Potato Starch

Potato starch is a type of starch that is made from potatoes. It has many uses in cooking and baking, including as a thickener for sauces and gravies, an ingredient in pie crusts, and a coating for fried foods.

Potato starch is a type of flour that is made from potatoes. It can be used to substitute wheat flour, cornstarch, or rice flour.


People want to know: What are the finest nutritious starches and grains to replace wheat flour as gluten-free baking and cooking grow more popular? One kind of wheat replacement is potato starch.

What is the purpose of potato starch? It’s a potato-derived starch that’s often used to thicken sauces, soups, and stews.

For hundreds of years, potatoes have been an inexpensive, essential diet component. Potatoes are a good source of micronutrients, including C vitamin, vitamin B6, potassium, folate, and iron, and they also provide a lot of fiber in the diet.

Wheat, maize, cassava, and, last but not least, potatoes are the most common plant-based starches produced in mills today. These starches have similarities and variances depending on their chemical composition and nutritional content.

Wheat, barley, rye, oats, and spelt are among the prohibited Passover components, in addition to matzo made according to stringent standards. In addition, cornstarch isn’t deemed kosher; therefore, it’s not permitted.

What is a popular component in Passover baking? Potato starch, as you may have guessed.

Let’s look at the benefits and drawbacks of this vegetable-derived complex carbohydrate, as well as some healthier gluten-free options.


What precisely is potato starch? Let’s start with a definition of starch.

All green plants produce starch, which is an odorless, tasteless, soft white material.

The starch contained in potatoes is known as potato starch. Potatoes are edible tubers produced by the potato plant (Solanum tuberosum), which belongs to the nightshade family.

Potato starch or potato flour may be found in the following foods if you read ingredient labels carefully:

  • Muffins and other baked foods
  • Bread
  • Candies
  • Soups in a can
  • Dips
  • Dressings
  • Cheese shredded
  • Spice blends
  • A variety of pre-packaged foods

Is a potato considered a grain? It is unmistakably not a grain.

The potato, as a vegetable, provides a wide range of nutrients, including:

  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorous
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Vitamin C
  • B vitamins are essential for good health

As a result, you’d expect its starch to be high in some or all of these elements as well. But, unfortunately, as you’ll discover, potato starch’s main claim to fame isn’t its vitamin and mineral richness.

Is it true that potatoes contain gluten? There isn’t, but it doesn’t rule out the possibility that potato starch is a healthy food.

While it has been shown to improve blood sugar levels and promote healthy gut flora, it is also poor in nutrients and often genetically engineered.

In one tablespoon of potato starch, you’ll find:

  • Calorie Count: 40
  • Carbs: 10 grams
  • Protein content: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams

A tablespoon of raw potato starch contains approximately eight grams of resistant starch but not much more in the way of nutrients.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let’s look at some of the potential health benefits of potato starch, as well as some of the disadvantages of this vegetable starch.


Helps with Blood Sugar

Resistant starch foods include a variety of healthful starches. For example, potato starch has been proven to help regulate blood sugar levels as resistant starch.

What is resistant starch, and how does it work? Resistant starches may pass through the digestive system without being broken down.

Unripe bananas are another example of resistant starch comparable to potato starch.

It’s thought that the starch contained in potatoes is more satiating than that found in other starchy carbs like pasta and rice. This may help you keep your weight in check.

In 2010, a scientific research published in the journal Diabetic Medicine looked at whether resistant starch intake might benefit individuals with metabolic syndrome. For 12 weeks, 20 insulin-resistant individuals were given either 40 grams of resistant starch supplement or a placebo in a single-blind, randomized trial.

According to the findings, in comparison to the placebo group, users of the resistant starch exhibited increased insulin sensitivity. “Consumption of resistant starch increases insulin sensitivity in individuals with the metabolic syndrome,” the researchers found.

According to a 2019 research, raw potato starch had a beneficial effect on the microbiomes (guts) of mice given starch-based diets, which improved their metabolic health. In addition, when mice were fed various starches for 16 weeks (corn, wheat, rice, and potato), the potato starch-fed group had the least weight growth and fat tissue buildup and the greatest insulin sensitivity of all the groups.

Promotes Gut Health by Increasing Good Bacteria

Potato starch works as a prebiotic in the body since it is a resistant starch. This means it nourishes the beneficial microorganisms in your gut.

According to research, the positive benefits of resistant starches on the digestive system are most likely due to beneficial short-chain fatty acids generated by bacterial fermentation in the large intestine.

In a 2019 study published in the journal Nutrients, researchers discovered that giving potato starch to rats on high-fat diets improved their gut microbiota, reducing dysbiosis (microbial diversity loss and loss of beneficial bacteria) and systemic inflammation.

The starch promoted bacterial fermentation and improved the function of the gastrointestinal epithelial barrier, which promotes a healthy inflammatory response. The presence of starch in the rats’ meals was also shown to enhance glucose homeostasis.

Similar findings have been observed in other investigations using other species. Potato starch may help to increase microbial diversity. This offers a slew of advantages for immunological health and beyond.

Gluten-free options

One of the health advantages of potato starch is that it is naturally gluten-free, which is great for anybody who bakes gluten-free or tries to avoid wheat/gluten while cooking.

Simple to Prepare

This starch is claimed to offer several excellent culinary qualities after it’s cooked, such as “neutral flavor, good clarity, strong binding strength, lengthy texture, and a little propensity to foaming or yellowing of the solution.”


Why is potato starch harmful to your health? The following are some disadvantages of using this flour substitute:

Nutrient deficient

Unlike its potato source, this starch lacks substantial quantities of vitamins and minerals. It only includes one important nutrient: carbs.

