Calcium Deficiency- Symptoms, Causes, Risks

The consumption of dairy-based foods is a critical component of bone health. Therefore, low calcium levels in the blood indicate that multiple vitamin or mineral deficiencies may be present within the body.

The easiest approach to organically add this mineral to your diet is to eat the items mentioned below. (The percentages below are based on a daily allowance of 1,000 mg for adult men and women under 51 years old.)

  1. Sardines are a kind of sardine (canned with bones included) — 569 milligrams per cup (57 percent DV)
  2. 488 milligrams in 1 cup of yogurt or kefir (49 percent DV)
  3. combining raw milk with (whey protein, made from milk) — 300 milligrams per cup (30 percent DV)
  4. 202 milligrams per ounce of cheese (20 percent DV)
  5. 90.5 milligrams per cup of raw kale (9 percent DV)
  6. 1 cup of raw okra has 81 milligrams (8 percent DV)
  7. 74 milligrams per cup of bok choy (7 percent DV)
  8. 73.9 milligrams per ounce of almonds (7 percent DV)
  9. Broccoli (raw) — 42.8 milligrams per cup (4 percent DV)
  10. 1 cup of watercress has 41 milligrams (4 percent DV)

What meals aid in the absorption of this mineral? It’s critical to remember that magnesium is necessary for calcium absorption.

Why is magnesium required for calcium absorption? These two have a particularly unique interaction with one another in the body.

You may have a magnesium shortage if you have a calcium deficiency or imbalance. Magnesium inadequacy is often mistaken for calcium shortage.

Calcium dietary sources are more effective when taken alongside magnesium-rich meals because of the link between calcium and magnesium.

What calcium and magnesium-rich fruits and vegetables are there? The following are a few of the best:

  • Spinach or Swiss chard are examples of leafy greens.
  • Almonds
  • Seeds of sesame
  • Raw milk and yogurt are examples of dairy products.
  • Salmon, sardines, and tuna are examples of fish.

Lightly boil leafy green vegetables and soak nuts and seeds before eating to increase absorption and reduce antinutrient content.

Is Dairy the Best Source of Protein?

Many researchers have looked at whether dairy, namely cow’s milk, is the best source of calcium. Rare observational studies have shown that dairy has a beneficial impact on bone health. In contrast, others have found that it has no effect or even possibly negative consequences in some situations.

One of the reasons that dairy products are frequently promoted as the best source of this mineral is that they contain calcium and vitamin K, phosphorus, and to a lesser extent, vitamin D. Full-fat, grass-fed dairy foods are also a good source of vitamin K, phosphorus. For a more short time, vitamin D. Because they work together to maintain bone mineral density, these nutrients are just as vital as calcium in maintaining bone health.

The fact that high-quality dairy products include protein is another advantage of acquiring this mineral from them. Although it was formerly considered that the reverse was true, numerous recent studies have shown a strong positive association between increasing protein consumption and increased bone mass or density.

However, calcium may be obtained without the consumption of dairy products. Instead, plant sources, such as sea vegetables, beans, and leafy greens, may provide it to vegetarians and vegans who consume a well-rounded whole foods diet.

Think about calcium supplements.

You won’t need to take a supplement if you obtain enough from the good foods you consume, including lots of other nutrients. Always strive to receive the appropriate daily amount of calcium through diet first, and then supplement only if necessary to make up for any significant calcium deficiency.

If you’ve been diagnosed with a deficit, talk to your doctor about the best dosage for you.

Natural food sources provide all of the enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and other elements that the body needs to digest and absorb these essential nutrients.

Which calcium supplement should you take if you’re going to take supplements? Finding a high-quality, food-based supplement that contains calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium (essential minerals for calcium absorption) is the best option.

Is it possible to consume magnesium and calcium at the same time? Absolutely. Many high-quality supplements include both to aid in balance.

As previously stated, the recommended calcium consumption is as follows:

  • Adult men and women under the age of 50 should take 1,000 mg each day.
  • Adults over the age of 50 need 1,200 milligrams every day.
  • Depending on their age, children need 200–700 milligrams per day, while teenagers require about 1,300 milligrams per day to maintain their developing bones.
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers need around 1,200 to 1,400 mg per day.


  • Calcium deficiency, commonly known as hypocalcemia, occurs when a person does not consume enough calcium or absorb calcium effectively.
  • Older age, being vegetarian/vegan, lactose intolerance, long-term use of corticosteroids, vitamin D insufficiency, and having an inflammatory bowel condition that inhibits absorption are all risk factors.
  • What happens if the body doesn’t have enough calcium? Hypocalcemia may cause brittle, weak bones and an increased risk of bone fractures or osteoporosis, as well as issues with appropriate blood clotting, weakness and weariness, muscular spasms, “pins and needles” sensations, and irritability.
  • What is the best way to treat hypocalcemia? Raw milk, dairy products like kefir or yogurt, whey protein, almonds, leafy greens, beans, sesame seeds, sardines, and salmon are the most acceptable sources for boosting levels.
  • Adults need at least 1,000 milligrams per day until they reach the age of 50, after which they require about 1,200 milligrams.
  • Which calcium supplement brand is the best? Calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are the two most common forms. Citrate is a simple to absorb nutrient that is also affordable. However, finding a high-quality supplement that contains calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium is ideal (essential nutrients for calcium absorption).

Frequently Asked Questions

Can calcium supplements cause problems?

A: In some cases, calcium supplements can cause nausea and vomiting. A bleeding disorder may also be caused by a high intake of calcium from dietary sources.

What are the harmful effects of a deficiency of calcium?

A: Calcium is a mineral that your body needs to function correctly. It provides you with crucial structural support and is essential for bone formation. If your diet doesn’t include enough calcium, then the result can be weak bones or even osteoporosis – one of the most common causes of broken hips in old age.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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