Chlamydia Symptoms and Natural Treatments

Chlamydia is a contagious sexually transmitted disease. Symptoms include vaginal discharge and pain during sexual intercourse. Experts recommend the use of natural remedies to treat Chlamydia before seeking medical attention for more severe symptoms such as PID or infertility.

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that can be cured without going to the doctor. The symptoms of chlamydia are similar to other STDs, but they may not always be present.

It’s the most frequent curable sexually transmitted disease (STD). Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection that affects both men and women worldwide. The problem with treating chlamydia and preventing it from spreading is that most individuals don’t have any symptoms. However, just because you aren’t experiencing symptoms doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be worried.

Chlamydia may, in fact, inflict substantial and irreversible harm to the reproductive system. It may even make becoming pregnant exceedingly difficult, if not impossible. Unfortunately, it may also result in an ectopic pregnancy, which is a potentially fatal disease.

It’s also possible to infect a baby after birthing if a mom has chlamydia while pregnant. Premature delivery, a serious eye infection, or even pneumonia are all possible outcomes. Sexually active persons should be checked on a frequent basis because of these and other risks. In addition, it’s vital to keep chlamydia treatments going until the infection is gone.

Chlamydia and Its Effects

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted illness caused by bacteria. Accidental touch, oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse are all common ways for it to spread. Even if you use condoms regularly, the condom should be worn before any skin-to-skin sexual contact, according to the American Sexual Health Association. It should be worn until no longer in touch with the skin.

According to the CDC, 1,526,658 chlamydia infections were recorded in 2015. However, in the United States, it is predicted that almost twice as many infections, 2.86 million, occur each year. Another alarming number is that young individuals aged 15–24 account for roughly two-thirds of all new infections.

This figure is especially alarming given the risk of deadly complications, reproductive issues, and other major chlamydia sequelae. Not to mention the fact that chlamydia is easily transmitted to other sexual partners. To protect themselves against the long-term repercussions of a chlamydia infection, young people should be tested, treated, and practice safe sex regularly.

While data indicate that most individuals infected are younger, approximately 1 million persons over the age of 24 in the United States have chlamydia, whether they are aware of it or not. So unless you’re in a monogamous relationship and have already been tested, it’s a good idea to test now.

In truth, testing for chlamydia is simple; a urine sample is often sufficient to detect if chlamydia bacteria are present in your system. If your doctor believes you have chlamydia in your eye, urethra, rectum, or throat, he or she may prescribe a culture test, which involves collecting fluid with a swab.

Symptoms of Chlamydia

Unfortunately, chlamydia symptoms are seldom felt or identified as an issue, as previously stated. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 75 percent of women and 50 percent of men are unaware that they have chlamydia. That is why you must be aware of chlamydia signs and symptoms in order to detect them.

Symptoms of chlamydia in women include:

  • Urination that hurts and burns
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • discharge from the cervix
  • Sexual encounters that be painful
  • Bleeding in the intervals between periods
  • After intercourse, there is a lot of bleeding.
  • Rectal discomfort, discharge, or bleeding are all symptoms of rectal cancer.
  • The eye is inflamed or infected.
  • Throat irritation that won’t go away
  • Back discomfort in the lower back
  • Fever
  • Nausea

Symptoms of chlamydia in males include:

  • Urination that hurts or causes a burning feeling
  • Swelling, tenderness, or discomfort in the testicles
  • Penis discharge that is cloudy, milky, yellow-white, or thick.
  • There may be redness, irritation, or swelling at the urethral hole.
  • Rectal discomfort, discharge, or bleeding are all symptoms of rectal cancer
  • The eye is inflamed or infected
  • Sore throat

Risk Factors for Chlamydia

Anyone who engages in sexual activity runs the risk of developing chlamydia. While sexually active young individuals account for two-thirds of the occurrences, older folks are not exempt. The following are the most prevalent chlamydia risk factors:

