Chicory Root Health Benefits

Chicory root is a natural plant that has been used to help with digestive health and weight loss. It contains a wide variety of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, dietary fibers, and more in each serving. Learn how it can be beneficial for your diet today!

Chicory root is a type of endive that grows in the ground. It has been used for centuries as a digestive aid, and it can also help with constipation, bloating, and cramps. In addition, chicory root contains antioxidants, vitamins A and C, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese.



Do you like a cup of nutrient-dense coffee in the morning but are concerned about a caffeine overdose? Chicory root might be the solution you’re searching for.

This famous coffee replacement is capable of much more than just replacing your beloved morning beverage. In addition to adding additional dietary fiber, Chicory root gives dishes a smooth, creamy texture, making it a suitable fat substitute in ice creams, margarine, and dressings for people seeking to lose weight quickly.

While chicory root does not replace all of the high-quality fiber found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other high-fiber foods, it does have a number of potential health advantages, making it a worthwhile addition to your daily diet.

Root of Chicory And Its Purpose

Chicory root is derived from a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the dandelion family with brilliant blue blooms. Many types, such as endive or chicons, are grown for salad greens, but crushed chicory root is also used in baking or as a coffee substitute.

Chicory root has a woody texture and is not digested in the small intestine owing to its fibrous nature; instead, it retains its shape as it travels to the colon or large intestine.

Chicory root (Cichorium Intybus) has been farmed since ancient Egypt and has been around for long. Since the 19th century, it has been a popular addition to coffee in France, where it was extensively roasted and ground.

Health Advantages

1. It relieves stress

Caffeine is one of the key elements in coffee. Even decaffeinated varieties include minor quantities. Caffeine may cause stress; thus, reducing your consumption can significantly reduce levels of adrenaline and cortisol, which are both generated under stressful conditions.

Regular caffeine use mixed with stress resulted in a considerable increase in cortisol levels, according to a 2006 research published in Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior. Chicory is a fantastic caffeine alternative since it contains no caffeine, so it may help you cut down on your caffeine intake while still keeping your cortisol levels in line.

2. It has anti-inflammatories 

Chicory is high in plant polyphenols, which are natural substances that may reduce inflammation.

A research done at Hungary’s University of Pécs Medical School discovered that drinking caffeine-free chicory coffee for one week improved red blood cell deformability, which refers to the body’s ability to adapt to inflammation by returning cells to their original state.

This indicates that chicory may help to decrease inflammation, which is crucial. Why? Because inflammation is at the foundation of most illnesses, lowering inflammation may help prevent the onset of many chronic health issues.

Although further study is required to determine the benefits of chicory root on thyroid health, it may help to alleviate symptoms caused by autoimmune illnesses like Hashimoto’s disease, a thyroid ailment that causes weight gain and exhaustion.

3. It protects the liver

According to certain studies, chicory root extract may help guard against free radical production, which might lead to liver damage. According to one study, treatment with chicory extract was able to considerably decrease oxidative stress and inhibit cell damage, promoting liver function.

Chicory extract is high in natural antioxidants and powerful in scavenging dangerous free radicals, as seen by these remarkable results. As a result, it has the ability to increase the body’s defensive system while also detoxifying the liver.

4. Has the potential to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes

Diabetes may be managed and treated in a variety of methods, many of which begin with food. Chicory is a useful addition to a diabetic diet plan since it may help prevent or cure the disease.

The benefits of roasted chicory extract were investigated in 47 healthy adult volunteers in a research published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. Chicory root extract was shown to boost adiponectin levels, a protein that controls blood sugar levels and fatty acid breakdown, suggesting that it might postpone or prevent the development of diabetes and improve bowel motions owing to its high fiber content.

5. Aids in the treatment of osteoarthritis

Surprisingly, the Rheumatic Diseases Division of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center’s Department of Internal Medicine discovered that chicory root extracts might have anti-inflammatory characteristics that might help cure osteoarthritis in a clinical study.

Chicory was given to 18 people over the age of 50 who had hip or knee osteoarthritis for a month in the trial. At least 13 of the 18 patients who finished therapy exhibited a 20% reduction in pain and stiffness, demonstrating chicory’s capacity to assist in treating severe joint discomfort.

6. Promotes Gut Health

Inulin, a prebiotic, is found in chicory root. Fresh chicory roots contain roughly 68 grams of inulin per 100 grams, making it one of the most excellent prebiotic dietary sources available.

Prebiotics may aid in the formation of healthy bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. This is why inulin, also known as chicory root fiber, is often used in probiotic supplements.

Not only may boost the development of beneficial gut bacteria aid with digestive health, but it can also help with immunological function, nutrient absorption, and inflammation reduction.

7. Helps with constipation

Chicory root fiber has been demonstrated to help with constipation due to its high inulin concentration. For example, a study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition looked at the effects of daily chicory intake in older persons with constipation over a 28-day period.

“Volunteers in the inulin group reported higher satisfaction with digestion and fewer defecation issues during supplementation,” according to the research. In an aged population with constipation, daily supplementation with 15 grams inulin improves constipation and quality of life.”

Nutritional Information

Chicory is a good source of fiber, vitamin B6, and manganese, among other minerals. It also has a small quantity of other micronutrients like vitamin C and potassium in it.

A 60-gram portion of raw chicory root contains approximately:

  • Calorie Count: 44
  • Carbs: 10.5 gram
  • Protein: 0.8 gram
  • Fat: 0.1 gram
  • Fiber: 0.9 gram
  • Vitamin B6: 0.1 milligrams (7 percent DV)
  • Manganese: 0.1 milligram (7 percent DV)
  • Vitamin C: 3.0 milligrams (5 percent DV)
  • Potassium: 74 milligrams (5 percent DV)


Chicory root fiber includes inulin, a plant-based carbohydrate that digestive enzymes cannot break down. Therefore, chicory root extract is made by extracting inulin from the roots of chicory plants.

