Menopause Remedies

Menopause is a natural process that occurs in women after the age of 40. It can cause mood swings, fatigue, and weight gain. In addition to these symptoms, menopausal women also experience some physical changes such as vaginal dryness and hot flashes. There are many ways to alleviate these symptoms, including diet and supplements.

Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstruation and fertility, which occurs 12 months following the last menstrual cycle. Menopause may begin as early as your mid-30s, with most women experiencing Menopause in their 40s or 50s (the average age is 51 in the U.S.). However, Menopause may occur sooner in certain women owing to health issues such as a history of eating disorders, cancer treatment, or surgical removal of the ovaries.

Menopause is a perfectly normal biological process that should not be seen as a concern. Even though it marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years, you may remain healthy, vibrant, and sexual long into your 50s and beyond. In general, a hormonal change happens in women throughout Menopause, resulting in mood swings, hot flashes, sleeplessness, and other typical symptoms.

What can you do to assist relieve the symptoms of Menopause? First and foremost, most women’s symptoms, such as night sweats, will subside over time and, in many cases, go away entirely without treatment, including hormone replacement therapy. “Menopause is not an illness,” according to the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care. Hormone levels tend to drop as people become older. Therefore, there is no need to replenish these hormones.”

Natural treatments for menopausal symptoms — those that don’t require hormone replacement therapy medications — are safe and may help reduce symptom intensity and duration during this transition period. These include maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, taking specific hormone-balancing vitamins, and utilizing natural herbal remedies like black cohosh and progesterone cream.

Most Common Menopause Symptoms

Changes in sex hormone levels and aging may cause a range of symptoms and illnesses in women. The following are some of the most frequent menopausal symptoms:

  • Periods that come and go and become heavier or lighter at times when perimenopause begins (the period before Menopause officially begins). During Menopause, this may potentially last for many years.
  • Night sweats and hot flashes
  • Mood swings, anger, anxiety, or depressive symptoms are signs of depression.
  • Reduced sex desire and vaginal dryness
  • Weight gain and increased belly fat
  • Changes in sleep quality and insomnia
  • Hair loss and drier skin
  • Using the restroom more often
  • Breast alterations (including breasts becoming smaller or losing volume)
  • Uterus, ovaries, and cervix changes
  • An increased risk of some other age-related illnesses for individuals (including cardiovascular diseases, dementia, and osteoporosis)


Are you curious about what causes symptoms such as hot flashes or how to eliminate sleeplessness or night sweats?

Changes in reproductive hormone levels, such as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estrogen (three kinds include estrone, estradiol, and estriol), progesterone, and testosterone, induce Menopause.

Menopause is a complicated biological process, but the most noticeable changes in a woman’s body at this period are an increase in ovarian follicle loss (called follicular atresia) and, as a result, a decrease in estrogen production. Estrogen levels begin to decline 6–12 months before Menopause (during perimenopause, which often occurs in the late 30s and 40s) and continue to decline throughout the menopausal process.

Treatment using Natural Ingredients

1. Consume Foods that Aid in the Management of Menopause Symptoms

Your diet should contain enough vital minerals and healthy fats if you’re attempting to regulate hormones and minimize menopausal symptoms. Filling up on the following “hormone-balancing,” nutrient-dense, and unprocessed meals may help you cut down on empty calories and control weight gain.

Keep in mind that you may need to eat fewer calories overall to maintain your weight as you grow older. So it’s more essential than ever to avoid processed foods and concentrate on eating a clean diet when your muscle mass decreases and your metabolism slows.

Menopause symptoms may be alleviated by eating the following foods:

  • Organic fruits and vegetables: These are high in dietary fiber, antioxidants, and phytosterols, which may help regulate hormones and delay the aging process.
  • Cruciferous foods: cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, cabbage, and kale contain indole-3-carbinol, which helps regulate estrogen levels naturally. These vegetables are rich in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and electrolytes, which are beneficial to blood pressure and heart health.
  • Fiber-rich meals are beneficial to cardiovascular and digestive health and maintain a healthy weight. Fiber-rich diets may also assist in regulating estrogen production, according to several research. In addition, high-fiber diets are linked to weight loss, improved cholesterol levels, and decreased constipation. Nuts, seeds, legumes/beans, ancient grains, avocado, vegetables, and fruit are some of the most significant sources.
  • Natto: Natto is a fermented soy product that includes a phytoestrogen that may assist with hormone balance. If you have experienced estrogen-positive breast cancer in the past, you should avoid this.
  • Foods high in phytoestrogens: Phytoestrogens are plant-based estrogens that may mimic the effects of natural hormones produced by your body. Because their products are debatable, the research on their advantages and dangers may be overwhelming and contradictory. However, many studies have shown that these dietary estrogens may benefit certain women throughout Menopause by lowering cancer risk, decreasing night sweats, preserving the heart, and making a reduction in natural estrogen seem less severe.
  • Omega-3 fats, found in fish and flaxseed, may aid in protecting the heart, promote smooth skin, and reduce inflammation caused by omega-6 fats (found chiefly in refined oils and low-quality meat). Some of the most acceptable sources are wild-caught salmon, halibut, sardines, mackerel, and anchovies. In addition, according to studies, Omega-3s seem to aid hormone production and may assist in avoiding preeclampsia, postpartum depression, menopausal difficulties, postmenopausal osteoporosis, cardiac issues, depression, and breast cancer.
  • Healthy fats and cold-pressed oils: While fats contain more calories than protein or carbs, they also serve as building blocks for hormone synthesis, reduce inflammation, increase metabolism, and induce satiety, all of which are essential for weight loss—Vitamin E, which is found in unrefined oils, aids in the regulation of estrogen production. Virgin coconut oil, palm oil, extra-virgin olive oil, and flaxseed oil are all excellent choices. In addition, avocado, coconut milk, nuts, seeds, and wild seafood are all excellent sources of healthful fats.
  • Probiotic foods: Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that may help you produce and regulate essential hormones such as insulin, ghrelin, and leptin. They have even been shown to boost immunological function and safeguard cognitive function. Yogurt, kefir, cultured vegetables like sauerkraut or kimchi, kombucha, and other fermented foods are the most significant sources.
  • To help replenish fluid lost from hot flashes and reduce bloating, drink 8 glasses of water each day.

2. Avoid foods that aggravate Menopause

  • The No. 1 thing to avoid during Menopause is packaged goods. Foods that have been packaged. Added sugar (see below), chemical preservatives, excessive salt levels, toxins, and synthetic additives are all included in most processed/packaged meals. In addition, many of these meals are rich in carbs, which may exacerbate hormone imbalances, and they may also include GMO substances, which are harmful to the liver.
  • Conventional meat: Conventional (farm-raised) meat and poultry may have additional hormones that cause inflammation issues. Choose hormone-free, grass-fed, cage-free, or pasture-raised animal proteins when feasible. Purchasing organic meat, eggs, dairy, and poultry adds another layer of defense, ensuring that you are not ingesting antibiotics, GMO-fed meat, or hormones.
  • Added sugar: A high-sugar diet may lead to weight gain, digestive problems, worsening hormone imbalances, and candida, as well as an increase in hot flashes and other symptoms.
  • Foods cooked with highly processed vegetable oils (such as sunflower, maize, safflower, soybean, or canola oil) are rich in omega-6 fats, leading to inflammation and other health issues. Fried foods and trans fats have also been linked to heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and cognitive decline.
  • Carbonated beverages: Carbonated soda and other beverages may deplete the body’s calcium stores, contributing to osteoporosis, bone loss, and tooth decay.
  • Drinking more than “moderate” quantities of alcohol may exacerbate hot flashes and lead to weight gain in many women.

