Anti-Cancer Foods

Cancer is one of the most common fatal diseases in America. Yet, despite this, many people are still not aware of what causes it and how they can prevent its spread. Here are some key facts about cancer, along with a few unique aspects that make it so hard to detect:


Cancer is widely acknowledged as a serious public health issue that affects millions of individuals each year. Each year, more than 1 million individuals in the United States are diagnosed with cancer, with 562,340 cancer-related deaths expected in the United States in 2009. The good news is that some foods, dubbed cancer-fighting foods, may aid in the battle against cancer.

Cancer is a systemic illness with various causes, including poor nutrition, toxin exposure, dietary deficiencies, and heredity to some degree. Nutritionally, eating a nutrient-dense diet rich in cancer-fighting foods while avoiding items that are known to raise cancer risk is one of the most significant ways to prevent and/or cure cancer.

However, navigating the current food system may be difficult for many individuals. Ingredients contained in ultra-processed meals have been linked to everything from cancer and diabetes to decreased renal function and bone loss. To add to the confusion, the manner we normally prepare healthy meals may occasionally turn them into cancer-causing foods if we don’t eat enough cancer-fighting foods.

Unfortunately, until food producers are obliged to clean up the substances they use in their goods, we must pick cancer-fighting foods to avoid the worst of them. Some bad practices and cancer-causing foods have been linked to hazards for decades, while others are just now being identified as prospective causes. I’ve outlined the link between particular cooking processes, hazardous substances present in processed meals, and cancer risk in the following sections.

Many cancer survivors have been lucky enough to be able to employ a mix of natural cancer remedies in addition to traditional medical therapy to defeat their sickness. As a result, thousands of cancer patients are now being saved thanks to an early combination of chemotherapy and nutrition treatment. This two-pronged strategy may aid the whole body and mind in the healing process, which can be lengthy and challenging at times. More research is undoubtedly required in the area of cancer prevention. But, for now, I’ll offer the foods and substances I’d advise avoiding the most, as well as recommendations on how to shift to an anti-cancer diet rich in cancer-fighting foods.

Are You Consuming Enough Anti-Cancer Foods?

While we commonly think of cancer as a single illness, it really refers to more than 100 distinct cellular abnormalities in the body. Cancer is the uncontrolled division of cells that results in a tumor or abnormal cell development. When aberrant cells divide uncontrollably, they may infiltrate surrounding tissues and spread to other body regions, including the blood and lymphatic systems.

When it comes to reducing inflammation and combating free radical damage, what works? The idea is to eat many cancer-fighting foods that are high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. This entails avoiding packaged and processed foods in favor of those free of antibiotics, chemicals, and poisons. In addition, purchasing organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised, and additive-free foods may significantly reduce the harmful burden of your diet.

The findings of the 2010 European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), which looked at dietary variables linked to greater cancer risks, revealed that inadequate intakes of key nutrients are related to an increased risk of cancer. The study’s findings, which were published in the European Journal of Cancer, revealed an inverse relationship between increased vitamin C, carotenoids, retinol, -tocopherol, and fiber intakes and total cancer risk.

After studying over 519,978 people from ten European countries, researchers discovered that individuals who ate in a way that was most comparable to the Mediterranean diet had the best cancer prevention. Cancer-fighting diets such as vegetables, fruit, fish, calcium-rich meals, and fiber were linked to a lower risk of colorectal, lung, and breast cancers. Still, red and processed meat consumption, alcohol use, an unhealthy BMI, and abdominal obesity were linked to an increased risk. Physical activity and enough vitamin D intake also contributed to reducing cancer risk.

Meanwhile, a ketogenic diet, which removes refined sugar and other processed carbs, may help to prevent or treat cancer. So it’s no surprise that the keto diet includes some of the finest cancer-fighting nutrients.

Foods and Habits that Raise Chances of Cancer

The fundamental problem that governs the start, development, and growth of malignant tumors is inflammation. According to studies, a healthy lifestyle and nutritional habits may prevent 30% to 40% of all cancers! According to some estimates, this percentage is substantially higher, with over 75% of cancer incidences being linked to a person’s lifestyle.

