Rosehip Oil Benefits and Uses

Rosehip oil is a rich source of vitamin C, which helps maintain healthy skin and prevent aging. It is also high in antioxidants that help fight free radicals and protect the skin from environmental damage.

Rosehip oil is a natural oil that has been used since ancient times. It can be used in skincare routines to help with skin health and healthy aging.


It’s difficult to recommend anything for the skin above coconut oil, but rosehip oil — also known as rosehip seed oil — is a close second when it comes to skin benefits.

Rose hips were utilized as a medicinal treatment by the ancient Egyptians, Mayans, and Native Americans. However, they were turned into syrup and rationed in Britain during World War II to guarantee children’s immunity to illness.

The syrup, produced from empty seed cases, assisted with diarrhea, stomach, menstrual pains, nausea, and indigestion. It’s gaining a lot of attention these days because of its potential to improve skin health and promote healthy aging.

As you can see, rosehip oil, which isn’t strictly an essential oil, has a wide range of applications.

What Is Rosehip Oil?

Rose essential oil is extracted from rose petals, while rosehip oil, also known as rosehip seed oil, is extracted from rosehip seeds. Rose hips are the fruit that remains after a flowering plant has shed its petals.

Rosehip oil is made from the seeds of rose bushes cultivated mainly in Chile, and it’s packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fatty acids that have been shown to reduce scars and fine wrinkles while also correcting dark spots and hydrating dry, irritated skin.

The oil is extracted from the hips and seeds using an organic cold-press extraction method.

When used externally for face skin care, rosehip oil has a number of advantages. Because it includes beta-carotene (a type of vitamin A) and vitamins C and E, which are all antioxidants that help combat free radicals, it preserves the skin and promotes cell turnover.

The chemical structure of rosehip oil is responsible for its therapeutic effects. As previously stated, it’s high in good fats, particularly oleic, palmitic, linoleic, and gamma-linolenic acid.

Rosehip oil includes polyunsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F), converted to prostaglandins when absorbed via the skin (PGE). Because PGEs are involved in cellular membrane and tissue regeneration, they are great for skin care.

Another reason rosehip oil is such an excellent product for fine wrinkles and general skincare is that it is one of the richest plant sources of vitamin C.

Rosehip Oil’s Skin Benefits

1. Anti-Aging Components

Rosehip oil offers powerful anti-aging properties for your skin. The rich antioxidant content and capacity to permeate deeper layers of the skin, enhancing moisture levels and decreasing apparent symptoms of aging, give this oil its skincare advantages.

Collagen production decreases as we get older, but due to the high amounts of vitamin C in rose hips, this oil may promote collagen synthesis in the skin. In reality, according to a 2015 clinical research, 60 days of topical vitamin C treatment was “very effective as a rejuvenation therapy, generating substantial collagen production in all age groups with few adverse effects.”

Rosehip oil’s skin-rejuvenating qualities of vitamins C and A, as well as lycopene, may be ideal for individuals who want to avoid chemicals like Botox. As a result, including it in your skincare regimen is a safer, more natural way to restore suppleness and heal the skin’s surface.

2. Anti-Age Spot Protection

The sun’s UV radiation may cause skin damage, such as age spots and hyperpigmentation on the face. Rosehip oil’s antioxidants, particularly the combination of vitamins C and E, may help fight free radicals that cause UV damage.

These antioxidants, according to research, may decrease the overproduction of pigment in the skin, which is what causes uneven tone and age spots in the first place. It also aids in the internal absorption of these antioxidants by adding them to your diet.

Organic rosehip tea, which can be found at health food shops, is a beautiful, straightforward method.

This oil is also very hydrating and helps to reduce redness and irritation. When used as a cold-pressed oil, lotion, or rosehip-based skincare product, these characteristics make rosehip oil a potential therapy for rosacea.

3. Reduces Acne Scarring and Helps with Stretch Marks

Rosehip oil’s cold-pressed fats promote skin regeneration, which may help get rid of scars and decrease the appearance of stretch marks. In addition, when lipids are applied topically, they function as emollients, softening the skin and improving moisture.

This skin care oil’s emollient status, which means it may create a protective barrier to the skin while also smoothing out flakiness, has been shown in studies to assist with instances of eczema. In addition, chemicals in most store-bought shampoos may create dry scalp and irritation, which the oil can help to alleviate.

