Severity Of Jaundice

It’s no secret that many children die from a problem known as jaundice in the developing world. It is highly unlikely for someone to contract this condition with proper treatment, but for those who are unlucky enough to be born with it – an estimated 20-30% of all births worldwide – their lives can often be cut short by complications. Now scientists have discovered what could help these unfortunate individuals long-term: groundbreaking new research that reveals how certain bacteria may play an important role in preventing or at least delaying its onset.

Jaundice is a condition that various factors can cause. It starts with symptoms like yellowing of the skin, dark urine, light-colored stools, and fatigue. Jaundice is more serious than you think.


The name “jaundice” is derived from the French word “jaune,” which means “yellow,” which makes sense since jaundice produces a yellow coloring of the skin and eyes.

One of the most prevalent diseases needing medical treatment in newborn newborns is jaundice. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises that every infant be evaluated for jaundice during regular medical exams after delivery since 60 percent of term and 80 percent of preterm newborns acquire this condition in the first week of life. Although adult jaundice is less prevalent, it might indicate a more severe underlying illness.

Jaundice must be addressed seriously because if left untreated for more than a few weeks, it may cause major health complications. There are warning indicators, the most prominent of which is skin darkening, as well as natural strategies to reduce your (or your baby’s) chance of having this ailment.

How Jaundice Affects You

Jaundice (also known as icterus) is a disorder in which the skin and whites of the eyes become yellow, the urine darkens, and the stool color changes. Hyperbilirubinemia, or the buildup of bilirubin in the skin and mucous membranes, is the cause of this. According to experts, jaundice may be detected when serum bilirubin levels reach 2–2.5 milligrams per deciliter; however, yellow skin coloring may not appear until the serum bilirubin level reaches 7–8 milligrams per deciliter.

Bilirubin is a yellow molecule found in hemoglobin, the material that transports oxygen throughout the body and is a breakdown product of red blood cells. Our bodies renew red blood cells as they break down, and the liver processes the old ones for further metabolism and disposal.

Unconjugated bilirubin and conjugated bilirubin are the two forms of bilirubin. The phrase “unconjugated bilirubin” refers to bilirubin that has not been metabolized by the liver and is insoluble in water. The bilirubin is conjugated after it is processed by the liver, making it more water-soluble, and then it goes to the gallbladder, where it is stored. Finally, the bilirubin reaches the intestines, where it is expelled in stool in part and digested by intestinal bacteria in part before being eliminated in urine.

There is a buildup of bilirubin when the liver cannot metabolize the blood cells as they break down or when bilirubin is not effectively eliminated from the body, which is why the skin may look yellow. In addition, cholestatic jaundice develops when bile stops moving from the liver to the small intestines.

When a newborn baby’s skin and eye whites become yellow, this is known as neonatal jaundice. This is normally innocuous and goes away in two to three weeks on its own.

Adults may have jaundice as well, and it can be caused by a range of medical disorders, some of which are severe and life-threatening. Therefore, adults who develop it should undergo a medical evaluation to figure out what’s causing it.

What Causes Jaundice?

Jaundice in Newborns

Because the metabolism, circulation, and elimination of bilirubin in infants is slower than in adults, jaundice is prevalent. Red blood cells in newborn infants have a shorter life span than red blood cells in adults, and their concentration is considerably greater. Hyperbilirubinemia is usually innocuous in newborns, and it occurs when the baby’s liver isn’t developed enough to eliminate all of the bilirubin in the circulation. In reality, according to a research published in Archives of Disease in Childhood, just 2.5 percent of newborn newborns who are jaundiced need therapy. However, occasionally the coloring is caused by an underlying condition, or newborns are at risk of acquiring dangerously high amounts of bilirubin.

The phrase “neonatal jaundice” refers to a common, generally innocuous type of jaundice found in many newborn newborns in their first few weeks of life. This is typically seen as a minor ailment that resolves without causing any major complications. However, it’s still a good idea to contact your physician since if bilirubin levels are too high for too long, a rare kind of brain damage known as kernicterus may develop.

