Dehydration Symptoms and Natural Treatments

Dehydration affects anyone, anywhere in the world. Many different things can cause it, and natural treatments can help you prevent it. In this blog post, I’ll go over some of its symptoms and possible causes, and natural treatments.

Most of us like spending time outside when the weather is nice and working up a sweat throughout the summer months. Long lengths of time in hot, humid conditions — or other types of exposure to high temperatures, such as exercising — may cause electrolyte imbalance issues, including dehydration symptoms.

According to some estimates, 60 percent to 75 percent of Americans do not drink enough water regularly. So the greatest method to feel your best and avoid possible heat exhaustion and dehydration symptoms is to stay adequately hydrated, particularly while you’re losing fluids.

Who is the most affected by dehydration? Athletes, those who work outside doing physical labor, small children, persons with gastrointestinal problems, and the elderly are all at risk of dehydration.

What should you do to protect yourself against dehydration and the potentially fatal consequences of fluid and electrolyte loss? Drinking enough water every day, keeping track of your thirst and urine, and rehydrating after exercises are all critical ways to avoid dehydration symptoms, as you’ll see.

What Is Dehydration?

Dehydration occurs when the body’s water supply is depleted to dangerous levels.

Dehydration may be classified into three categories based on the fluids lost:

  1. The loss of electrolytes, mostly sodium, is referred to as hypotonic or hyponatremic.
  2. The loss of water is referred to as hypertonic or hypernatremic.
  3. The loss of both water and electrolytes is known as isotonic or isonatremic.

Dehydration may be mild, moderate, or severe in any three forms.

  • Mild dehydration occurs when the body has lost roughly 2% of its total fluids.
  • It is considered moderate when the body loses 5% of its total fluids.
  • When the body loses 10% of its fluids, severe dehydration is considered. As you may expect, severe dehydration is regarded as a life-threatening emergency.

When a person gets dehydrated, the following occurs in the body:

Excessive loss of body fluids is classified as dehydration. In other words, it happens when the body requires more fluids to operate correctly than are being ingested.

Water (H2O), one or more electrolytes, or a mix of both are the body fluids that are lost and badly required during dehydration.

Electrolytes are compounds that are needed at certain amounts in the body to transport electrical messages, keep the pH balanced, and keep vital activities like cardiac rhythms and nerve transmission running smoothly.

The following are the most common electrolytes present in the human body:

  • calcium
  • sodium
  • potassium
  • chloride
  • magnesium
  • bicarbonate

Potassium, sodium, and chloride ions are the “most necessary” electrolytes in terms of hydration among these electrolytes.

Because certain regions of the body are more “electrically connected” than others, they need more of these vital ions (electrolytes). The brain, central nervous system, and muscular system are the bodily components that depend on adequate electrolyte balance and hydration and are therefore most vulnerable to harm caused by fluid loss.

Here’s a quick rundown of the various electrolytes and how they might contribute to dehydration:

  • Hypernatremia is a kind of dehydration caused by too much salt. High salt consumption is a major problem for persons who follow a “normal Western diet,” or what many refer to as the Standard American Diet, which includes many packaged items.
  • Potassium is necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and muscles. Potassium levels that are either greater than they should be or lower than what the body needs might disrupt the cardiac rhythm and cause blood pressure fluctuations. Many individuals are deficient in potassium, exacerbated by a high salt diet.
  • Chloride aids in the balance of other bodily fluids. Therefore, chloride levels that rise or fall dramatically in the body may cause significant health concerns, including death.
  • Magnesium is required for muscle contractions, heart rhythm, neuron function, bone formation and strength, anxiety reduction, digestion, and maintaining a steady protein-fluid balance. As a result, magnesium shortage is dangerous and may cause dehydration.

A range of hormones also controls the activity and concentrations of electrolytes in the body. The kidneys and adrenal glands are the principal producers of electrolytes. Hormones such as rennin, angiotensin, aldosterone, and antidiuretic hormones regulate them.


Dehydration is more than just a case of being very thirsty. Dehydration may manifest itself in various ways, including tension in the neck or jaw, constipation, vomiting, and lasting muscular spasms.

How do you know if you’re thirsty? The following are the most prevalent indications and symptoms of dehydration:

  • Mouth is parched
  • Sleepiness
  • Thirst
  • Urination is less frequent.
  • Muscle deterioration
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea

According to new research, dehydration may affect overall emotions and cognitive functioning, leading to lack of focus, visual impairments, perceptual discrimination, tracking, recall, attention, psychomotor abilities, and memory. This makes sense, given that water makes up around 60% of our body, as well as 75% of our muscles and 85% of our brains.

Because the muscles in the digestive system require adequate water to contract effectively in order to let you go to the bathroom, stomach issues are a typical indicator of dehydration (even in young children). Diarrhea, constipation, cramps, and hemorrhoids may all be caused by a lack of water and/or electrolytes.

Dehydration is one of the leading causes of hospitalization among the elderly. In addition, during severe weather conditions, such as the heat of July, many older persons face fluid loss and other major health concerns.

