About The Indian Gooseberry

The Indian Gooseberry is a type of fruit that has both nutritional and medicinal benefits, with the potential to help fight cancer. But be sure you are getting your gooseberries from a trusted source when eating them raw or cooked because poisoning can occur.


The Indian gooseberry, which is high in nutrients and has a lengthy list of health advantages, satisfies all of the requirements for being classified as a superfood. In addition, the tree that yields this treasured fruit is the subject of an entire Hindu event.

Gooseberries are practically indistinguishable from the huge number of exotic fruits found across the globe for most people.

On the other hand, Gooseberries are distinguished by their wide range of nutritional and therapeutic characteristics, and they may even be used to manufacture the herbal remedy triphala. In addition, these powerful fruits have been demonstrated in studies to help with anything from cholesterol reduction to cancer prevention.

With further study revealing exactly how effective this little fruit can be, it’s fair to assume that including it in your diet a few times each week may have significant health advantages.

What Do Gooseberries Do?

Gooseberries, also known as Indian gooseberries, amla, or Phyllanthus emblica, are endemic to Southeast Asia and grow on deciduous trees.

The Indian gooseberry plant is small to medium in size, produces spherical, greenish-yellow fruit, and has six vertical stripes.

The flavor of gooseberries is often characterized as sour, pungent, and harsh. It is often eaten with salt and red chili powder in India to improve the fruit’s palatability.

Amla has long been utilized as a natural medicine due to its outstanding nutritional profile and broad range of health benefits.


  1. Phytochemicals are present
  2. Promotes the health of the liver
  3. Cholesterol Levels are Reduced
  4. Has cancer-preventive properties
  5. Blood Sugar Control
  6. Constipation is avoided
  7. Inflammation is reduced
  8. Maintains the health of your hair and skin
  9. Beneficial to Digestive Health
  10. Enhances cognitive performance

1. Phytochemicals are present

Gooseberries are abundant in phytochemicals, which are plant substances that have antioxidant characteristics and assist the body in combat damaging free radicals. Free radicals cause oxidative damage to cells and may potentially have a role in chronic disease development.

The Indian gooseberry contains phytochemicals such as furosin, gallic acid, corilagin, and quercetin, which are responsible for the gooseberry’s health-promoting effects.

2. Improves the health of the liver

One of the most vital organs in the body is the liver. It assists in detoxification, secretes bile to aid in fat digestion, and creates essential proteins involved in various bodily functions.

Gooseberries have been shown in several studies to improve liver function and safeguard the organ’s health. For example, treatment of diabetic rats with gooseberry extract enhanced antioxidant levels in the liver, according to a 2013 animal research.

According to another research, in several animal experiments, amla, or gooseberry, has been proven to protect the liver against damage and even cancer.

3. Cholesterol Levels Are Reduced

In addition to supporting the health of your liver, gooseberry has been shown in certain studies to boost the health of your heart. For example, gooseberry has been shown in studies to help lower cholesterol levels in the blood, avoid plaque accumulation, and lower coronary heart disease risk.

According to research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, men 35–55 years old who were given Indian gooseberry for 28 days had significantly lower cholesterol levels. Surprisingly, their cholesterol levels had returned to normal two weeks after they stopped supplementing.

Another research published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology in 2012 revealed that giving patients gooseberry lowered triglycerides and bad LDL cholesterol while increasing good HDL cholesterol and lowering blood pressure.

4. It has anti-cancer properties

One of the gooseberry’s most outstanding properties is its ability to inhibit cancer cells and maybe prevent cancer. For example, a 2005 animal research at the University of Rajasthan in India found that giving mice a high dosage of gooseberry extract reduced the growth of skin cancer tumors by 60%.

Gooseberry was shown to help prevent the development of human lung, liver, breast, ovarian, cervical, and colorectal cancer cells in a test tube research from Thailand.

Gooseberries also include a lot of phytochemicals and antioxidants. These molecules aid in neutralizing damaging free radicals and may be connected to lower cancer risk.

