Chlorophyll Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects

Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in plants that allows them to use energy from the sun. Chlorophyll molecules are arranged into antennae-like structures, which capture light and convert it to chemical energy on photosynthesis. The pigments also have antioxidant effects by protecting plant cells against oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). This article summarizes everything you need to know about chlorophyll, including its health benefits, uses, side effects, and risks.,

Chlorophyll is a green pigment that can be found in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. It has many uses, including the production of food, medicines, and various other products. However, chlorophyll also has some side effects that are usually mild.


You’ve probably heard of chlorophyll and are aware that plants cannot survive without it. Still, you may be wondering what chlorophyll is and if it has any health advantages for people.

Chlorophyll is a plant pigment that absorbs light during the photosynthesis process, producing energy, as we taught in science class.

Beyond maintaining plant life, why is it vital for humans? Chlorophyll, it turns out, is connected to natural cancer prevention, prevents carcinogenic effects inside the body, and protects DNA from damage caused by dangerous molds like aflatoxin – very similar to the anticancer qualities of chlorophyll-rich chlorella.

It also has a lot of potential as a natural weight-loss element, and they are just a few of the many chlorophyll health advantages, all of which help the body cleanse and perform at its best.

What Is Chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in plants to produce carbon dioxide and water food. It’s present in all green plants, including leafy greens and other regularly eaten vegetables, as well as some algae and bacteria.

Plants and algae use chlorophyll to capture light from the sun required for photosynthesis, which is why it is referred to as a “chelate.” It’s the most significant chelator found in nature since it provides energy to plants, ultimately giving power to humans.

Chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b are the two primary types of chlorophyll found in nature. Each absorbs light from the sun at slightly different wavelengths, the only variation between the two varieties.

There is a 3:1 ratio of chlorophyll-a (a bluish-black solid) to chlorophyll-b (a dark green solid) in natural plants containing chlorophyll. This is because both work together to reflect the dark green pigment visible to the human eye.

While chlorophyll is entirely natural, a semi-synthetic mixture known as chlorophyllin is manufactured in laboratories and used in supplements such as “liquid chlorophyll.” These supplements have been around for over 50 years and are regularly used to treat skin wounds, body odor, digestive issues, and other health issues with almost no side effects.

Supplementing with chlorophyllin is thought to help neutralize oxidants, reducing oxidative damage caused by things like a poor diet, chemical carcinogens, UV light exposure, and radiation.


1. Assists in the fight against cancer

Chlorophyll and liquid chlorophyllin have been shown in studies to bind to possible carcinogens and interfere with their absorption in the human gastrointestinal tract. This helps keep them from spreading throughout the body and reaching vulnerable areas like the joints and heart.

According to reports from Oregon State University’s Linus Pauling Institute, chlorophyllin and chlorophyll were equally efficient in blocking aflatoxin-B1 absorption in people and decreasing biomarkers of aflatoxin-induced DNA damage. Several additional animal and human studies have shown that these effects help reduce the incidence of various malignancies, such as liver and colon cancer.

Chlorophyll reduces the risk of cancer and cleanses the liver by interfering with the metabolism of chemicals’ procarcinogens, which must first be metabolized before they can cause DNA damage. Cytochrome P450 enzymes in the human body activate procarcinogens and convert them to active carcinogens, which then assault healthy cells.

As a result, blocking their effects may aid in the prevention of chemically generated malignancies.

Diets heavy in red meat and low in green vegetables have an increased risk of colon cancer. Toxins emitted from cooked meat, such as haem, which enhances colonic cytotoxicity and epithelial cell proliferation, are often implicated. A recent study reveals that when human colon cancer cells are exposed to chlorophyllin, they go into “cell arrest” owing to the suppression of ribonucleotide reductase activity, which protects DNA and stimulates synthesis and repair.

This is why ribonucleotide reductase activity has been studied in recent years as a potential natural treatment for cancer and its various adverse effects.

Green vegetables were researched in 2005 at the Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences in the Netherlands to see whether they may decrease haem’s undesirable qualities in the colon. For 14 days, rats were given either a high-haem diet or a comparable diet enriched with chlorophyll.

The rats that ate haem had around eight times the level of colon cytotoxicity than the animals who didn’t eat haem at the start of the trial. Because chlorophyll reduces the cytotoxic and hyperproliferative colonic effects of dietary toxins like haem, the researchers concluded that green vegetables might reduce colon cancer risk.