If dehydration persists for an extended length of time, severe dehydration symptoms may occur, including:

  • Excessive thirst
  • Irritability
  • Confusion
  • Dry mouth and mucous membranes
  • Eyes that have sunk
  • Sweating is absent.
  • Tears are scarce.
  • Urination is little or missing.
  • Sunken fontanel (a “soft area” on a baby’s head)
  • When you touch your skin, it doesn’t “bounce back” (due to moisture loss)
  • Blood pressure that is too low
  • A fast heartbeat
  • Fever
  • Delirium

There are slight distinctions between the symptoms of dehydration and hypernatremia. Loss of water is more common than loss of electrolytes in hypernatremia.

Dehydration and hypernatremia have certain symptoms in common, yet they may affect individuals differently.

Hypernatremia isn’t necessarily more dangerous than dehydration, although it may cause more visible and severe symptoms in certain cases.

Hypernatremia may cause the following symptoms:

  • Skin that is warm and silky.
  • Dry mucus membranes
  • Extreme thirst is a common complaint.
  • Twitching
  • Lethargy
  • Irritability
  • Confusion
  • Muscle or joint rigidity and stiffness
  • Convulsions

Risk Factors/Causes

Dehydration may occur for various causes, ranging from a poor diet to being unwell with a fever.

Dehydration symptoms are more common in the following people:

  • Young children and babies: An infant’s fluid exchange rate is seven times that of an adult, and his metabolic rate is two times that of an adult in relation to body weight. These variables and many children’s reluctance to drink enough plain water have an impact on fluid levels.
  • The elderly: The elderly often do not consume enough food or water. They may lose their capacity to feel thirsty or get used to feeling dehydration symptoms.
  • Anyone who is continuously unwell, particularly if they are experiencing vomiting or diarrhea due to their condition.
  • Those who are recovering from fevers or infections. Vomiting patients and those with a stomach illness or fever have been reported to have both limited water intake and electrolyte losses via the vomit itself.
  • People recuperating from surgery who aren’t drinking enough water because they aren’t feeling well.
  • Athletes who compete in endurance events.
  • Those who live at a high elevation.
  • Those who live or work in scorching, humid climates: Daily water consumption might treble or even triple in scorching weather.
  • Farmers, miners, military people, construction workers, firemen, forest workers, park and recreation staff, and industrial personnel are all known to be physically active at work and to suffer from dehydration at a greater rate.
  • Anyone who sweats profusely and loses a lot of fluid.
  • Consuming a diet deficient in key minerals and nutrients derived from entire foods.
  • Having digestive difficulties that prevent regular nutrition absorption from eating.
  • Those who suffer from hormone imbalances or endocrine abnormalities might cause urinary problems.
  • Anyone on certain drugs, such as those for cancer, heart disease, or hormone imbalances. Antibiotics, over-the-counter diuretics, and corticosteroid hormones are all examples of this.
  • Those with kidney illness or damage: The kidneys are responsible for managing chloride levels in the bloodstream and “flushing out” potassium, magnesium, and sodium.
  • Patients undergoing chemotherapy may have low blood calcium or calcium shortage, changes in blood potassium levels, and other electrolyte imbalances due to their treatment.

Natural Remedies

1. Get Enough Water Every Day

What’s the quickest method to recover from dehydration? In many circumstances, oral rehydration with water is the best approach.

Listen to your body and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water is the most effective strategy to avoid and combat dehydration, particularly during the hot summer months when we’re all more likely to perspire than normal.

Most people may maintain good electrolyte levels and prevent dehydration symptoms by simply drinking the recommended eight to ten eight-ounce glasses of water each day. Drinking more is a good idea when you’re exposed to very high conditions or during and after exercises.

Diet, age, physical activity level, and body size all have a role in how much water you need, so keep an eye out for dehydration signs and drink according to your thirst level.

How can you tell whether you’re getting enough water? Drink enough water to pee every three to four hours is a fair rule of thumb.

Your urine shouldn’t be dark yellow, but it also shouldn’t be clear. A hue in the center, generally a soft yellow, is what you’re going for. Most individuals achieve this by drinking eight to ten glasses each day, although your requirements may vary depending on the day.

Keep in mind that pregnant or breastfeeding women and teens who grow and develop at a quicker pace than others need more fluids (10–13 glasses per day) to keep hydrated and avoid deficiencies. In addition, antibiotics, diuretics, hormone pills, blood pressure drugs, and cancer therapies may all cause dehydration, so drinking plenty of water is a good idea.

2. Consume a greater variety of hydrating foods

Here are some of the most naturally hydrating foods you should eat daily:

  • Coconut milk or coconut water
  • Celery
  • Melon, including watermelon and various melon
  • Cucumber
  • Kiwi
  • Bell Peppers
  • Citrus fruits such as Oranges and grapefruit
  • Carrots
  • Dairy products with a culture (including yogurt, kefir, and amasai)
  • Pineapple

Foods that are excellent providers of water include:

  • bananas
  • grapes
  • astringent melon
  • papaya
  • lettuce
  • berries
  • avocado
  • zucchini
  • tomatoes
  • radishes

It also aids in the reduction of high-sodium foods, such as those that are packaged, canned, frozen, or processed.

