Dandelion Root Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

Dandelion Root is a leafy green plant that grows in the United States and Europe. Dandelion root has been used for centuries to improve digestion, increase circulation, reduce inflammation, promote weight loss, and more.

The benefits of dandelion are many, and the uses are endless. However, there are some side effects to be aware of when using this plant.


Dandelions have a reputation for being both a wish-granting weed and a yard annoyance. But, did you know that, like dandelion greens and dandelion tea, dandelion root is high in nutrients and provides several health benefits?

Dandelion has a low-calorie count but is abundant in fiber, vitamin K, vitamin A, and vitamin C. The root has also been demonstrated to offer many health advantages, including the ability to help prevent cancer, decrease cholesterol, and boost liver function.

Dandelion is not only high in vitamins and minerals, but it is also easily accessible, simple to include in your diet, and delicious.

What Is Dandelion and What Does It Do?

Dandelions, or Taraxacum officinale, are blooming plants that may be found in Europe, Asia, and North America.

Dandelions are linked to dahlias, thistle, ragweed, lettuce, artichokes, and sunflowers since they are members of the daisy family of plants.

Dandelions produce florets, which are tiny yellow flowers that are grouped together to create a flower head. The flower head dries up, the florets fall off, and a seed head forms once it has completed blooming. The dandelion seeds are then disseminated naturally by the wind or by those seeking a free wish.

Although dandelion is typically seen as a nuisance plant, it may be a valuable addition to your kitchen and medicine cabinet. Both the root and the greens are high in antioxidants and may be used to produce anything from dandelion tea to super-healthy meals.

Dandelion root, like other roots like burdock and ashwagandha, has a long history of usage in traditional medicine. In reality, dandelion has been used as a natural treatment since 659 B.C. in ancient China. It was also consumed raw or prepared into a juice or tonic in Arabic, Welsh, and European medicine.

The dandelion’s traditional uses included anything from improving digestion to treating the liver. Some Native American tribes ingested dandelion root to treat discomfort, while others steamed the leaves and used them topically to soothe sore throats.

On the other hand, the advantages of dandelions go well beyond the root. Dandelion leaves, seeds, and blossoms may all be utilized in several dishes, and each one has its own set of nutrients and health benefits.


1. It has the potential to kill cancer cells.

Interestingly, dandelion root has been linked to cancer prevention and therapy in multiple research.

For example, a 2011 research from the University of Windsor in Canada used the dandelion extract to treat skin cancer cells and discovered that it began killing cancer cells after 48 hours of therapy.

Another research published in Oncotarget found that dandelion root extract may destroy 95% of colon cancer cells in only two days.

Dandelion root has also been proven to help in the treatment of leukemia, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer in other studies.

2. It lowers cholesterol levels.

One of the primary causes of coronary heart disease is high cholesterol. This waxy material may build up in the blood vessels, hardening and narrowing the arteries and making blood flow more difficult.

One of the simplest methods to avoid high cholesterol is to change your diet. Including more whole foods like fruits and vegetables, as well as minimizing your consumption of processed meals, may help decrease cholesterol.

The root of the dandelion has also been demonstrated to lower cholesterol levels. Rabbits were given a high-cholesterol diet supplemented with dandelion root in one trial. Dandelion was shown to lower total cholesterol, triglycerides, and harmful LDL cholesterol while raising healthy HDL cholesterol.

3. Antioxidant-dense

Stress, pollution, and a bad diet all cause free radicals to develop in your body. Cell damage and chronic illness may result from the buildup of free radicals over time. On the other hand, antioxidants have been found to lessen the risk of heart disease and cancer by helping to neutralize these toxic molecules.

According to studies, dandelion root is particularly abundant in antioxidants, which might explain its wide range of health advantages.

4. Promotes the health of the liver

The liver is vital to many areas of health, from filtering pollutants to metabolizing medications. Dandelion root is good for your liver since it protects it and helps it function properly.

In a research conducted by the Department of Food and Nutrition at Chonnam National University in the Republic of Korea, the extract of Taraxacum officinale was shown to protect liver cells and mice against the effects of alcohol poisoning.

The number of antioxidants contained in the dandelion root and its capacity to prevent cell damage are thought to be responsible for these protective benefits.

5. Fights Bacterial Infections

In addition to its many other health advantages, Dandelion root has antibacterial qualities that may help prevent disease-causing germs from growing.

In an Irish research published in Phytotherapy Research, dandelion root was shown to be particularly efficient against some kinds of bacteria that cause staph infections and food-borne disease.

Although additional study is required, dandelion root may be an effective natural remedy for bacterial infections.

6. Bone Strengthening

The dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a good source of vitamin K, which is a crucial ingredient for bone health. Vitamin K helps form strong bones by increasing amounts of a particular protein, which is why insufficient vitamin K consumption has been associated with an increased risk of fractures and decreased bone density.

