How to Use Mangosteen

Mangosteen is a tropical fruit with a unique composition of nutrients. It’s been said to have more antioxidants than any other food globally and has many therapeutic benefits, including aiding digestion and lowering blood sugar levels. Learn about its nutrition profile, how it can help fight inflammation, what diseases are known for developing after mangosteens consumption.


Everyone knows what a mango is and what benefits it brings in terms of nutrition, but have you heard of mangosteen? If you haven’t heard of this Southeast Asian fruit, you’re forgiven: it was prohibited in the United States until October 2007 because it was suspected of harboring Asian fruit flies.

Thankfully, this health-promoting fruit is no longer on the banned list, which is a good thing since scientific studies reveal it has some pretty incredible health advantages.

Mangosteen, sometimes known as the “queen of fruits,” has been utilized by Southeast Asians for millennia to cure a number of health issues naturally. Mangosteen has a high fiber content while being low in calories and a fair amount of vitamin C.

It’s long been popular in Southeast Asia, so why is it becoming more popular throughout the globe and being offered as a health supplement? We now know that it includes a group of phytochemicals known as xanthones, in addition to an astounding variety of vital vitamins and minerals.

What are the advantages of mangosteen in terms of health? This tropical fruit has been shown in studies to enhance the immune system, reduce inflammation, and even fight cancer.

One Brazilian research found that a mangosteen extract has both antibacterial and anti-tumor properties, indicating that it might be used to treat both infectious and cancer disorders.

Where to Find Mangosteen

Mangosteen is a “weird fruit” that is commonly mistaken with rambutan, a spiky red fruit.

What is the definition of mangosteen?

The mangosteen tree, or Garcinia mangostana, is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia that belongs to the Clusiaceae family. There are currently mangosteen farmers in Hawaii as well.

When mature, mangosteen fruit is bitter yet delicious and rich purple in color. The purple mangosteen, also known as mangosteen, is a sweet and tart fruit that is simple to adore.

What is the flavor of mangosteen? It has a lychee-like taste, but it’s sweeter and more delicate, melting in your tongue like ice cream!


When it was initially produced in English greenhouses in 1855, this fruit is thought to have found its way into the Western Hemisphere. It subsequently spread to other West Indian islands (most notably Jamaica) and eventually to the mainland in Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama.

Queen Victoria allegedly awarded a knighthood to anybody who brought her fresh mangosteens from Asia in the 1800s.

What is the reason for the ban on mangosteen? Previously, the fruit was prohibited, but this is no longer the case.

Mangosteens are no longer forbidden in the United States, where they were formerly thought to host the Asian fruit fly. In October 2007, the restriction was removed.

Origin of the Plant

The slow-growing mangosteen tree may reach a height of 31 feet in ideal circumstances, and some trees have been known to produce more than 1,000 fruits in a season!

The tree itself bears enormous, rose-pink blooms and thick, dark green, glossy leaves. Unfortunately, outside of the tropics, these trees do not grow well.

The fruits are spherical or flattened on the ends and about the size of a tiny orange. Mangosteens have a thick, firm, deep red peel surrounding snow-white flesh in mandarin orange segments.

Facts to Ponder

Since antiquity, this exotic fruit has been farmed in Java, Sumatra, Indochina, and the southern Philippines for its luscious, delicate texture and slightly astringent mangosteen taste. Mangosteen has such a distinct flavor that you really have to experience it to appreciate it.

It’s a popular dooryard tree in Indonesia, and it’s known as men-gu in Myanmar (Burma). Mangustan is the Hindi word for mangosteen.

Are you planning to grow some mangosteens? Seedlings take eight to fifteen years to yield fruit, and excellent harvests are normally only produced every other year.

The number of petals on the fruit’s bottom represents the number of parts it has within.

The Top 8 Advantages

What are some of the ailments that mangosteen may help with? It may not be able to “cure” a condition, but it has been shown to aid in the treatment of a variety of ailments, including diabetes and cancer.

Let’s take a deeper look at the many health advantages of mangosteen.

1. It combats cancer

Is it possible to use mangosteen to cure cancer? A lot of anti-cancer research has been conducted on mangosteens, with extremely encouraging findings so far confirming their status as cancer-fighting foods.

At least 20 xanthones have been identified in mangosteen fruit, the bulk of which are located in the fruit wall or pericarp.

According to findings from a 2008 study done by the Gifu International Institute of Biotechnology in Japan, one xanthone from mangosteen, known as alpha-Mangostin, had a cancer-preventive impact on animal subjects. Therefore, according to the findings, xanthones should be employed as a cancer preventive and therapeutic agent in conjunction with other medicines.

Another study conducted by the Department of Pharmacy Practice at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy found that xanthone extracts had anti-colon cancer effects in vitro and in vivo. In contrast, another study conducted by the Department of Pharmacy Practice at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy found that mangosteen can successfully slow prostate cancer progression.