As you can see, hydrating foods are mostly vegetables and fruits. This is because they are rich in water and also contain important electrolytes.

There’s a reason why tropical fruits like mangos and pineapple are so popular among those who live near the equator, where the weather is quite hot.

Residents of Costa Rica, for example, live in one of the world’s healthier blue zones. People there enjoy one of the world’s highest life expectancies and consume hydrating foods like tomatoes, oranges, and mangos daily.

3. Experiment with Healthy Water Substitutes

If plain water doesn’t appeal to you, you’ll be relieved to learn that there are additional low-sugar, hydrating choices. Coconut water, for example, is one of nature’s most hydrating beverages.

Coconut water includes potassium, amino acids, enzymes, growth factors, and minerals, which aid in hydration. In addition, the chemical composition of coconut water is identical to that of human blood, making it ideal for rehydrating or recovering after workouts.

Other beverages that may help you stay hydrated are:

  • Vegetable juices produced at home
  • Smoothies made with fruits
  • Fruit pureed and frozen into vegetable pops
  • Teas made from herbs
  • Fruit slices with sparkling water
  • Warm water with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime and a pinch of raw honey
  • Freshly soaked herbs in hot water (such as ginger, peppermint, or dandelion)
  • Kefir made from coconut
  • Kombucha
  • Broths made from bones and other vegetables

Looking for a list of beverages to avoid dehydration and its symptoms? Alcohol, too much caffeine from coffee or tea, as well as soda and sweetened beverages are all examples. All of these may lead to increased urination, dehydration, electrolyte loss, inflammation, and worsening symptoms in the event of too much sugar.

4. Stay Hydrated During and After Your Workout

We lose electrolyte balance during increased activity or exercise periods because we sweat more. Consuming more water than normal is the greatest method to counteract this process and avoid dehydration.

Drink one glass before, one during, and one immediately after an exercise. Overall, aim for 1.5 to 2.5 cups for shorter sessions and three additional cups for longer workouts lasting more than one hour.

Drinking anything containing natural electrolytes, such as sodium chloride or potassium chloride, is also good during severe exercise or endurance training. The issue is that most sports drinks include a lot of sugar and artificial flavorings, so try coconut water instead.

It’s also a good idea to have a balanced lunch after exercising and then drink plenty of water for the remainder of the day. If you start to feel dizzy or cramping, drink plenty of water and eat something with electrolytes until you feel better.

5. Avoid dehydration while you’re sick

Increase your water consumption if you’ve been unwell, such as with a fever that produces vomiting or diarrhea, or if you have a gastrointestinal condition that causes these symptoms (such as inflammatory bowel disorders like Crohn’s disease).

Dehydration brought on by sickness may lead to consequences such as kidney stones, bladder infections, urinary tract stones, and even heart failure. Electrolyte drinks may assist with prolonged diarrhea or vomiting.

Side Effects and Risks

Although mild dehydration is harmful to anybody, babies and young children and anyone recuperating from a major illness should be closely checked for signs of dehydration. If urinating stops or becomes infrequent, it’s necessary to contact a doctor immediately once to rule out any life-threatening underlying reasons.

Due to age-related and inflammation-related physiologic changes, older persons and those who are unwell might rapidly become dehydrated. Some of these symptoms are nutrient deficiency, thirst deficiency, incontinence, restricted movement (constipation), and disorientation.

Dizziness stumbles, urinary tract infections, dental disease, kidney stones, and chronic constipation are among risks that may be increased by limiting voluntary fluid intake in both newborns and older individuals.


  • Dehydration ensues when the amount of fluid lost from the body exceeds the amount taken in.
  • How can you know if you’re dehydrated? Dizziness, shakiness, constipation, headaches, increased thirst, dark-colored urine, irritability, and difficulty focusing are all signs of dehydration.
  • Kidney damage, heart difficulties, fainting, difficulty seeing, falling due to lack of balance, and even seizures are all complications of dehydration.
  • Oral dehydration may be treated naturally by drinking water (or other hydrating drinks) throughout the day, avoiding alcohol and excessive salt or caffeine, eating more hydrating fruits and vegetables, and replenishing with additional electrolytes during/after exercises or times of sickness.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I fix dehydration naturally?

A: Dehydration is often caused by the body not draining properly. The most common cause is a lack of physical activity, which can be fixed with more exercise and drinking more water throughout the day.

What is the fastest way to cure dehydration?

A: The most effective way to get the water you need is by drinking fluids such as water, sports drinks, and soup. If these are unavailable, one can try a rehydration solution containing salt or sugar.

Related Tags

  • dehydration effects
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  • what causes dehydration
  • dehydration symptoms fever
  • dehydration treatment

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