How to Reduce Adrenaline Naturally

Adrenaline is a hormone released by the body to help you fight or flee from danger. It can be beneficial in situations that require quick decision-making, such as during an emergency. However, many individuals have found that this energy boost doesn’t last long before their mood and health deteriorates, sometimes leading to physical injury. As a result, adrenaline suppression medication has been introduced with mixed results; these medications may be ineffective because they don’t target the root cause of adrenaline build-up: stress.


It’s something that everyone has experienced. That thundering pulse, all of a sudden. Palms sweaty. As you search for exits, you feel a burst of energy. That’s epinephrine in action.

The adrenal glands produce the hormone epinephrine. Adrenaline is another name for the hormone. Epinephrine, the energy surge driving our “fight or flight” mentality, is released at times of abrupt or extreme stress.

While it’s critical to have adequate epinephrine in the body at the right moments, overproduction may lead to various health issues. For example, anxiety, sadness, weight gain, and heart disease are linked to persistently high levels. Fortunately, there are several natural strategies to lower adrenaline production.

Is there a difference between adrenaline and epinephrine?

The hormones adrenaline and epinephrine are interchangeable. The phrases “fight-or-flight” and “fight-or-flight” are interchangeably used to describe the “fight-or-flight” hormone produced mainly by the adrenal glands, which are located on top of the kidneys.

What Is Epinephrine?

The medulla is a part of the adrenal gland that produces epinephrine, often known as adrenaline. Our hypothalamus (a tiny area of the brain) raises the alert when we are stressed. Our neurological system activates the adrenal glands and releases adrenaline into the bloodstream. The hormone then binds to receptors in the heart and lungs, among other organs. When our bodies are under stress, epinephrine aids us in a variety of ways:

  • It stimulates our hearts to beat quicker and aids in the dilation of our airways, allowing us to receive more oxygen to our muscles.
  • Epinephrine also causes our blood vessels to constrict, allowing more blood to flow to our heart, lungs, and other vital organs.
  • The hormone aids in the enlargement of the eye’s pupil, which improves vision and perception.
  • It improves our awareness, strength, and performance while lowering our pain threshold.
  • The hormone aids in breaking glucose into sugar, which the body and brain may utilize for energy.

Increased sweating, palpitations, or the sense of a speeding heart (tachycardia), anxiety, and elevated blood pressure are all possible symptoms. After the tension has passed, the body continues to experience the impacts of the energy surge for up to an hour. These alterations may drastically increase our capacity to operate in times of extreme stress. For example, when we are under severe pressure and do not physically need to flee or move quickly, our systems may create adrenaline. It may produce dizziness, light-abnormalities in certain circumstances. On the other hand, it might make you irritated or restless. When there is no apparent risk, high amounts of the hormone may cause jitters, uneasiness or excitability, difficulty sleeping, and even heart damage.

Low vs. High Levels

Epinephrine is produced in great amounts during times of extreme stress. The spike is natural and will lessen after the tension has passed. Therefore, adrenaline is usually only required under stressful situations.

On the other hand, some individuals have high amounts of adrenaline even when there is no risk. For example, it’s typical to produce adrenaline during stressful circumstances that don’t need immediate movement, but actual, continuous overproduction is uncommon.

High epinephrine levels may be induced by:

  • Daily living is full of stress. Even when we don’t need to escape or fight, our bodies are stressed by things like loud sounds, work events, the pressure of juggling a busy schedule, and more. Chronic stress produced by everyday obligations might result in persistently elevated hormone levels. This includes adrenaline and cortisol, which raise blood sugar levels while suppressing our immunological, digestive, reproductive, and growth functions. Consistently high amounts of these stress hormones may have severe consequences for our health.
  • Obesity and untreated obstructive sleep apnea are two of the most common causes of obstructive sleep apnea. When the body struggles to breathe at night, adrenaline comes in to provide a burst of energy to the heart and lungs, as well as a short boost in brain alertness. Unfortunately, this may lead to elevated blood pressure over time.
  • Adrenal tumors or cancer of the adrenal glands. Pheochromocytoma tumors develop on the adrenal glands, whereas paraganglioma tumors develop along the nerves in the chest and abdomen. These tumors may run in families, and trigger adrenaline rushes regularly. However, occasionally the symptoms are so minor that the excess adrenaline goes unnoticed.