2. Aids in the detoxification of the liver

Chlorophyll may also help to preserve healthy cells and tissues by enhancing phase II biotransformation enzymes. This helps maintain good liver function and, as a result, the body’s natural detoxification process.

Some preliminary animal studies suggest that chlorophyllin may lessen the risk of aflatoxin-induced liver damage or cancer by enhancing phase II enzyme activity and eliminating body poisons.

Because it’s converted into a carcinogen that causes cellular alterations, aflatoxin-B1 (AFB1) is linked to an elevated risk of hepatocellular carcinoma and liver cancer. However, supplementing with chlorophyllin while ingesting large doses of dietary AFB1 dramatically decreased the amount of DNA damage that resulted in animal tests.

This is particularly crucial for persons who eat a lot of grains or legumes, such as people in developing countries.

In a randomized, placebo-controlled intervention study in China, 180 people with a high risk of hepatocellular cancer and chronic hepatitis B infection received 100 milligrams of chlorophyllin or a placebo three times daily before meals. AFB1 levels reduced 55 percent more in individuals who took chlorophyllin after 16 weeks than in those who took the placebo, indicating that chlorophyll improves liver function practically and safely.

3. Hastens the healing of wounds

Chlorophyllin seems to decrease the reproduction of dangerous bacteria, making it useful for wound healing and infection prevention. Chlorophyllin has been added to several ointments used to treat chronic open wounds in humans, such as vascular and pressure ulcers, since the 1940s.

It has been discovered to aid in reducing Inflammation produced by injuries or wounds, promote healing, and control smells created by bacteria buildup.

4. Helps with digestion and weight loss

Chlorophyll also helps with detoxification by speeding up waste evacuation, regulating fluid levels, and minimizing constipation. Furthermore, early evidence suggests that chlorophyll aids metabolism and enhances the chance of weight-loss success.

In a 2014 research, the Department of Experimental Medical Science at Lund University in Sweden discovered that taking chlorophyll supplements with a high-carbohydrate meal reduced appetite, increased cholecystokinin levels, and helped overweight women avoid hypoglycemia.

In the form of thylakoid supplements, chlorophyll has previously been proven to help regulate the release of hormones that make us feel fuller, such as cholecystokinin, ghrelin, and insulin. While much of the research has focused on the weight-loss benefits of chlorophyll in rats, the findings imply that it may also help people naturally limit their appetite and avoid weight gain.

Lund University conducted short research in which 20 overweight girls were observed eating meals on three separate dates. The test meals were a high-carbohydrate Swedish breakfast with or without thylakoids, a type of chlorophyll.

Thylakoids suppressed hunger and boosted satiety hormone production after eating, limiting compensatory eating later in the day, which we believe in aiding with weight reduction and appetite management over time.

5. It protects the skin

According to some data, because of its antiviral qualities, chlorophyll may help prevent the formation of cold sores in the mouth or vaginal region caused by the herpes simplex virus. In addition, early research has indicated that applying a chlorophyll-containing ointment or cream to the skin reduces the number of blisters that emerge and speeds up the healing process, making it a natural herpes therapy.

Chlorophyll may help protect the skin against shingles, alleviating symptoms such as painful blisters and lowering the chance of skin cancer. In addition, injecting chlorophyll directly into the skin or using it as a lotion has been reported to aid persons with basal cell carcinoma, a typical kind of skin cancer, in preventing the recurrence of malignant cells.

6. Helps to Reduce Inflammation

According to India’s Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, chlorophyll from fresh green leaves offers significant anti-inflammatory properties against harmful germs and other environmental contaminants.

It aids in inhibiting a pro-inflammatory cytokine known as lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF-, making it a prospective therapy option for Inflammation and associated chronic disorders that have eluded traditional medicine.

Side Effects and Risks

Chlorophyll and chlorophyllin are not known to be poisonous since they are entirely natural. In addition, there have been almost no harmful consequences linked to their ingestion in the last 50 years, even in those with weakened immune systems, such as those recovering from cancer.

While the danger of poisoning is very low, chlorophyllin supplements may produce modest side effects such as green urine or feces, temporary tongue discoloration, or moderate indigestion/diarrhea. However, these are generally temporary and only induced by taking additional chlorophyllin rather than consuming foods containing chlorophyll.

Supplements containing chlorophyll or chlorophyllin have not been extensively studied in pregnant women. Thus they are not suggested for use during pregnancy or during breastfeeding at this time.

