Frequent Urination Causes and Natural Treatments

Several factors can cause frequent urination, but some common symptoms include nausea and vomiting. In most cases, it indicates an underlying health issue or structural abnormality in the body that may require medical attention. However, there are many natural treatments you can use to help with your condition without visiting a doctor first.


Frequent urination is a sign of various illnesses, and it may interfere with your ability to work, exercise, or do everyday tasks. Nocturia, or frequent urinating in the middle of the night, may have a negative impact on a person’s quality of life, including exhaustion, mood swings, hunger fluctuations, and cognitive fog.

You may usually control and improve this highly uncomfortable symptom by treating the underlying illness that causes frequent urination. Knowing the possible reasons for frequent urination will help you figure out what’s causing the problem so you can talk with your doctor about a treatment plan.

Natural remedies for frequent urination include strengthening pelvic muscles, avoiding dietary triggers, and retraining your bladder to use the toilet less often.

Frequent Urination and Its Effect On You

The desire to pee more often than normal is known as frequent urination. Two terms refer to frequent urination: “polyuria” refers to a greater volume of urine, and “urinary frequency” refers to the passage of a normal quantity of pee but the need to urinate more often.

Urination is frequently accompanied by a feeling of urine urgency induced by involuntary bladder muscular spasms. This sensation is known as nocturia, and it occurs in some persons only at night.

Urine is a waste and excess fluid mixture that is excreted from the body through the urinary tract. Although you may not consider all of the bodily components that enable you to pee numerous times a day, the urinary system as a whole must operate together and perform effectively.

The kidneys filter your blood and create urine 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The ureters then transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder, where it is stored until the bladder is full and you feel the need to pee. The urethra, which is made up of muscles that retain urine in the bladder and eventually enable it to escape the body, is located near the bottom of the bladder. However, before you can pee, the brain must transmit signals to tighten the muscular bladder wall and the sphincters surrounding the urethra, allowing urine to escape the body.

Peeing isn’t as straightforward as it seems. When we deal with urinary tract disorders, such as frequent urination, we typically deal with an underlying illness affecting one of these bodily components. Many health disorders, particularly those affecting the urinary system, may induce frequent urination.

Symptoms and Signs

When you’re dealing with frequent urination, it’s typically quite obvious. If you’re peeing more than 4–8 times a day and aren’t pregnant, you might have an underlying problem causing this symptom. Urinating every one to two hours or more than once in the middle of the night is also considered frequent urination.

Frequent urination affects individuals of all ages, although it is more common in middle-aged and older adults, as well as pregnant women.

Frequent urination may be accompanied by additional urinary symptoms such as painful urination, an urgent desire to pee, and blood in the urine in some persons. In addition, urinary incontinence, or the involuntary leakage of pee, may also be a problem for certain individuals.

Causes and Risk Factors

1. Bladder problems

A disorder that affects your bladder in some manner is one of the most common causes of frequent urination. This might be due to a bladder infection or injury or muscle, nerve, or tissue abnormalities that are impacting your bladder function. The following are some bladder-related disorders that may cause frequent urination:

  • Bladder stones are mineral deposits that develop in the urinary bladder and are more common in males.
  • Overactive bladder – a condition in which the bladder cannot contain pee effectively, resulting in incontinence and urine leakage.
  • Interstitial cystitis, commonly known as painful bladder syndrome, is a persistent illness that produces discomfort and pressure in the bladder, causing frequent urination.

2. Prostate problems

The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system that is placed directly below the bladder. One of the warning indicators that you may have a problem with your prostate health is frequent urination.

  • Prostate enlargement (also known as BPH) occurs when the prostate becomes larger and presses on the bladder and urinary system.
  • Prostatitis is an infectious condition that affects the prostate gland and causes symptoms such as frequent urination, fever, nausea, vomiting, discomfort while urinating, and a need to pee urgently.

3. Kidney problems

Renal illness or changes in kidney function may result in frequent urination and other symptoms such as kidney discomfort (behind the rib cage or in the back/abdomen), fluid retention and edema, indigestion, and high blood pressure.

  • Kidney stones are the most prevalent urinary tract problem, causing frequent urination, discomfort along with the kidneys, lower back pain, and urine discoloration.