Even if your adrenal glands have been removed owing to illness or surgery, low amounts of adrenaline are very unusual. This is because your nervous system may produce noradrenaline or norepinephrine, which is similar to epinephrine. On the other hand, rare hereditary enzyme deficits may induce adrenaline insufficiency. Low hormones generated by the adrenal glands are also a symptom of adrenal insufficiency in certain circumstances. Some individuals believe in adrenal fatigue, which is defined as a modest and undetected (by current blood tests) decline in the synthesis of these essential hormones, resulting in a range of symptoms.


Epinephrine is a hormone used by the body to improve our energy and consciousness during times of acute stress. It has also been turned into a pharmaceutical. It may be used for a variety of medical purposes, including:

  • Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic response. Allergies to food, insect bites or stings, latex, drugs, and other items might cause these symptoms. Epinephrine is injected into the muscle of the outer thigh. It works by constricting blood arteries, reducing edema, and raising blood pressure. Epinephrine then keeps the heart working to prevent a heart attack and relaxes the airways, making breathing easier. It also reduces the body’s allergic response to the allergen.
  • Asthma flares up. Because epinephrine can widen the airway, it may be used to assist calm or avoid significant breathing problems.
  • Heart attacks are pretty standard. However, an adrenaline injection may assist your heart start beating again if it has stopped.
  • Serious infections. When a person is in septic shock, injecting epinephrine straight into a vein (through an IV) may assist the body in re-establish control. On the other hand, inhaled epinephrine may be helpful for severe respiratory infections.
  • Anesthesia. Adding tiny dosages of epinephrine to anesthesia may help prolong pain relief by slowing the body’s absorption of the anesthetic medicine.

Natural Ways to Reduce Production

According to the Mayo Clinic, the key to naturally controlling the body’s adrenaline levels is to learn to respond to stress healthily. Because regulating stress and anxiety is the most important activity, advice for lowering adrenaline production overlap with tips for reducing cortisol and other stress-related chemicals, which are also produced by the adrenal glands. For example, consider the following suggestions for stress relaxation and epinephrine management:

Find out how to relax effectively

Effective stress management may assist your body in regulating the production of stress hormones. As a result, when confronted with typical stressors, you may be able to lower your stress reaction over time. Although most research focuses on the effects of these methods on cortisol levels, it’s likely that they also impact epinephrine and norepinephrine levels, mainly when used after a stressful event. The following are some helpful strategies to relax and minimize your stress response:

  1. Integrative body-mind training is a good option (IBMT). For at least two weeks, using this relaxation technique daily will help you lower your total stress hormone levels after an acute stressor may also be done in 20-minute sessions to drastically lower circulating stress chemicals like cortisol. IBMT is a kind of meditation that focuses on being rested yet aware rather than controlling your thoughts. With gentle music playing in the background, you seek body-mind awareness and may get coaching from a coach on breathing, mental images, and other methods.
  2. Visualize. This approach focuses on mental imagery to transfer oneself to a relaxing and serene location. You may, for example, sit quietly and shut your eyes, adjust tight clothes, and concentrate on a picture like a beach or a retreat. Consider how it may seem, what it might smell like, what you might hear, and what you might be able to touch or how you might feel.
  3. Take a look at autogenic relaxation. You may successfully relax by paying attention to how you feel rather than how you wish to feel. For instance, begin by imagining something serene. Then start to pay attention to your own body. Concentrate on lowering your pulse, managing your breathing, and relaxing each limb one at a time. To maintain your concentration on releasing muscular tension, you may want to repeat words or phrases to yourself.
  4. Learn how to relax your muscles gradually. Even abbreviated versions of this strategy in university students decreased stress hormone levels considerably. The method entails inhaling deeply while tensing each muscle group for 10 seconds. Then, after releasing the muscles, relax for up to 20 seconds before going on to the next muscle group.
  5. Listen to music that is designed to help you relax. Listening to peaceful harmony to relax was beneficial at easing stress and even lowering future levels of stress hormones in university students.