Certain medicines that enhance sensitivity to sunlight (photosensitizing drugs) may interact with chlorophyll, which is something to keep in mind. This implies that combining these drugs with chlorophyll might enhance your sensitivity to sunshine and make you more vulnerable to sunburns.

If you use photosensitive medicines or are prone to sunburns, blisters, or rashes when exposed to UV radiation, use chlorophyll supplements with caution.


What is the most effective technique to detox using chlorophyll? Green vegetables and algae are the most acceptable sources of chlorophyll on the earth.

Here are some of the best foods to include in your diet if you want to get the full benefits of chlorophyll.

  • Green leafy vegetables, such as kale, spinach, and Swiss chard, have a high concentration of chlorophyll, which gives them their trademark hue. If you find it challenging to eat various leafy greens as part of your required five to seven servings of vegetables each day, try juicing greens instead.
  • Raw or gently cooked foods: The Institute of Food Technologies discovered that when green vegetables are cooked, thawed after being frozen, or begin to degrade, their chlorophyll level decreases. The quantity of chlorophyll in spinach, for example, was reduced by roughly 35% after it was thawed and by another 50% after it was cooked or steamed. So try eating more raw foods or simply boiling your vegetables at moderate temperatures to get the most chlorophyll out of your diet.

The following is a list of raw vegetable chlorophyll content (tied to magnesium):

  • 23.7 milligrams per cup of spinach
  • 19.0 milligrams in 1/2 cup parsley
  • 15.6 milligrams per cup of watercress
  • 8.3 milligrams per cup of green beans
  • 8.2 milligrams per cup of arugula
  • 7.7 milligrams per cup of leeks
  • 5.2 milligrams per cup of endive
  • 4.8 milligrams per cup of sugar snap peas
  • 4.1 milligrams per cup of Chinese cabbage
  • Chlorella is a form of blue-green algae endemic to regions of Asia that are high in chlorophyll and phytonutrients, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, chlorella is linked to hormonal balance, detoxification, cardiovascular health, and decreased Inflammation, blood pressure, and cholesterol, much like chlorophyll. In addition to eating the algae, you may take extracted chlorella supplements in powder or tablet form for added convenience.

Dosage and Supplements

Some supplements deliver the beneficial benefits of chlorophyll and consume green-colored meals that contain plant pigment. In addition, the following accessories and dosages are recommended:

  • Chlorophyllin supplements: Chlorophyllin, included in most supplements, is made from green algae such as chlorella. Natural chlorophyll is not particularly shelf-stable and is often degraded, making it difficult to eat and costly. For more than five decades, oral dosages of chlorophyllin supplements in levels of 100–300 milligrams per day (typically split into three doses) have been used to treat illnesses with nearly no risks successfully.
  • Supplemental chlorophyll may be obtained in herbal therapies like alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and silkworm droppings, as well as in liquid chlorophyll. Try adding a few drops of liquid chlorophyll to a glass of water once or twice a day if you have access to it. It will tint your water with a brilliant green hue, but don’t worry: it doesn’t taste as horrible as it looks, and it may help you feel more energized if you drink it throughout the day.


  • Chlorophyll advantages include cancer prevention, improved liver cleansing, faster wound healing, improved digestion, weight management, and skin health protection.
  • Chlorophyll’s antioxidant and anticancer qualities are the key reasons it is considered a superfood. In addition, because it may establish strong molecular interactions with some molecules that lead to oxidative damage and illnesses like cancer and liver disease, chlorophyll helps the immune system.
  • Green vegetables and algae are the most acceptable sources of chlorophyll on the earth. Green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, and Swiss chard are some of the best foods to include in your diet. Cooking these foods reduces their nutritional content and minimizes the chlorophyll advantages they provide, so consume them raw or gently cooked to get the most out of them.
  • Chlorella, chlorophyllin supplements, and liquid chlorophyll are all excellent sources of the antioxidant green color pigment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does chlorophyll have harmful side effects?

A: Chlorophyll is essential for converting sunlight into energy; this makes it a vital compound in photosynthesis. It also helps the body detoxify poisons found in foods and water. The harmful side effects of chlorophyll are that people may experience nausea or vomiting if they contact too much food dye while eating vegetables without washing them first.

Is chlorophyll safe to take daily?

A: Chlorophyll is absorbed into the bloodstream in small amounts. It has been shown that chlorophyll helps support brain function, healthy lungs, and a robust immune system.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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