Here are some cancer-causing foods that you may not be aware exist in your diet:

1. Processed Meats

While high-quality meats, seafood, and dairy products may be part of an anti-cancer diet, processed meats should be avoided. “The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has categorized processed beef as a carcinogen, something that causes cancer,” according to the American Cancer Society’s website. It’s also classed red meat as a potential carcinogen, meaning it’s likely to cause cancer.” According to a recent meta-analysis of 800 studies, consuming 50 grams of processed meat per day (equivalent to four strips of bacon or one hot dog) elevated the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%.

Processed meats have been processed, changed, or preserved to enhance flavor and extend shelf life. They may include chemicals such as nitrates and have a high sodium content. If meat has been treated in any of the following ways: salting, curing, or smoking, it has been processed. Hot dogs, ham, bacon, sausage, and various deli meats/cold cuts are examples of processed meats.

2. Foods that have been fried, burned, or overcooked

The Food Standards Agency of the United Kingdom began a campaign in early 2017 to assist consumers in better understanding and avoiding the toxin acrylamide. Acrylamide may be found in cigarette smoke and is also utilized in industrial operations such as dyeing and plastic production. What’s more shocking is that acrylamide is a chemical that builds on some foods, particularly starchy items like bread, crackers, cakes, and potatoes, when they’re cooked at high temperatures for extended periods.

Based on studies suggesting that acrylamide may raise the risk of some forms of cancer in lab animals, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies it as a “probable human carcinogen.” Acrylamide is mostly present in highly cooked plant foods like potatoes and grain products like French fries, potato chips, and to a lesser degree, coffee. A chemical reaction occurs when some starchy foods are cooked over 250° F. As a result, acrylamide is formed from sugars and the amino acid asparagine. Acrylamide does not form (or only develops in low quantities) in dairy, meat, or fish sources.

3. Added Sugar

Sugar has been linked to increased cancer risk, increased calorie intake, and a growing waistline. Added sugars, including high fructose corn syrup, have been linked to an increased risk of esophageal cancer, small intestine cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer. (eight, nine, ten) Sugar has been associated with increased tumor development and metastasis in several studies, and it not only adds to issues like obesity and diabetes.

Another reason to limit sugar intake is that those who consume 17 to 21% of their calories from added sugar have a 38% greater risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than those who consume just 8% of their calories from sugar.

4. Foods with a lot of additives

A relationship between common food additives and colon cancer was revealed in a 2016 research published on Cancer Research. According to Georgia State University’s Institute, mice fed the dietary emulsifiers polysorbate-80 and carboxymethylcellulose daily had enhanced tumor formation, increased low-grade inflammation, and colon carcinogenesis Biomedical Sciences.

In the gut, these emulsifiers operate as “detergent-like” substances, altering the species makeup of the gut microbiome substantially. Alterations in bacterial species may cause bacteria to produce more flagellins and lipopolysaccharides; in other words, changes in the microbiome can disrupt immune system functioning, induce inflammation, and enhance detrimental gene expression. What kinds of emulsifiers are found in processed foods and products? Examples of dairy goods are ice cream, cream-based cosmetic treatments, toothpaste, mouthwash, laxatives, diet pills, water-based paints, detergents, and even vaccinations.

5. Rice-based items

Drinking arsenic-contaminated water increases the risk of lung, skin, and bladder cancer. As a result, the quantity of arsenic permitted in water is strictly regulated. What about the arsenic in our food supply, though? Most Americans, it turns out, acquire more arsenic from their diet than from the water they drink. So is arsenic poisoning from rice something you should be concerned about?

While newborns are at the greatest danger, too much arsenic is bad for everyone. Arsenic was detected in every brand of newborn rice cereals tested by Consumer Reports in 2012, approximately 10 times the allowable limit for drinking water! Subsequent research revealed that only one serving of newborn rice cereal might put youngsters above the Consumer Reports recommended weekly limit.

“Heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, and lead are naturally found in water and soil,” according to The Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) website. Unfortunately, industrial pollution and decades of agricultural usage of lead- and arsenic-based insecticides have resulted in high amounts in certain areas.” Rice and rice-based meals (particularly those containing rice flour) should be avoided wherever feasible, according to organizations like the Environmental Working Group and the World Health Organization. Instead, consume a balanced diet of nutritious lower-arsenic grains and sweets.

