Alkaline Water

Alkaline water is a type of bottled water claimed to have many health benefits, but no conclusive studies prove its efficacy. In addition, alkaline waters can cause side effects such as gastrointestinal discomfort and sodium and potassium toxicity potential.


Whether they’re following an alkaline diet or simply wanting to get more out of their hydration, alkaline water has exploded in popularity in recent years among everyone, from health enthusiasts to professional athletes. NBA superstars Carmelo Anthony and LeBron James are among the most well-known alkaline water drinkers, with stories stating that some players have more than a half-dozen alkaline water bottle cases sent to their homes every month.

The standard American diet is typically filled with refined sugars, hydrogenated oils, excess sodium, high-fructose corn syrup, chemical additives, pesticides, synthetic hormones, and ultra-processed foods, all of which can contribute to low-grade acidosis, or overproduction of acid in the blood, fostering an environment in which disease can thrive.

Some argue that alkaline water, also known as high pH water, is the healthiest water to drink, claiming a broad range of possible alkaline water advantages ranging from weight reduction to cancer resistance. However, is this popular beverage worthy of the hype, or is it simply another fad aimed at health-conscious consumers? Let’s dissect the discussion and discover the truth.

What Is Alkaline Water and Why Do I Need It?

Alkaline water has a higher pH than conventional water and has a negative oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), with naturally alkaline spring water being the best. This indicates acidity; a lower pH suggests a more acidic material, while a higher pH indicates a more alkaline substance. When the pH dips, too many hydrogen ions reduce the amount of oxygen accessible to the cells, increasing acidity. Because there are fewer hydrogen ions, more oxygen is accessible, resulting in a more alkaline or basic condition. In an alkaline environment, no illness is known to survive.

Alkaline ionized water is said to be more healthy than regular tap water since it has a higher pH level. It normally has a pH of approximately 8 or 9, while the pH of water is usually around 7.0 or less. Alkaline water is also thought to provide more vital minerals that the body needs to operate correctly, such as calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium.

On a scale of 0–14, your blood pH level should be about 7.365, resulting in a 60/40 alkaline-to-acid ratio.

With four primary alkaline minerals — calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium — alkaline chemicals buffer acids in the blood, keeping the body healthy and working correctly.

  • Calcium helps to maintain a healthy circulatory system and strengthens our bones.
  • Magnesium aids in the conversion of food into energy and the maintenance of muscle, neuron, heart, and kidney function.
  • Sodium regulates blood pressure, maintains bodily fluid equilibrium, and modulates muscle action.
  • Potassium assists in digestion, fluid excretion, and muscular relaxation and contraction, which is especially vital around the heart.

The body works hard to maintain an alkaline balance in the blood and will draw on stored reserves as required.

The Battle Over Alkaline Water

Unfortunately, research on the possible advantages of alkaline water is scarce. Furthermore, many sites make unfounded claims to sell items like pricey alkaline water filtration systems rather than provide customers with evidence-based health information.

However, those who prefer alkaline water over-acidic water believe that it has various health advantages. By neutralizing acid in the blood that causes illness, enhances metabolism, decreases bone loss, reverses aging, and improves nutritional absorption. Low-grade acidosis, they think, may not always be recognized by testing, allowing your body to endure the repercussions in silence.

On the other hand, the opposing side acknowledges that there may be advantages. Still, it’s unclear if the benefits of alkaline water are due to the water’s high pH level or the minerals it contains. So what is their message to everyone? Remember that not all alkaline waters and alkaline water ionizer systems are created equal, so be wary of health claims that seem too good to be true. You want the greatest alkaline water and water ionizers that money can buy.

Alkalizing the body and all of its organs is challenging, and there are issues with pH equilibrium. Drinking alkaline water may not be the solution to your low pH levels if the main reason is unclear, opponents argue. Furthermore, the human body was not designed to be in an alkaline condition all of the time.

Remember that 60/40 split we spoke about earlier? In addition, consuming high alkaline water regularly may cause your body’s sensitive pH balance to be disrupted, which can be harmful to your health.

Structured vs. Regular vs. Mineral vs. Alkaline Water

There are many choices in the bottled water aisle of your local store these days. In addition, there are now a variety of water types accessible, ranging from alkaline water to structured water and mineral water, that were formerly confined to conventional drinking water.

Purified water is commonly found in bottled water, which is created from tap water that has been filtered using a process known as reverse osmosis to remove pollutants and microbes. This kind of water contains trace levels of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Purified water has a pH of 7.0 or below, which is acidic or neutral.

On the other hand, mineral water is obtained from a mineral spring and includes a range of minerals, such as salts and sulfur compounds. It comes in still and sparkling variants, with the latter being classed according to whether or not it has additional carbon dioxide gases. It, like alkaline water, may aid in the provision of essential minerals to the diet, which may be good for one’s health.

Structured water, on the other hand, is a sort of water that hasn’t been filtered or treated, making it almost equivalent to natural water. It’s thought to contain more energy and is supposed to be “optimally charged,” allowing our cells to work more effectively. It’s thought to have an ideal pH, similar to alkaline water, and it’s said to help with everything from energy levels to digestion and mood. Structured water, like alkaline water, has yet to be studied to see how big of an impact it may have on health.

Health Advantages

  1. Improved circulation
  2. Acid reflux symptoms are reduced
  3. Enhances hydration
  4. Controls blood sugar
  5. Possibly beneficial to bone health

1. Circulation is improved

According to some studies, alkaline water improves circulation by enabling blood to flow more freely through your body, allowing oxygen and essential nutrients to reach your tissues. In addition, it’s thought to function by lowering blood viscosity, or thickness, allowing it to pass through the circulation more quickly.