Find a relaxing pastime

Regularly engaging in a pastime may help lower your risk of serious adverse cardiovascular events. People who do not have hobbies are more prone to be depressed. Hobbies may help you better handle life events while also providing a feeling of productivity and fulfillment. Consider a variety of pastimes that may lift your spirits, generate feel-good endorphins, and help you relax:

  • Painting or drawing
  • Writing a narrative or keeping a journal.
  • Writing handwritten messages to family and friends
  • Making scrapbooks, cards, or keepsakes
  • Carvings in wood or large-scale crafts
  • Walking, birding, kayaking, cycling, or gardening are outdoor activities.
  • Learning a new skill or enrolling in a class just to have fun
  • Baking or cooking
  • Mindfulness, yoga, or meditation


Volunteering not only helps the charity or group you’re assisting, but it may also help you relax. It may also help you decrease your blood pressure, boost your social connections, and increase your physical activity. The link between volunteering and these health risks is more vital for older persons. What’s the secret? Aim for at least 200 hours every year, and do it for the more significant benefit, not just for yourself.

Make new friends and spend time with the ones you already have

Well-known protection is social support. Friendships or strong family support may help you deal with difficult circumstances and give practical assistance when times are rough. These are some suggestions from the American Psychological Association for expanding your support network and leveraging your supporters to reduce stress:

  • Be open to a large group of people. To cope with life’s various pressures, you’ll probably need more than one person. For example, a coworker with whom to discuss job stress or a neighbor with whom to discuss parenting challenges. Look for folks who are dependable, trustworthy, and encouraging.
  • When you’re feeling anxious, reach out. In a stress test, healthy males who had their closest buddy with them had lower stress-hormone levels, a stronger feeling of serenity, and less anxiety than men who did not have a social supporter. Other studies have shown that receiving vocal support from a buddy during a stressful circumstance may lower blood pressure, lower heart rate, lower stress hormone levels, alleviate discomfort, and diminish how tough, tense, or challenging a stressful activity seems to be.
  • Make an effort to be a good friend to others around you. Before you need assistance, reach out. To strengthen your bonds, be engaged and active. Simply contact each other to say “hello” or schedule a time to meet up. Giving people assistance when they need it establishes the foundation for a long-term connection.
  • Seek out folks who understand your situation. Consider forming a concentrated group of supporters if you don’t have someone to confide in or if you’re struggling with a particular stressor. Groups that gather to provide support to people dealing with divorce, sorrow, and other life challenges may offer new connections and a large social circle.


You’ve probably heard that “laughing is the greatest medicine,” and it’s true in certain respects. Laughter is a simple and inexpensive technique to improve mood and reduce stress hormone levels. It may also help you get more oxygen, relax your muscles, ease discomfort, maintain healthy blood pressure, and enhance your mental health. As a result, it’s becoming more common in therapeutic programs for those suffering from stress to cancer.

  • Qigong laughing is an excellent way to start. Young individuals who completed an eight-week program significantly reduced stress and cortisol levels after participating in regular laughing Qigong sessions.
  • Laughter is an excellent treatment. Laughing reduces adrenaline and other stress chemicals in the blood, which may help your body’s stress reaction be reversed. According to research, laughter therapy may enhance mood, alleviate pain, and regulate the endorphins that cause melancholy and stress.

