Marshmallow Root Benefits and More

Marshmallow root is a natural sweetener derived from the marshmallow plant and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. In addition to providing sweetness, it also provides antioxidants and other potential health benefits. However, if you’re looking for high-quality ingredients that are organic or wildcrafted, then this herb may not be your best choice.,

Marshmallow root is a plant that has been used for centuries as a medicine and food. Unfortunately, it’s also been known to have some side effects. This article will cover the benefits of marshmallow root, how it can be used, and the risks associated with using it.


Almost everyone has sat around a fire and cooked marshmallows some time, whether to create a s’more or just consume the sticky delight. Although marshmallow root — from which marshmallows are derived — is often thought of as a calorie-free snack, did you know that it has a slew of health benefits?

That is correct. In reality, marshmallow root has been used to heal infections, aid digestion, and various other ailments for decades.

How is it possible? Despite its name, marshmallow root is not the same as the airy, sweet puffed delight that we’re all familiar with. Instead, it’s the root of the marshmallow plant, and it has a variety of medicinal benefits, including those mentioned below.

What Is Marshmallow Root and How Do I Use It?

Do marshmallows include marshmallow root? No, marshmallow root is not to be confused with the delicious treat of the same name.

What is marshmallow root, exactly? It’s a plant native to Africa and parts of Europe that’s been used for ages to manufacture herbal medicine.

Marshmallow root (Althaea Officinalis) has a long and illustrious history in traditional medicine, dating back to ancient Greece and Egypt. This plant was mentioned in Homer’s “Iliad” over 2,800 years ago since this “slippery” herb was a popular technique to cure coughs, sore throats, and congestion at the time.

The “fluffy” properties of marshmallow roots are one of the reasons marshmallow sweets received their name. Althaea Officinalis fibrous extracts expand in the body and produce a soft, gel-like material.

Because the plant has significant active compounds that help break up mucus, decrease inflammation, and kill germs organically, holistic practitioners are being utilized in many of the same ways it was thousands of years ago. It’s also become a popular herb in Ayurvedic medicine and Unani therapy, which use a variety of herbs to promote immunity and prevent sickness.


What is the purpose of marshmallow root? Althaea Officinalis is used to cure a variety of ailments and problems all over the globe, including:

  • Coughs and colds with a dry cough
  • A dry mouth with a lack of saliva
  • Bladder infections, urinary tract infections, and respiratory infections are all examples of bacterial infections.
  • Tonsillitis and bronchitis
  • Swelling/inflammation causes joint discomfort.
  • Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining.
  • Diarrhea, stomach ulcers, and constipation are all examples of digestive problems.
  • Autoimmune illnesses, leaky gut syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease
  • Skin burns, wounds, bug bites, or poultices
  • Eczema and dermatitis are skin conditions.
  • PMS, bloating, and water retention

Here are some of the most essential marshmallow root advantages:

1. Aids in the treatment of coughs and colds

Marshmallow root may be used orally to relieve discomfort, swelling, and congestion in those who have a sore throat, cough, or cold.

According to a 2020 vitro research published in Frontiers in Pharmacology, its antitussive characteristics and mucilage capacities enable it to minimize throat inflammation and irritation, reduce lymph node swelling, speed up healing time, and diminish annoying dry coughing. Furthermore, the formation of a protective coating over the irritated mucosa also has immediate effects.

Many cough syrups and throat lozenges include marshmallow extract for just this reason. It’s one of the most efficient cough treatments available.

In studies involving cats, it also seems to help halt the need to cough and assist the process of creating more saliva, enabling it to help relieve symptoms of dry mouth. It can be used safely by those with persistently poor salivary flow and chronic coughs.

It has also been shown in studies to aid in treating tonsillitis, particularly in youngsters.

When paired with other anti-inflammatory and antibacterial herbs and essential oils for sore throat, such as slippery elm and echinacea, or lemon, myrrh, oregano, cypress, and frankincense essential oils, marshmallow is extremely useful in fighting a cold or the flu.

When taken together, they attack the underlying cause of the illness (bacteria) and cover the throat to relieve pain.

2. Defends Against Bacterial Infections

Taking marshmallow root at the first indication of pain, such as swelling, burning, or soreness may help relieve symptoms of tonsillitis, bronchitis, a urinary tract infection, or a lung infection. In addition, it may aid in the healing process and eliminate germs that can cause a variety of illnesses.

When taken orally, it aids in the production of urine, which increases the body’s capacity to remove pathogens from the urinary system. It’s for this reason that it’s also used to treat kidney stone symptoms.