Free radical damage or oxidative stress from inflammation is at the basis of cancer production, just as it is with heart disease, diabetes, leaky gut syndrome, and other autoimmune illnesses. So what does this entail in terms of selecting the most effective cancer-fighting foods? Fruit and vegetables should be the foundation of your diet since they may help cut cancer risk and provide preventative ingredients. Furthermore, getting enough nutritious proteins and fatty acids maintains your immune system in good shape and enables you to avoid muscle loss, shortages, and hormonal and neurological issues.

Top 12 Anti-Cancer Foods

1. Vegetables with a lot of leafy greens

Because they’re high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes while being low in calories, fats, salt, and other pollutants, leafy greens are the foundation of every healthy diet. In addition, leafy greens of many types, such as spinach, kale, collard greens, romaine lettuce, arugula salad, watercress, and others, are high in antioxidants that have been linked to cancer prevention, such as vitamin C and beta-carotene (a type of vitamin A).

As natural sources of glucosinolates, they also have antibacterial and antiviral effects, inactivate carcinogens, aid in cancer cell death, and inhibit tumor growth and spread, to name a few. In addition, these powerful molecules, i.e., indoles, thiocyanates, and isothiocyanate, break down throughout the chewing and digestive process into physiologically active compounds that inhibit cancer cell proliferation.

Isothiocyanates (ITCs), which are formed from glucosinolates and present in leafy greens, have been shown to aid your body to cleanse at the cellular level. To boost your vitamin intake, include a handful of leafy greens in your lunch and supper; to make it easier, consider juicing veggies for near-perfect health. Vegetable juices are simple to prepare and digest at home. Cancer patients are also advised to consume 13 glasses of freshly produced juice each day on the Gerson diet meal plan!

2. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous veggies are well-known cancer fighters and some of the greatest vitamin C diets available. Many are high in glutathione, which is recognized as the body’s “master antioxidant” because of its ability to scavenge free radicals. In addition, nearly every member of the brassica family of cruciferous vegetables provides a nutrient-dense source of isothiocyanates, a class of compounds associated with cancer protection. Sulforaphanes and indoles, two kinds of potent antioxidants and stimulators of detoxification enzymes that safeguard the structure of DNA, are also found in cruciferous vegetables like cabbage and broccoli, in addition to isothiocyanates.

Add one or two varieties — such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, or Brussels sprouts — to three largely plant-based meals each day as roasted vegetables, soups, stir-fries, or dip them in hummus or Greek yogurt for a nutritious, quick snack. Onions, zucchini, asparagus, artichokes, peppers, carrots, and beets are just a few of the veggies that might help reduce cancer risk.

3. Fruits and berries

Almost all berries have high ORAC values, making them among the best high-antioxidant meals on the planet. Blueberries, raspberries, cherries, strawberries, goji berries, camu camu, and blackberries are all readily available. They may be used in various dishes, which is great news since they are high in vitamin C, vitamin A, and gallic acid. This potent antifungal/antiviral agent boosts immunity.

Berries are particularly high in proanthocyanidin antioxidants, which have been shown in animal tests to have anti-aging characteristics and may reduce free radical damage. In addition, berry advantages include high levels of phenols, zeaxanthin, lycopene, cryptoxanthin, lutein, and polysaccharides. Mulberry, camu camu, and goji berries are less well-known “superfoods” that have been used in traditional Chinese medicine to boost immunity and vitality since approximately 200 B.C. Look for them in powder or dried form in health food shops and online.

4. Fruits and vegetables with a bright orange color

Plant foods with brightly colored pigments are likely to be high in phytochemicals, particularly carotenoid antioxidants. This is precisely why you should “eat the rainbow” by mixing up the colors on your plate.

Many citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, berries, pumpkin, squashes, and other plant foods include carotenoids (alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, and cryptoxanthin), which are vitamin A derivatives. Beta-carotene, a critical ingredient for immune function, detoxification, liver health, and combating malignancies of the skin, eyes, and organs, is one of the most investigated. In addition, lutein and zeaxanthin, two nutrients that give these meals their distinctive dark colors, have been found to help prevent eye and skin illnesses by acting as antioxidants that filter dangerous high-energy blue wavelengths, protecting healthy cells in the process.

According to research, complex carbohydrates, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, other tubers, and whole-grain meals are linked to a lower risk of numerous forms of cancer, notably cancer of the upper digestive system. This is most likely owing to fiber’s beneficial effect, although the topic is still up for debate. Refined grains and meals with a high glycemic index, on the other hand, are not part of an anti-cancer diet. On the contrary, these have been linked to an increased risk of many cancers, including breast and colorectal cancers.

