Keto Drinks: Best Vs. Worst

We all know that drinking alcohol is bad for your health and can increase the risk of developing a number of chronic diseases. Now, one study has found six keto-friendly drinks to drink instead as you embark on your low-carb journey.


Most keto diet food lists provide details on which healthy fats, low-carb fruits, and high-fiber vegetables may be consumed in a balanced ketogenic diet. However, it’s just as vital to remain hydrated with lots of nutritious keto beverages throughout the day as it is to load your plate with the appropriate meals. Drinking certain drinks might increase your carb intake, keep you out of ketosis, and slow down your progress.

So, what can I drink if I’m on a low-carb diet? Is it okay to consume soda when on a keto diet? And, on a keto diet, how much water should I drink? Here’s everything you need to know about the ketogenic diet, including which drinks you should stock up on next time you go grocery shopping.

Best Keto Beverages

It’s challenging enough to figure out what to eat on the ketogenic diet, but figuring out which beverages fit into your daily diet plan might be more difficult. Here are a few of the most excellent keto beverages to consider to help you achieve your fluid requirements:

1. Water: 0 g carbohydrates per cup

Water is, unsurprisingly, the overwhelming victor on the list of keto-friendly beverages. It’s not only calorie-free and carb-free, but it also has a long list of health advantages and may aid in weight reduction. Staying hydrated by drinking lots of water is critical for general health since it affects everything from renal function to metabolism and everything in between. Individual water demands vary depending on various circumstances, but a decent rule of thumb is to drink at least 0.5–1 ounce per ounce of body weight every day.

2. Kombucha: 7 grams of carbohydrates per cup

Probiotics, a kind of helpful bacteria that helps maintain gut health, are abundant in this effervescent, fermented drink made from black tea. Increasing your probiotic consumption via fermented foods like kombucha has been linked to a number of health advantages, including better digestion, increased immunity, and lower inflammation.

Choose a low-sugar kombucha brand or, better yet, try brewing your own and flavoring it with herbs, spices, and fruits of your choice.

3. Tea with no sugar: 0 g carbohydrates per cup

Unsweetened tea is one of the greatest liquids for a keto diet since it is low in calories and carbs. In addition, tea is high in polyphenols, which are plant components that function as antioxidants to combat free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage. Tea and its components have also been demonstrated to help delay the effects of aging by increasing fat-burning, lowering blood sugar levels, and preserving cognitive function.

4. Coconut Water: 9 grams of carbohydrates per cup

Coconut water has a higher carb count than most keto beverages, but it delivers a nutritional punch. Coconut water is high in electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which are all important for regulating blood volume, boosting heart health, and achieving optimal water balance in the body. It’s also a wonderful alternative to sugary sports drinks to replenish your body after strenuous exercise and avoid electrolyte imbalances.

5. Lemon Water: 2 grams of carbohydrates per cup

Lemon water might be a nice substitute if plain water isn’t cutting it for you. It’s simple to create at home by combining half a lemon juice with a cup of water and drinking it hot or cold, depending on your choice. Lemon water also has all of the advantages of ordinary water, including boosting metabolism, enhancing satiety, and aiding weight reduction, all while adding a pleasant lemony taste.

6. Coffee: 0 g carbohydrates per cup

Coffee fans, rejoice: fresh study continues to support the health advantages of coffee, cementing its position as one of the greatest keto liquids apart from water. Coffee drinking has actually been linked to a reduced risk of colorectal cancer, stroke, depression, and diabetes.

Avoid non-keto Starbucks beverages, limit the cream and sugar to a minimum, and drink black coffee whenever possible to optimize the health advantages and keep the carb count low.

Worst Keto Beverages

While there are several keto diet beverages that are low in carbohydrates but rich in health benefits, there are also others that should be avoided entirely. Sugar-sweetened beverages, such as soda, sports drinks, and fruit juice, are often high in calories and carbohydrates and provide little nutritional value to the diet. Furthermore, heavily-processed drinks, such as diet soda, are often laced with artificial sweeteners and other substances that may be harmful to one’s general health.

Here are a few of the most well-known high-carb keto offenders to minimize or avoid wherever possible:

1. Fruit Juice: 15-30 grams of carbohydrates per cup

2. Soft drinks: 22-26 grams of carbohydrates per cup

3. Chai Latte: 19-24 grams of carbohydrates per cup

4. Frappuccino: 17-46 grams of carbohydrates per cup

5. Drinks with a lot of energy: 25-30 grams of carbohydrates per cup

6. Drinks for athletes: 15-20 grams of carbohydrates per cup

7. Milkshakes: 30-50 grams of carbohydrates per cup

8. Sweetened Tea: 10-20 grams of carbohydrates per cup

9. Fruit Punch: 15-30 grams of carbohydrates per cup

10. Smoothies 15-30 grams of carbohydrates per cup

Alcoholic Keto Drinks?

Many individuals question whether they can consume alcohol while on the keto diet when they first start. There are lots of keto alcoholic beverages that you may enjoy in moderation from time to time, believe it or not.

Pure types of alcohol, such as gin, vodka, rum, and whiskey, are carb-free, making them a convenient keto-friendly option for alcohol. On the other hand, these beverages are frequently mixed with sugary mixers like juice, soda, or sweeteners, all of which can quickly increase the carb content of your drink.

To reduce carb consumption to a minimum, go for low-carb mixers wherever feasible. For example, Seltzer water or a sugar-free tonic prepared with stevia instead of artificial sweeteners are two simple low- and no-carb solutions.

Furthermore, despite some popular keto diet myths and misconceptions, the occasional beer or glass of wine can be part of a healthy keto diet. For example, a 12-ounce glass of light beer includes just 3 grams of sugar. Similarly, a 5-ounce red or white wine drink has around 3-4 grams of total carbohydrates. Regular beer, mixed beverages, and cocktails, on the other hand, are heavy in carbohydrates, and a single serving may easily consume your whole daily allowance in one sitting.

However, regardless matter whatever option you choose, remember that moderation is essential. Even low-carb or carb-free alcoholic drinks are heavy in empty calories but poor in the critical elements your body needs, putting you at risk for nutritional deficiencies. Furthermore, heavy drinking has been related to weight gain and other major health problems, including liver damage, cancer, and diabetes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Sprite Zero kick me out of ketosis?

A: This is a simple yes or no question. If you are on the keto diet, this answer will be no.

Will one drink ruin keto?

A: It depends on how many drinks you have. If you are drinking a lot of alcohol, it might cause your ketone levels to drop very low and affect the rest of your diet.

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  • keto-friendly drinks alcohol
  • keto-friendly soft drinks
  • keto drinks besides water
  • keto drinks Starbucks
  • best low carb alcoholic drinks

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