3. Aids in the repair of the gut lining

According to research, marshmallows may help heal various digestive diseases, including leaky gut syndrome, which occurs when particles escape outside of microscopic pores in the stomach lining and into the bloodstream, triggering immunological responses.

According to a study on rats, marshmallow helps repair gut lining integrity by establishing a protective barrier over tiny junctions. It also seems to help with other types of inflammatory bowel illness, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

4. Relieves Digestive Problems 

Is marshmallow root beneficial to those who suffer from acid reflux? Yes, marshmallow root may help with digestion by reducing or avoiding heartburn, stomach ulcer symptoms, diarrhea, and constipation.

According to an animal study, it covers the stomach’s interior and inhibits acid from causing pain and “burning.” It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Surprisingly, marshmallows’ mucilage characteristics seem to be stable in the body through the digestive system until they reach the colon. This means they don’t change shape as they transit through the digestive system, making them effective for relieving the symptoms of inflammatory gastrointestinal illnesses.

Marshmallow root tea works well for most types of indigestion and is typically relaxing to the stomach while providing no adverse effects. Mix marshmallow with other digestive remedies like peppermint essential oil or steeped/raw ginger root for even more stomach-soothing benefits.

5. Relieves Skin Ailments

Marshmallow has anti-irritant characteristics and is well tolerated by persons with allergies and hypersensitive skin since it helps calm the skin’s nerve-sensory system. In addition, it has offered relief from itching, swelling, redness, and chaffing for many years.

According to a paper published in 2019, marshmallows may be used topically to treat a variety of skin issues, including:

  • Bites by insects
  • Wounds
  • Burns
  • Scrapes
  • Skin that is dry and chapped
  • Peeling

The marshmallow plant’s roots and stem release mucilage, which softens skin, reduces swelling and kills germs.

Its anti-inflammatory properties have also been shown to be effective in treating eczema and dermatitis in vitro. Polysaccharides are absorbent fibers found in marshmallow roots that mix with fluids to produce a smooth, slippery foundation that functions as a skin buffer, moisturizer, and protective barrier for ultra-sensitive skin.

Many lip balms, hair conditioners, salves, and after-sun creams include marshmallows. If you can’t locate a natural ointment containing marshmallow extracts, try mixing a few drops into a coconut or jojoba oil-based cream to make your own DIY moisturizer for dry skin. Marshmallow works even better when used with natural skin-savers like tea tree oil and aloe vera.

6. Assists Heart Health by Reducing Inflammation

For a month, a 2011 research looked at the effects of marshmallow root supplementation on blood lipid profiles and liver function. According to researchers, the marshmallow was shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that worked against both acute and chronic inflammation.

Marshmallow also has anti-ulcer, anti-lipidemic, and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as a rise in HDL cholesterol (the “good” variety). The patients who saw substantial increases in blood HDL cholesterol levels were given a dose of 50 mg marshmallow per kilogram of body weight, with no side effects and no unfavorable effects on liver enzymes.

7. Water Retention is Reduced

Marshmallow has diuretic properties and function similarly to “water pills,” which reduce fluid retention, edema, and bloating. In addition, marshmallow may help stimulate urination and balance fluids if your diet or hormone levels (such as PMS or menopause) lead you to retain water and feel uncomfortable.

8. It has antioxidant properties

Researchers have discovered that antioxidants present in marshmallow, such as flavonoids, may help prevent oxidative damage, leading to chronic illnesses including malignant tumor growth, inflammatory disorders, and neurological diseases.

It protects healthy cells by creating cell adhesions, influencing cell development and the extracellular matrix, controlling cytokine release, and eliminating dangerous cells via various ways (apoptosis). Marshmallow also hastens recovery by stimulating the immune system and boosting phagocytosis, a procedure that removes injured or dead cells from the body.

Due to its antioxidant characteristics, studies have recently demonstrated that it has potential neuroprotective benefits that may protect against the development of Parkinson’s disease.

Side Effects and Risks

What are the marshmallow root’s side effects? Althaea Officinalis products usually have minor adverse effects since they’ve been used safely for so long and are regarded as a “time-honored technique to strengthening the body.”

It’s widely regarded as safe, with few, if any, documented negative effects – but, to be honest, it hasn’t been investigated in many human clinical studies (more using animals).

While marshmallow root is generally well accepted and simple to digest, it is possible to suffer some negative effects while taking it, particularly if you are taking other drugs. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have been diagnosed with an existing ailment such as inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, or high cholesterol, talk to your doctor about any potential interactions before taking marshmallows.

Marshmallow root interactions might affect how other drugs are absorbed or eliminated from the body. For example, marshmallow covers the stomach lining and may prevent other medications from being absorbed.