3. Take These Supplements to Relieve Menopause

  • Hot flashes and night sweats may be prevented by taking 80 mg of black cohosh 1–2 times per day. According to research, it may also help enhance sleep quality, decrease hormonal imbalances linked to diabetes or fibroids, and even aid fertility in women before menopause.
  • Natural Progesterone Cream (14 teaspoon or 20 milligrams applied 2–3 times a day to the skin and forearms): Menopausal symptoms such as bone loss, vaginal dryness, and fibroids may all be alleviated with progesterone cream. Even younger women (those going through perimenopause, for example) may benefit from it since it protects against infertility, endometriosis, and PMS. When you utilize progesterone as a topical cream, you may control and adjust the quantity of progesterone you apply to your body with each application.
  • Vitex or Chasteberry (160–240 mg daily): Vitex has been shown to alleviate hot flashes in clinical trials. It also contains many hormone-balancing qualities as black cohosh to assist with sleep issues, fibroids, skin changes, and irregular periods. According to studies, vitex boosts luteinizing hormone, regulates prolactin, and assists in the suppression of follicle-stimulating hormone production, all of which serve to balance out the progesterone-to-estrogen ratio, modestly increasing progesterone levels.
  • American Ginseng (600–1200 mg per day): Ginseng has been used to boost energy and sexual desire for thousands of years. Certain studies may assist with hot flashes, tiredness, depression, cognitive deficits, and vaginal dryness.
  • Red Clover: This can help prevent bone loss and reduce the risk of cardiac problems. Red clover includes isoflavones, which help alleviate symptoms associated with estrogen deficiency, such as hot flashes, insomnia, weight gain, bone loss, bone fractures or osteoporosis, cardiovascular issues, and joint inflammation.
  • St. John’s Wort: For over 2,000 years, this plant has been used safely to treat anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. It may help you maintain a more stable mood, decrease inflammation, enhance your sleep, and ease the emotional and mental transition during Menopause.
  • 1000–2000 mg of maca root per day): Maca has been used for thousands of years as an adaptogen plant to reduce the effects of stress and to age on the body by lowering cortisol levels. In addition, it may help improve libido and vitality while reducing hot flashes, poor energy/fatigue, restlessness, and weight gain.
  • Adaptogen Herbs: These herbs protect against a wide range of illnesses, including those induced by stress. Ashwagandha, medicinal mushrooms, Rhodiola, and holy basil are examples of apotogens. As a result, thyroid function can be improved, cholesterol levels can be reduced, anxiety and sadness may be reduced, brain cell degeneration can be reduced, and blood sugar and insulin levels can be stabilized, according to research.

Other botanicals/herbs, such as evening primrose oil, licorice root, wild yams, red raspberry leaves, chaste tree, and sarsaparilla, may help control symptoms but are less frequently used at home. Each one has a particular sign (or set of symptoms) that it may assist with, so speaking with a qualified naturopath doctor will help you figure out the best doses and combinations to use.

4. Stress Reduction & Management

During the menopausal years, many women suffer increased anxiety, moodiness, and even despair. One critical method to decrease behaviors or symptoms like emotional eating and weight gain, tiredness, poor sleep, and reduced libido is to manage stress in your life.

Different complementary and alternative medications for stress relief work for other individuals. Exercise, meditation, acupuncture, aromatherapy, spending time in nature, cultivating personal relationships, volunteering, and devoting time to spiritual activities are excellent ways to alleviate stress.

5. Menopause Symptoms Can Be Managed With These Essential Oils

Clary sage oil is one of the most potent essential oils for hormone balance. It may assist with symptoms like anxiety and hot flashes that come with Menopause. In addition, roman chamomile oil relieves stress, peppermint oil reduces hot flashes, and thyme oil helps to regulate hormones naturally.

To use these essential oils at home, get a therapeutic grade/pure oil from a shop or online, then apply 3 drops on the tops of the feet and back of the neck 1–3 times each day. To diminish the potency of any essential oil and reduce skin irritation, mix it with a carrier oil like jojoba or coconut oil.

6. Exercise regularly

Being overweight or obese, having high levels of inflammation, receiving poor sleep, suffering bone loss or muscle wasting, and coping with chronic stress are all risk factors for menopausal problems that may be managed with exercise. According to research, beginning an exercise program consisting of aerobic and strength-training exercise training at least three times per week for 12 weeks may improve sleep quality, insomnia, and depression, even if you haven’t been particularly active in the past.

I suggest doing 10–30 minutes of aerobic exercise most days of the week, including high-intensity interval training (HIIT) like burst training, strengthening your bones, avoiding weight gain, and maintaining lean muscle mass, all of which may reduce your risk of osteoporosis and obesity.

7. Get Plenty of Sleep

According to studies, excessive stress and poor sleep have been related to increased morning cortisol levels, lowered immunity, job performance issues, and a higher risk of anxiety, weight gain, and depression. So aim for 7-9 hours of sleep every night to enable your body to recuperate from stress, regulate your appetite, and boost your vitality.

8. Use social support and relationships to help you

Comprehensive scientific studies have demonstrated that a “whole system approach” to addressing menopausal symptoms and other aging consequences, including regular exercise, sleep management, optimum diet, good relationships, social support, and relaxation, may be beneficial.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best supplement to take for Menopause?

A: The best supplement for Menopause is a natural supplement that is made of herbs and spices. This will help to relieve the symptoms of Menopause, such as hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats.

What’s the best natural remedy for Menopause?

A: The best natural remedy for Menopause is taking a multivitamin, eating lots of vegetables, and exercising regularly.

What foods make Menopause better?

A: Some foods that may help with the symptoms of Menopause include fish, dark chocolate, and blueberries.

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