Laughter therapy may involve comedy activities and supervised physical laughter and body posturing. Clowns and comedy performances are two more options. In addition, there are a plethora of YouTube laughing therapy videos available. You may also inquire about group laughing therapy sessions by contacting a hospital or treatment institution.

Take good care of yourself

Overall, a variety of healthy lifestyle choices may have a more significant influence on your adrenaline levels than a single modification. A study of individuals’ urine stress hormone levels, which included epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol, found that persons who practiced various healthy habits were more likely to have lower stress hormone levels. A nutritious diet, moderate physical exercise, avoiding smoking, having a decent social support network, and getting adequate sleep were beneficial behaviors. Consider the following self-care techniques:

  • Consume a well-balanced diet. If high blood pressure is a condition, you often experience, consider a diet that focuses on lowering it. Anti-depression diets are another option. Although there is no definitive list of foods that instantly decrease adrenaline, stress-relieving diets exist and are frequently heavy in vegetables, poly-unsaturated fatty acids, nuts, seeds, healthy grains, and lean meats.
  • Each night, get seven to eight hours of sleep.
  • Reduce the amount of time you spend sitting. Instead, every hour, get up and stretch or walk for a few minutes, and include minor additional improvements in physical activity throughout your day.
  • Increase your physical activity. On most days of the week, try to engage in aerobic exercise. Even five or ten minutes may boost mood, decrease anxiety, and offer comfort for many hours.
  • Please don’t smoke. Smoking is associated with elevated cortisol levels, and quitting causes an immediate and long-lasting decrease in cortisol levels in the body.
  • Avoid recreational drugs, binge drinking, and drug abuse.

Make any necessary lifestyle changes

If you have a lot of stress in your life, you may need to make some significant adjustments to lessen your stress levels. Consider some of the following potential pressures and how you may make changes in your life to make things easier to manage:

  • It’s a demanding job. Consider changing positions if your current one is causing you continual stress. If you are unable to obtain new work, you may have the following options:
    • Defining availability parameters Checking business email, for example, should be avoided between the hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m.
    • Trying to work out problems with coworkers. If someone is causing you stress, consider setting aside some time with them to talk about the matter in a non-judgmental manner. If that doesn’t work, ask human resources or a trustworthy colleague for assistance in coming up with a solution.
    • I’m looking for help. First, inform your boss if your task has become unmanageable or unfair. Then, others on the team may handle the added effort or assist in making a case for a recruit.
  • Relationships that are in trouble. Relationships that are high-stress, unpleasant, insecure, or abusive may be a significant cause of stress. Consider going to therapy or scheduling time with your loved one to work through the difficulties together.
    • Consider establishing a safety plan or calling an abuse hotline for help if mistreated.
  • There are financial issues. Money issues may be a constant source of anxiety. There are a variety of practical strategies to deal with debt if you are in it. Create a budget, assess your spending patterns, prioritize your debt repayments, contact your creditors to request adjusted repayment conditions, and investigate debt relief options. Consider financial aid services if you cannot make rent or food payments.
  • Taking care of elderly parents or relatives. Caring for elderly relatives may be an excellent opportunity to develop your connection and grow as a person, but it can also be taxing. Try these self-care suggestions:
    • Be on the lookout for indicators of burnout, such as a change in appetite, recurrent illness, insomnia, sadness, or the urge to harm oneself or a loved one.
    • Recognize that it’s natural to have conflicting or negative feelings regarding caring for others.
    • Set attainable objectives. You won’t be able to complete everything on your to-do list at all times.
    • Make time for yourself, whether via respite care or regular time off. It’s not self-serving; in fact, it will make you a better caretaker since you’ll be healthier and happier.
    • Seek assistance from others—contact relatives or friends with specific requests or ideas on how they might assist.
    • Make friends with others. Even simply talking about your worries and concerns might help you relax and feel better.