It’s also conceivable that it will interfere with regular blood sugar regulation, so if you’re diabetic, prediabetic, or using insulin, you should visit a doctor first to ensure that your blood sugar is constantly monitored and that hazardous drops are avoided. You should also stop taking marshmallows at least two weeks before a planned operation because of their effects on fluid retention, blood platelet formation, and blood sugar levels.

How Does It Work?

Marshmallow root extract is extracted from the leaves and roots of Althaea Officinalis and used in supplements, teas, and tinctures. The marshmallow plant’s blossoms and young leaves are also delicious and have historically been eaten raw, cooked, or fried for various health advantages.

The most crucial feature of marshmallow leaf and root is that they’re a natural “mucilage,” which means marshmallow functions like a soft fiber that expands when coupled with water. This “slippery” property creates a thick, protective layer surrounding membranes.

The chemical components in marshmallow root and leaves make it a good mucilage and therapeutic supplement, including:

  • Antioxidant flavonoids
  • A few amino acids (like asparagine)
  • Pectin, for example, is a polysaccharide (a type of fiber)
  • Coumarin, kaempferol, phenolic acids, quercetin, and tannins are examples of antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-mucilaginous chemicals.

According to research published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, these substances help alleviate symptoms including pain and swelling in the nasal passages, the mucous membranes that line the respiratory tract, and the lining of the digestive system. In addition, Marshmallow has been proven to stimulate epithelial cell survival and proliferation, allowing it to produce a bioadhesive layer on the skin’s cell surface and inside the digestive system.

Marshmallow may help heal throat and skin infections while strengthening the gut lining and reducing permeability (called leaky gut syndrome) since it has a calming impact on swollen tissues’ antibacterial qualities and helps protect mucous membranes throughout the body.

Dosage and Uses

Marshmallow root comes in a variety of forms, including:

  • Powder
  • Extract/tincture
  • Ointment for the skin
  • Capsules
  • Syrups
  • Tea made with marshmallow root

Depending on the ailment you’re treating, you’ll want to employ a certain kind and dose. Always double-check the dose instructions on the individual product you’re taking since they might differ.

In health food shops or online, look for marshmallow powder or teas that are regularly offered. For example, some digestive herbal tea blends and those meant to relieve a sore throat include marshmallow.

Cough and respiratory difficulties may also be treated with a syrup containing this plant.

If you want to make your own marshmallow root tea at home, buy pure marshmallow root in powdered form or seek for dried marshmallow leaf, then steep it for several minutes in hot water.

Whatever method you choose, make sure you drink it with plenty of water to help it create a thick, sticky material. Most doctors advise mixing it with at least eight ounces of water and taking it one to two hours before or after taking other prescriptions.

Here are a few methods to utilize marshmallow root in various forms effectively:

  • Dosing varies depending on how concentrated the supplement is. Still, one to two tablespoons of powdered marshmallow taken many times each day is typically helpful and safe for respiratory difficulties, including sore throat, cough, or colds. For example, tea might assist in relieving cough and minimizing phlegm. Combine fennel, thyme, and raw honey in marshmallow tea for even more throat-soothing effects.
  • If you want to cure inflammatory bowel illnesses, leaky gut syndrome, Crohn’s disease, or ulcerative colitis, choose capsule supplements, powder, teas, or tinctures. For Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, a daily dose of around six grams is usually administered, which may need to be divided into many split doses.
  • Apply a skin salve or balm containing marshmallow root directly to the afflicted region to relieve chapped, dry, or damaged skin.


  • Marshmallow root (Althaea Officinalis) is an anti-inflammatory and mucilage herbal medicine.
  • It functions as a soft fiber and swells up when coupled with water. This “slippery” property creates a thick, protective layer surrounding membranes.
  • Coughs, colds, and bacterial infections may be treated with marshmallow root, healing the gut lining and avoiding leaky gut syndrome, decreasing digestive complaints, treating skin problems, lowering inflammation, and boosting heart health.
  • Flavonoid antioxidants, certain amino acids (like asparagine), polysaccharides like pectin (a type of fiber), and various antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-mucilaginous compounds like coumarin, kaempferol, phenolic acids, quercetin, and tannins are among the active ingredients in this herb that make it an effective mucilage and medicinal supplement.
  • Are you new to this herb? It may be taken as a tea, tincture, powder, syrup, or capsule, or it can be used topically as an ointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is marshmallow root harmful?

A: Marshmallow root is not harmful to humans.

Is marshmallow root safe to take daily?

A: Marshmallow root is a safe herb to take daily.

What are the benefits of taking marshmallow roots?

A: Marshmallow root is a plant that has been used in traditional herbal medicine for thousands of years. Its also scientifically proven to help with some skin and digestion issues and aid in weight loss.

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