5. Maintains blood sugar levels

Gooseberries’ high fiber and antioxidant content have been shown in studies to help you maintain appropriate blood sugar levels.

Fiber slows the absorption of sugar into the circulation, which may help reduce blood sugar rises and falls. Gooseberries have also been demonstrated to lower blood sugar levels and minimize the risk of diabetic complications such as kidney or nerve damage caused by excessive blood sugar levels.

6. Helps to avoid constipation

Gooseberries have a laxative effect, so they may help you have regular bowel movements and avoid constipation. This is because they are heavy in fiber, which passes slowly and undigested through the gastrointestinal system, bulking up the stool and making it easier to pass.

Increased fiber intake from foods like gooseberry has been shown in studies to help improve stool frequency. In addition, staying hydrated, limiting your consumption of highly processed foods, and eating enough fruits, vegetables, legumes, seeds, and nuts are all-natural constipation cure options.

7. It helps to reduce inflammation

While inflammation is a natural immune reaction to damage and may be helpful, it is also at the base of most illnesses and has been related to cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

Indian gooseberry has been shown in studies to help decrease inflammation. According to test-tube research published in the British Journal of Nutrition, Amla extract reduced the levels of pro-inflammatory markers in human cells.

Amla’s antioxidants may also aid in the reduction of inflammation by neutralizing free radicals and reducing oxidative cell damage.

8. Maintains the health of the hair and skin

Some of the hair and skin products you use may already include Indian gooseberry, whether you recognize it or not. Gooseberries have been used for millennia to promote skin and hair health, and numerous recent studies have now verified these potent effects.

Amla extract, for example, was shown to aid enhance the synthesis of collagen, the protein that gives the skin its youthfulness and flexibility, according to Japanese research. Another animal research from the University of Kentucky’s Gill Heart Institute’s Division of Cardiovascular Medicine discovered that Indian gooseberry extract aided wound healing in rats.

In terms of hair health, one animal research discovered that adding amla oil to rabbit fur enhanced growth substantially. Gooseberry also has a lot of vitamin E, proven to preserve the skin and promote hair development.

9. Beneficial to Digestive Health

Gooseberries have gastroprotective properties, according to some research, and may help keep your digestive tract running smoothly while avoiding disorders like stomach ulcers.

Giving rats amla extract prevented the formation of stomach ulcers, lowered gastric secretions, and protected the stomach lining from harm, according to a research published in Phytomedicine. Another animal research found that administering rats amla extract aided in the healing and preventing stomach ulcers.

Gooseberry is also strong in fiber, which helps to maintain regularity and keep things moving to avoid constipation.

10. It helps with cognitive function

When it comes to the impact of Indian gooseberry on brain function, research has yielded some startling results.

In a 2016 research, for example, rats given gooseberry extract had higher memory retention and antioxidant levels and lower levels of acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

Another research revealed that combining gooseberry with heart-leaved moonseed boosted learning and memory in rats.

Nutritional Information

Gooseberries are abundant in fiber, vitamin E, and vitamin C yet are low in calories. They may also assist you in meeting your daily micronutrient requirements, such as manganese, vitamin A, and potassium.

Approximately 100 grams of raw gooseberries

  • Calorie Count: 44
  • Carbohydrates: 10.2 grams
  • Protein: 0.9 grams
  • Fat: 0.6 grams
  • Fiber: 4.3 grams
  • Vitamin C: 27.7 milligrams (46 percent DV)
  • Manganese: 0.1 milligrams (7 percent DV)
  • Vitamin A: 290 IU (6 percent DV)
  • Potassium: 198 milligrams (6 percent DV)
  • Vitamin B6: 0.1 milligrams (4 percent DV)
  • Copper: 0.1 gram (4 percent DV)

Grapes vs. Gooseberries

Because of their flavor and look, gooseberries are sometimes likened to green grapes. Green grapes and gooseberries have a somewhat acidic flavor and are spherical and green with seeds.

