Loss of Appetite: Causes and Natural Remedies

Appetite loss is a common problem that can cause significant distress. It is estimated that one in four adults suffer from appetite loss, and the condition may be more prevalent than we realize. The causes of appetite loss vary but often include medical conditions such as diabetes or hypothyroidism, medications, stress, anemia, gastrointestinal problems, and other health issues.


Appetite is defined as “the urge to satisfy a physiological need.” Hunger is the most common kind of appetite. It motivates us to eat to acquire adequate calories, necessary vitamins and minerals, and satiety/satiation (the feeling of fullness during and after eating).

When you lose your appetite, what does it mean? There are various reasons why you may not feel hungry at all or get complete fast once you begin eating. Constipation, certain illnesses, stomach infections, eating disorders, and even cancer, for example, may all lead to a reduction in appetite. However, there are a variety of natural treatments that may help you increase your appetite and maintain your body’s equilibrium. You’ll find plenty of suggestions for controlling hunger by changing your nutrition, stress levels, exercise, and eating habits in the sections below.

What Is Appetite Loss?

The term “absent hunger” or “when your urge to eat is diminished” is used to describe the loss of appetite. Anorexia is a medical word for a condition in which a person loses their appetite. However, this typically refers to accidental appetite reduction instead of the eating disorder anorexia nervosa, which involves deliberate food restriction.

Appetite regulation is a complicated process governed by communication between many bodily systems. For example, the central nervous system (particularly the brain), the digestive system, the endocrine system, and sensory nerves work together to control short- and long-term hunger. A healthy, balanced appetite keeps the body in a homeostatic condition, which means you can satisfy your energy (calorie) and nutritional requirements while maintaining a healthy weight.

Even though many individuals battle with desires and have difficulty losing weight or fat, a temporary lack of appetite is a frequent issue. Is it hazardous to lose your appetite, or should you be concerned? A temporary lack of desire isn’t always an issue; it’s a typical response to being ill, overfed, overworked, or emotionally upset.

On the other side, persistent appetite loss may lead to severe problems if you acquire nutritional shortages or lose too much weight too quickly. You won’t get enough macronutrients (carbs, protein, or fat that give energy) or micronutrients if you don’t eat for many days or longer (vitamins and minerals). This makes your body weary and stressed out, and it may also contribute to muscle loss, strength loss, and impaired cognitive function.

Malnutrition caused by a loss of appetite in the elderly is linked to various issues, including impaired muscle function, decreased bone mass, immune dysfunction, anemia, reduced cognitive function, poor wound healing, delayed surgery recovery, and, ultimately, increased morbidity and mortality. This may be a concern if you’ve lost your appetite due to sickness or an underlying disease since inadequate nutritional intake can delay recovery and restrict therapy benefits.

Symptoms and Signs

Losing your appetite may cause symptoms such as a lack of desire to eat, not feeling hungry while going without food for an extended length of time (fasting), and potentially accidental weight loss. Other symptoms that may appear along with lack of appetite include:

  • Feeling satisfied with just a tiny quantity of food
  • Having a bloated stomach, Nausea, or other indigestion symptoms such as heartburn or an upset stomach
  • Feeling tired and sluggish
  • Difficulty concentrating and focusing
  • Sleeping problems
  • Constipation
  • Swelling and fluid retention are two common side effects of surgery
  • Changes in mood, such as poor motivation and sadness
  • If you’re unwell, you may get a fever, chills, or body pains

Will weight loss usually follow a lack of appetite? If it lasts for more than one to two days, it’s possible. For example, if you lose your appetite momentarily due to emotional stress or sickness, you’ll most likely get it again once you’re feeling better. As a result, you may have increased appetite for several days as you recuperate, making long-term weight reduction unlikely. Weight loss, on the other hand, is far more probable if you lose your appetite for weeks or months owing to an underlying medical or mental health issue. Depression and inflammatory bowel illness (IBS), for example, may induce a loss of appetite that lasts for weeks.

If you’ve lost your appetite as a result of a medical issue (more on that below), you’re likely to have a slew of additional symptoms in addition to those listed above. For example, it may seem counterintuitive, but an eating illness like anorexia nervosa may lead you to lose your appetite due to a slowed metabolism and abnormalities in the digestive system. This may be dangerous since it leads to highly low-calorie intake, which can lead to deficiencies and changes in basal metabolic rate, heart health, bone density, and hormone levels, among other things.

