Rosacea Treatment – Natural Remedies

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that can cause redness, swelling, and bumps on the face. It affects the face, nose, and eyes. The most common treatment for rosacea is to use topical creams or ointments that contain antibiotics. However, many natural remedies can help reduce rosacea symptoms without using antibiotics.

Rosacea is a skin condition that causes redness and swelling, usually on the face. It can be caused by many things such as sun exposure, hormones, or stress.


Rosacea is a prevalent skin disease that affects anywhere from 0.5 to 10% of the population. It usually begins in a person’s teenage years or early twenties and then worsens throughout their 30s or 40s. Although there are many contributing variables, the etiology of rosacea is yet unknown.

Meanwhile, contemporary science believes that there is no treatment for rosacea and that once diagnosed, a person would likely have flare-ups on and off for the remainder of their life.

While some individuals struggle to keep their rosacea symptoms from reappearing, many others can clean up their skin for good by adopting specific lifestyle adjustments — and perhaps taking medicines as well. Even if you’ve tried a variety of lotions, creams, and tablets with no luck, you’ll discover that there are numerous holistic measures you can take to help prevent rosacea from producing unpleasant or unsightly redness breakouts and irritations.

When it comes to skin flare-ups, whether caused by rosacea, acne, eczema, hives, or other diseases, there are typically a few particular triggers that cause skin symptoms to appear. Although it isn’t always feasible to fully “cure” rosacea, following the rosacea treatment tips below may help you minimize your exposure to inflammatory triggers. This helps to avoid rashes naturally or, at the very least, keep them from worsening.

Rosacea Symptoms and Signs

Even though rosacea affects over 16 million Americans, it seems that the majority of them are unaware of their condition. In fact, according to a National Rosacea Society study, 95% of rosacea patients knew little or nothing about the disease’s indications and symptoms before being diagnosed.

Most people associate rosacea with a flushed, red face, but most individuals’ symptoms extend beyond that. People with various types of rosacea may have symptoms such as:

  • Face redness, particularly in the cheeks and nose, especially in the center
  • Spider veins are damaged visible blood vessels.
  • Skin that is swollen and uncomfortable
  • Skin that is easily irritated by the sun, skin care products, and the sensation of being hot or sweating.
  • The skin is stinging and blistering.
  • Skin that is dry, rough, itching, or scaling
  • When you’re humiliated, you’re prone to blushing.
  • Breakouts resembling acne and excessively greasy skin
  • Pores that are large, conspicuous, and irritated
  • Plaques are raised areas of skin.
  • The skin has a bumpy texture.
  • Skin that thickens in some areas, particularly around the nose (but also can appear on the chin, forehead, cheeks, and ears)
  • Watery or bloodshot eyes, redness, dryness, stinging, itching, sensitivity to light, impaired vision, cysts, and discomfort are all symptoms of skin sensitivity around the eyes.

Rosacea may begin as a tiny rash, bumpy patch, or redness that spreads and becomes more severe. The disease isn’t infectious, and symptoms may come and go depending on how stressed and tired you are if you’ve spent a lot of time in the sun and whether or not your diet is causing any autoimmune responses. It doesn’t continually worsen over time, and for many individuals, it may remain stable for years if the required measures to address symptoms aren’t done.

Rosacea has a psychological impact as well. More than 90% of rosacea patients said their disease had reduced their self-confidence and self-esteem, and 41% said it had led them to avoid public interaction or even cancel social plans, according to a study done by the National Rosacea Society. Eighty-eight percent of rosacea patients with severe symptoms claimed the condition had harmed their professional relationships. In addition, more than half stated they had missed work because of their skin problems.


Above all, rosacea is an inflammatory condition that manifests as a rash, similar to other rashes/breakouts that produce a red, sensitive, and irritated skin region. Irritation, allergies, infections, underlying illnesses, and structural abnormalities of the skin, such as clogged pores or dysfunctional oil glands, may all produce rashes. In addition, rosacea has characteristics with other skin rashes such as acne, dermatitis, eczema, hives, pityriasis, and psoriasis.

