How to Get Rid of Fever Blisters (11 Proven Remedies)

Fever blisters are the medical term for a cold sore and are caused by a virus.

A fever blister typically pops up on or around the lips and can take up to three weeks to completely heal.

Unfortunately, many people who suffer from these types of blisters end up dealing with them for a lifetime, as the virus can remain dormant in the body.

An outbreak of blisters can be caused by excessive stress, skin trauma, hormonal changes in the body, sunlight overexposure, or a weak immune system due to another virus or illness.

Fever blisters can be very painful.

They are usually accompanied by a burning and tingling feeling and can be swollen and inflamed.

The blisters are typically small and clustered together and usually appear in the same spot each time.

They can be painful, annoying and can cause embarrassment as they are difficult to cover up.

When you are asking how to get rid of a blister, you may look at some of the over-the-counter medications that are available for purchase.

Unfortunately, they can take too much time to work and aren’t always helpful.

Before you try the expensive route, try the following fever blister remedies that can be done from home and usually provide much quicker relief.

You’ll want to choose a remedy as soon as you think you are getting a fever blister, as it can help reduce the length and severity of the outbreak.

Check out the top eleven fever blister remedies that are known to have worked.


Whole Milk


Most people already have whole milk at home, so this is a perfect remedy when you are wondering about how to get rid of a blister that is causing you pain and embarrassment.

Calcium and immunoglobulins actually aid in the fight against the virus that causes the blisters to begin with, and both are found in whole milk.

Milk also has monocaprin, which is a fat that has antiviral properties.

In addition, milk can actually accelerate the healing process.

Pour a small bowl of cold milk to soak a cotton ball in.

Apply the cotton ball to the cold sore and leave it on for at least 10 minutes.

The milk will help to lessen the pain that you are feeling.

You can do this a few times per day until the cold sore is gone.

You may also wish to add a teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of warm whole milk and drink this mixture twice a day for a week.

Turmeric can actually help lessen the pain of a fever blister.




Garlic can help a fever blister disappear quickly as it has various enzymes that are antiviral agents and can treat blisters effectively.

The antibacterial properties will also help to disinfect the area of the blister and push the healing time.

A few small garlic cloves can be crushed finely and made into a paste.

After applied to the affected area, sit back and relax for about 15 minutes.

Remember, garlic may sting slightly when applied to a cold sore.




Many people have yogurt in their homes, which can be used as a remedy for the lysine that it contains.

An egg and yogurt face mask can soothe and heal your fever blister.

Take one cup of egg and one cup of yogurt and mix together with one tablespoon of honey.

This will form a thick paste that you can then spread on the blisters with a cotton ball.

Leave the mixture on for half an hour and then use warm water to rinse off.

This can be repeated once a day as needed.

You can also eat yogurt a couple of times a day to help the blisters heal quicker.


Tea Tree Oil


Tea tree oil contains antiviral properties that can easily and effectively get rid of blisters.

Combine one part of the tea tree oil with three parts of water.

Use a cotton ball to swab the affected area of the mouth three times a day.

It should only take a few days for the fever blister to completely heal.

You can also mix equal parts of tea tree oil with olive oil and then add a drop or two of eucalyptus oil.

Apply this mixture on the fever blister a few times per day for up to five days or until gone.


Hydrogen Peroxide


Do you have hydrogen peroxide under your bathroom sink?

Chances are you do, and you can use this as a natural disinfectant to kill the bacteria that can cause blisters to occur.

Since the blisters grow quicker in warm, moist areas, hydrogen peroxide can help keep the particular area dry and moisture-free.

Use 3% hydrogen peroxide to get rid of your blisters.

Soak a cotton ball in the peroxide and apply it to the affected area.

Let it dry for a few minutes and then rinse it off.

This remedy can be repeated three to four times a day for a few days.

You can also use generic aspirin as a paste.

Crush up two aspirins and add to one teaspoon of the peroxide.

Apply it to the blister with a cotton ball and leave it on for up to three minutes.

Clean it off with warm water.

This method can be used once a day for two days.




Toothpaste is a common household product that is great for reducing blisters, as it has ingredients like hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and alcohol.

These can all dry out blisters in just a couple of days.

Simply apply a dab of toothpaste to the blister and allow it to dry for two hours or overnight.

Wash it away with warm water and apply a bit of petroleum jelly to soothe the skin.

You can try this method every day until the blisters are healed.

You may also mix a teaspoon of toothpaste with one-half teaspoon of salt.

Apply to the blister with a cotton swab and leave it overnight.

Rinse away in the morning and repeat every day as needed.

Note: only use white toothpaste to treat cold sores. Colored toothpaste and whitening gels should be avoided.




A cold compress will help to reduce the amount of pain a cold sore can cause.

It can also keep the sores from spreading.

Take a few ice cubes and wrap them up in a washcloth.

Apply it to the sores for 10 to 15 minutes at a time.

You can repeat this remedy every three or four hours.

You will want to use some type of soft ointment or chapstick afterward to soften up the skin.

If you feel the beginning sensations of a cold sore coming on, this remedy will work the best to head it off.




Many people are surprised to know that they can use licorice when they read about how to get rid of fever blisters naturally.

That is because licorice has glycyrrhizin in it which has anti-inflammatory properties that can minimize both swelling and redness, as well as speed up the entire healing process.

You will need one tablespoon of an organic licorice root powder to get started.

Mix this with just a small amount of water to form a paste.

Using a small cotton swab, dab the paste on the blister.

The paste can be left on for a few hours and then rinsed off with warm water.

Reapply the paste a few times per day, every day, until the blisters are gone.

Note: if you suffer from high blood pressure, avoid any licorice remedies.


Aloe Vera


Wondering how to get rid of fever blisters with a plant?

Aloe vera has many natural healing powers that can reduce the pain and inflammation of a blister.

The gel also helps to keep the area soft and moist so the blister doesn’t split or crack open.

Use a fresh aloe vera leaf to extract gel to apply to the cold sore.

Let the area dry and then wash off with lukewarm water.

This can be repeated a number of times a day for 3-4 days.


Tea Bags


Most teas contain tannic acid, which is an astringent that can aid in getting rid of blisters, as it has antiviral properties.

Tea also has antioxidants that will help blisters heal quicker.

Black or green tea can be used for this remedy.

Place the tea bag in boiling water for one minute and then remove and cool.

Apply the tea bag to the blister for a few minutes, pressing gently but firmly.

You’ll get instant relief from the pain and discomfort of the cold sore.

You can use this remedy many times per day for 3-4 days.


Vanilla Extract


Vanilla extract is alcohol based, which can help to dry out the blisters and keep them from getting worse.

Organic, pure vanilla extract is the best product to use, but regular extract will also work.

Apply the pure vanilla extract to the blister with a cotton swab for a minute or two.

Repeat four times a day until the blister is gone.




Remember, a fever blister is contagious and can be spread.

Always wash your hands after applying any natural remedy.

It is recommended that you do not share lip products, food, drinks or towels with anyone else while you have a cold sore.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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