Serotonin: Need and How to Boost It Naturally

Serotonin is a chemical that has been linked to mood, sleep, and appetite. It’s involved in many aspects of our brain’s function, like memory and learning. You can boost your levels naturally by drinking more water or eating food rich in tryptophan.


Do you know that serotonin is involved in almost every aspect of human behavior? This potent molecule influences so many life and bodily function elements, from emotions to digestion and motor abilities.

Serotonin receptors may be found all throughout the brain, where they act as neurotransmitters, sending information from one part of the brain to another. However, the bulk of serotonin in the human body is located in the gut, where it affects digestion, hunger, metabolism, mood, and memory, among other biological functions.

Increasing your serotonin levels may help you fight depression and enhance your overall mood. However, like with any neurotransmitter, you don’t want too much of it to build up in the body. As a result, boosting your levels naturally is preferable than taking antidepressants that have adverse side effects.

What Is Serotonin and How Does It Work?

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, which means it aids in transmitting messages from one part of the brain to another. 5-hydroxytryptamine is the chemical term for serotonin, which is also known as 5-HT. It regulates brain activity and is involved in various neuropsychological processes as a neurotransmitter.

Only 2% of the serotonin generated in the body is located in the brain, with the other 95% created in the gut, where it affects hormonal, endocrine, autocrine, and paracrine functions. It exists naturally in the body and functions as a neurotransmitter in the brain, providing chemical messages or signals to the brain to control motor function, pain perception, and hunger. It also affects a variety of biological functions, such as cardiovascular function, energy balance, digestion, and mood management.

It’s a result of tryptophan, an important amino acid recognized for its natural capacity to balance hormones and control mood. In the brain, tryptophan turns to serotonin and aids in the availability of other necessary amino acids, which help regulate mood and lower stress hormone production.

Dopamine vs. Serotonin

What are the roles of serotonin and dopamine in the body? Both of these neurotransmitters are involved in depression. Serotonin regulates mood and is involved in various other bodily activities, including digestion and sleep. Dopamine is associated with the “pleasure center” of the brain. When you are rewarded, your body releases dopamine, but low dopamine levels may contribute to poor motivation and feelings of powerlessness.

The key distinction between the two neurotransmitters is how they affect your mood. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is produced after positive experiences and affects motivation and interest, while serotonin affects how you interpret emotions. We must maintain a healthy balance on both levels for good health.

Relationship between Depression and Mental Health

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that sends impulses between nerve cells, allowing it to influence brain activities such as mood and sleep. Many clinical and preclinical investigations on serotonin for depression have been conducted throughout the years. Researchers know that serotonin activates numerous receptors throughout the brain in humans, but the chemical’s specific processes as an antidepressant are still being investigated.

According to Columbia University research, the 1A and 1B serotonin receptors are the most investigated, despite the fact that the majority of the 15 known serotonin receptors have been related to sadness and depression-like behavior. In addition, these two receptors are important in depression and the response to antidepressant medication, according to human brain imaging and genetic research.

“Evidence shows that decreasing serotonin function might produce clinical depression in certain conditions,” according to a study published in World Psychiatry. Furthermore, rather than having a primary influence on lowering mood in susceptible persons, data shows that reduced serotonin function may jeopardize a patient’s capacity to continue recovery from depression.

This seems to be accurate since studies reveal that tryptophan depletion is far more noticeable in persons who have had previous bouts of depression than those who are just at a greater risk of depression due to family history.

According to SSRI studies, serotonin’s capacity to generate positive adjustments in automatic emotional reactions, rather than its direct impact on our mood, may assist in easing depression symptoms.

Benefits and Applications of Serotonin

1. It boosts your mood and memory

Low serotonin levels in the brain have been linked to impaired memory and depression in studies. We also know that serotonin and tryptophan cause changes in the stomach that affect your mood and cognitive function by altering the gut-brain axis. Therefore, researchers were able to investigate the function of serotonin in depression by looking at the effects of reducing dietary tryptophan levels, which resulted in a decrease in brain serotonin levels.

2. Controls Digestion

The gut produces 95% of the serotonin generated by the body. According to research, the molecule seems to have a function in intestinal motility and inflammation. When 5-HT is produced naturally, it connects to certain receptors in the stomach, causing it to move. Serotonin also controls hunger, and it creates more of the chemical to assist the digestive system discard meals more rapidly when they are bothersome.

3. It Helps to Relieve Pain

According to a research published in the journal Pain Research and Treatment, there is an inverse relationship between postoperative pain levels and blood serotonin levels in individuals with persistent low back pain.