Although some individuals may have symptoms from more than one subtype simultaneously, there are four distinct subtypes of rosacea. There are four different kinds of rosacea:

  • Face redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels define subtype 1 (erythematotelangiectatic rosacea) (the most common subtype)
  • Subtype 2 (papulopustular rosacea): characterized by acne-like breakouts and sensitivity (more prevalent in middle-aged women); bumps (papules) and pimples (pustules) are familiar with chronic redness.
  • Swelling, fluid retention (edema), thickening skin (particularly around the nose, or rhinophyma), redness, and associated symptoms from other subtypes define Subtype 3 (phymatous rosacea).
  • Ocular rosacea (subtype 4) is characterized by rosacea around the eyes.

Whether you experience any of these symptoms, see your dermatologist if you have rosacea and, if so, which subtype you have — erythematotelangiectatic rosacea, papulopustular rosacea, phymatous rosacea, or ocular rosacea — or if you have another skin disease. Your doctor can diagnose rosacea by looking at your skin and eyes, as well as discussing your medical history, hereditary factors, and lifestyle variables, including food and stress.

Not everyone with rosacea exhibits the same visible indications and symptoms. Because various rosacea treatments work best based on the subtype, especially whether you have the disfiguring rhinophyma, your doctor will want to examine your skin and eyes to manage your case best. If your rosacea is affecting your eyes, you may need to see an eye doctor (ophthalmologist), who will know how to treat the region around your eyes and prevent vision issues from becoming worse.

Dermatologists frequently treat rosacea in a variety of methods, including:

  • Changing your diet to eliminate any allergies, sensitivities, or common gastrointestinal irritants
  • Using prescription medications directly on the skin or ingesting prescription tablets and antibiotics are also options.
  • Always use sunscreen to avoid UV radiation irritation, redness, and flare-ups.
  • Having your doctor do skin treatments such as dermabrasion, emollients, laser therapy, or other types of light therapy (like electrocautery)
  • When rosacea spreads to the eyelids, you should use eye drops or medicines.


Rosacea is a kind of skin irritation that affects the face. Many people find that following an anti-inflammatory diet (possibly including an autoimmune-type protocol) helps them control the severity of their symptoms. However, medical experts are still unsure about the exact chain of events that causes rosacea to develop. Still, because it appears to be triggered to some extent by heightened inflammation levels and an overactive immune system, many people find that following an anti-inflammatory diet (possibly including an autoimmune-type protocol) helps them control the severity of their symptoms.

To better understand the causes of rosacea, you must first question what causes inflammation, which is the underlying cause of rosacea. A variety of variables are thought to have a role in the development of rosacea, including:

  • issues with the skin’s blood vessels
  • According to Boston University School of Medicine experts, UV radiation from the sun causes vascular alterations. UV radiation from the sun stimulates the synthesis of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a chemical related to the formation of visible blood vessels (telangiectasia)
  • inside the connective tissue of the skin, inflammation/abnormal inflammatory responses
  • Demodex, a tiny mite that lives on human skin — “the evidence seems to be accumulating that an excess of Demodex may potentially provoke an immunological response in individuals with rosacea, or that the inflammation may be triggered by specific bacteria linked with the mites” Demodex was discovered in 15 to 18 times higher numbers in rosacea sufferers than in healthy individuals, according to a study published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
  • some medicines’ responses and adverse effects
  • Rosacea subgroups seem to have a hereditary component and may run in families.
  • Rosacea is more common in individuals with light, delicate skin and light eyes (including northern or western European descent). Even though only around 4% of rosacea sufferers are African, Latino, or Asian, rosacea affects approximately 10% of all people in European nations like Sweden.
  • It’s also more prevalent in women than it is in males (with some reports showing that three times as many women suffer from rosacea than men)

According to a 2009 study conducted by the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic of Jagiellonian University School of Medicine in Cracow, stress (58 percent), sun exposure (56.5 percent), alcohol (33.3 percent), exercise (29 percent), drinking coffee (21.7 percent), and hot meals were the factors that most triggered rosacea skin changes in 43 women and 26 men with rosacea (20.3 percent).

