How to Break A Fever
Fever is a common symptom of many illnesses. It can be caused by a virus, bacteria, or another disease. When you have a fever, your body temperature increases, and your immune system kicks into high gear to fight off the infection.
We’ve all been there: ill in bed, hot and cold at the same time, with a high temperature. All we want is for this fever to go so we can feel better.
Are you looking for a natural fever cure? Then, you’re in luck since there are many natural methods to treat a fever, just as there are several natural ways to treat the flu or a cold.
Even though it may seem like it, having a fever isn’t the worst thing in the world. On the contrary, a fever is usually the body’s defensive mechanism against illness. Therefore it’s a positive thing. In addition, fevers are generally innocuous and may be seen as a sign that your immune system is in excellent functioning order and that your body is attempting to cure itself.
That doesn’t make having a temperature any less unpleasant, and it certainly doesn’t make you want to have it any longer than necessary. So, with that in mind, let’s have a look at some easy, natural ways to break a fever.
What Exactly Is A Fever?
The term “fever” refers to a high body temperature. It’s typically a sign of something else, most often an illness.
While a fever may be very unpleasant, it is seldom hazardous if it isn’t severe. In addition, you may not need medical therapy to get rid of a fever, depending on your age, physical health, and the underlying reason for your rage.
What constitutes a fever?
In general, a fever is defined as a higher-than-normal body temperature. For example, while the average normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius), the usual temperature range is 97.5 degrees Fahrenheit (36.4 degrees Celsius) to 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit (37.5 degrees Celsius).
In adults, a temperature of more than 100.4°F (38°C) is considered a symptom of a fever by most physicians. On the other hand, a temperature of about 101°F is moderate and does not typically need medication or a visit to the doctor.
Average body temperature varies depending on age, overall health, amount of exercise, and even time of day. For example, temperatures in infants are more significant than in older children.
Our temperatures are usually at their peak in the late afternoon and early evening and at their lowest in the early morning. The amount and kind of clothes a person wears and the surroundings may impact their body temperature.
What is the best way to tell whether you have a fever?
When a member of your family has a fever, they may feel hot, flushed, sweat more than average, and drink more than usual. Other symptoms may include an earache, sore throat, rash, or stomach ache. depending on the underlying reason
Hyperthermia is a hazardous increase in body temperature caused by a failure of the body’s heat-regulating systems to cope with the heat coming from the environment. Heat exhaustion, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are all examples of this. Symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, sweating, and cramps are more common in these diseases.
Here’s some good news: brain damage from a fever seldom occurs until the temperature rises beyond 107.6°F (42°C). Unless the person is overdressed or confined in a very hot setting, untreated fevers caused by illness seldom exceed 105°F.
In adults, how long does a fever last?
The majority of fevers go down within a few days. However, if you develop a 101 to 103 degrees Fahrenheit fever for more than three days, get medical attention to rule out severe underlying reasons.
What to Do If You Have a Fever
Do you want to get rid of fever in less than 24 hours? Remember that a fever doesn’t necessarily need to be completely gone; the objective is generally to reduce rather than eradicate the madness since the temperature may aid in the battle against infection.
Because most individuals feel better when their temperature lowers by even one degree, the first step in getting rid of a fever is to avoid trying to bring it down ultimately.
A moderate fever may usually be treated by drinking lots of water and relaxing for a few days. These are the first two stages to concentrate on. After that, stay hydrated and watch your symptoms to see if they’re growing worse. Also, get plenty of rest and wear comfortable clothing.
Is it possible to “sweat out” a fever? Sweating out a fever may be beneficial since it indicates that the fever is “breaking” and dissipating. Because heat is lost via the skin, don’t overdress; instead, dress comfortably. It’s not necessary to layer up to increase sweating since this is unlikely to assist. If it makes you feel better, you may even wish to expose part of your flesh.
While your body is conquering a fever, you may notice that you alternate between feeling cold/shivering and feeling hot; this is typical and may indicate that the fever is fading.
How to Get Rid of a Fever
Here are some of the most effective fever-relieving tips:
1. It’s Important to Get Some Rest
Our bodies work on healing by mending and renewing themselves while we rest. For example, sleeping causes the brain to produce hormones that promote new tissue development, and this rest aids your body’s defense mechanisms.
