanent. It may be a precursor or warning sign of irreversible visual impairment in certain instances. Symptoms may appear gradually or abruptly and may produce hazy vision in one or both eyes, depending on the reason.
  • Other signs and symptoms include hazy or blurry vision, headaches, and dizziness. These symptoms may sometimes signal a severe health issue, such as a stroke or diabetic retinopathy.
  • A medical practitioner should evaluate any abrupt or substantial changes in vision as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fastest way to cure blurry vision?

A: This is a difficult question. First, you should see your doctor get a prescription for glasses or contact lenses.

What vitamins can help with blurry vision?

A: Vitamin A is a great option for people with blurry vision. It helps to maintain healthy eyesight and improve night vision.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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