5. Herbs and spices, both fresh and dried

Turmeric, which includes the active component curcumin, is one of the most potent anti-cancer foods available since it has been proved to shrink tumors and fight colon and breast cancer. In addition, turmeric absorption is improved and better able to treat inflammation when combined with easy-to-use black pepper. Aim for one teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper each day, which may be easily included in a tonic drink, eggs, or a vegetable stir fry. Curcumin supplements may also be used; aim for 1,000 mg per day.

Other immune-boosting herbs include ginger, raw garlic, thyme, cayenne pepper, oregano, basil, and parsley, which may be found in various dishes, juices, sauces, and smoothies.

6. Organic Meats

Many cancer-fighting diets include organic meats, such as beef or chicken liver, since they’re regarded as some of the most nutrient-dense foods globally and highly rich in vitamin B12. In addition, when consumed as part of a “nose to tail” approach to consuming animal proteins, organic meats include minerals that assist in cleaning the liver and improve the removal of toxins from the blood and digestive system.

Detoxing with high-selenium, zinc, and B-vitamin foods helps to filter blood, generate bile for fat digestion, naturally regulate hormones, and store important vitamins, minerals, and iron. Alcohol, prescription medicines, hormone changes, excessive triglyceride levels, low potassium, obesity, and viral infections may all be mitigated by these mineral-rich diets.

7. Dairy Products with a Culture

Probiotics, which are microorganisms that create a natural bacterial balance in your gut microbiota and help enhance immunity, are abundant in cultured dairy products. Because your gut houses over 80% of your immune system, it’s no surprise that probiotic meals and supplements may help cells rejuvenate and inhibit tumor development.

One of the simplest methods to get more probiotics is to eat them in their purest form, which includes raw milk products like cheese, kefir, and yogurt. Because fermentation generates probiotics, yet high heat processing used to pasteurize dairy may harm many of the critical components, including enzymes, proteins, and probiotics, raw and cultured dairy is essential. Buying organic dairy is especially crucial since most dairy nowadays is filled with hormones, antibiotics, pain relievers, and pesticide residue.

Six ounces of cultured dairy every day is a good goal (probiotic yogurt, cottage cheese, goat milk kefir, or amasai). Cottage cheese, which is high in sulfur protein and saturated fats, has been proven to be particularly helpful in the Budwig cancer diet. In addition, consume cultured veggies such as kimchi, sauerkraut, coconut kefir, kombucha, or natto to enhance your probiotic food consumption without dairy.

Calcium is also abundant in cultured dairy. Calcium, especially when paired with Vitamin D3 form, has been shown to lower cancer risk by 35 to 60%. Calcium seems to be very effective in preventing cancer, particularly rectal cancer. It has also been shown in several studies to help lessen the incidence of breast and ovarian cancer. Vitamin D is found in sunlight and marine oils such as cod liver oil or krill oil, which aids calcium absorption. Calcium should preferably come from organic dairy products (which I advocate).

8. Nuts and seeds

Chia and flaxseeds are two of the world’s most nutrient-dense seeds. Fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and various vital minerals are all found in them. Hemp seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, and almonds are all high in healthful fatty acids. Their nutritional advantages are best enjoyed when sprouted, and they may be utilized in smoothies, baked products, and yogurt. Two tablespoons each day is a good goal.

9. Unrefined Oils Are Good For You 

Did you know that your brain and nervous system govern the operation of your whole body and that fatty acids make up around 60% of your nervous system? The issue is that many of today’s commonly ingested processed fats and oils are hydrogenated oils capable of damaging cell membranes, resulting in damaged cells and toxicity.

Refined and rancid fats cause issues throughout the body, including lowered immunological function, cell congestion, and inflammation, all of which contribute to illness. Quality oils such as flax oil, extra virgin olive oil, cod oil, and coconut oil may be used to replace processed vegetable oils, hydrogenated oils, and trans fats. Flaxseed and cod liver oil include vital omega-3 fatty acids that may help invigorate your cells, and they nourish your gut and support improved immunological function. They also help you attain and maintain a healthy weight. Olive oil includes phytonutrients that seem to help the body decrease inflammation. It has the potential to lower the risk of breast and colorectal cancers.