Another research discovered that when healthy participants were given acute tryptophan depletion to modify 5-HT activity, their pain threshold and tolerance in response to a heat thermode were drastically lowered.

4. Aids in the formation of blood clots

To enhance blood coagulation, we need a sufficient amount of serotonin. To aid wound healing, the chemical is secreted in blood platelets. It also helps to restrict small arteries, causing blood clots.

Although serotonin aids in the healing process, there is evidence that too much serotonin might cause blood clots, which can lead to coronary heart disease; thus, it’s crucial to keep within the usual range of serotonin to avoid negative consequences.

5. Aids in the Healing of Wounds

According to research published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, serotonin has been identified as a possible therapeutic option for improving skin healing in burn victims. In in vitro and Vivo models of burn injuries, researchers discovered that serotonin dramatically accelerated cell migration and enhanced wound healing.

Phenylethylamine (Phenylethylamine) is a little-known supplement that helps to maintain brain health.

Typical Ranges

A blood test may be used to determine your serotonin levels. Typically, blood is extracted from a vein and submitted to a lab for analysis. A blood test may be required for those who are at risk of serotonin deficiency or carcinoid syndrome (high serotonin levels). Serotonin levels in the blood vary from 101 to 283 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL). After getting them from a lab, it’s advisable to review your levels with your healthcare professional since test measures might vary and affect what’s considered a normal result.

Symptoms and Causes of Deficiency

Serotonin dysfunction has been linked to mental diseases such as depression, anxiety, obsessive behavior, aggressiveness, drug misuse, seasonal affective disorder, bulimia, childhood hyperactivity, hypersexuality, mania, schizophrenia, and behavioral problems to research.

Symptoms of low serotonin include the following:

  • Depressed state of mind
  • Anxiety
  • Anxiety attacks
  • Aggression
  • Irritability
  • Sleeping problems
  • Appetite shifts
  • Pain that lasts a long time
  • Memory problems
  • Problems with digestion
  • Headaches

What causes low levels of serotonin? Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is part of a larger system of chemicals and receptors. If your serotonin levels are low, you may be deficient in other neurotransmitters, which is why you’re experiencing such apparent symptoms. Researchers aren’t sure what causes serotonin deficit, although it might be caused by heredity, bad nutrition, or a lack of exercise.

You may be at a higher risk of low serotonin if you cope with chronic stress or are exposed to hazardous chemicals such as heavy metals or pesticides. Lack of sunshine and long-term use of certain drugs are two other possible reasons.

How to Deal with a Deficiency

There are natural serotonin boosters and foods that may improve serotonin levels without the need for prescription medicines.

1. Anti-inflammatory foods

Do you realize that your gut health has an impact on your body’s capacity to manufacture serotonin? Therefore, you must consume anti-inflammatory foods to boost your gut health and support a healthy balance of good and harmful bacteria. Wild-caught salmon, eggs, leafy greens, almonds, and fresh vegetables are among the healthiest meals.

Probiotic meals may help to increase the number of healthy bacteria in the stomach. Gut health may be improved by eating or drinking kefir, kombucha, probiotic yogurt, and apple cider vinegar. Avocado, coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil, and ghee are all excellent sources of healthy fats that may help decrease inflammation and enhance serotonin synthesis naturally.

2. Workout

Exercise has been shown to improve brain function through modulating the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline. These chemical messengers have a role in exercise, brain function, and even the treatment of neurological illnesses.

3. Make Sure You Get Enough Sunlight

The serotonin neurotransmitter will not be created adequately if you don’t receive enough sunshine. According to research, sunshine and serotonin synthesis are inextricably linked. The molecule is thought to be released when the brain is exposed to sunshine. This might help to explain why low serotonin levels are linked to the seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.

4. The amino acid tryptophan

Reduced tryptophan consumption may lead to substantial decreases in specific brain functions that increase pleasure, according to research published in Nutrients. According to research, patients who take 6 grams of L-tryptophan per day are typically effective in reducing unpleasant symptoms connected to mood disorders, addictions, or hormonal difficulties. It has been demonstrated that taking this quantity of tryptophan every day for many months will help with mood swings, irritation, stress, and restlessness.

5. 5-HTP

The amino acid 5-HTP, or 5-Hydroxytryptophan, is created naturally by the body. Because it’s utilized to make serotonin, 5-HTP tablets are often used to boost mood and alleviate depression symptoms. 5-HTP supplements are available online and at health food shops.