It may be time to seek professional assistance if you cannot successfully handle your pressures on your own or with the aid of loved ones. Take use of counseling services provided by your church or community centers. In addition, many significant firms and health insurance programs offer free telephone counseling. Professional treatment, group therapy, life counseling, and psychoanalysis may also be self-payable or covered by insurance.

Consider aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has been shown in clinical research to reduce adrenaline and norepinephrine levels, even during labor. Even a single massage utilizing essential oil aromatherapy may reduce your heart rate, brain wave patterns, and cortisol secretion significantly. Even with short-term sessions, calming essential oils like lavender, bergamot, orange oil, and others may help alleviate tension and lower your body’s production of stress hormones.

Take into account natural therapies

Herbs have been shown to help regulate mood and alleviate stress in several studies. However, since herbal treatments might interfere with drugs and health issues, always see a doctor before beginning new ones. Consider any of the herbal therapies listed below, including Dr. Axe’s adaptogenic herbs and vitamins for adrenaline reduction:

  • Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
  • Tulsi (holy basil)
  • Ginseng from India (ashwagandha)
  • Root of Astragalus
  • Root of licorice
  • Rhodiola
  • Cordyceps

Alternatively, you may sip your favorite tea. In a laboratory study with mice, the polyphenols in tea leaves (both black and green) successfully lowered the stress response. Tea is an appealing option to alleviate stress because of these and other well-known health advantages.


  • Excessive, needless adrenaline may be harmful to one’s health. Talk to a health care expert if you get adrenaline rushes even when there are no stressful situations or if you have difficulties controlling your stress levels.
  • The symptoms of an adrenaline surge might be mistaken for those of severe medical problems, such as heart attacks. If you think your symptoms aren’t related to an adrenaline rush, visit a doctor right away.
  • Death may result from inappropriate epinephrine dosages (such as adult levels given to minors) or delivery (injecting into a vein instead of a muscle). Therefore, only take epinephrine as directed by your doctor, and be educated before using it.
  • Even when used as directed by a doctor, epinephrine may cause serious adverse effects such as anxiety, dizziness, dry mouth, increased perspiration, headache, nausea, and a sensation of weakness.
  • Consider being tested to see whether your adrenaline levels are too high before considering natural cures for too much adrenaline. Excess epinephrine symptoms might be confused with those of other illnesses.

Last Thoughts

  • Epinephrine and adrenaline are hormones produced by the adrenal glands to assist our body during “fight-or-flight” situations.
  • The body’s epinephrine activities include increased blood flow to essential organs, expanded airways, more sugar in the blood, and enhanced eyesight, all of which boost our energy, strength, and performance. These effects provide us with the vigor and attentiveness we need to confront or escape a stressor in our surroundings.
  • Even if there is no immediate threat, adrenaline may still be putting us into high gear in reaction to other stresses. Dizziness, pulse, anxiousness, visual disturbances, and sweaty hands are all symptoms.
  • Epinephrine is also prescribed to treat severe allergies, asthma attacks, and other ailments.
  • Real issues with epinephrine regulation are uncommon, although some individuals produce too much or too little. Obesity and sleep apnea, persistent stress, adrenal tumors, and unusual hereditary disorders may cause this. If you’re experiencing signs of an adrenaline surge but aren’t experiencing a real stressor, visit a doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you slow your adrenaline down?

A: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to breathe and focus on your body. Mentally calm yourself by taking deep breaths through the nose and slowly exhaling out of the mouth while concentrating on each breath.

What foods decrease adrenaline?

A: Chicken, broccoli, and spinach are foods that decrease adrenaline.

How can I calm my adrenal glands?

A: If you’re feeling an intense, pulsing sensation in your chest or abdomen and find yourself constantly on edge, it may be that your adrenal glands are overactive. This can lead to chronic stress and contribute to heart disease in many ways. Some easy things like deep breathing exercises might help restore balance.

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  • how to reduce adrenaline and cortisol

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