In a 2016 research published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 100 healthy people were given either ordinary water or alkaline water to drink after rigorous activity. Those who drank alkaline water had a 6.3 percent reduction in blood thickness, whereas those who drank ordinary water had just a 3.36 percent decrease in viscosity.

2. Acid Reflux Symptoms are Reduced

Acid reflux, often known as GERD, is a disorder in which stomach acid rises up into the esophagus, producing symptoms such as burp, bloating, and nausea. The enzyme pepsin, which is responsible for breaking down proteins, is involved in acid reflux and may cause symptoms.

Alkaline water may help to neutralize pepsin and alleviate symptoms by neutralizing it. Drinking alkaline water with a pH of 8.8 helped deactivate pepsin, according to an in vitro research from the Voice Institute of New York, perhaps giving therapeutic advantages for patients suffering from acid reflux.

However, it’s vital to remember that inhibiting pepsin functions as a bandage for the genuine underlying issue, similar to how antacids work. While alkaline water may help alleviate symptoms, it may not address the underlying cause of acid reflux.

3. Promotes hydration

It is critical to maintain proper hydration for general health and well-being. Getting enough water helps you maintain a healthy body temperature, transfer nutrients, and eliminate waste.

Alkaline water is thought to improve hydration even more than regular water. According to a research published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Medicine, drinking alkaline water for two weeks raised the alkalinity in the blood and urine and improved hydration status more than those drinking standard water.

4. Controls Blood Sugar

Maintaining high blood sugar levels may have major health repercussions, including increased thirst, headaches, and tiredness, as well as more serious, long-term problems, including decreased eyesight and nerve damage.

Although research is limited, early findings suggest that alkaline water may help regulate blood sugar and promote improved health by maintaining normal blood sugar levels. For example, in a six-month trial in China, participants’ blood sugar levels were considerably decreased to normal ranges after consuming alkaline water. In addition, according to a study done at Dongduk Women’s University’s Department of Obesity Management at the Graduate School of Obesity Science and published in Life Sciences, Alkaline water exhibited anti-diabetic benefits in mice.

5. It has the potential to improve bone health

A high-acid diet has been found to cause bone loss by increasing calcium excretion via urine. On the other hand, an alkaline diet may assist retain bone health by preventing bone resorption.

According to several research, alkaline water may help keep bones healthy by altering key hormones that control bone metabolism. For example, drinking alkaline water reduces parathyroid hormone levels, which stimulates bones to release calcium into the blood, according to a research conducted by the Centre of Bone Diseases at Lausanne University Hospital in Switzerland, which included 30 women. Not only that, but it also decreased the levels of a biomarker that measures bone turnover.


Although several promising research have shown favorable benefits of alkaline water on health, many of these studies are tiny. In addition, they have substantial limitations, making it difficult to tell how much benefit alkaline water may really provide.

Balance is vital when it comes to alkaline water, like with everything else in life. While alkaline water has certain health advantages, the best approach to maintain a normal pH balance and stay healthy is to eat a nutritious, nutrient-dense diet rich in whole foods and fresh fruits and vegetables. Finally, alkaline water will not be able to replace the wide range of critical elements that your body needs from meals.

Furthermore, consuming an excessive amount of alkaline water and meals over a long time may produce alkalosis, which can throw your body off balance and create major health issues, as well as block pepsin synthesis, weakening the stomach’s capacity to break down food and proteins.

Including more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diets, such as apples, lemons, limes, leafy greens, and carrots, is an easy approach to maintain your pH while also improving your general health.

It’s quite OK if you wish to incorporate alkaline water in your diet in moderation. But, before you start looking for the finest alkaline water brands or invest in an expensive alkaline water machine, remember that you can make it yourself. Alkaline water may be made in various ways, with the most common ones including the addition of baking soda or lemon to your water.

Always remember, though, to combine alkaline water with a well-balanced diet and a healthy and active lifestyle to reap the most health benefits.

Side Effects and Risks

If you drink too much alkaline water, you risk disrupting your body’s sensitive pH balance, which may lead to significant health concerns, including alkalosis. Side effects of alkaline water include nausea, vomiting, tremors, and disorientation.

Drinking alkaline water frequently may inhibit pepsin’s function, reducing your capacity to break down proteins effectively. It may also cause stomach acid to lose its normal acidity, which is important for destroying germs and pathogens and keeping your body healthy.

If you do choose to drink alkaline water, do it in moderation and combine it with a healthy, well-balanced diet and frequent physical exercise to maintain your body in top shape. Always visit your doctor or another trusted health expert if you have any concerns.

Last Thoughts

  • Alkaline water, which includes minerals such as calcium, potassium, salt, and magnesium, has a higher pH than ordinary water.
  • How does one determine the pH of water? Water has a pH of roughly 7.0, which is considered neutral. The pH of alkaline water, on the other hand, is generally around 8 or 9.
  • Increased hydration, decreased acid reflux symptoms, improved blood sugar management, greater bone health, and improved circulation is just a few of the alkaline water advantages.
  • Claims concerning alkaline water and cancer, anti-aging characteristics, or weight reduction have not been well researched or backed up by science. The Cleveland Clinic even disputes its overall advantages.
  • It is harmless when eaten in moderation, but it should be combined with a good diet and an active lifestyle to get the most health advantages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can alkaline water be harmful?

A: Alkaline water is not necessarily harmful, but it can alter the balance of certain minerals in your body. However, if you are healthy and do not have any health conditions that require worry about alkaline water, then I would say it’s safe to drink.

What does alkaline water do to your body?

A: Alkaline water is a type of mineral water that has been purified by the process of electrolysis. The resulting solution contains hydrogen and hydroxyl ions and other minerals, such as calcium or magnesium. These substances can have beneficial effects on human health if consumed in sufficient quantities over time, including reducing blood pressure and relieving heartburn symptoms.

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