Genetic Alteration

Amylose (20%) and amylopectin (10%) are the two major components of potato starch (80 percent). However, amylose is considered an undesirable component because it promotes gelling when added to objects.

Potato starch may be produced using genetically engineered potatoes. Amflora, for example, is a genetically modified potato that has been engineered to generate the amylopectin component of starch solely.

It may make you sick

When you first begin adding resistant starch recipes with potato starch into your diet, you may experience temporary digestive issues such as bloating and gas. Potato allergies are uncommon, but if you have a food allergy to nightshades or a potato intolerance, you should avoid potato starch.

Potato Flour vs. Potato Starch

Is there a distinction between potato flour and potato starch? Both the starch and the flour are derived from potatoes, which is not unexpected. They’re both gluten-free, but they’re not the same thing.

Potato starch is made by extracting the starch from potatoes in a multistep process. On the other hand, potato flour is essentially ground-up potatoes that have been dried. Starch and flour are used for various purposes and have distinct flavors.

On the other hand, potato flour has a taste that is comparable to that of a potato. Potato starch is a white powder with a texture comparable to cornstarch, while potato flour has a heavier texture and resembles wheat flour.

Potato starch is used in baking and in various dishes as a thickening. Potato flour is often used as a bread and cake foundation, either in conjunction with or in lieu of wheat flour.

Warning: Using potato flour instead of potato starch as a thickening will almost certainly result in glue-like results! Save the flour for future baking projects.


Cornstarch vs. Potato Starch

Cornstarch is derived from the endosperm of maize. Starch is abundant in the endosperm.

It’s a white powdered material with no discernible taste or odor. It absorbs water and contributes to the chewy texture of dishes.

Cornstarch may be used to thicken soups, stews, and other dishes, as well as sweet desserts, puddings, brownies, bread, cakes, and cookies. In addition, it may aid in creating “a light and airy texture.”

Cornstarch, which is GMO-free and gluten-free, is a more nutrient-dense alternative to potatoes. Furthermore, as compared to potato starch, cornstarch is claimed to have a reduced chance of clumping.

Is it possible to substitute cornstarch for potato starch?

One of the major differences between potato and maize starches is that potato starch can withstand greater temperatures, making it a good choice for baking.

In a one-to-one replacement ratio, arrowroot starch and cornstarch may be used in place of potato starch. To put it another way, if a recipe asks for one tablespoon of potato starch, replace it with one tablespoon of cornstarch or arrowroot and follow the rest of the instructions.

When using potato starch as a cornstarch replacement, it’s preferable to use it in dishes that won’t be cooked for an extended length of time. Soups, gravies, pie fillings, and puddings are among dishes where cornstarch and potato starch may be used interchangeably.

Cornstarch should be mixed into recipes at room temperature. Before adding it to the recipe, combine a few teaspoons of cornstarch with a cool liquid like water or plant-based milk.

It’s also not a good idea to use cornstarch in a dish that will be frozen.

How to Make Use of

Potato starch is inexpensive and readily available at health food shops, local supermarkets, and online. However, check the label carefully since some goods labeled “potato starch” really include “potato flour” as the sole component.

If you’re buying potato starch, be sure it’s non-GMO and, preferably, organic.

The most common applications for this starch include thickening sauces, stews, soups, custards, and puddings. It’s also popular in gluten-free and Passover baked goods.

When using potato starch as a thickening in a hot liquid, make sure it doesn’t boil since this will make it more difficult for the liquid to thicken. You may put it in warm water and bake with it, but don’t let it boil.

Substitutes That Are Better For You

You can’t use potato flour instead of potato starch if you don’t have any on hand. This is because potato flour has a considerably more potato-like flavor and a thicker viscosity than regular flour.

Arrowroot starch is a nutritious alternative with many health advantages. While cornstarch is better for thickening dairy-based drinks, arrowroot is better for acidic liquids.

Other alternatives include:

  • Tapioca starch/tapioca
  • Flour made from coconut
  • Flour made from almonds
  • Flour made from water chestnuts
  • Whole grain flours such as organic corn flour, quinoa flour, or buckwheat flour may be used depending on the recipe (if you mostly need a thickener)


  • Potato starch is often found at health food shops and large supermarkets.
  • Potato starch has been found to offer some potential advantages as resistant starch, such as beneficial effects on insulin levels and healthy gut flora. It is, however, a poor provider of nutrition.
  • Anyone on a gluten-free diet may use it as an alternate ingredient. This starch is often used in Passover dishes.
  • Make sure it’s organic and not genetically modified if you’re going to utilize it.
  • Potato flour and potato starch are two distinct things. If you use potato flour instead of potato starch as a thickening, you’ll likely end up with a glue-like consistency. Save the flour for future baking projects.
  • Is it preferable to use cornstarch or potato starch? Although they are almost interchangeable, cornstarch is more susceptible to high temperatures. Therefore, in most cases, arrowroot starch or cornstarch may be substituted for potato starch in recipes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can potato starch be used for?

A: Potato starch is a type of flour that can be used for many different things like baking, cooking, and more. It is often used in place of regular flour in recipes.

Why is potato starch bad for you?

A: Potato starch is a highly processed food item that has been stripped of most of its nutrients. The processing also strips away much of the fiber, leading to weight gain and digestive issues.

Can potato starch replace all-purpose flour?

A: Potatoes have a lower protein content than flour. Depending on the recipe, you may need to add more flour or substitute with cornstarch, tapioca starch, or arrowroot powder.

Related Tags

  • potato starch diabetes
  • what is potato starch
  • potato starch for frying
  • how to make potato starch
  • potato starch in baking

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