The evidence for cancer-fighting properties doesn’t stop there. For example, the anticancer potential of mangosteen’s alpha-mangosteen on human breast cancer cells was investigated in a research published in the International Journal of Oncology in 2016. According to the findings, -mangosteen caused cancer cells to die in a programmed manner. As a result, it was determined that -mangosteen might be employed as a dietary supplement and a possible treatment chemical for breast cancer.

Skin cancers are notoriously resistant to conventional treatment, but mangosteen has shown its capacity to combat skin malignancies naturally. The anti-skin cancer activities of crude ethanol extract of mangosteen pericarp on human squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma were investigated in a research published in Food and Chemical Toxicology.

The mangosteen extract had considerable anti-cancer effects on both skin cancer cell lines, indicating that it might be used as a natural therapy for skin cancer.

According to research, mangosteen extracts also include xanthones, which are natural chemopreventive agents with anticancer potential. Xanthones found in mangosteen’s pericarp, entire fruit, heartwood, and leaf have a broad range of pharmacologic effects, including antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral capabilities.

Xanthones’ potential to both prevent and cure cancer has been established at several phases of cancer development, including initiation, promotion, and progression. In addition, the capacity of xanthones to affect cancer cell proliferation and development, programmed cell death, inflammation, and cancer metastasis has also been shown.

2. Fights Allergies and Inflammation

Mangosteen extracts have been demonstrated to have anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory effects in studies. One research found that these extracts were more effective than an anti-allergy medication used in Japan in inhibiting pro-allergy prostaglandin.

The extracts were shown to be effective inhibitors of histamine and prostaglandin production, which are linked to inflammation and allergies in the human body.

According to research, alpha- and gamma-mangosteens are two distinct bioactive compounds found in the fruit with anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Helps to Lower Blood Sugar

Is mangosteen beneficial to diabetics? Because it helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, it may be an effective strategy to prevent and manage diabetes.

It has been demonstrated to be an alpha-amylase inhibitor, which means it prevents carbohydrates from being broken down into glucose.

The fruit includes chemicals that are equivalent to acarbose, a prescription medicine used to treat type 2 diabetic symptoms, according to a research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

The tannic acid in mangosteen and its oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes are thought to help reduce blood sugar levels (OPCs). OPCs are plant metabolites that may be found in various foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, flowers, and bark.

OPCs are largely renowned for their antioxidant properties and is excellent for blood sugar. In addition, antibacterial, antiviral, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and vasodilatory properties have also been described.

4. Helps with Acne

Mangosteen has been found to be a successful acne home treatment. When compared to other plants, one Thai research discovered that the fruit had the highest antioxidant activity and lowered the generation of reactive oxygen species, two characteristics that influence acne progression.

Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) was shown to be efficient in scavenging free radicals and at suppressing the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are involved in acne development.

5. Improves the health of the heart

Increased oxidative stress and a deficiency in antioxidants are thought to have a role in the incidence of heart attacks. Oxidative stress is defined as an imbalance between free radical generation and the body’s capacity to counteract or detoxify their damaging effects via antioxidant neutralization.

The cardioprotective action of alpha-mangosteen, a xanthone derivative from mangosteen, was discovered in an animal research undertaken by the Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany at the University of Madras in India. Mangosteen’s high content of xanthones, which are exceptionally potent antioxidants, may aid in lowering the risk of a heart attack.

6. Immunity is bolstered

Looking to ward against colds and flus, or just strengthen your immune system in general? Mangosteen is an excellent fruit to begin eating.

Mangosteen nutrition is high in xanthones, which help the body’s many critical processes, including immunological wellness.

It also contains vitamin C, which aids in the scavenging of damaging, pro-inflammatory free radicals that may lead to sickness. Vitamin C has also been found to increase the production and activity of leukocytes, which are white blood cells that defend the body from infection and external intruders.

7. Helps with Digestion

Another of mangosteen’s many advantages is its beneficial impact on the digestive tract. This fruit is a high-fiber food that is beneficial to digestive health.

Fresh mangosteen fruit may help prevent constipation and all of the digestive discomfort that comes with it.

You may boost your intake of prebiotics, which help microorganisms grow within your intestines, by eating the fiber included in this delectable fruit. In addition, you can aid the health of your whole body by taking care of your digestive system, so don’t overlook the necessity of eating fiber-rich foods like mangosteen regularly.

8. It may encourage weight loss

Is mangosteen a healthy weight-loss fruit? According to recent studies, mangosteen seems to have the ability to aid weight reduction attempts.

According to a 2015 scientific assessment, the fruit and its contents may be able to assist in the prevention and treatment of obesity.

A 2016 study found that mice given a high-fat diet paired with a mangosteen supplement gained less weight than mice on a control diet. In addition, LDL “bad” cholesterol levels were also lower in the mangosteen-supplemented animals.

According to the researchers, the findings show that “mangosteen extract has antiobesity benefits through modulating energy metabolism and hepatic lipid homeostasis,” according to the researchers.

In a similar eight-week clinical randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled research, participants who drank mangosteen juice in varying doses (3, 6, or 9 ounces twice a day) showed a “trend” toward a lower BMI (BMI).