4. Diabetes types 1 and 2

The body attempts to eliminate unneeded glucose via your urine in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, producing frequent urination and a big volume of urine. Aside from frequent urination, weight fluctuations, numbness or tingling in your hands and feet, recurrent infections and dry skin are also typical diabetes symptoms.

  • Diabetes insipidus is a disorder characterized by excessive thirst and the production of huge volumes of urine (polyuria). Insufficient vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone production causes it.

5. Infections of the urinary tract

Bacteria enter the urinary system and produce symptoms such as frequent urination, discomfort while peeing, and a burning feeling in the bladder. With a UTI, you may feel compelled to pee regularly, but you may only be able to pass little volumes of urine at a time. You may also notice hazy pee or urine with a strong odor.

6. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

STDs are on the increase, and many of them may cause frequent urination because they impact your urinary system. Urinary symptoms caused by chlamydia and gonorrhea include frequent urination, painful urination, discharge, and swelling at the urethral opening.

7. Pregnancy 

The mother’s bladder is pressed against the developing uterus during pregnancy, necessitating frequent visits to the restroom.

8. Stroke

Because a stroke may impair bladder nerves, it might lead to frequent urination.

9. Some drugs

The drugs or therapies listed below may cause frequent urination:

  • Diuretics are drugs used to rid the body of excess fluid or treat high blood pressure.
  • Muscle relaxants and sedatives might cause your bladder and urethra to relax, resulting in frequent urine.
  • Radiation treatment to the pelvic region may result in urinary problems.

10. Excessive fluid consumption

Drinking too much water close to sleep might cause nocturia or nighttime urinating. Water, wine, coffee, tea, soda, and other carbonated drinks are examples of fluids.

11. Nervous tension

Nervous stress or a psychological problem may sometimes induce frequent urination. When stress or anxiety levels are high, a person may urinate more often for just a few hours at a time.


Before treating you, your doctor will need to figure out what’s causing your frequent urination. They will run several tests and do a physical check to figure out what’s causing your frequent urination. You’ll also be asked to provide a urine sample to rule out any illnesses or anomalies. If your doctor suspects that the condition is due to a bladder or urinary tract disorder, more testing may be necessary.

Your doctor or healthcare provider will propose a treatment plan after the underlying reason for your frequent urination has been identified. For example, if you have a bacterial infection, antibiotics may be prescribed, as well as an anticholinergic to help with the symptoms of an overactive bladder. If you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you’ll need to adjust your food and lifestyle, as well as work out a treatment plan with your doctor.

6 Natural Urinary Incontinence Treatments

1. Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor muscle exercises are often used to address urinary disorders such as incontinence, hyperactive bladder, and frequent urination. The pelvic floor muscles’ strength, coordination, and endurance may all be improved with these workouts. Pelvic floor training is an exercise that includes tightening the muscles in the lower abdomen. (nine, ten)

Kegel exercises, for example, are a sort of pelvic floor training that helps to strengthen the muscles that wrap around your urethra. When you clench these muscles by tightening and then relaxing them, they get stronger, allowing you to regulate urination better. Kegels may aid persons with frequent urination by supporting their bladder.

2. Bladder Conditioning

Did you realize that your bladder can be trained? Unfortunately, some individuals are training their bladders through some really harmful behaviors without even realizing it. Some persons who have frequent urination, for example, may be teaching their bladder to empty more often before it is genuinely full. So you’re experiencing the need to pee even though you don’t need to right now.

However, bladder training might help you establish a new urination routine. The following describes how bladder training works: Begin by keeping a log of the times you urinate for 1–2 days. Next, you’ll need to find out how long it takes you to go to the restroom. Then you’ll decide on a training interval. For example, if you pee every 2 hours and set a beginning interval of 10 minutes, your training will consist of urinating every 2 hours and 10 minutes.

Make every effort to wait the specified period before urinating again, and if you feel that you don’t need to pee after you’ve reached your interval, urinate nonetheless. If you need to pee before it’s time, try some distraction tactics like deep breathing, relaxing your body, sitting on a chair, and bending down to release some pressure.

Once you’ve gotten used to your first interval, increase it by 10-15 minutes and repeat until your urine frequency decreases.