Risk Factors and Causes

Many variables affect whether or not you are hungry. Here are a few examples:

  • Sensory activities in your stomach that react to the presence or absence of food.
  • The number of hormones produced by your stomach. This includes ghrelin (which increases appetite and is secreted by the stomach in response to fasting), peptide-YY (which suppresses appetite and is secreted by the ileum and colon in response to food intake), and cholecystokinin (which suppresses appetite and is secreted by the ileum and colon in response to food intake) (suppresses appetite and secreted by the small intestine in response to the presence of fat and protein).
  • Your state of mind and how stressed you are.
  • Based on your sleep, how tired or energetic you are.
  • The satisfaction you get from eating food that is readily accessible to you (based on the hedonic system).
  • Sugar, carbohydrates, fat, and protein are all components of meals you’ve lately consumed.
  • Your current body mass index.
  • Your thyroid’s health and metabolism are both important.
  • Your digestive tract is being affected by inflammation.
  • Reproductive hormone levels, such as testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, may vary during the month/menstrual cycle.
  • Stress hormones, such as cortisol, are measured.
  • Your circadian rhythm and hormones are affected by the time of day.
  • Poverty, loneliness, and social isolation are examples of social variables that have been linked to reduced food consumption (including among the elderly).

What might be the source of your loss of appetite? The following are some of the most frequent reasons for lack of desire:

  • Overeating at a prior point in time, such as earlier in the day or week. Overeating causes satiety hormones to rise, making you feel fuller for longer. But, of course, the reverse is also true: eating too little may raise ghrelin levels and lower leptin levels, leaving you hungry.
  • Sedentary behavior, which may result in weight gain or a rise in leptin levels, makes you feel fuller.
  • Poor appetite is a frequent issue in elderly individuals, whether they live at home, in nursing/care homes, or hospitals, due to changes in the digestive system and a slowdown of the metabolism. Other contributory variables include medication usage, poor activity levels, sadness, discomfort, ill-fitting dentures, or age-related changes in taste and smell. In addition, unintentional weight loss (a decrease in body weight of more than 5% in six to twelve months) has been shown to afflict approximately 20% of older people. Furthermore, it is linked to increased morbidity and death.
  • Nausea may be caused by a stomach infection, food poisoning, a digestive problem, or even pregnancy. However, the most common reasons for very rapid loss of appetite are diseases that directly impact the digestive system, such as food poisoning or sickness.
  • Stress hormones are increased by emotional or physical stress, such as financial or work-related difficulties or even over-exercising.
  • Certain medicines, such as codeine, digoxin, fluoxetine, quinidine, and hydralazine, may cause adverse reactions.
  • Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining and erosion of the stomach lining (called the gastric mucosa).
  • Liver disease may induce ascites (abdominal fluid buildup), tiredness, and discomfort.
  • Edema, Nausea, and stomach discomfort are all symptoms of kidney failure.
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) causes shortness of breath and the inconvenient urge to cough when eating.
  • Anxiety, nervousness, or sadness are all symptoms of anxiety.
  • Irritable bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn’s disease.
  • Hormonal imbalances are a common problem. For example, do you have a strong desire to eat yet no appetite at other times? This may be caused by changes in blood sugar, cortisol, or thyroid hormones. In addition, changes in estrogen and progesterone levels throughout your menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause may all affect your appetite.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Anorexia, binge eating disorder, and bulimia are examples of eating disorders.
  • Dementia and various forms of cognitive impairment.
  • Heart disease is a severe condition.
  • Cancer.
  • Mental disorders
  • Specific diets and dietary habits, such as the ketogenic diet (which produces appetite-suppressing ketone bodies) and intermittent fasting, may also help you lose weight. These dietary changes don’t always result in a complete loss of appetite, but they may reduce desires and avoid overeating. This is why they’re such an excellent way to help individuals who are overweight or obese lose weight.
  • Because bariatric weight reduction surgery reduces the amount of food that the stomach can comfortably retain, it may cause a lack of appetite and a rapid sensation of fullness.

Cancer and Appetite Loss:

According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), changes in appetite are typical with cancer and cancer therapies. So what causes cancer patients to lose their appetite? Cancer and cancer therapies, such as chemotherapy or immunotherapy, may alter metabolism, digestion, and hormone production in various ways. All of these variables have the potential to reduce hunger. For example, some of the harmful consequences of cancer and cancer therapies on the body that cause appetite loss include:

  • Fullness is caused by an enlarged spleen and a constrained stomach.
  • Bloating is caused by edema and ascites or an accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.
  • Certain medicines may induce fatigue, drowsiness, or even tranquility.
  • Nausea and vomiting are more common.
  • Mouth sores, oral infections, dry mouth, and mouth discomfort may all occur. These may cause difficulties swallowing and chewing discomfort.
  • Changes in flavor and odor reduce the enjoyment derived from eating.
  • Constipation, cramping, and stomach discomfort are all symptoms of this condition.
  • Depression and worry may make eating difficult.
  • Weight loss that occurs unintentionally

What cancers result in a lack of appetite? Bladder cancer, stomach cancer, rectal cancer, and colon cancer are the most common cancers that influence appetite because they induce inflammation and other abnormalities in the digestive system. However, if you’re being treated for cancer with medicines, radiation, or chemotherapy, you may lose your appetite.