  • Being a sexually active teenager or young man or woman
  • Use of condoms incorrectly
  • Having sex that isn’t protected
  • Multiple sexual partners are possible
  • Having a sex partner or partners that are “high-risk”

According to a 2017 research, some vaginal bacteria may enhance a woman’s chance of contracting chlamydia. “After multivariable correction, women with vaginal flora dominated by Lactobacillus iners were at higher risk for C. trachomatis infection than those with flora dominated by Lactobacillus crispatus. (odds ratio, 2.6)” the researchers found. While this research adds to our understanding of a possible risk factor, the actual logic behind it is yet unknown.

STDs are on the rise among seniors all across the world, according to Psychology Today. Chlamydia infection increased 32% nationally from 2007 to 2014, while syphilis infection increased 52%, with certain senior-centric areas seeing an 87 percent rise between 2005 and 2009. STD outbreaks are becoming more prevalent in elderly homes and assisted care facilities. Practice safe sex is clearly not just for the young but also for the young-at-heart.

Before you have sex with a new partner, you should have a thorough discussion about your sexual history. If one or both of you are diagnosed with an STD, being forward and honest might help you avoid difficult discussions in the future. In addition, before engaging in sexual contact after the talk, you may wish to be tested and treated for any STDs.


If you have chlamydia, your doctor will probably give you an oral antibiotic for 5–10 days, depending on the severity of the illness. It is still possible to transfer chlamydia to your partner until your antibiotic course is done; therefore, avoid sexual contact until your antibiotic course is over.

Antibiotics for Chlamydia that are often used and their side effects:

  • Loss of appetite, nausea, rash, hives, sun sensitivity, bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps and discomfort, dehydration, weight loss, headache, hazy vision, elevated blood pressure, anemia, and esophageal irritation are all side effects of doxycycline.
  • Erythromycin causes bloody or watery diarrhea, fainting, rapid or pounding heartbeat, hearing issues, liver problems, lack of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored feces, jaundice, severe skin reactions, swelling of the face or tongue, and a red or purple rash that spreads.
  • Diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, liver problems, tiredness or weakness, loss of appetite, dark-colored urine, yellowing of the eyes or skin, QT prolongation (heart rhythm problem with fast or irregular heart rhythms), allergic reaction, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat are all side effects of azithromycin.
  • Rashes, hives, itching, difficulty breathing or swallowing, tightness in the chest or throat, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, bloody or tarry stools, chest pain, fast or irregular heartbeat, fever, hallucinations, mood changes including suicidal thoughts or actions, blood sugar changes, liver problems, bruising or bleeding, and vaginal discharge are all symptoms of levofloxacin.

5 Natural Chlamydia Treatments

1. Goldenseal 

According to an article in Alternative Medicine Review, the plant alkaloid berberine found in goldenseal has an antimicrobial effect against viruses and bacteria, including chlamydia. In addition, chlamydia of the eye caused no relapses in a short clinical research, even one year following therapy with berberine eye drops. While the findings of this experiment were favorable, they suggest that goldenseal might be an effective chlamydia therapy.

Goldenseal is a natural antibiotic that boosts the immune system. According to researchers, it’s thought to keep clinical symptoms to a minimum during an infection. Goldenseal tablets or extracts may aid in the treatment of infections like chlamydia. The normal guideline is four to six grams per day in pill or capsule form, or two milliliters of an extract three to five times each day. Goldenseal should not be used for more than three weeks in a row.

2. Echinacea 

Echinacea has been discovered to be particularly effective against STDs, including gonorrhea and chlamydia, and has been widely used as a treatment for snake bites, sore throats, colds, coughs, discomfort, and intestinal trouble for centuries. According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, a recent study advises dosages of 10 mg per kilogram of body weight over 10 days to activate the immune system.

3. Garlic

People have used raw garlic medicinally for thousands of years to cure heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and infections. It is long adored over the globe for its pungent scent and culinary virtues. According to researchers, allicin, a chemical found in garlic, has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiprotozoal properties.

