Nightshade Vegetables

Nightshade vegetables are a notorious source of lectin. Lectins can cause reactions to the gut, which can lead to leaky gut syndrome and other chronic health conditions like autoimmune disorders.


If you have food sensitivities, allergies, autoimmune illness, inflammatory bowel disease, or leaky gut syndrome, there’s a risk that nightshade veggies are contributing to your health problems. “Seriously, what can I eat?” you may be thinking to yourself. But, unfortunately, it’s tough to get one’s head around yet another group of foods to put on the “watch” list. From gluten-free to grain-free, no meat to all meat and back again – it’s difficult to wrap one’s head around yet another group of foods to put on the “watch” list.

As you’ll see later in this article, nightshade vegetables are generally beneficial for most people. Still, they may function as a trigger for a small number of individuals, similar to wheat or dairy, causing severe immunological responses.

The basic line is that everyone’s body reacts differently to each plant in the nightshade family, but for the most part, these veggies are not a problem. However, those with leaky gut, autoimmune disorders, or other gut-related conditions are often at risk.

Suppose you have leaky gut or autoimmune illness. In that case, you should be on the lookout for any warning signals after consuming nightshades, such as joint discomfort, digestive difficulties, skin reddening, or any form of inflammatory reaction.

What Are Nightshade Vegetables, Exactly?

Nightshade vegetables are members of the Solanaceae plant family (Solanum dulcamara), with 98 genera and over 2,000 species!

The Solanaceae family includes many plants, including harmless flowers like morning glories and even poisonous herbs like Atropa belladonna. Even nightshade trees may be found. Even yet, the vegetables are such an important component of the family that Solanaceae is frequently referred to as the “potato family” or “tomato family.”

While the similarities in the composition may not be visible on a dinner plate, nightshade vegetables do have certain fundamental similarities in composition, one of which is the presence of two substances: calcitriol and alkaloids.

Nightshade Vegetables’ Alkaloids

Alkaloids are most often identifiable molecularly by a nitrogen atom’s ring and are produced from amino acids. However, there are exceptions. Alkaloids are the most potent and dangerous components in herbal medicine. In reality, this family contains some of the most powerful “recreational” or therapeutic plants.

The nightshade family contains several notable alkaloids, including:

  1. Solanine
  2. Capsaicin
  3. Nicotine

Tropane alkaloids (such as hyoscyamine) are present in the nightshade family of plants (and are highly poisonous, thus the moniker “deadly nightshade” given to the Eurasian perennial Atropa belladonna); however, they aren’t always found in nightshade vegetables. I’ll concentrate on the other alkaloids in this family, which are all present in common plants.

1. The amino acid solanine (& Tomatine)

Solanine is a glycoalkaloid, a form of steroid alkaloid that combines an alkaloid with sugar. When the body starts to break down solanine, the sugar separates, leaving just solanidine. While solanidine is not instantly hazardous in the proportions seen in nightshade vegetables, it may accumulate in the body and release at times of stress, which can be harmful to the health.

Tomatine is the tomato analog of solanine, which is found mainly in potatoes.

Because both steroid alkaloids are created in the same way as chlorophyll, they will be found in higher concentrations in the plant’s green parts. You may not be planning on eating potato leaves anytime soon, but don’t skip this section! Potatoes that are starting to sprout, green patches on potatoes, and yes, fried green tomatoes might all be sources of higher concentrations of solanine or tomatine.

Solanine and other nightshade steroidal alkaloids irritate the gastrointestinal tract and inhibit acetylcholinesterase, altering neurotransmitters. Although solanine poisoning is uncommon, it has been linked to severe vomiting and diarrhea, depression of the central nervous system, and even death.

2. Capsaicin is the active ingredient in chili peppers.

Capsaicin is the key element in hot peppers, and it’s best known for its anti-inflammatory benefits. However, it’s also an alkaloid, which means it’s one of the most potent chemicals found in food and plants. Anyone who has eaten a ghost pepper or a habanero knows how irritating they can be! There’s more than a taste sensation at work when your lips are burning after a spoonful of too-hot salsa.

The irritating characteristics of capsaicin stimulate the production of substance P, a neuropeptide involved in the transmission of pain signals. There is a refractory phase of deadened sensation after the first irritation of contact with capsaicin and the release of substance P – as you may have experienced when the third and fourth tastes of salsa aren’t as stunning. Because of this chemical chain, capsaicin is often used as a topical painkiller for osteoarthritis.