Nutritional Information

Fresh mangosteen in one serving size (100 grams) includes approximately:

  • Calorie Count: 63
  • Carbs: 15.6 gram
  • Protein: 0.5 gram
  • Fat: 0.4 gram
  • Fiber: 5.1 grams
  • Vitamin C: 7.2 milligrams (12 percent DV)
  • Iron: 0.36 milligrams (2 percent DV)
  • Vitamin A: 50 IU (1 percent DV)
  • Calcium: 10 milligrams (1 percent DV)

How to Use and Open

Do you know how to open mangosteen and how to consume one? Don’t worry. These tropical fruits aren’t too tough to peel or eat.

Simply score the outer skin along the centerline of the fruit with a serrated knife, being careful not to cut through to the pulp.

After that, twist off the top half of the fruit, and the edible pieces are ready to eat within. Just be cautious not to get any purple rind juice on your clothing since it may be tough to get out.

You may consume the portions on your own or use them in nutritious meals. But, first, let’s discuss where to get mangosteen and how to choose the finest mangosteen.

How to Choose and Keep

Where can I get mangosteen, if you’re wondering? Mangosteen is also widely accessible as a super fruit supplement at health shops and online, including mangosteen pills and powder.

Mangosteen tea and mangosteen juice are also available.

XANGO Juice, for example, is made out of the whole mangosteen fruit and other fruit liquids. According to the business website, Mangosteen juice advantages (particularly of XANGO Juice) are reported to include better digestive health, immunological function, and joint health.

Summer is the mangosteen season in Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, finding fresh mangosteen in the United States is tough, but Asian stores are your best choice.

This unusual fruit is easier to get by frozen or bottled in syrup. Fresh mangosteen may also be ordered online; however, it is more expensive.

When picking entire, fresh fruits, look for ones with a solid, deep purple outer skin, which indicates ripeness. Mangosteens with healthy-looking green tops and a glossy sheen on their exterior skins are at their best.

Mangosteens with flowing juices or solidified yellow resin beads should be avoided.

It will taste harsh if you open mangosteen that has a yellow portion. Aril pieces that are opaque white and hard, rather than yellowish or transparent, are preferable.

The shelf life of ripe mangosteen is quite limited and will keep for a few days if not refrigerated.

Refrigeration may make it stay longer, but it also causes cold damage, so keep it at room temperature and consume them as soon as possible. If you must keep the fruit in the refrigerator, wrap it in newspaper and place it in the higher area of the fridge to avoid harm from the cold.


Mangosteen is most typically included in smoothie recipes for a powerful punch of nutritious advantages if it isn’t consumed raw or in juice form. However, if you want to drink the juice, you may either juice the white interior parts of the fruit yourself or purchase it already produced.

Fresh mangosteen may also be used in savory meals.

Many people believe mangosteen fruit segments complement other fresh fruits such as papaya, watermelon, pineapple, and grapes. Therefore, a fruit salad made up of all or part of these fruits is a delicious and healthful dessert.

Side Effects and Risks

If you’re new to mangosteen and eating fresh fruit, keep in mind that certain pieces may include hard, bitter mangosteen seeds, which you’ll have to spit out.

If you have any health issues, see your doctor before using any superfruit supplement. For example, an increased risk of bleeding in patients with bleeding problems may be one of the negative effects of taking a mangosteen supplement.

It would be best if you stopped taking mangosteen two weeks before any operation since it has the potential to decrease blood clotting.

If you’re pregnant or nursing, there isn’t enough trustworthy evidence to indicate if taking mangosteen as a supplement is safe or not, so err on the side of caution and avoid supplementary versions of this tropical fruit (such as mangosteen capsules).

Last Thoughts

  • Because it was thought to host Asian fruit flies, this Southeast Asian fruit was prohibited in the United States until October 2007. Thankfully, this health-promoting fruit is no longer prohibited, which is good since it has been proved to have some pretty incredible advantages.
  • The advantages of mangosteen fruit are many. According to research, they’ve been found to help fight cancer, reduce inflammation and allergies, decrease blood sugar, improve acne, enhance heart health, increase immunity, and assist digestion.
  • Mangosteens with flowing juices or solidified yellow resin beads should be avoided. It will taste harsh if you open mangosteen that has a yellow portion. Aril pieces that are opaque white and hard, rather than yellowish or transparent, are preferable.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many mangosteens can you eat in a day?

A: The amount of mangosteen fruit one can eat in a day depends on the person and their size. Most people can consume more than 20, but some individuals may be able to go as high as 50.

How do you make mangosteen tea?

A: To make mangosteen tea, you would need to buy a bag of dried mangosteens. You can also purchase the fresh fruit and have it frozen into cubes. Then add them to your blender with cold water or coconut milk plus sugar to taste. Pour this mixture through a strainer so that only the juice is left over, then drink up!

Related Tags

  • mangosteen supplement
  • mangosteen benefits and side effects
  • mangosteen nutrition
  • mangosteen capsule benefits
  • mangosteen coronavirus

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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