Sun exposure (81 percent) and mental stress (79 percent, although at more significant percentages) were the most frequent rosacea triggers in a separate study of 1,066 rosacea patients conducted by the National Rosacea Society. In addition, hot weather (75 percent), wind (57 percent), strenuous exercise (56 percent), alcohol consumption (52 percent), hot baths (51 percent), cold weather (46 percent), spicy foods (45 percent), humidity (44 percent), indoor heat (41 percent), and certain skincare products were also cited as rosacea triggers (41 percent.)

Treatments for Rosacea

1. Identify Any Dietary Triggers

Because rosacea already makes skin sensitive, many individuals find that merely treating the visible symptoms — such as with harsh chemical creams, medications, light treatment, and different lotions – exacerbates the condition. These rosacea remedies may temporarily alleviate signs and symptoms for some individuals, but they do not address the underlying source of the issue.

Many doctors advise treating rosacea as a “whole-body issue” rather than simply a skin condition. Inflammation caused by gut-related issues seems to be a particularly significant concern and underlying cause of skin diseases. After all, how effectively you digest nutrients, whether you have any sensitivities or allergies, how well-balanced your hormone levels are, if you get enough sleep, and so on are all reflected in your skin.

Much research has shown a link between inflammatory gastrointestinal tract diseases and skin problems, including rosacea, acne, dermatitis, and psoriasis. Skin and digestive problems, such as leaky gut syndrome, ulcerative colitis, SIBO symptoms, Crohn’s disease, and celiac disease, are likely caused by an overactive immune system that produces autoimmune responses. People with these diseases have increased immunoreactive neurons in their tissues and blood vessels, which causes inflammation to develop. In addition, the structure of microbial (bacteria) populations that typically colonize the skin and protect it from damage, redness, and rashes may be altered by inflammation.

Because skin irritation may signify that your stomach is inflamed, recognizing dietary triggers is a critical first step. The best method to treat rosacea at its source is to change your diet; concentrating on anti-inflammatory foods and avoiding common allergens (at least temporarily to monitor responses) may significantly affect skin problems by improving gut health and eliminating yeast and harmful bacteria.

The following are some of the most incredible meals for rosacea healing:

  • Anti-inflammatory chemicals, antioxidants to reduce oxidative stress and UV damage, and vitamins and minerals to help repair healthy skin cells may all be found in organic veggies and fruit. In addition, leafy greens and orange/yellow fruits and vegetables are beneficial because they contain carotenoids, which protect against sun damage. So why is it essential to choose organic? Whenever possible, purchase organic to minimize your exposure to toxins and chemicals that may cause skin problems.
  • Coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, nuts, and seeds (such as flax seeds and chia seeds) are good sources of healthy fats that may help decrease systemic inflammation in the stomach. These are also beneficial for stress management and healthy hormone synthesis (plus, they keep you fuller for longer, making you less likely to desire processed foods that may exacerbate symptoms).
  • Clean proteins of high quality – The immune system requires a certain amount of quality protein to function correctly, but certain kinds are more prone to cause responses than others. Wild-caught salmon (which contains anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids), cage-free eggs (provided you don’t have an allergy), grass-fed animal products, and legumes are also good options.
  • Turmeric, ginger, garlic, onions, cruciferous vegetables (including broccoli, cabbage, collard greens, etc. ), carrots, tomatoes, and green tea are all anti-inflammatory foods and herbs that, according to research, may help mainly fight skin inflammation.

If you have rosacea, you should avoid the following foods:

  • Anything that triggers allergies – If you have undetected food allergies or sensitivities, this may lead to leaky gut syndrome, which triggers autoimmune responses. Because allergens may vary from person to person, an elimination diet might help you narrow down what could be causing your symptoms. Gluten, nuts, shellfish/seafood, dairy, and eggs are all frequent allergens (but allergies can be caused by any food such as nightshade vegetables, a type of stone fruit, citrus, FODMAPs, etc.).
  • Coffee and alcohol – Some people’s rosacea symptoms, particularly redness and flushing, appear to be worse by caffeine, other caffeinated beverages, and alcohol. This varies from person to person, so it’s worth experimenting to see whether your symptoms improve when you reduce both.
  • Sugar and processed meals – Sugar has been shown to exacerbate skin problems, cause inflammation, raise oxidative stress, irritate the gastrointestinal lining, and enhance oxidative stress. In addition, artificial sweeteners/ingredients, preservatives, and texture stabilizers, all of which may trigger allergic responses, are present in a significant proportion of processed, packaged foods.
  • Conventional cow’s dairy (yogurt, cheese, milk, ice cream, and so on) — Many individuals find that removing conventional cow’s dairy (such as yogurt, cheese, milk, ice cream, etc.) helps alleviate skin-related problems.
  • Fried meals, trans fats, and hydrogenated oils – Omega-6-rich refined vegetable oils are pro-inflammatory. Corn, soybean, safflower, sunflower, and canola oils are among them. Fried meals are also difficult to digest and may exacerbate intestinal damage.

2. Always use sunscreen

Anyone with rosacea-like symptoms or any other kind of skin redness should avoid frequently applying sunscreen on sensitive parts of the skin (especially the face). UV radiation seems to exacerbate rosacea symptoms and may induce inflammation, which has been related to the disease’s development.

Daily skincare routines, including the use of sunscreen, have been shown in studies to provide substantial protection against flare-ups. While sun exposure is necessary for vitamin D synthesis in your skin, it’s preferable to keep your face well-protected. In addition, according to several research, the sun is one of the most significant aggravating factors for rosacea. Just be cautious about the sunscreen you use since research indicates that many sunscreens are hazardous and may aggravate symptoms.

3. Use natural moisturizers and cosmetics

According to clinical evaluations of the skin’s barrier, moisturizing rosacea-prone skin may help repair the skin’s barrier and moisture levels. In addition, patients noticed that their symptoms, pain, and general skin sensitivity improved when they cleansed and moisturized their dry, rough, patchy skin daily.

If you have oily, red, or sensitive skin and are prone to acne outbreaks, it may be tempting to forgo applying moisturizer. Still, a non-chemical, naturally antibacterial skin moisturizer like coconut oil may give necessary acids to the skin without creating breakouts or additional irritations.

Wild plants high in natural oils (such as coconuts, aloe, and many of the plants used to produce essential oils) are widely used to treat skin disorders all over the globe and have been for generations. Natural rosacea treatment solutions are less irritating and cheaper, safer, and easier to acquire in comparison to medications.

If you’re self-conscious about your rosacea and wish to conceal it with cosmetics, be aware that many commercial makeup products may exacerbate rosacea symptoms. The quantity of harsh chemicals you expose your delicate skin to by purchasing gentle and organic cosmetics is reduced. You may also seek advice from your dermatologist when it comes to selecting mild cosmetics.

4. Control Your Stress Levels

Apart from the physical symptoms that rosacea may bring, many individuals also have mental and emotional difficulties resulting from skin disease. For example, a large proportion of rosacea patients say their look makes them feel insecure. Continuous face blotchiness, pimples, and redness may be emotionally draining (much like acne), but worrying about it will worsen.

Stress, like acne outbreaks, is considered to be a frequent rosacea trigger that may cause flare-ups. Make an effort to reduce stress in your life for two reasons: first, stress exacerbates inflammatory responses and inflammation, and second, you’re likely already stressed enough while dealing with a rosacea flare-up. However, remember that you can’t always prevent symptoms from occurring, and you shouldn’t feel bad if they do.

At the same time, you’re not entirely powerless, and you probably have a lot of influence over how bad your symptoms get, so try to concentrate on feeling powerful rather than humiliated and include natural stress relievers into your daily routine.

To help you feel more in charge, educate yourself about the condition, read more about rosacea treatments, and be open-minded to exploring different methods. To relieve stress as much as possible, use stress-relieving techniques such as exercise, meditation, healing prayer, and writing. Keep in mind that, contrary to popular belief, rosacea is caused by internal causes, not poor cleanliness. Thus, being upfront and honest about your illness may help you feel better and receive support.

5. Discuss your medication options with your doctor

If natural solutions aren’t adequate to control their symptoms, many individuals resort to rosacea treatments, including pharmaceutical creams, lotions, and gels. The medical world has recently acquired some critical insights into the pathophysiology of rosacea, and as a result, many effective rosacea therapy medications for symptom management have been developed.