Resting, especially sleeping, causes your body to produce more white blood cells, which may fight viruses and germs, which is precisely what you want.
As a result, if you can’t sleep, your fever is likely to persist longer. So make sure you get enough sleep each night, aiming for seven to nine hours.
2. Drink a lot of water
Hydration is critical because fluids aid in the removal of toxins, which speeds up the healing process.
- Don’t offer a kid too much fruit or apple juice; instead, dilute these beverages by mixing half water and half juice. This is because bacteria feed on glucose, a kind of sugar.
- Sports drinks are usually high in sugar and other chemicals, so avoid them. Coconut water, on the other hand, is very hydrating and also contains electrolytes.
- Herbal drinks like peppermint or chamomile are also excellent choices.
3. Consume bland, mild foods
When you have a fever, it’s natural to lose your appetite. Therefore, it may be beneficial to eat mainly moderate, bland meals, particularly if vomiting occurs. You don’t have to push yourself to eat, but you should drink plenty of water.
Bananas, oatmeal, and bone broth are examples of bland foods. Popsicles made from fruit juice are popular among kids. However, wherever feasible, aim to provide unprocessed, low-sugar meals.
4. Take probiotics
Probiotics are particularly beneficial for gut healing, even during sickness, since they strengthen the immune system.
Did you know that your digestive tract houses more than 70% of your total immune system? It’s your immune system that’s weakened when you have a fever. Probiotics may assist improve immune function and decrease the risk of some acute infectious illnesses.
When you’re ill with a fever, sipping kombucha or eating miso soup or yogurt may assist.
5. Take a bath in lukewarm water
A lukewarm bath or sponge bath may assist to reduce the severity of a fever. Cold baths, ice, and alcohol massages, on the other hand, should be avoided. These often aggravate the problem by producing shivering.
Adding Epsom salt to a bath, together with a few drops of peppermint and lavender essential oils, may aid to soothe muscles and calm an aching body.
6. Avoid overdressing
What is the best way to get rid of fever chills? Possibly if you or your kid gets the chills, don’t wrap up in blankets or additional clothing since this may prevent the temperature from going down or even make it worse.
Instead, sleep with one layer of light clothes and one lightweight blanket. The temperature should be pleasant; however, if the space is hot or stuffy, a fan may assist circulate the air.
Should you use a fever reducer over-the-counter?
Try Tylenol or Motrin if you need to take medicine after attempting home cures for a fever. If your kid is under the age of three months, you should always contact your doctor.
According to research published in the Italian Journal of Pediatrics, parents and caregivers use self-prescribed synthetic medicines like acetaminophen much too often, and overdosage may develop. The study suggests that to minimize fever-phobia and self-prescription, precautions should be considered while using acetaminophen as an antipyretic medication in children.
Fevers may be produced by a variety of non-infectious reasons, in addition to typical diseases.
- Fevers are usually harmless and are caused by a virus that is only present for a brief period. However, that isn’t to say you should disregard it.
- Physical activity, intense emotions, eating, wearing heavy clothes, taking medicines, being in a hot room, and being in a humid environment may all raise body temperature.
- Bone infections, lung infections, ear infections, sinus infections, mononucleosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections, viral gastroenteritis, and bacterial gastroenteritis are just a few diseases that may produce a fever.
- After certain vaccinations, a child may have a low-grade fever for one or two days, and teething may produce a slight rise in a kid’s temperature, but it should not exceed 100°F.
- The menstrual cycle may raise a woman’s temperature by one degree or more.
- Fevers may be caused by autoimmune diseases or inflammatory disorders, such as arthritis or connective tissue diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
- The temperature may be affected by ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, vasculitis, or periarteritis nodosa.
- A fever may be the first sign of malignancy. Hodgkin’s disease, non-lymphoma, Hodgkin’s, and leukemia are examples of this. Fever may also be caused by blood clots or thrombophlebitis.
- In addition, certain antibiotics, antihistamines, and seizure drugs may induce a temperature increase.
- Unexplained fevers are another possibility. The phrase “fevers of unknown cause” refers to fevers that last for days or weeks.
Fever in Children and Infants
Fever is usually the most concerning symptom in babies and toddlers.
