Cherry Angioma Symptoms

Cherry angioma is a benign tumor that affects the lower eyelid. It does not require treatment, but what causes it and how to treat the swelling can be challenging for doctors. Here are some risk factors, symptoms, and natural remedies you should know about this rare condition.

Cherry Angioma is a type of vascular malformation that appears suddenly and can be red or blue. It can occur anywhere on the body but is most common on the face, neck, arms, and legs. The “sudden appearance of many cherry angiomas” is a symptom of this condition.

Even if you’ve never heard of a cherry angioma, you’ve almost certainly seen one – whether you realize it or not. So what evidence do I have? Cherry angiomas, or benign tumors, are the most frequent angioma that people acquire on their skin.

How prevalent is it? According to some data, by the time a person reaches the age of 70, there’s a 70 percent to 75 percent chance they’ll have several cherry angiomas. Cherry angiomas are far more uncommon in children, with research showing that just 5% of teenagers develop them.

What Is a Cherry Angioma?

Cherry angiomas are tiny, round (circular or oval) skin growths that seem brilliant red (thus the name cherry). They most typically arise on the torso/trunk and are generally non-cancerous. They’rnoncancerous microscopic bulging blood vessels and aberrant growth of skin cells, according to a paper published in Case Reports in Dermatology. However, they normally don’t cause any discomfort or long-term health concerns.

Cherry angiomas are also called senile angiomas, capillary angiomas, cherry hemangiomas, Campbell de Morgan patches, or simply cherry red skin papules/moles by specific individuals. Because most cherry angiomas are benign (non-cancerous), choose to ignore them until there is a reason to be concerned.

Cherry angiomas are most common in adults over 30 years old, particularly if family relatives have comparable skin papules. Cherry angiomas affect individuals differently, differing in color and size, sometimes darkening with age or lightning depending on someone’s sun exposure, and in some cases appearing in many locations as they become older.


Your doctor or dermatologist should be able to detect whether you have a cherry angioma based on their brilliant look. No significant testing is required. Cherry angiomas are most often seen on the belly and trunk, but they may also appear on the shoulders, upper chest, scalp, face, neck, and arms, particularly as individuals become older.

How do cherry angiomas appear? The following are common indications and symptoms of a cherry angioma:

  • On your skin, you have a brilliant “cherry red” growth, mole, or papule. Cherry angiomas may be any hue other than bright red, such as crimson, blue, purple, or black.
  • Some cherry angiomas are elevated, while others are flat and blend in more evenly with the skin. Angiomas tend to rise in height as people become older.
  • Cherry angiomas are typically small and maybe as little as a pinhead. Cherry angiomas may become bigger in rare instances, although most are less than a quarter-inch in diameter.
  • In certain situations, bleeding, edema, and other indicators of irritation may be seen. Scratching, picking, or rubbing the angioma, or shaving over it and breaking up the top layer, are the most common causes.
  • The angioma is usually stiff to the touch, particularly in the middle.
  • Although the brilliance of a cherry angioma may fade and darken with time, angiomas should have a consistent look. Tell your doctor if you observe changes in the size, texture, or surrounding region (this includes additional skin growths, beauty marks, or skin lesions) since this might be an indication of another disease.
  • If your angioma is rounder and darker in the center yet shows evidence of redness extending from the center, you may have a spider angioma (more on this below).

What Causes Them?

Proliferating endothelial cells, which line the blood arteries, are the primary cause of cherry angiomas and several other related angiomas. Venules are tiny blood vessels that inflate and develop angiomas. They may grow red and swollen to the point that they are pretty evident on the skin. Cherry angiomas get their brilliant red hue when the blood vessels burst free. In addition, the weakening of dermal capillary walls contributes to the worsening of skin blemishes as people become older.

The actual reason why this occurs in specific individuals is unknown. According to some research, genetics have a role in the formation of angiomas, which means that if someone has a family history of associated skin disorders, they are more likely to develop cherry angiomas.

Other variables that might lead to cherry angiomas include:

  • Liver failure, liver transplants, or chemical processing issues
  • Changes in hormones or pregnancy
  • According to case reports, patients have developed several angiomas after coming into touch with metals or goods containing the element bromide. Bromide is present in various insecticides, food additives, and industrial items and has been related to hormonal imbalances and endocrine dysfunctions.
  • Perhaps as a result of exposure to the sun or particular meteorological conditions.

Adults over the age of 30 are the most likely to acquire angiomas, and many people find that the number of angiomas they develop rises as they approach 40. It’s normal to see cherry angiomas on the trunk initially, then develop identical ones further upon the body, such as the chest and even the face, years later.