3. Nicotine is a stimulant.

The next alkaloid I’d want to talk about is nicotine, which we all know is a chemical found in the tobacco plant and is a nightshade. I don’t have to go into detail on the dangers of nicotine, but it’s vital to remember that avoiding tobacco products does not equal avoiding all nicotine. This alkaloid may be found in every part of the nightshade plant. Some argue that the existence of this alkaloid is the reason why our French-fries-and-ketchup culture is so addicted to nightshades in the first place!

Allergies and Sensitivities to Nightshades

Keep in mind that nightshades might comprise both dangerous and usually benign plants. Not all of these chemicals are found in every nightshade plant, and even when they are, not all of them are potent enough to cause symptoms right away.

Meanwhile, a real nightshade allergy should be treated with caution as with any dietary or environmental allergy. It may, however, be challenging to detect. While many allergies are simple to identify – think tree nuts or dairy – nightshade plants are not. Nightshade vegetables should be included in an elimination diet and food allergy testing regimens if you or a loved one is showing indications of a food allergy.

Should you stay away from nightshades? Those with apparent allergies to nightshade foods often show symptoms that are comparable to gluten sensitivities. Sensitivities to nightshade vegetables might include:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome, as well as other gastrointestinal problems
  • heartburn
  • sensitivity of the nerves
  • joint discomfort

A 2002 research looked at how nightshades affected the intestinal permeability of mice to see how they affected irritable bowel syndrome or irritable bowel disease (IBS or IBD). They discovered that using potatoes as the nightshade of choice – which contains glycoalkaloids, as you may remember – existing IBD was worsened or even acted as a trigger for symptoms in mice that were prone to IBD.

Heartburn or reflux is a common side effect of nightshade sensitivity, especially when it comes to capsicum. Capsaicin, which irritates the esophagus and stomach lining, is linked to acid reflux and heartburn. Most people can reduce their consumption of capsaicin to reduce their pain, but genuine sensitivity necessitates its eradication.

There is no proof that nightshade foods cause arthritis or that removing them alleviates symptoms. However, anecdotal data suggests that some individuals have seen a reduction in symptoms; therefore, I don’t dismiss these reports. People with nightshade sensitivity commonly experience joint discomfort.

We don’t know whether it’s because of vitamin D3 and calcitriol’s ability to calcify soft tissue, or because of the impacts of neurotransmitters and pain receptors, or something else. However, eliminating nightshade veggies to check whether they’re causing your discomfort isn’t a bad idea.

Finally, it’s worth investigating if nightshade foods might produce or “trigger” inflammation in the body for those with autoimmune diseases, contributing to symptoms. Many things permitted on the Paleo diet, such as nuts, seeds, dairy products, eggs, and yes, nightshade vegetables, might provoke symptoms in people with autoimmune diseases; therefore, the autoimmune protocol diet (AIP) was created.

Nightshade Foods and Replacements

It’s crucial to be diligent while avoiding nightshade veggies to establish sensitivity.

Alkaloids in blueberries, goji berries, and huckleberries are all identical. They are not nightshades, although they may need to be removed at the same time. Any product that contains potato starch as a thickening or filler should be avoided, including pharmaceuticals, baking powders, and even envelope glue.

Allow three months for your elimination to be complete before making a decision or starting trials — solanine may store in the body for a long period.

This list of nightshade vegetable replacements should assist you in adjusting to your new diet:

  • Yams with sweet potatoes
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Radishes
  • Blueberries, grapes, orange slices, and melon are examples of fresh fruit.
  • Mushrooms
  • Instead of red pepper, use black and white pepper.

Nightshade Vegetables: Final Thoughts

Nightshade veggies are clearly not all hazardous. Many of them provide significant health advantages to the body. Even alkaloid substances can’t be entirely dismissed: capsaicin is an effective painkiller, and nicotine has been studied for its ability to lower illness risks.

If you have symptoms that might be related to nightshade sensitivity, taking the time to remove them from your diet and let your body heal could save you a lifetime of agony and anguish. And, like with other foods, selecting the highest-quality versions and including them within a whole-food diet is critical.

Nightshade vegetables are vegetables that contain a chemical called solanine. This chemical can cause autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and even type 1 diabetes. Therefore, it is essential to know what nightshade vegetables you eat and the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if nightshades are bad for me?

A: Nightshades are not too bad for you, but they can cause some side effects such as nausea. Make sure to check with your doctor before taking them.

Who should avoid nightshade vegetables?

A: Nightshade vegetables are not recommended for those with an allergy to nightshades.

How do you know if a vegetable is nightshade?

A: Nightshades are vegetables with a base of white or purple. Tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers are nightshades.

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