10. Mushrooms

Because there are hundreds of mushroom species, the advantages, taste, and look of nutritious mushrooms vary, but all are known to be immune-enhancers, and many have been used to combat cancer for generations. In particular, Reishi, cordyceps, and maitake mushrooms may aid with immunological function, tumor development, and cell regeneration. So look, find them in capsule or tincture form, and use them whole in cooking whenever feasible.

11. Teas from the past

Metastasis is the most lethal component of cancer. It is caused by several interconnected mechanisms such as cell proliferation, angiogenesis, cell adhesion, migration, and invasion into the surrounding tissue. Metastasis is one of the most critical concerns in cancer research today. It is the leading cause of mortality among cancer patients. Green tea drinking has been linked to lower cancer risk in many clinical and epidemiological studies. Green tea includes a variety of polyphenolic chemicals, including epigallocatechin-3-gallate, which has been proven to suppress tumor invasion and angiogenesis, both of which are required for tumor development and spread.

Green, black, and oolong teas, which are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, are widely consumed as drinks across the globe. While all traditional teas seem to be helpful, green tea, such as matcha green tea, has been linked to the greatest improvements in human health. This is because it has the most polyphenolic chemicals, including catechin, gallocatechin, and EGCG.

The antioxidant EGCG looks to be the most powerful of all the catechins, with anticancer effects that are 25–100 times stronger than vitamins C and E! EGCG has been associated with the modification of numerous signaling pathways, ultimately leading to the downregulation of expression of proteins implicated in cancer cell invasiveness.

12. Fish Caught in the Wild

According to a 2004 study undertaken by experts at the Richerche Institute of Pharmacology, higher fish intake is another positive diet indication of enhanced immune function. The research, which looked at the cancer-fighting properties of the Mediterranean diet, discovered that persons who ate less fish and more red meat had more common neoplasms in their blood, indicating a higher risk of cancer.

Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and other wild and tiny fish are anti-inflammatory omega-3 meals linked to improved brain, hormonal, and nervous system health. Because omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, they’ve been linked to cancer prevention and natural augmentation of antitumor medicines in recent research. There is evidence that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation may help prevent cancer and reduce the side effects of therapies like chemotherapy. For example, omega-3 fatty acids have been found to help chemotherapy cancer patients maintain muscle strength and function while also reducing the inflammatory response caused by the treatment’s toxicity.

Other Ways

1. Reduce the amount of toxins in your body

The following foods are included in an anti-cancer diet:

  • Taking steps to reduce your toxin consumption.
  • The body’s cleaning and detoxification functions are aided.
  • To support all of your body’s processes, eat healthful, nutrient-dense meals.

To begin, you may take the following actions to decrease or remove the following items and chemicals from your life to prevent toxin buildup and cellular damage caused by free radicals:

  • Electromagnetic Waves (EMFs): Cell phones, televisions, computer displays, microwaves, and even the wiring in our houses and basic appliances create continual electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) that disrupt our bodies’ bioelectrical functions. The usage of cell phones has been related to several cancer-causing activities. Limit your exposure by turning off your microwave, which is your main source of EMFs, and wearing headphones when talking on the phone.
  • Commercial health and beauty items: commercial shampoos, cosmetics, and washing products are frequently filled with possible carcinogens that we put in our mouths and use on our skin or hair.
  • Household Cleaners: Pollution is typically concentrated in indoor spaces. Switching to natural cleansers or producing your own instead of buying chemical-laden goods may help you reduce your toxic load.
  • Unnecessary Drugs: All medications run via the liver, putting a strain on it. Acetaminophen abuse is increasingly displacing alcohol as the leading cause of liver damage. Consult your doctor about reducing the number of drugs you’re taking.
  • Plastics: Chemicals in plastic containers, plastic wraps, metal can linings, and paperboard containers all have the potential to leak compounds that disturb the neuroendocrine system. This is particularly true when plastic is heated, which is why it’s best not to microwave plastic containers, keep extremely hot food in plastic, or leave plastic water bottles in hot places (such as in your car).

You may also want to try fasting regularly to aid with detoxifying. Environmental poisons attack you at every step, even if you consume nutritious meals daily. The epidermis, respiratory system, kidney, liver, and digestive tract–organs responsible for detoxification and elimination–are often overworked and re-circulate pollutants in the circulation. Every few months, doing a cleanse or detox might help these organs “catch up” and get rid of toxins trapped in cells and tissue. Colon and liver cleanses may be done using a variety of herbs, green drinks, and easily digested whole meals like juiced or gently cooked vegetables.