You may be asking whether cherry angiomas are harmful or if they’re an indication of anything more serious, such as skin cancer, and how they’re usually treated.

While most cherry angiomas are benign and unlikely to cause problems, in rare circumstances, it may be essential to remove the growth and do a biopsy to be sure. An ultrasound scan, different ways of eliminating the angioma, and the use of MRI or angiography are all possible options for biopsy.

The majority of people with angiomas choose to leave the tumors alone and avoid surgery. Patients can opt to have an angioma removed because they don’t like how it affects their look or because it causes them discomfort when it bleeds, although this is typically a cosmetic rather than a health-related decision.

Most insurance companies will not pay the expense if a patient chooses to have one removed for aesthetic reasons. The good news is that cherry angioma excision is typically quick and painless, with little chance of leaving a scar. The following are some of the procedures that may be used to remove a cherry angioma:

  • Shave excisions are used to remove the angioma from the skin’s surface. Other alternatives may be more successful since they eliminate a more significant percentage of angioma cells from under the skin’s surface. In most situations, however, shave excisions offer the advantage of requiring less stitching and healing.
  • Electrosurgery is used to burn off the growth.
  • Cryotherapy, which includes rapidly freezing the angioma. According to some studies, this approach is less likely to cause infection during the healing process and is also relatively quick.
  • Laser treatments operate by directly putting a high amount of heat into the growth. Angiomas may need numerous sessions to be lasered, although each treatment is quick and typically painless.

Natural Treatments

1. Use Aromatherapy Oils 

Tea tree oil has been used safely for generations to treat a variety of skin irritations, rashes, discolorations, and inflammatory indications. Tea tree oil is also safe to use on angiomas around the neck and face, is well tolerated by sensitive skin, and is a frequent component in many cosmetic and skincare products. In addition, it has been discovered to have natural antimicrobial characteristics, killing fungi and bacteria that may reside on the skin and cause irritation, reducing the risk of infection when an angioma is removed, and helping to prevent bruises from bleeding.

Chamomile essential oil, lavender oil, orange oil, and pelargonium leaf oil are other essential oils included in commercial angioma treatments (often marketed online and rubbed to the skin with a rollerball).

Mix one teaspoon of coconut oil (which acts as a carrier oil to help avoid irritation) with five to ten drops of blended oils to apply to your skin (especially tea tree oil and lavender essential oil). Keep the mixture at room temperature and use it on your skin many times each day. In most people, this may be used on the scalp and face without causing any adverse effects and for a variety of other skin disorders.

2. Minimize Chemical Contact 

Because high levels of pesticides sprayed on non-organic crops or synthetic food products containing things like brominated floBromideor texture enhancers have been linked to the development of cherry angiomas, you may have a higher risk of developing this skin condition if you frequently come into contact with high amounts of pesticides sprayed on non-organic crops or synthetic food products containing things like brominated flour and texture enhancers.

Bromide has also been linked to hormonal changes and thyroid dysfunction, as evidenced by studies that show bromide can reduce the amount of iodide accumulated in the thyroid, change the proportion between the amount of iodine retained in the bromide and the total amount of absorbed iodine, and shorten the half-life of iodine in the thyroid, all of which are necessary for proper hormone production. Some people feel that increasing iodine consumption may help prevent angiomas from forming, although this hasn’t been established. Consuming more natural iodine-rich foods such as sea vegetables, spirulina, cranberries, salmon, eggs, yogurt, prunes, and strawberries is a healthy method to boost thyroid function without overdoing it on iodine.

Bromide may be present in processed vegetable oils like BVO, soft drinks with fatty ingredients or syrups, and processed meals like bread and commercial bakery items. In addition, brominated flour is a popular component in enhanced flour products, and it’s used to give full grains more stretch and “mouth-feel” after hanging on shelves for a long time. Because of its chemical nature, bromide is also utilized in certain pool/hot tub cleaning treatments, fire retardants, and pharmaceutical coatings.

You may help reduce your exposure to chemicals like bromide by taking the following steps:

  • Buying organic products wherever feasible.
  • Avoiding enhanced flour-based processed grain productsBromidedrinks in aluminum cans or plastic bottles are not to be consumed.
  • Avoid using non-organic, non-natural, and chemical-free home and personal care goods.
  • Industrial cleaners and chlorine products should not include harsh chemicals.
  • If you routinely use any of the following drugs: inhalers or nasal sprays, ulcer treatments, topical numbing agents, or anesthesias, talk to your doctor about it.