Inulin is a sort of soluble fiber as well as a type of prebiotic. Soluble fiber may thicken and retain water, adding bulk to meals. Its capacity to retain moisture and generate a creamy texture is one of the reasons it’s often utilized in recipes.

Low-fat or dairy-free yogurt, ice cream, and ready-to-drink protein shakes all include inulin. In addition, inulin may be used to substitute gluten in breads and baked products. Soluble fibers also aid in slowing down the passage of food through the body, making you feel satisfied for longer while also keeping blood sugar levels stable.

Chicory root fiber may be found in ice cream, yogurt, protein drinks, high-fiber/low-carb energy bars, cereals, breads, and granola goods. It not only adds weight to dishes, but it also makes them healthier by increasing the fiber content without adding calories.

Furthermore, it is inexpensive to produce and has a naturally sweet flavor. Another appealing feature for food makers is that chicory root sweeteners may enhance the taste of dishes without adding sugar, calories, or carbohydrates. It’s also a fantastic complement to a ketogenic diet for people trying to lose weight rapidly while reducing carb intake.

Because of its agreeable flavor and inexpensive cost, inulin has been utilized in conjunction with coffee during times of scarcity. That finding led to the creation of New Orleans-style coffee, also known as chicory root coffee, which is a mix of normal or decaffeinated coffee with chicory root powder.

Where can you get chicory root fiber? It may now be available in many supermarkets and health food shops as a result of its expanding popularity. It’s also frequently accessible on the internet, either as a powder or as a supplement.

Husk of Psyllium vs. Chicory Root

Chicory root and psyllium husk are both high in fiber, which may help keep blood sugar levels in check and promote regularity. Psyllium husk is made from Plantago ovata, a shrub-like plant that grows all over the globe but is most abundant in India. On the other hand, Chicory root fiber is the chicory plant’s root and has a nice, sweet flavor.

Both are often used as dietary supplements in the form of tablets or capsules. In addition, psyllium husk and ground chicory root may also be added to smoothies or shakes.

Let’s take a deeper look at how the two compare:

Chicory Root

  • Starch derived from plants.
  • It is used to treat diabetes.
  • Constipation relief
  • cholesterol levels are improved
  • Prebiotic
  • High-fiber
  • IBS Treatments
  • Diarrhea treatment
  • Eczema is a skin condition that may be treated with this product.
  • Gas and bloating are relieved.

Psyllium Husk

  • Starch derived from plants
  • It is used to treat diabetes.
  • Constipation relief
  • cholesterol levels are improved
  • Prebiotic
  • High-fiber
  • Diarrhea treatment
  • Aids in the treatment of eczema
  • Gas and bloating are relieved.
  • Reduces the risk of colon cancer and heart disease.
  • Hemorrhoids, hypertension, and inflammatory bowel illnesses are all treated with this medication.

Facts to Ponder

The coffee and chicory mixture is said to have originated in Holland in the 1800s and spread across Europe. Chicory root has long been used to cure jaundice, liver enlargement, gout, and rheumatism via tea or medical medicines.

While chicory became a popular American pastime, coffee became the beverage of choice, and New Orleans became the country’s second-largest coffee importer. However, owing to Union naval blockades cutting off supply to the port, Louisianans pondered adding chicory root to their coffee during the American Civil War.

Chicory root was often utilized in times of coffee shortages, and it was even employed in jails to help stretch out the coffee supply. Later, acorns and beets were substituted for coffee. On the other hand, Chicory had a more comparable taste profile, making it a much better and less expensive complement.

Any Louisiana native will tell you that it’s not only one of the greatest and most delicious traditions but also a must-try while visiting the state. It has become an important part of New Orleans’ heritage as the chicory in a café au lait, which is chicory coffee with heated milk. Chicory may be found in the coffee section of most supermarkets, and most believe that the few brands available all originated in New Orleans.

Side Effects and Risks

Numerous investigations on chicory root fiber and chicory root extract are still needed. While studies suggest that chicory root has several health advantages, it’s always ideal to consume fiber from whole foods whenever feasible.

Check with your doctor before eating chicory or taking a chicory root supplement if you have any underlying health concerns. For example, chicory coffee is not advised for pregnant women since it might cause menstrual bleeding or miscarriage.

Chicory root side effects include hives, rashes, itching, and swelling in some allergic persons. If you develop any of these or other adverse effects after eating chicory, stop using it right once and see your doctor.

Last Thoughts

  • Chicory root contains inulin, a plant-based carbohydrate that human digestive enzymes cannot break down.
  • Chicory root fiber, which is made by extracting inulin from the roots of chicory plants, is a frequent component in many high-fiber and gluten-free goods.
  • Lower stress, reduced inflammation, and improved gut health are just a few of the purported chicory root advantages. It may also aid in liver protection, blood sugar regulation, and osteoarthritis management.
  • Inulin is a soluble prebiotic that is also categorized as a prebiotic. Soluble fibers may absorb water and thicken or gel, giving meals more volume. Chicory root fiber’s capacity to retain moisture and give a creamy texture is one of the reasons it’s commonly utilized in numerous goods.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is chicory bad for you?

A: Chicory is low in nutrients and high in sugar. This means that it’s not a healthy choice to eat if you’re trying to lose weight or simply want something with fewer calories.

Is chicory root a Superfood?

A: Although the FDA does not consider chicory root a superfood, it is regarded as an excellent fiber source.

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  • chicory root benefits and side effects
  • chicory root recipes
  • chicory root coffee
  • chicory root fiber
  • how to eat chicory root

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