2. Consume Pure Water

Hundreds of uncontrolled compounds, ranging from pesticides and heavy metals to hormones and other contaminants, may be found in our drinking (tap) water. Bottled water is even less regulated, so it’s not always a smart idea to drink it. The best option is to purchase a home filter that will eliminate chlorine, fluoride, and other toxins from the water you drink and cook with.

3. Use Low-Temperature Cooking to Avoid Burnt Food

  • Don’t fry anything! Reduce your fast food intake, french fries, chips, cakes, cereals, and crackers significantly.
  • Acrylamide, which may be collected on fried meals, is almost tough to eradicate completely. However, eating a well-balanced, primarily processed-food-free diet and avoiding a high-starch diet may significantly lower acrylamide levels.
  • Acrylamide is more likely to form while frying, baking, broiling, or roasting. On the other hand, boiling and steaming seem to be less prone to do so. Therefore, cooking at greater temperatures and for longer periods may increase the quantity of acrylamide in meals.
  • Potatoes should not be kept in the refrigerator. Acrylamide levels may rise as a result of this. Instead, soak the cut-up potatoes beforehand if you’re going to cook them at a higher temperature. Acrylamide levels may be reduced by almost half by soaking in water for two hours before high-temperature cooking. A simple 30-second washing may reduce acrylamide levels by up to 20%.

I don’t consume a lot of bread, but when I do, I make sure it’s sprouted bread, such as Ezekiel bread. In addition, I make a point of neither over-toasting nor scorching the bread! When toasting, roasting, frying, or baking, the Food Standards Agency recommends aiming for a golden yellow hue or lighter.

4. Limit your intake of processed grains and sugar

Our systems make the greatest use of food in its natural condition, which is why added sugar and processed/refined grains are difficult to digest and may create digestive issues. In addition, a meal gets more unnatural and hazardous the more it is processed and changed. Processed foods such as refined sugar, wheat flour, boxed pasta, frozen meals, powdered cheese, and heat-treated vegetable oils are at the root of a slew of illnesses and problems.

The US government heavily subsidizes wheat, soy, and maize crops, making them relatively inexpensive and readily accessible to manufacture highly processed and refined goods. As a result, food allergies linked to certain foods are increasing, which may lead to leaky gut syndrome and poor nutritional absorption. Pesticides, herbicides, GMOs, and heavy metals are often found in these foods. In addition, the seeds from which they are developed are increasingly genetically modified. What is the solution? Avoid processed soy products and go for organic, sprouted whole grains.

  • Make sure you’re not ingesting a lot of added sugar or sweeteners by reading the ingredient labels. For example, Brown rice syrup, which may be found in several snack bars and non-dairy drinks, may be high in arsenic.
  • Foods that seem healthy but aren’t, such as low-fat or fat-free meals, dairy-free, gluten-free foods, rice milk, and foods with artificial sweeteners, should be avoided. This is because chemical additions are often used to substitute fat, wheat, or dairy constituents in these meals.
  • Instead of eating a lot of bread, quick rice, pasta, cereal, and so on, try including alternative grains like quinoa or buckwheat into certain meals.
  • Your grains should be rinsed, soaked, and sprouted. Rinse it and cook it like pasta to lower the number of antinutrients in your rice. According to a Cornell University study, rinsing brown rice until the water is clear (typically 5 to 6 washings) and then heating in a 1 cup rice to 6 cup water ratio will eliminate 40 to 55 percent of inorganic arsenic from rice. In addition, researchers in the United Kingdom discovered that boiling rice in a coffee pot decreased arsenic by up to 85%.

In Consumer Reports testing, basmati rice farmed in California had the lowest amounts of arsenic, whereas rice from Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas had the highest levels of inorganic arsenic, except for sushi and quick-cooking rice.

5. Employ the use of essential oils

Clinical trials have indicated that Frankincense essential oil (Boswellia serrata) is an effective therapy for various malignancies, including breast, brain, colon, and prostate cancers. In addition, frankincense can aid in regulating cellular epigenetic function, which modifies genes in a good way to promote healing. As part of a natural preventative approach, rub frankincense essential oil on your body (neck region) three times daily and take three drops internally in eight ounces of water three times daily. Clove, rose, tea tree, and oregano oils are also essential anti-inflammatory oils.

