Ascites Causes

Ascites is the accumulation of liquid in an organ. It can occur from different causes, such as heart failure and cirrhosis. This article explores six natural ways to manage it without resorting to surgery or medications.


The collection of fluid in the abdomen is known as ascites. While various illnesses may cause it, roughly 75% of people with ascites also have liver cirrhosis. Furthermore, about half of cirrhotic individuals will develop ascites within ten years.

End-stage liver disease and other fluid retention diseases such as pleural effusions and peripheral edema are known to cause it. Ascites has a substantial negative influence on one’s quality of life. Although there is no cure for ascites, conventional and natural therapies may help to alleviate symptoms such as pain and discomfort.

What Is Ascites?

Cirrhosis may cause ascites, which is characterized by an excessive buildup of fluid in the abdominal cavity. The most common consequence of end-stage liver disease is fluid retention, including ascites, peripheral edema, and pleural effusion.

Ascites is induced in around 15% of instances by cancers of the gastrointestinal tract or ovaries, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, non-lymphoma, Hodgkin’s, and metastatic carcinoma in the abdominal cavity. It’s also connected to heart failure, TB, pancreatitis, and even hypothyroidism less frequently.

Protein seeps from the liver and intestines, causing fluid to accumulate in the abdominal cavity. It may not be easy to notice if it is merely a tiny collection of protein-rich fluids. However, as additional fluid escapes into the belly, severe swelling, pain, shortness of breath, lack of appetite, and pulmonary hypertension may ensue. Uncomplicated and refractory ascites are the two basic kinds of ascites.

Ascites that isn’t too complicated:

The fluids of this kind are not contaminated. There are three tiers to this type:

Grade 1: Mild; fluids must be detected with an ultrasound.

Grade 2: Moderate; symmetrical abdominal distention and edema are seen.

Grade 3: Severe; substantial abdominal distention ensues.

Ascites Refractory:

When fluid retention remains unaffected by a low-sodium diet or diuretics, it is referred to be resistant, implying that more vigorous therapy is needed.

Ascites is a condition that may affect children and is most usually linked to liver, kidney, and cardiac problems. The symptoms are the same as in adults, and the therapy is the same.

Symptoms and Signs

The following symptoms characterize ascites:

  • Breathing problems
  • Gaining weight quickly
  • The development of a large stomach happens swiftly
  • Inflammation of the ankles and legs
  • Indigestion
  • Vomiting
  • Heartburn
  • Appetite loss
  • Nausea
  • Hernia
  • Distention of the abdomen with mild to severe pain
  • Abdominal distention that hurts
  • Jaundice
  • Muscle atrophy
  • Fever

Risk Factors and Causes

75 percent of individuals diagnosed with ascites also have cirrhosis.

Carcinoma of the stomach, colon, pancreas, metastatic liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma; Meigs’ syndrome (carcinoma of the ovary); and Hodgkin’s lymphoma and non-lymphoma Hodgkin’s and metastatic carcinoma inside the abdominal cavity are all examples of gastrointestinal cancers.

Ovarian cancer is particularly noteworthy in terms of malignancies. Ascites may be the first symptom experienced when the malignancy advances to the peritoneum.

Other uncommon reasons include:

  • 3 percent of people have congestive heart failure.
  • Tuberculosis affects 2% of the population.
  • 1% of people have pancreatitis.
  • 4% of the time, there are still unusual reasons.

Nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroidism, protein-losing enteropathy, ovarian hyperstimulation following IVF operations, autoimmune inflammation of the liver, and inflammation of the pancreas or gallbladder are among the remaining 4% of unusual causes.

The most prevalent cause is cirrhosis. Blood flow through the liver is impeded when it is injured. The primary vein that transports blood from the digestive organs to the liver is put under more strain due to this. Portal hypertension is the medical term for this condition.

Ascites develops due to the kidneys’ inability to excrete enough salt via urine, resulting in portal hypertension. In addition, fluid builds up in the abdomen due to this.

Cirrhosis patients with ascites have a worse chance of survival.

Risk Factors for Ascites:

  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Dietary restriction of protein
  • Jaundice’s history
  • Hepatitis B or C infection (chronic hepatitis B or C)
  • Obesity
  • Hypercholesterolaemia
  • Diabetes type 2
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a kind of liver disease that
  • Cardiomyopathy is a condition that affects the heart.
  • Cancers of many sorts
  • Kidney disease is a condition that affects the kidneys


A correct diagnosis is essential before therapy can begin. An ultrasound may be done if just tiny quantities of fluids are detected. Other procedures may be necessary, such as diagnostic testing for paracentesis and further ultrasounds to assess the liver, pancreas, and lymph nodes. Further testing, including more precise imaging to check for evidence of portal hypertension, may be necessary as a consequence of these findings.

Blood tests for liver function, electrolytes, and a complete blood count may also be ordered. In addition, patients with both ascites and cirrhosis of the liver should be examined for the development of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, which occurs in around 15% of patients with both conditions.

Tests will investigate the underlying cause of ascites. A salt-restricted diet, as well as diuretics, are often used in addition to addressing the cause. Therapeutic paracentesis, a therapeutic technique that involves inserting a needle into the peritoneal cavity and removing fluid, may give temporary relief. A liver transplant is the last therapy option for the most severe patients.