However, researchers advise that 5-HTP supplements be taken with caution and under the supervision of a physician to prevent an amino acid imbalance.

Uses and Side Effects of SSRIs

SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, are used to treat depression by raising serotonin levels in the brain. Prozac and Zoloft are two of the most often prescribed SSRIs.

According to neuropsychological tests, the administration of SSRIs resulted in favorable changes in the way the brain responded to emotionally-driven information in both healthy and depressed people. However, some studies have shown that just 50% of patients respond to SSRIs and that effective remission occurs less than 30% of the time, indicating that new antidepressant techniques are required.

Although SSRIs are the most generally prescribed antidepressant medications in the world, they are not without risks. Drowsiness, nausea, anxiety, dizziness, headaches, diarrhea, difficulties sleeping, sexual issues, and impaired vision are some of the most prevalent adverse effects.

SSRIs may also interact with other medicines and have potentially hazardous side effects when used with certain pharmaceuticals or herbal remedies. If you have any concerns about potential interactions, talk to your doctor.

There’s also the possibility of having withdrawal symptoms if you stop using SSRIs. In addition, uncertainty, disorientation, nausea, flu-like symptoms, and other symptoms may be present.

In addition to SSRIs, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, or SNRIs, are another kind of antidepressant medication. Both serotonin and norepinephrine, other neurotransmitters, are increased by these medicines.

Causes and Treatments of Serotonin Syndrome

When excessive quantities of serotonin build in the body, it causes serotonin syndrome, which is a kind of serotonin poisoning. Taking two or more prescriptions that elevate levels, or mixing pharmaceuticals with herbal supplements, might cause this. Illegal substance abuse, such as LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, and amphetamines may also contribute to this illness.

Anxiety, restlessness, agitation, perspiration, and disorientation are the most prevalent serotonin syndrome symptoms. In more extreme situations, it may also cause health problems such as muscular twitching, stiffness, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, high temperature, and seizures.

According to research, high serotonin levels have also been linked to an increased risk of osteoporosis owing to its impact on our bones. Consult your healthcare practitioner if you experience these symptoms and ask about getting your levels evaluated.

Serotonin syndrome therapy for persons with this illness entails stopping taking the pharmaceuticals or treatments that are causing your chemical levels to become too high. Periactin, for example, is a medicine that inhibits the generation of neurotransmitters.

Drug Interactions and Precautions

Consult your healthcare practitioner if you have concerns about low or excessive serotonin levels. To prevent interactions, get counsel from your doctor before taking tablets or supplements to rectify a deficit. This is particularly important if you are currently taking drugs.

Because there isn’t enough evidence to recommend the use of serotonin supplements during pregnancy or lactation, consult your doctor before using them.

Last Thoughts

  • Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is generated in both the brain and the stomach. It transmits information to receptors all across the brain that control a variety of bodily functions. As a result, serotonin has a wide range of effects on the body and helps to maintain internal chemical equilibrium.
  • Is there a difference between dopamine and serotonin? No, they’re both neurotransmitters that influence mood and emotions, but they’re not the same. Pleasurable experiences impact the serotonin molecule, which affects our emotional responses to life events.
  • Serotonin levels that are typical help you feel normal. However, too high or low amounts might have negative consequences. For example, you should get regular sleep if your body generates the proper serotonin level, but too much or too little might cause sleep problems.
  • When your levels are too high, what happens? Anxiety, restlessness, a quick heart rate, and a high temperature may all be symptoms of serotonin syndrome, which occurs when the body produces too much of the neurotransmitter.
  • Supplements, generally in the form of tryptophan or 5-HTP, may assist patients with low levels in improving their condition. In addition, exercising, receiving regular sun exposure, and eating a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet have all been shown to help naturally boost levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I increase my serotonin levels naturally?

A: This is a difficult question to answer. Many factors come into play regarding serotonin levels, specifically how much one’s diet has in relation to their physical activity level and other aspects of their lifestyle. Therefore, it would be best to consult your doctor or health care professional on this issue.

What does a lack of serotonin cause?

A: A lack of serotonin is a symptom that many diseases and disorders may cause. Some causes include overproduction of monoamine oxidase, which can cause depression; conditions such as thyroid disease, Cushing’s syndrome, or Addison’s disease, which all produce low levels of cortisol that affect the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin; physical injury to the brain.

What are the signs of low serotonin levels?

A: Symptoms of low serotonin levels could include depression, lack of sleep, loss of appetite, and other symptoms.

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