6. Get Enough Vitamin D and Sunshine

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that functions similarly to a hormone in our bodies. Direct sun exposure is the best method to get enough vitamin D, but eating vitamin D-rich foods like salmon and eggs and taking a high-quality supplement may also help.

Clinical studies demonstrate that getting 50–70 nanograms per milliliter of vitamin D daily may help prevent cancer. Cover your vitamin D3 bases by receiving 20 minutes of sun exposure every day, preferably between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., with 40 percent of your body exposed to the sun. You may also take an oral supplement with 5,000 to 10,000 IUs of D3 daily; I suggest a combination formula comprising astaxanthin and omega-3 fish oils, as well as vitamin D3.

7. Supplements and herbs may help with detoxification

Alkaline water, which you may make by adding lemon or lime juice and/or a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, is recommended by certain experts. You may also want to boost your diet of raw foods and green juices to aid with cleansing. Although fiber is necessary for digestion, excretion, detoxification, and probiotic support, too much fiber might stress an immune system that is already compromised or hyper-reactive. Juicing, steaming, and gently heating raw foods, utilizing green powders, and limiting or eliminating whole grains may help digestion and increase the availability of numerous nutrients.

When it comes to cancer prevention, eating a healthy diet comes first. On the other hand, certain herbs and supplements have been demonstrated to reduce inflammation, enhance the immune system, and hence reduce cancer risk. These are some of them:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids (Alpha-linolenic acid): Omega-3 fatty acids are receiving a lot of attention since the Western diet is so imbalanced, with an excess of omega-6’s. Omega-3 fatty acids provide a slew of health advantages, and research into their role in cancer prevention is currently ongoing.
  • Spirulina, Chorella, and Blue-green Algae: These single-celled creatures are high in Vitamin B12 and bind to heavy metals, assisting in their removal from the body.
  • Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) strengthens the immune system and may lower the incidence of colon, rectal, and breast cancer.
  • Coriolus Mushrooms: These disease-fighting mushrooms contain polysaccharides that help to stimulate the immune system, slow tumor development, and fight cancer.
  • Folate (vitamin B9) is essential for DNA creation and is useful in treating breast, colorectal, and pancreatic malignancies.
  • Melatonin is a hormone that aids in the regulation of our sleep and waking cycles. The immune system’s function is tightly tied to the amounts of this hormone. Melatonin levels may be increased by getting at least 8 hours of sleep and lowering stress.


Improving your diet is the most important thing you can do right now to protect yourself against cancer. Fill your plate with nutrient-dense veggies first, then add in the rest of the ingredients that make up a nutritious diet.

Side Effects and Risks

Your overall health and capacity to avoid cancer are inextricably tied to the quality of your food. Other variables, such as exercise, avoiding medicine and toxin exposure, not smoking or ingesting too much alcohol, sleeping properly, and managing stress, are also helpful for cancer prevention. An anti-cancer diet may contain a wide range of foods, and it doesn’t have to be “perfect” to be beneficial. Begin by making one or two modifications to your diet at a time, omitting items that you eat often but have been linked to an increased risk of cancer.

Final Thoughts

  • Pesticides, additives, added sugar or artificial sweeteners, processed meats, burned meals, fried foods, and other substances are examples of cancer-causing foods instead of cancer-fighting foods. French fries, hot dogs, deli meats, sausage, ice cream, refined rice and other grains, high fructose corn syrup, processed vegetable oils, and trans-fats are all cancer-causing foods and substances.
  • Reduce your toxin consumption, assist the body’s cleansing and detoxification processes, obtain adequate vitamin D, update your water, and consume unprocessed nutrient-rich foods — in addition to cancer-fighting foods — to adopt an anti-cancer diet.
  • Cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, berries, orange and yellow vegetables, herbs and spices, cultured dairy products, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats like coconut or olive oil are some of the best cancer-fighting foods.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 7 most common cancers?

A: 7 most common cancers are the cancer of the cervix, lung, larynx, colon, uterus/endometrium (womb), breast, and ovary.

What are the top 5 cancers in the US?

A: The top 5 cancers in the United States are lung cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, brain tumor, and melanoma.

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