Consume chopped or crushed garlic that has been left undisturbed for 10 minutes to enable the enzymes to transform into bacteria-fighting allicin for optimal benefits. Even if you don’t have chlamydia symptoms or an infection, increasing your garlic intake may assist in strengthening your immune system. Try Garlic Baked Chicken or Roasted Garlic & Sweet Potato Soup, two of my favorite garlic-centric meals.

4. Oregano essential oil

Oregano oil is made from medicinal-grade oregano that has been distilled into an essential oil. Researchers discovered Thymol and carvacrol as the healing chemicals in this natural infection fighter. Currently, PubMed, the world’s most comprehensive archive of scientific evidence-based literature, has over 1200 research on carvacrol that suggest it may fight cancer, viruses, infections, and a variety of other ailments.

Most individuals tolerate oregano oil well while battling an illness. Adults should take 45 mg capsules once a day. Pregnant and nursing women should avoid oregano oil.

5. The use of probiotics

Healthy bacteria found in goat’s milk yogurt or kefir, coconut kefir, kombucha, and amasai may help you battle chlamydia and other “bad” bacteria. These foods’ diverse living bacteria work together to maintain a healthy digestive tract, enhance the immune system, increase energy, and aid in bodily detoxification. Combine probiotic-rich meals and beverages with additional natural chlamydia therapies to get the greatest results.

Natural therapies may take longer than conventional medicines to cure chlamydia, depending on your individual chemistry. Take another chlamydia test before participating in sexual activity to ensure that the infection has been eradicated.


Chlamydia, if left untreated, may lead to a variety of severe and sometimes deadly illnesses, including:

  • Cervicitis is a painful cervix inflammation that may result in vaginal discharge, bleeding, and stomach discomfort.
  • Urethritis is a painful urethral inflammation that may cause discomfort during intercourse, discharge from the urethral opening or vagina, and, in males, blood in the sperm or urine.
  • Proctitis is an inflammation of the rectum or anus lining.
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is a sexually transmitted illness that affects a woman’s reproductive organs (uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, and ovaries).
  • Tubal Factor Infertility is the consequence of a fallopian tube blockage, which is commonly caused by pelvic inflammatory illness or endometriosis. Surgery and IVF treatments may be necessary to help you conceive, but there is no assurance that these operations will enable you to get pregnant.
  • Ectopic pregnancy is a potentially fatal pregnancy that takes place in the fallopian tubes rather than the uterus.

Last Thoughts

In almost all communities and age categories, sexually transmitted illnesses are on the increase. The fact that two-thirds of the cases involve young women and men who are just entering their sexual prime is particularly alarming. Because chlamydia symptoms in men and women don’t usually show up, there’s a serious danger of transmitting the bacterial infection – even while employing standard safe-sex techniques.

If left untreated, young women might develop infertility, have an ectopic pregnancy, and undergo severe inflammatory reactions until chlamydia is healed. Therefore, it’s critical to treat chlamydia as soon as possible for long-term health and wellbeing and to continue using established safe-sex practices.

If left untreated, young men might develop unpleasant disorders that compromise their sexual function and general health. Prior to engaging in sexual behaviors, they must be treated and cured, much as women with chlamydia.

Chlamydia isn’t simply an issue for the young; older sexually active individuals are catching STDs, including chlamydia, at alarmingly high rates. Therefore, safe sex, yearly testing, and open and honest talks with all sexual partners about any chlamydia symptoms or other STDs are essential for people of all ages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cure for Chlamydia?

A: Unfortunately, there is no cure for chlamydia.

What vitamin helps cure chlamydia?

A: Vitamin A helps prevent the spread of chlamydia and treats some cases.

Can you get rid of chlamydia on your own?

A: Chlamydia can be cured on your own, but it is important to see a doctor and get tested in order to know for sure that you have gotten rid of the infection.

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