3. Experiment with Apple Cider Vinegar

Applying apple cider vinegar to cherry angiomas (the pure variety that’s fermented and not distilled) has been shown to lessen their appearance. In addition, acetic acid, the critical element in ACV, is linked to various skin benefits, including cleaning, toning, and reducing acne and rashes.

To use this approach, soak a clean cotton ball or piece of cloth in ACV, then press it on the angioma for 10–30 minutes. Most people have discovered that doing this twice a day for many weeks yields the greatest outcomes. If you experience swelling, bruising, or other indicators of irritation surrounding the angioma, ACV may be able to help you avoid surgical removal by making the angioma more visible.

4. Detoxification improves liver health and hormonal balance

Because hormonal shifts, thyroid hormone alterations, estrogen dominance, and poor liver function have all been linked to the development of cherry angiomas, boosting your body’s capacity to detoxify waste may help avoid future angiomas. Detoxification may be improved in the following ways:

  • Consuming various high-antioxidant meals, especially bitter foods like leafy greens (always buy organic).
  • Drinking green smoothies or homemade vegetable juices.
  • Using skincare products that are made from natural ingredients.
  • It is forbidden to smoke or use tobacco products.
  • Consider not using birth control pills, hormone replacement therapies, or other treatments that aren’t essential.

Hemangioma vs. Cherry Angioma

  • Hemangioma is another term for cherry angiomas. When individuals speak about hemangioma, they usually refer to the same thing as cherry angioma or another form of related angioma.
  • Adults and children may develop venous angiomas and spider angiomas, which are skin papules or moles similar to cherry angiomas.
  • Cherry angiomas are often confused with spider angiomas (spider naevi). One significant distinction between the two is that cherry angiomas are usually spherical and homogeneous in appearance. Still, spider angiomas have a darker core and surrounding capillary legs/branches that cause redness to extend outward. On the other hand, Venous angiomas appear as a dark red, purple, or blue lump on the lips.
  • Another distinction between cherry and spider angiomas is their effect and where they form on the body. Youngsters and adults may have spider angiomas, although cherry angiomas are uncommon in children. Cherry angiomas most often appear on the trunk, while spider angiomas appear on the face, neck, and around the collarbone on the chest.
  • Cherry angiomas are genetically driven and age-related. However, data suggests that spider angiomas are often caused by hormonal changes, such as increased estrogen levels during puberty or pregnancy. They’ve also been discovered in folks who have a liver injury or illness.

Cherry Angioma and Skin Cancer

  • The majority of angiomas, unlike skin cancer growths, are non-cancerous. In other words, cherry hemangioma has no link to cancer, but it doesn’t rule out the possibility of skin cancer elsewhere in the body if the angioma is present.
  • Anoncancerousometimes include malignant cells or a minor lesion discovered to be cancerous melanoma. A biopsy will be conducted if this is suspected, along with additional preventative steps.
  • The essential thing you can do to avoid skin cancer remaining unreported or untreated is to pay attention to changes in the look of skin growths and go to the doctor frequently. To be cautious, keep note of any growths, moles, or freckles that emerge on your skin as you get older, and notify your doctor if they change in appearance (size, color, texture, etc.) or bleed.
  • Regularly see your dermatologist for a skin examination, during which your doctor will examine any growths for indications or symptoms of skin cancer, including melanoma. Increased mole diameter, darkening of the skin, mole color changes, and skin moles with uneven borders and forms are all signs of skin cancer.

Last Words

  • Cherry angiomas are widespread, bright red skin bumps or moles that appear on the skin of adults. They are noncancerous and generally harmless.
  • A cherry angioma manifests itself as a tiny, dark red, blue, purple, or black skin growth that appears flat or elevated on the trunk or chest.
  • Treating the region with tea tree essential oil and other concentrated oils, apple cider vinegar, and decreasing toxin exposure are -natural therapies for cherry angiomas. Professional removal may also be done in a dermatologist’s office using freezing, laser treatment, burning, or shaving.

Frequently Asked Questions

What health conditions cause cherry angiomas?

A: Cherry angiomas can be caused by a number of ailments. They are most often seen in children and young adults, particularly those with vascular malformations that have been present since birth.

When should I be concerned about Cherry Angiomas?

A: Short answer is when you start to see dark spots. The longer answer is it’s best not to worry about them until they are a significant number of spots that cover an area of your skin or are bleeding.

Can stress cause cherry angioma?

A: Stress is a cause of cherry angioma. The tumor starts in the wall of an artery near the heart, most often on its outer surface.

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