3. Keep an eye on your fluid intake

It’s important to keep track of your fluid consumption since you need to be hydrated. Still, you also don’t want to overdo it with fluids (particularly alcohol, caffeine, and soda), as this can result in more visits to the toilet. Reduce your fluid consumption before bedtime to avoid waking up in the middle of the night to urinate. After supper, unless you’re really thirsty or dehydrated, avoid drinking any liquids.

4. Review Your Prescriptions

According to studies, various drugs might cause frequent urination and other urinary system problems, such as incontinence. For example, diuretics are medications that cause the kidneys to produce more pee; hence they might cause frequent urination. In addition, because muscle relaxants, sedatives, and alpha-adrenergic antagonists relax the urethra or bladder, they may lead to frequent urination.

In a cross-sectional study of 390 individuals aged 60 and above seeking treatment for urinary symptoms, notably incontinence, 60.5 percent were taking drugs that might be contributing to their problems. Calcium channel blockers, benzodiazepines, ACE inhibitors, and estrogens were among the drugs used.

Antipsychotics, antidepressants, antihistamines, and anticonvulsants are among the additional medicines that might produce frequent urination and other urinary symptoms.

5. Alter Your Diet

According to research, your food choices may influence your urinary system’s health. Some meals and drinks should be avoided since they might cause urinary symptoms such as frequent urination. The following are examples of this:

  • Beverages containing alcohol
  • Caffeinated drinks
  • Carbonated drinks such as soda and other carbonated liquids
  • Fruits and liquids made from citrus
  • Sweeteners made from artificial sources
  • Sugar-dense foods
  • meals with a kick
  • Milk products in the traditional sense

Vitamin C meals and foods containing beta-cryptoxanthin, a vitamin A carotenoid, are two nutrients that may promote your urinary system’s health. These nutrients can be found in the following foods:

  • Kiwi
  • Guava
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Mango
  • Pumpkin
  • Squash
  • Carrots
  • Sweet peppers
  • Green Pepper
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Parsley

Consuming probiotic foods like kefir, fermented vegetables, and probiotic yogurt has also been linked to a lower risk of urinary tract infections, one of the leading reasons for frequent urination.

6. Address the Root Cause

As you can see from the long list of reasons for frequent urination, this symptom may be caused by various underlying diseases, ranging from bladder infections and urinary tract infections to type 2 diabetes and pregnancy. If you still have frequent urination after trying these natural remedies, you’ll need to figure out what’s causing the problem and then cure it.

If you’re not sure what’s causing your frequent urination, see your doctor or healthcare provider so they may do a physical examination, ask you questions, and order testing.


If you have a fever, discomfort in your back, abdomen, or side, chills, painful urination, lack of bladder control, increased thirst, bloody or murky urine, or vomiting while coping with frequent urination, see your doctor or healthcare provider immediately once.

These symptoms indicate that you have a bladder or kidney infection or disease. Your doctor will be able to perform some tests and determine the source of your problems.

Last Thoughts

  • The desire to pee more often than normal is known as frequent urination. Two terms refer to frequent urination: “polyuria,” which refers to a greater volume of urine, and “urinary frequency,” which refers to the passage of a normal quantity of pee but the desire to urinate more often.
  • Some individuals suffer from nocturia, which is frequent urinating at night that prevents you from sleeping and getting the rest you need during the day.
  • Urinating often is often an indication of some underlying illness. In addition, a variety of medical issues may cause frequent urination.
  • Natural remedies that you may attempt at home, in addition to addressing the underlying disease that’s causing frequent urination, include pelvic floor training, bladder training, controlling your fluid intake, reviewing your medicines, changing your diet, and treating the reason.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I stop frequent urination naturally?

A: This is a common health problem among older men. I recommend reducing your salt intake and making sure you are getting enough water throughout the day. If this doesn’t help, try taking flax seed oil daily to increase urine output by diluting the blood and strengthening your immune system against bacteria that may be causing it for other reasons.

How can I stop frequent urination immediately?

A: If you are experiencing frequent urination, it is recommended that you speak to your doctor. They will be able to determine if there are any underlying medical problems and offer the appropriate treatment.

What is the best natural supplement for bladder control?

A: The best natural remedy for bladders that are out of control is water. This will help to regulate the frequency in which your body needs to urinate. It also helps prevent bladder infections like UTIs and cystitis and maintain a healthy urinary tract.

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