When a kid is diagnosed with ascites, the problem is treated similarly:

  • Sodium and drink intake should be kept to a minimum.
  • Diuretics are drugs that are prescribed to help people lose weight.
  • Intravenous albumin administration
  • Shunts are inserted.
  • Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent infection.
  • Transplantation of the liver

Ascites may cause various issues in children, including developmental delays, respiratory problems, fluid development, and poor feeding habits.

Natural Treatments

1. Limit your salt intake

According to randomized research published in Gut in 1986, salt restriction is related to a decreased diuretic demand, quicker clearance of ascites, and shorter hospitalization for people with cirrhotic ascites. The sodium intake of half of the individuals was limited to 21 mmol per day, whereas the other half was not. Diuretics were given to both groups. While this is old research, the American College of Gastroenterology recommends that “the most critical step in treating ascites is to severely minimize salt consumption,” putting salt restriction first.

Fluid retention may be relieved by following a high blood pressure diet that emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and legumes, healthy fats, sprouted whole grains, and organic dairy products and reducing excess salt in the diet.

2. Consume a greater number of smaller meals

If your appetite is poor, which is typical in people with ascites, the US Department of Veterans Affairs recommends eating small meals four to seven times a day. Try a high-protein smoothie dish and a nutrient-dense high-protein Buddha bowl for supper. Some people may benefit from getting protein from plant sources rather than meat, such as nutritional yeast, ancient grains, vegetables, legumes, and dairy products.

3. Stay away from toxins and chemicals

When the liver is damaged and not working adequately, it cannot cleanse and eliminate poisons from the bloodstream properly. As a result, toxins may build up in the liver and go to the brain, resulting in a condition known as hepatic encephalopathy.

4. Consume Coconut Water

Coconut water, which is high in potassium and other electrolytes, may help you keep hydrated even if you’re on a liquid-restricted diet.

5. Indulge in a cup of Dandelion Root Tea

Ingesting dandelion considerably increases urine frequency and volume within five hours after the first dosage, according to the findings of a short pilot research done by the Tai Sophia Institute’s Department of Herbal Medicine. According to the experts, more study is needed to determine the effectiveness and dose of dandelion as a diuretic.

Dandelion tea is high in potassium and vitamins A, C, and K and a variety of minerals, including calcium, iron, and magnesium. You may use fresh dandelion stems in salads or even a pesto sauce if you have dandelions growing in your yard and you and your neighbors don’t use weed killers or pesticides.

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

BCAA supplementation improves muscle protein synthesis and enhances muscular development for some people. Meat, dairy, and legumes are the most common sources of these critical elements in the diet. In addition, BCAA supplementation has been shown to help improve brain function in people with liver illness, muscle wasting, and other ascites-related diseases.

You may increase your BCAA intake via food if you desire. For example, increase your intake of grass-fed beef, wild-caught Alaskan salmon, raw grass-fed cheese, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, and high-quality whey protein, which contains the most leucine one of the most important BCAAs for muscle health.


In cirrhotic individuals, ascites is the most prevalent symptom, linked to a worse survival rate.

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is a dangerous cirrhosis complication caused by an abrupt bacterial infection of the fluids in the abdominal cavity. It’s linked to a bad long-term prognosis and a high death rate. Septic shock is a dangerous consequence of alcoholic cirrhosis, heart failure, Budd-Chiari syndrome, or any condition that produces ascites.

Those with a stable cirrhosis diagnosis who develop ascites symptoms should be checked for hepatocellular cancer as soon as feasible.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and others, should be avoided by people with cirrhosis because they may reduce blood flow and salt and water excretion.

Last Thoughts

  • Cirrhosis of the liver is associated with ascites, affecting roughly half of all cirrhosis patients during the first ten years after diagnosis. In addition, end-stage liver disease is associated with this consequence.
  • Cirrhosis, malignancies, heart failure, or other underlying health issues may cause fluid to accumulate in the abdominal cavity due to a malfunctioning liver.
  • Ascites is a condition that may affect children and is most usually linked to liver, kidney, and cardiac problems.
  • Traditional therapy focuses on diuretics and liquid-restricted diets to relieve excessive fluid accumulation. More invasive operations, such as a liver transplant may be necessary as the disease develops.
  • SBP (spontaneous bacterial peritonitis) is a dangerous condition caused by an abrupt bacterial infection of the fluids in the abdominal cavity. It’s linked to an increased chance of death.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I reduce ascites naturally?

A: You can reduce ascites by reducing the amount of fluid in your abdominal cavity. This is done through diuresis, which involves drinking a lot and often urinating to get rid of excess fluid from the body.

What foods help get rid of ascites?

A: All of the foods that are listed in this article.

What makes ascites go away?

A: An ascites is a type of fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity. The condition can be caused by infection, trauma, or cancer. It often increases abdominal pressure and pain related to breathing issues and swelling. Treatment options for ascites typically include supportive care such as fluids with diuretics that help remove excess water from the system while also treating other underlying causes of your symptoms like infections or tumors.

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