Identifying and treating the underlying cause of appetite loss is the first step in treating it. Doctors may employ a variety of medicines and treatments to restore someone’s appetite, depending on how severe their lack of appetite is and any problems it may be creating. The following are some therapies that may be used to reverse appetite loss and its effects:

  • Anti-nausea medicines, such as doxylamine and B6, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), promethazine (an antihistamine), and cyclizine (used to alleviate Nausea during pregnancy) (an antihistamine).
  • Electrolyte-rich supplements and meal replacement products may help with constipation, cramps, and tiredness.
  • Progesterone-containing medications may help with appetite and weight gain. Megestrol acetate and medroxyprogesterone are two examples.
  • Steroid medicines may help with edema, Nausea, weakness, and discomfort caused by underlying diseases.
  • Metoclopramide is a drug that aids in the movement of food through the stomach.
  • Medications that are antidepressant or anti-anxiety.
  • Dronabinol is a cannabis substance that is used to increase hunger. Medical marijuana is also used to increase appetite, relieve pain, and reduce anxiety in certain states in the United States and other areas of the globe.
  • Exercise regimens that may increase the production of hunger hormones.
  • In extreme instances, tube feeding may provide calories and nutrients directly to the stomach to address weight loss and nutritional deficits.

Natural Treatments

1. Alter Your Eating Habits

Here are some suggestions for altering when you eat, how much you eat at once, and other variables to consider:

  • Instead of eating one or two large meals a day, which may cause indigestion or overeating, divide your meals into five to six smaller meals throughout the day. You may also include snacks if you become hungry.
  • Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or supper, eat your largest meal when you’re most hungry.
  • Try to eat at consistent intervals throughout the day since this helps train your body and control your hunger.
  • If you find it difficult to eat large enough meals, consume complete foods that are energy-dense, foods that should offer a sufficient quantity of calories, healthy fats, and protein. Olive and coconut oil, grass-fed butter, eggs, grass-fed beef, full-fat dairy, nuts and nut butter, avocado, and protein smoothies are excellent options. Adding oil, butter, cheese, coconut milk, or nut butter to dishes may help you consume more calories without feeling bloated.
  • Add your favorite sea salt, spices, and condiments to make your meal more attractive.
  • Don’t drink a lot of water shortly before a meal since it may make you feel nauseous. Instead, drink modest quantities of water in between meals rather than with them, and attempt to adjust your fluid consumption according to your thirst level.
  • Caffeine may cause nervousness/anxiety, irritate your stomach, and reduce appetite, limiting your intake.
  • Keep a variety of fresh meals on hand at home so you can always find something you like.
  • Eat with family or friends in a relaxing setting where you are not hurried (not while driving or working!)
  • If blending, steaming, boiling, or freezing food makes eating simpler, change the texture or temperature.

2. Relieve Nausea

It’s normal for Nausea and lack of appetite to co-occur, particularly during pregnancy or when you’re sick with a virus, the flu, or another illness. Here are some natural treatments to assist with Nausea:

  • After eating, sit up for approximately an hour to alleviate any stomach strain. Then, to aid digestion, eat at least three hours before sleep.
  • Apply ginger essential oil on your chest or abdomen, or drink ginger tea. Cut the ginger root into slices and put them in a saucepan of boiling water for 10 minutes to create your ginger tea.
  • Take a vitamin B6 supplement to assist with PMS, morning sickness, and other symptoms of an upset stomach.
  • Use chamomile tea and lemon juice to make a stomach-calming beverage.
  • Peppermint essential oil may be inhaled or rubbed into the neck and chest.
  • Open a window and take a relaxing stroll outdoors to get some fresh air.
  • Meditation and acupuncture are two examples of alternative treatments.