4. Immune System Booster

Rose hips are one of the most acceptable plant sources of vitamin C, which aids in treating illnesses and strengthening the immune system. According to the University of Maryland database, Rosehips may even be used as a vitamin C supplement.

Fresh rose hips, rosehip tea, or a rosehip supplement are excellent ways to maintain a healthy immune system.

Vitamin C, in addition to being an antioxidant, is crucial for the synthesis of collagen in the body, an essential component of bone and muscle structure. According to reports, the critical vitamin also helps correct iron absorption, which produces red blood cells.

5. Aids Arthritis and Reduces Inflammation

Rose hips may be used internally and externally by those who suffer from arthritis. According to the Arthritis Foundation, Rosehips powder is high in vitamin C and seems to decrease arthritis-related Inflammation by blocking the synthesis of inflammatory enzymes and proteins.

What about using rosehip oil as a topical treatment for arthritis? Although there is no current study on this method, a rose petal infusion was historically used in bath water to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism.

You may find that adding a few drops of rosehip oil to your bath water or applying it to inflamed regions helps.

How to Make Use of

Are you curious about how to utilize rosehip oil in your skincare regimen and beyond? Begin by buying a pure, organic product from a reputable manufacturer.

Rosehip oil is available in various forms, including pure oil, cream, powder, tea, and capsules.

It’s essential to remember that rosehip oil is fragile and may quickly become rancid, so it’s necessary to treat it with care. Vitamin E oil is often used to extend the shelf life of foods.

Rancidity may be avoided by storing it in the refrigerator or a cold, dark place.

Cold-pressed rosehip oils are the finest since they haven’t been heated and retain more nutrients while being more costly.

Rosehip oil is a dry oil, which means it penetrates rapidly into the skin. You may apply the oil to your face with gentle massage strokes or include it in various beauty care regimens.

Here are a few simple ways to include this new oil into your daily routine:

  • Make your own organic lotions and serums at home.
  • Apply the oil to clean skin twice a day. Next, apply a few drops of oil on a clean cotton ball and dab into areas with fine lines, wrinkles, or dark patches to target troublesome areas. It’s important to remember that it won’t protect you against sunburn, so use a strong sunscreen after that.
  • It can help prevent and minimize acne scars, but it shouldn’t be used on active acne.
  • If you have acne-prone skin, try a small area first to verify that the product won’t clog your pores and cause flare-ups.
  • Because rosehip seed oil absorbs rapidly and does not leave an oily residue, it may be used on the face and neck. Just keep in mind that just two to three drops are required.

Side Effects and Risks

Topical use of rosehip oil is usually regarded as safe. However, before applying it to more extensive regions, do a small patch test to guarantee that you won’t have an allergic response.

Wash it off and stop using it if you feel redness, stinging, itching, or any other symptoms of irritation.

Before using rosehip oil internally, speak with your doctor. Although allergic responses are uncommon, allergy signs such as rash, difficulty breathing, fast heart rate, chest pain, and wheezing should be considered.

If you’re taking it internally, bear in mind that it contains high amounts of vitamin C, so individuals who have anemia, kidney stones, or diabetes should seek medical advice before using it.


  • Rosehip oil is derived from the rosebush’s fruit. These fruits are high in healthy fats and vitamin C, which are beneficial to the skin.
  • Rosehip oil may help you get a better complexion by including it in your skincare regimen. It may also help to strengthen the immune system and decrease inflammation.
  • If you’re new to rosehip oil, start by mixing a few drops into your favorite serum or regularly applying one to two drops to dark spots and fine wrinkles.


5 minutes in total

Serves: It may be used in a variety of ways.


  • 2 oz. rosehip oil, organic
  • 15 drops essential oil of frankincense
  • 15 drops essential lavender oil


  1. Blend well and transfer to a small glass jar.
  2. Before retiring to bed, gently massage into the skin of the face.
  3. Because rosehip oil is susceptible to rancidity, it’s better to prepare small batches at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is rosehip oil good for aging skin?

A: Rosehip oil is a popular product for aging skin, but it is not the best option. Many other oils have been proven to be more effective and less expensive.

How do you use rosehip oil for anti-aging?

A: Rosehip oil is a popular skincare ingredient that has been used for centuries. It contains antioxidants and vitamins that help maintain the skin’s elasticity and reduce wrinkling, which helps prevent aging.

Does rosehip cause aging?

A: No, rosehip does not cause aging.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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