Natural Laxatives

Laxatives are a popular way to stay regular, but they can have some severe side effects. Instead, you can eat certain foods that will help keep your digestive system healthy and your bowels are moving.


According to the National Institutes of Health, constipation is one of the most frequently reported health issues, impacting at least one in five younger and one in three older persons.

What may help you get rid of constipation quickly? While there are a variety of over-the-counter medicines available to cure this problem fast, natural laxatives may also be effective for some individuals.

For over 2,000 years, natural laxatives in the form of specific foods, drinks, and plants have been utilized for health reasons to relieve constipation.

People have understood that regular bowel movements are essential for good health, but in today’s fast-paced world, a bad diet, stress, or frequent travel may all get in the way of proper digestion.

Types of Laxatives

There are hundreds of different laxatives on the market to assist people who become regularly constipated, ranging from herbal teas and detox tinctures to tablets and enemas.

Stimulant agents, saline and osmotic products bulking agents, and surfactants are some of the many kinds of laxatives that operate in different ways.

  • Stimulant laxatives – This is the kind that most people purchase over-the-counter and use daily (OTC). They’re also considered the most overused. These products have a laxative effect by activating the intestinal lining, making the digestive system muscles contract, and raising the stool’s hydration. Stimulant laxatives may impair the body’s natural capacity to go to the toilet over time, which is why they might cause “laxative dependence.”
  • Bulking laxatives — “Bulking agents” are fiber therapies that are mild laxatives that most physicians prescribe initially to individuals who have a sluggish transit time. Fiber increases the water content and volume of the stool, allowing it to pass through the colon more rapidly.
  • Stool softeners (also known as emollient laxatives) operate by pulling moisture from water/fluids into feces to make them easier to pass, which is particularly helpful for individuals with severe hemorrhoids. They are available in capsules, tablets, liquids, and syrups and are often taken with water.
  • Saline laxatives (also known as sodium phosphate) are laxatives that increase the amount of fluid in the small intestine and are often used to empty the intestines before a colonoscopy. These are meant to be taken as a single dosage once a day and for no more than three days in a row.
  • Enema is introduced into the rectum to deposit saline solution directly. Enemas are likewise designed to be used just once.
  • Lubricant laxatives operate by making feces “slippery,” typically by coating the intestinal walls with mineral oils, which prevents stool from drying out. These may help relieve the discomfort of constipation caused by diseases like hemorrhoids.
  • Laxatives of the osmotic (or hyperosmolar) kind are hydrating agents that pull fluids into the intestines.

Effects of Laxatives

The stool is produced by absorbing waste, undesired nutrients, electrolytes, and water inside the stomach during a regular bowel movement. These ingredients usually combine to form a soft-but-solid material that can readily travel through the digestive system.

The majority of the nutrients in your meal are absorbed in the small intestine rather than the stomach. The colon, or big intestines, absorbs the majority of the water. Waste travels down to your colon after passing through your stomach and intestines, where it is ready to exit.

Many elements of your body are involved in the digestive process, including enzymes, electrolytes, water, hormones, blood flow, and more.

As previously said, each kind of laxative acts in a different way to relieve constipation. They operate in various ways, including pulling water into the intestines, softening stools, and forcing digestive tract muscles to contract and push waste out.

Who is a good candidate for laxatives?

There may be occasions when laxatives are necessary, but not as often as many people believe. It’s probably OK to use laxatives now and then if you’re generally healthy, such as when you’re traveling and jet-lagged or have a short-term stomach ailment. If you need to use a laxative, consider castor oil, a milder, natural solution.

When it comes to pooping, what constitutes “normal”? The majority of specialists believe that going to the toilet at least three times each week is essential. However, since the number of bowel movements a person should have each day/week differs from one individual to the next, no one quantity is regarded as entirely “normal” and healthy.

The main message is that if you’re not presently exercising at least this much, changing your diet and lifestyle (for example, eating more fiber, exercising, and decreasing stress) is critical to long-term success.

Foods that Help Your Digestive System

It’s essential to remember that although OTC or prescription laxatives may temporarily relieve constipation symptoms, they don’t address any underlying digestive problems. They have the potential to exacerbate the issue. In addition, they may have undesired and severe side effects, and they may even become addicted as the body becomes reliant on them to operate correctly over time.

Our bodies have an incredible natural capacity to cleanse and detox themselves; all we have to do is give the proper nutrients and replenish fluids.

What meals will cause you to poop immediately? Most meals that encourage regular bowel movements don’t work right away, but they help you stay “regular” in the long run.

Most adults, as well as children, may benefit from eating more fiber. While increasing your consumption of high-fiber meals may not cure all of your constipation problems, it is undoubtedly one of the first measures you should take.

What does it mean to eat a high-fiber diet? First, make it a point to consume 25–40 grams of fiber each day.

Adult males and more considerable persons need more than women and smaller people. When feasible, obtain your fiber from natural sources (unprocessed, whole foods) rather than artificially produced fibers found in processed “high-fiber” bars, smoothies, and other products.