3. Recognize and address underlying digestive issues

If you’re experiencing a lack of appetite due to digestive problems like constipation, bloating, or heartburn, it’s essential to treat the underlying source of your symptoms. The following are some suggestions for improving gut health and digestion:

  • Eating an anti-inflammatory diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and “clean” protein sources like wild-caught fish, grass-fed beef, and pastured eggs should all be included in your diet.
  • Consuming high-fiber meals, such as chia or flax seeds, cooked vegetables, avocado, roasted root vegetables, and magnesium-rich foods, may help avoid constipation.
  • We are consuming probiotic foods such as fermented yogurt or fermented vegetables.
  • It limited or eliminated foods that aggravate IBS or IBD symptoms, such as traditional dairy products, gluten-containing foods, processed meals with synthetic chemicals, refined oils, fast foods, fried foods, processed meats, and FODMAP foods that exacerbate symptoms.
  • Stress management.
  • Getting adequate sleep is essential.
  • Getting the right amount of exercise (not too much or too little).
  • Getting enough water to drink.
  • Smoking cessation.
  • Antibiotics are among the medicines that should not be used if they are not required (you can talk to your doctor about this).

4. Take Antidepressant and Anti-Anxiety Measures

Changing stress hormones and boosting inflammation, depression, and anxiety may influence your appetite. If you use alcohol, cigarettes, or a lot of caffeine to deal with sadness or fear, be aware that these drugs can also suppress your appetite (especially caffeine and smoking). You can handle stress and combat depression in a variety of ways, including:

  • Yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises are some of the things I do.
  • Increase your vitamin D levels by spending more time outdoors and receiving some sun exposure.
  • To strengthen your neurological system, use adaptogenic herbs.
  • Seeking emotional help from friends, relatives, a therapist, or a support group.
  • Using essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, or holy basil to relax.
  • Before going to bed, take an Epsom salt bath to relieve muscle tension.
  • Getting a massage or going to an acupuncturist are two options.

5. Participate in Enough Physical Activity

Exercise, particularly aerobic exercise lasting more than 20–30 minutes, vigorous/high-intensity exercise, and strength training that adds muscle mass to your body, is considered a natural appetite regulator. Because of how it impacts hormones and inflammation, exercise may increase and assist in regulating your appetite over time, depending on various variables. Start with modest activities, such as a 30-minute stroll each morning, if you’re presently relatively inactive and wish to begin exercising. Even if it’s only a short, casual stroll, walking before meals may improve your appetite and digestion. Exercise also offers several additional health advantages, such as reducing stress, reducing inflammation, improving sleep, and maintaining muscle mass, which is helpful to your metabolism, particularly as you become older.

6. Fight Fatigue and Boost Your Energy

There are several things you can do to assist boost your energy levels and managing exhaustion if you’re suffering lack of appetite and tiredness:

  • Attempt to sleep for seven to nine hours each night. Try to sleep and wake at comparable times each day to keep your circadian cycle in check.
  • Sleep in a room that is cool and dark.
  • Consume nutrient-dense foods. Sugar, processed carbohydrates, and caffeine should all be avoided.
  • Diffuse peppermint and other uplifting essential oils around your house.
  • Instead of coffee or other stimulants, drink green tea, which offers more consistent energy.
  • Before going to bed, practice meditation and other stress-relieving activities.
  • Allow yourself to relax, rest, take a stroll outdoors or practice deep breathing throughout the day.


If you have gastrointestinal symptoms other than a lack of appetite, such as Nausea, vomiting, bloating, discomfort, or constipation, see your doctor. Your doctor may suggest testing to see if there is an underlying reason. For example, suppose your lack of appetite interferes with your quality of life. In that case, it may be beneficial to consult with a certified dietitian or nutritionist for guidance on meal planning, grocery shopping, and symptom management.

Last Thoughts

  • The term “absent hunger” or “when your urge to eat is diminished” is used to describe the loss of appetite. Nausea, bloating, constipation, weakness, tiredness, discomfort, and mood changes such as sadness are the most common symptoms linked with lack of appetite.
  • There are various reasons for lack of appetite, some of which result in just temporary changes in hunger and others which result in long-term alterations.
  • Older age, being nauseated due to sickness or pregnancy, liver or kidney disease, stress, depression, digestive difficulties or disorders, thyroid condition, hormonal imbalances, and chronic health problems including HIV or cancer are the most frequent reasons for decreased appetite.

Frequently Asked Questions

What helps loss of appetite naturally?

A: There are a variety of factors that can cause loss of appetite. In some cases, the causes may be physical, such as anemia or hypothyroidism. Other times it is caused by psychological factors such as depression or anxiety.

How do you recover from the loss of appetite?

A: There are a few ways to recover from the loss of appetite. For example, some people may take vitamins, some people may drink more water, and some people may eat more fruits or vegetables.

Which vitamin is good for loss of appetite?

A: Vitamin B12 is a good vitamin for loss of appetite.

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