Both, however, belong to separate plant families and provide a completely different set of nutrients.

Grapes, for example, have more calories and vitamin K but less vitamin C and vitamin E than other fruits. Furthermore, they contain just approximately 18% of the fiber found in gooseberries per 100 grams.

Nonetheless, both are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and may be beneficial complements to a healthy, well-balanced diet.


Finding fresh Indian gooseberries might be difficult unless you’re fortunate enough to have a gooseberry tree in your own garden. However, if you’re lucky, you may be able to purchase them frozen at specialty Indian shops. Indian gooseberry is also available in dry or powdered form at health food shops and internet vendors.

Make careful you don’t mix them up with cape gooseberries. This plant, also known as the ground cherry, is a South American native that is related to the tomatillo but not the Indian gooseberry.

If you can get your hands on raw or powdered amla, there are a plethora of Indian gooseberry applications and dishes to explore. To improve the nutritious value of your meals and snacks, consider preserving gooseberries, adding them to chutneys, or using them in soups and smoothies. If you’re feeling experimental, you may also eat them the conventional manner, cut up and with a bit of salt.


In Hindu tradition, the Indian gooseberry tree is regarded to be of great importance. It is revered because Vishnu, one of Hinduism’s most important deities, is said to live in the tree.

Amalaka Ekadashi is a Hindu festival that honors and worships the gooseberry tree. It is one of the most important festivities of Holi, the Hindu festival of colors.

According to Hindu mythology, Amla is also said to stem from drips of immortality that were mistakenly spilled upon the land during a battle between gods and demons. This, according to legend, explains the Indian gooseberry’s medical virtues as well as its claimed capacity to prolong life and heal sickness.

The Buddhist faith recognizes the Indian gooseberry tree as well. Phussa Buddha, the first Buddha of antiquity, has utilized it to acquire enlightenment.

In Ayurvedic medicine, Indian gooseberry is supposed to boost lifespan, alleviate constipation, improve digestion, cure asthma, stimulate hair development, and promote heart health.

Due to its high tannin concentration is now a popular component in many Asian cuisines and is also used in inks, shampoos, and hair treatments.

Side Effects and Risks

If you are allergic to Indian gooseberry or suffer any bad side effects after eating it, stop using it right once and talk to your doctor.

Indian gooseberry has also been linked to an increased risk of bleeding and bruising. Therefore, consuming gooseberry should be done with care if you have a bleeding issue. To avoid an increased risk of bleeding, make sure you stop taking it at least two weeks before surgery.

If you have diabetes, gooseberry may help you manage your blood sugar. Whether you’re taking gooseberry, check with your doctor to see if your diabetic medication dose has to be modified.

Finally, information on the effects of amla on pregnant or nursing women is lacking. To avoid unwanted side effects, use with care and in moderation.

However, Indian gooseberry is generally safe to eat, with just a little chance of side effects. If you do have any negative effects, be sure to tell your doctor.

Last Thoughts

  • The Indian gooseberry, also known as amla, is a fruit that grows on a Southeast Asian tree.
  • It has a low-calorie count but is rich in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, and a few other vitamins and minerals.
  • This fruit has long been renowned for its therapeutic powers, and it has been used for everything from digestion to asthma treatment.
  • According to studies, gooseberry has a longer range of health advantages, including better heart, skin, hair, and liver health, increased cognitive performance, and reduced inflammation.
  • To get the most out of gooseberry, add it to soups, chutneys, or smoothies to boost nutrients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does amla have any side effects?

A: Most side effects from amla are mild, such as stomach cramps and diarrhea. Other more serious side effects include liver damage, internal bleeding, or death.

What happens if we eat gooseberry daily?

A: Gooseberry is known to help with digestion, lower cholesterol levels and improve the immune system. It can also be used to treat constipation, diarrhea, and urinary tract infections. However, if you eat gooseberries every day, your gastric juices will likely become more acidic, leading to some GI discomfort such as heartburn or bloating.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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