Natural Laxatives That Work

When it comes to softening stool and treating constipation, fruits, leafy greens, other vegetables, seeds, some herbs, and probiotic-rich meals may all be used as home treatments. By concentrating on eating natural, whole foods, you’ll get both soluble and insoluble fiber, as well as essential electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals for your digestive system.

So, before you go for the over-the-counter laxatives, try to include these seven items in your diet:

1. Aloe Vera 

What is the finest fast-acting laxative? Some may suggest aloe vera, one of the oldest and most well studied natural laxatives available.

This material, also known as aloe “latex,” is rich in enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, which help soften stools and heal the stomach. Anthraquinones, for example, is a kind of chemical found in aloe that acts as a natural laxative by raising intestinal water content, promoting mucus production, and increasing intestinal peristalsis (contractions that break down food).

Anti-inflammatory components in aloe vera latex decrease swelling and enhance digestive organ function, making it simpler to pass stool motions. Aloe vera also has the potential to assist restore acid/alkaline and pH balance, reduce yeast development, and promote the growth of healthy digestive bacteria, among other things.

2. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds can absorb water in the gastrointestinal system and therefore serve as a natural laxative.

One ounce of chia seeds has 10 grams of fiber. They react with fluids to create a gelatinous material that passes smoothly through your intestines. Chia seeds swell and expand in the digestive system, absorbing fluids, and are a fantastic method to boost fiber in your diet. They’re most effective for constipation when combined with increased fluid consumption, which allows them to pass through the stomach more readily.

3. Flaxseeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids

Flaxseeds are high in fiber, which bulks up your stool and aids its passage through your intestines. Per tablespoon, they offer approximately 3 grams of fiber. According to a study, flaxseeds may help with both constipation and diarrhea.

Flaxseeds are virtually tasteless, and one of their advantages is that they’re simple to include into existing dishes, such as cereals, baked goods, and smoothies.

Just remember that anytime you consume a high-fiber diet, you should also drink lots of water, since consuming too much fiber without adequate hydrating liquids may lead to even more toilet issues! Drinking sufficient water in general and eating a high-fiber diet make it simpler to remove waste from the body and reduce the likelihood of unpleasant hard stools, bloating gas, and cramps.

4. Vegetables with a lot of leafy greens

What is one of the most effective natural laxatives for weight loss? Vegetables that are low in calories and rich in fiber!

Leafy greens like spinach and kale, in addition to being high in fiber, are also high in magnesium. Magnesium insufficiency is one of the most prevalent deficits in people thus increasing your magnesium intake has several advantages, including improved digestive health.

Magnesium, an element found in leafy greens, has the natural capacity to soften stool and aid in the absorption of water from the stomach.

It’s difficult for stool to pass through your system if you don’t have enough magnesium, mainly because magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant that may prevent abdominal cramps. If you find that increasing your magnesium-rich meals causes your stools to become excessively loose and watery, reduce your intake until your seats are comfortable and normal.

5. Foods High in Probiotics

Probiotics are “good bacteria” that balance out different kinds of “bad bacteria” in your stomach. They aid in creating a healthy environment in your gut’s “microflora” and may aid in the prevention of digestive issues such as constipation and diarrhea.

Kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, and probiotic yogurt are examples of probiotic foods.

When shopping for dairy, select organic dairy products that are simpler to digest, such as goat milk products, organic kefir, raw dairy products, or dairy that does not include A1 casein. It’s conceivable that overeating low-quality pasteurized/homogenized dairy, or too much dairy in general (particularly if you have lactose intolerance symptoms), may promote inflammation and lead to digestive problems.

6. Fruits with a High Fiber Content

These are a few of the most effective natural laxatives for children. Fruit is rich in fiber, water, and antioxidants, all of which may decrease inflammation in the digestive system.

While fresh fruit such as berries, melon, and apples are more hydrating and satisfying, dried fruit such as figs, prunes, or dates may also be an excellent source of dietary fiber in a hurry, particularly when consumed in large quantities.

Fruits with pectin fiber (apples or pears) are particularly beneficial since pectin stimulates your intestines. Apple cider vinegar is also a great way to relieve constipation naturally. For the most part, fruit relieves constipation while also making you feel pleasantly full, although individual responses to different types vary.

Do you want to know whether bananas are a natural laxative or if they are “binding”? Bananas may help you stay regular since they include fiber, resistant starch, and potassium.

However, other individuals claim that they cause digestive problems and worsen constipation, so it depends on the person. Because green, underripe bananas are the most significant source of resistant starch, they will most likely aid rather than hinder your progress.

7. Coconut Water

Coconut water is beneficial for various reasons: not only does it taste wonderful as an alternative to plain old water or sugary beverages, but it also aids in electrolyte balance, hydration, and urinary tract cleansing.

Coconut water has been utilized for generations as a natural hydration boost because of its high electrolyte content, particularly potassium (which provides 12 percent of your daily value in every one-cup serving). In addition, it’s one of the finest natural laxatives for kids since it tastes so good.