Symptoms such as lethargy, fussiness, poor appetite, sore throat, cough, ear discomfort, vomiting, and diarrhea may appear in children, which should be reported to your doctor.
When your child develops a fever, particularly the first one, it’s natural for you to be concerned. On the other hand, a fever isn’t necessarily hazardous for infants and toddlers. “Most fevers between 100 and 104 are acceptable for ill kids,” according to the University of Utah Health.
When a child’s temperature is at or above one of these values, they have a mild fever. 99°F (37.2°C) measured under the arm; 100.4°F (38°C) measured in the bottom (rectally); 99.5°F (37.5°C) measured in the mouth (orally); 100.4°F (38°C) measured in the bottom (rectally) (axillary). When the temperature rises over 99–99.5°F (37.2–37.5°C), an adult is likely to have a fever depending on the time of day.
- Infections most often cause fevers in children. According to health experts, more than 10 million minor infections (throat and skin) are estimated to develop each year; most of them are caused by viruses, which also cause colds, upper respiratory infections, and frequent pediatric infectious illnesses like chickenpox.
- Bacterial infections may require specialized treatment: ear and throat infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, blood infections, and meningitis.
- There are a few additional, less frequent reasons of fever in kids. Allergies to medicines or vaccinations, persistent joint inflammation, certain malignancies, and gastrointestinal disorders are among them.
- An increase in temperature may be caused by simply overdressing a newborn.
Even though many older babies have high fevers due to mild infections, you should see your child’s doctor if a newborn has a fever greater than 100.4 °F when measured rectally.
How can you help your kid with a fever that isn’t caused by medication? Some methods for reducing fever in adults may not be suitable for infants and children. Experts advise that you wait and observe your child’s symptoms, only going to the doctor if they become unbearable. Most viral infections cause fevers to persist for just two or three days. If they persist, seek medical assistance. In the meanwhile, give your kid lots of rest, water, and Tylenol or Motrin if they seem to be in pain.
Another thing to keep in mind is that febrile seizures may strike infants and young children. This may not be very comforting. On the other hand, most febrile seizures are brief and do not indicate that your kid has epilepsy. In reality, they usually don’t have any long-term consequences, but it’s still something you should discuss with your doctor.
When to See a Doctor
When an adult or kid develops a fever, it’s critical to know when to contact a doctor or seek professional assistance. Here are some things to keep an eye out for:
- Even after the fever has subsided, you may feel bored or uneasy.
- Fever symptoms reappeared after they had reduced.
- When the kid is upset, they do not cry.
- There has been no urinating in the last eight hours.
- If a kid is under the age of 3 months and has a rectal temperature of 100.4 °F (38 °C) or higher, or if a child is 3–12 months old and has a fever of 102.2 °F (39 °C) or higher, or if a child is under the age of 2 and has a fever that lasts longer than 48 hours, call 911 immediately.
- Anyone with a temperature of more than 105 degrees Fahrenheit (40.5 degrees Celsius), unless the fever subsides quickly with therapy.
- Has experienced fevers that last a week or more, even if they aren’t extremely high?
- Other symptoms such as a sore throat, earache, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or a cough indicate that a disease should be addressed.
- Has a severe medical condition such a heart condition, sickle cell anemia, diabetes, or cystic fibrosis?
Last Thoughts
- A temperature of more than 100.4 degrees is considered a fever by most physicians.
- A fever is usually the body’s defensive mechanism against illness therefore it’s a positive thing. In addition, fevers are generally innocuous and may be seen as a sign that your immune system is in excellent functioning order and that your body is attempting to cure itself.
- The majority of fevers are caused by illnesses, although this is not always the case.
- Here are some suggestions for overcoming a fever: Rest is essential, as is drinking lots of fluids, eating bland and mild meals, taking probiotics, bathing in lukewarm water, and not overdressing. Sweating out a fever while not overly wrapping up may be beneficial and indicate that the fever is breaking.
- In adults, how long does a fever last? Several days, although seldom longer than three to five. Fever in children is typically gone within a few days.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you break a fever naturally?
A: You can try to reduce the fever by taking a warm bath or using a cool cloth on your forehead.
How do I get rid of fever?
A: If you are feeling a fever, the best thing to do is drink plenty of fluids and rest.
How long does it take for a fever to break?
A: It can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days.
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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.