Dandelion also includes calcium, which helps keep bones and teeth healthy by forming the structure of the bones and teeth. According to a study published in The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, bones contain almost all of the calcium in the body.

7. Helps to maintain skin health

Each serving of dandelion has a significant amount of antioxidants, which may help to protect skin cells from harm, reduce the indications of aging, and keep you looking (and feeling) young.

Furthermore, a 2015 in vitro research from Canada found that injecting dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) extracts into skin cells could protect against dangerous UV damage.

According to certain studies, dandelion may have potent antibacterial qualities that may help prevent skin infections by inhibiting bacterial development.

8. Fiber-dense

Dandelion roots are a good source of fiber, and they’re notably high in inulin, a form of soluble fiber.

Fiber has been linked to a number of health advantages, particularly when it comes to blood sugar regulation. Fiber helps decrease the absorption of sugar in the circulation, which may assist improve long-term blood sugar regulation since it travels through the body undigested.

Fiber may guard against a variety of digestive disorders, including constipation, hemorrhoids, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and stomach ulcers, in addition to keeping blood sugar levels stable.

Preparation and Dosage

Dandelions may be found in abundance in both backyards and supermarket shops. While it is fine to select and utilize dandelions from your own yard, you should avoid places where weed killer or pesticides have been applied and wash well afterward.

Digging a little deeper and plucking away all of the stems it may be linked to will ensure that the roots are used. Before applying, thoroughly wash the roots to eliminate all dirt.

Dandelion wine and dandelion jelly may be made using the plant’s blooms, and the greens can be used in soups, salads, and pasta dishes.

The plant’s roots may also be utilized in various dandelion recipes, but many people choose to boil dandelion root into a delicious tea or to calm coffee alternative.

There are various ways to brew dandelion root tea, but the most common technique includes pouring boiling water over the root and allowing it to simmer for 5–10 minutes before filtering. Simply roast the root in the oven for 10–15 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit to produce dandelion coffee.

Dandelion root tea and coffee are both caffeine-free natural drinks that may help you get your day started correctly. Plus, the potential advantages of dandelion tea are identical to those of the root, making it a simple way to get your dose first thing in the morning.

Many pharmacies and health food shops sell dandelion root tablets and liquid extract. If you decide to use dandelion as a supplement, be sure to choose a reputable brand with a few additional ingredients and fillers.

Although no official dose for dandelion root capsules has been established, most supplements include 500–1,500 mg of dandelion root extract per serving. Start with a modest dosage and gradually increase it to check your tolerance and avoid any possible negative effects.

Drug Interactions and Side Effects

Adding this strong herb to your diet may be a safe and healthful approach to get the numerous potential advantages of dandelion for most healthy folks. However, there are a number of negative side effects to consider.

For instance, either consumed or applied to the skin, dandelion might induce allergic responses in certain individuals. You may also be allergic to dandelion if you are allergic to other plants in the same family, such as ragweed, daisies, or thistle.

If you get symptoms such as swelling, itching, or redness, stop using the product right once and see your doctor.

Dandelion also has a lot of vitamin K, which might affect blood clotting. If you’re on Warfarin or another blood thinner, you should keep your vitamin K consumption regular to avoid interfering with your prescription.

Before beginning supplements or making any big dietary changes, see your doctor if you have any underlying health disorders such as liver disease, diabetes, or renal difficulties.

Last Thoughts

  • The dandelion, commonly known as Taraxacum officinale, is a flowering plant of the daisy family.
  • Despite the fact that many people consider dandelion to be nothing more than a weed, it has a lot of health advantages.
  • In fact, numerous dandelion advantages have been linked to the plant’s root, including protection against liver disease, decreased cholesterol, and improved bone health.
  • Dandelion also has the ability to reduce the development of cancer cells and microorganisms, improve blood sugar regulation, and improve skin health.
  • Dandelion root may be used as a supplement or used to make a caffeine-free cup of coffee or tea.
  • Next time you see a yellow dandelion blossom in your yard, think twice before pulling out the weed killer and instead give these nutritious plants a try to reap the numerous dandelion advantages.

The dandelion root powder is a herb that has been used for centuries. It has many benefits, including its uses as a natural medicine and its side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does dandelion root do to the body?

A: Dandelion root is a natural herb that helps the liver remove toxins from the body. It can also help your kidneys and skin to be healthy. People have used this item for centuries!

Is it safe to take dandelion root every day?

A: This is an excellent question. The answer to this would be that it’s not safe if you are on any type of prescription medication or have certain medical conditions, such as asthma and kidney disease.

Who should not take dandelion root?

A: People with a history of thyroid problems or who are currently taking antithyroid medications should avoid dandelion roots.

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