However, although these medications may be beneficial, it’s essential to remember that they don’t “cure” rosacea and are used to manage symptoms. Rosacea is primarily an inflammatory disease, but specific strains of bacteria or viruses do not cause it. As a result, although antibiotics are the most often recommended therapies, they only reduce the degree of swelling, bumps, and inflammation.

The active component azelaic acid or the antibiotic metronidazole are often used in rosacea skin treatments. For years, tetracyclines and metronidazole antibiotics (such as MetroGel, Metro-Cream, and Galderma) have been the go-to medicines, along with azelaic creams such as Azelex, Allergan, Clindamycin, erythromycin, and sulfacetamide — sulfurs are also sometimes given. However, novel treatment alternatives, such as vitamin D receptor antagonists, are increasingly becoming available.

Vitamin D’s active form (1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3) is a natural regulator of cathelicidin, an antibacterial peptide found in human skin. While there is still much to understand about cathelicidin’s involvement in skin disorders, we know that aberrant levels are linked to wound healing and skin illnesses such as psoriasis, rosacea, and atopic dermatitis.

In the case of rosacea, preliminary research suggests that individuals may have high amounts of cathelicidins in their skin, meaning that antagonist medicines that inhibit cathelicidin synthesis may help reduce symptoms and reactivity. Thus, we may see cathelicidin manipulation as a successful type of dermatologic intervention in the future, including for rosacea.

Rosacea Medications’ Side Effects:

Suppose you opt to utilize prescription rosacea treatments or antibiotics. In that case, it’s generally better to go with a topical therapy that you apply to your skin rather than taking antibiotic pills that may harm your gut health. Antibiotics work by decreasing bacteria that cause the issue. Still, they also kill “good bacteria” residing in the digestive system, which is necessary for normal digestion, nutritional absorption, immunological defenses, and other functions.

Some physicians recommend that rosacea medicines be maintained with an antibiotic for more than a year since skin damage from rosacea may be progressive. However, since antibiotics are dangerous when taken often and for a long time, this presents a concern. In addition, antibiotic resistance is more likely to develop due to continued usage, which means the medicines may cease functioning. Another issue is pigmentary deposition, when the skin becomes permanently stained with aberrant pigments (typically highly light).

6. Use Rosacea-Helping Supplements and Essential Oils

Inflammation may be reduced with the use of a variety of vitamins and essential oils. Herbal treatments are a safe and efficient method to treat various skin problems, including sensitive skin, which is why they’ve been used for thousands of years in countries like India, Asia, and Australia. Even today, more than 80% of Indians rely on traditional healthcare therapies and utilize a variety of plant-based remedies to address skin issues!

Many natural plant extracts, spices, and herbs are helpful against bacterial development, yeast, fungus, indications of age, wrinkles, stretch marks, and hyperpigmentation, in addition to reducing red, inflammatory breakouts. In addition, they seem to assist accelerate wound healing by increasing blood flow to the affected region, decreasing the number of germs that may irritate the skin, and keeping healthy cells from dying.

The following are some of the most refined essential oils and rosacea supplements for decreasing skin inflammation:

  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Aloe vera gel is a kind of aloe vera that is used (used topically on the skin)
  • Unprocessed honey (used topically on the skin)
  • Tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus, geranium, chamomile, rose, rosemary, and thyme essential oils have been proven to help heal sensitive skin and combat inflammation. To treat the region, use three drops of oil mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil three times a day. Always mix them with a carrier oil (such as coconut or jojoba oil) and apply no more than twice daily to the afflicted region. Perform a skin patch test initially, then progressively increase the number of tests to ensure you don’t have an allergic response.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most potent treatment for rosacea?

A: If you are looking for the most potent treatment for rosacea, then laser therapy is the best option. Laser therapy uses light to treat skin disorders like rosacea.

How do you calm down rosacea fast?

A: There are a few things you can do. One of them is to take an over-the-counter antihistamine, such as Benadryl. It will help with inflammation and redness. Another option is to use a cold compress or ice pack on your face for 15 minutes at a time, three times a day.

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