Coconut water is so good for constipation that some individuals find that consuming too much loosens their bowels to an unpleasant degree, so take it slowly at first.

When you’re constipated, what foods should you avoid?

  • Processed foods that are low in fiber and minerals. Processed meats like cold cuts and hot dogs, as well as high-sodium frozen meals, fall into this category.
  • Fried meals may delay the transit time of stool through the intestines, effectively “clogging up” digestion.
  • Alcohol causes more urine to be produced and more fluid to be lost.
  • Pasteurized dairy products may cause bloating and can also cause constipation in children.
  • Refined flour is devoid of fiber and, therefore, will not aid in the relief of constipation.
  • Caffeine (depending on the individual) may assist with bowel motions by increasing muscular contractions but can also lead to addiction, anxiety symptoms, and water loss.

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to foods that work as natural laxatives: everyone is different, and not everyone responds to meals the same way.

Some fruits and vegetables, for example, include FODMAPs, which are complex carbohydrates that may aggravate bloating and constipation and produce IBS-like symptoms in some individuals. As a result, you should constantly test your response to meals and develop a constipation diet plan that works for you.

Dangers of Laxatives

Many individuals use laxatives in the form of medicines or enemas to cope with their inability to remain “regular.” Laxatives are, in fact, one of the most frequently purchased over-the-counter medicines.

“Some over-the-counter (OTC) laxatives may be potentially hazardous if dosage instructions or cautions on the Drug Facts label are not correctly followed or when certain concomitant health problems are present,” according to the FDA.

According to the FDA, there have been hundreds of instances of severe adverse effects linked to laxative usage, as well as 13 deaths.

It’s also risky to use laxatives excessively. So who is in danger of abusing laxatives excessively? According to the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine, people who frequently misuse laxatives are classified into four categories.

  • Individuals suffering from eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia nervosa are the largest category of laxative users, with estimates ranging from 10% to 60% of people with disordered eating using laxatives to help manage their weight and emotions. People mistakenly think that they can prevent some of the “calorie absorptions” from the foods they consume, but this isn’t true for the most part, and it may lead to a slew of hazardous side effects.
  • As digestive processes slow down, middle-aged and older people are more likely to take laxatives to relieve constipation.
  • These drugs may be used by athletes or bodybuilders attempting to maintain a particular weight and appearance.
  • Laxatives are often used by people who have digestive issues, such as IBS.

It’s very unusual to have severe gastrointestinal issues after using laxatives, such as bloating and stomach pain.

Overuse of mineral oils from laxatives or too much synthetic fiber may also impair your body’s ability to absorb certain medicines and treatments.

Another problem is that lubricating laxatives absorb fat-soluble vitamins from the intestines, lowering nutritional levels.

Side Effects and Risks

Overuse and misuse of laxatives may cause the following side effects and health problems:

  • Bloated stomach
  • A lack of water (fluid loss)
  • Deficiencies in electrolytes
  • Base alterations (acid/alkaline)
  • Inability to generate sufficient digesting enzymes
  • Edema (water retention)
  • Light-headedness and dizziness
  • Colon and gastrointestinal organs damage
  • Diarrhea and constipation regularly
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system
  • Additional life-threatening adverse effects, including death, if taken excessively

OTC lubricants and bulking agents often have unfavorable side effects. Fiber increases the water content and volume of the stool, allowing it to pass through the colon more rapidly. Natural fiber from food is excellent for this, but suddenly increasing fiber intake may cause stomach cramps, bloating, and gas.

When using laxatives, the renin-aldosterone system in the digestive system is stimulated, resulting in fluid loss. When you quit using laxatives, your body retaliates by retaining as much water as it can, causing edema (water retention or bloating) and short-term weight gain, as well as a slowdown in your metabolism.

For some individuals, this leads to an increased usage of laxatives to help the body shed water and alleviate any rebound constipation symptoms.

Last Thoughts

  • Some of the most often used medicines are over-the-counter laxatives. These may be helpful constipation treatments in the short term, but they may cause dependency, dehydration, bloating, diarrhea, electrolyte imbalance, and other problems.
  • Certain meals, beverages, and herbs may help you pass bowel motions more efficiently and avoid constipation without causing any adverse side effects. As a result, a balanced diet may be the most effective natural laxative.
  • Do you want to learn how to get rid of constipation at home quickly? Aloe vera, leafy greens, chia and flax seeds, high fiber fruits, probiotic meals, and coconut water are all-natural laxatives that work fast to relieve constipation.
  • When using natural laxatives, be sure to drink lots of water or fluids since they act in conjunction with high-fiber meals to soften stool.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I eat to keep my bowels regular?

A: The best thing you can do is eat a diet high in fiber and drink plenty of water.

What is the best natural laxative to clean you out?

A: Cascara Sagrada is the best natural laxative to clean you out.

Related Tags

  • natural laxatives at home
  • foods to eat when constipated
  • natural laxatives that work fast
  • foods to avoid when constipated
  • natural laxative drink

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