Jaundice in Adults

Adult jaundice (or jaundice that isn’t only physiological) may be caused by a range of benign or life-threatening illnesses that interfere with bilirubin metabolism or excretion. Adults go through three phases: pre-hepatic jaundice (before blood is transported to the liver), hepatic jaundice (after blood has reached the liver), and post-hepatic jaundice (when blood has left the liver and will be excreted from the body).

The excessive loss of red blood cells during the pre-hepatic phase is caused by various disorders, including sickle cell disease, malaria, thalassemia (a blood abnormality), medication responses, toxin reactions, and autoimmune diseases. In addition, the increased amounts of bilirubin in the circulation exceed the liver’s capacity to digest the bilirubin appropriately on time.

Jaundice may be caused by viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, crigler-najjar syndrome, Gilbert’s syndrome, liver disease, liver cancer, and autoimmune illnesses during the hepatic liver phase when the blood has reached the liver. It arises during the post-hepatic phase due to a blockage in the bilirubin drainage system in the liver. Cancer (pancreatic, gallbladder, and bile duct tumors), gallstones, pancreatitis, bile duct constriction, cholangitis (a bacterial infection), and parasites may all induce blockage. Your doctor may recommend that you undergo an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) surgery to figure out what’s causing the blockage.

Symptoms and Signs


Yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes is the most prevalent symptom or warning sign of jaundice. Press lightly on the baby’s forehead or nose to check for jaundice; if the skin where you touched becomes yellow, that’s a symptom. Every newborn should be checked for jaundice between the third and seventh day after delivery since this is when bilirubin levels normally the peak.

The following are symptoms or warning indications of severe jaundice:

  • The skin becomes yellow and is most visible on the belly, arms, and legs.
  • The baby isn’t putting on any weight.
  • The baby isn’t eating well.
  • When a baby appears unwell or is difficult to wake up, it’s a sign that something is wrong.
  • The baby makes high-pitched cries.


Jaundice causes a yellow coloring of the skin in adults and yellowing of the whites of the eyes and mucous membranes. In some individuals, the discoloration is scarcely evident, while it is extremely prominent in others. Adults may have a variety of other symptoms, including:

  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Fever
  • Arthritis
  • Headache
  • Loss of weight
  • Legs or abdomen swelled
  • Rectal bleeding is a common problem
  • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are common side effects
  • Stools with a light color palette
  • Urine with a dark color
  • Deficiency

Risk Factors


Premature Delivery

According to a study published in Pediatric Nursing, around 80% of preterm newborns (born before 38 weeks) develop jaundice. This is most likely due to the infant’s liver’s inability to remove bilirubin from the circulation.

Vacuum Extractor Delivery

Research published in Pediatrics in 2001 looked at 2,174 babies in their early days of life and found that severe hyperbilirubinemia was closely linked to vacuum extractor delivery.


Breast-fed newborns are more prone than bottle-fed babies to develop jaundice, which is known as breastmilk jaundice. One explanation for this is that a human milk component promotes bilirubin circulation. Another factor might be that the infant isn’t getting enough nutrients due to breastfeeding difficulties, which would raise bilirubin levels. According to research, breastfeeding habits that result in low initial weight loss and early commencement of weight gain are linked to less breastfeeding jaundice.

Weight Recovering Slowly

According to research, neonatal jaundice is more likely among infants delivered at extremely low weights. For example, the Indian Journal of Pediatrics released a research that looked at extremely low-birth-weight babies born between 1995 and 1998. Significant newborn jaundice affected 76 percent of these babies, and 37 percent needed an exchange transfusion.

Type of Blood

When the mother and the baby have different blood types, and babies obtain antibodies from their mother’s blood via the placenta, their blood cells may break down faster. This causes a spike in bilirubin levels in the baby’s blood. This is known as incompatibility jaundice, although it may now be avoided by administering Rh immune-globulin injections to the mother.


A variety of reasons may cause adult jaundice; however, the following are some of the more prevalent ones:

Hereditary Disorders

It is more likely to occur in those who have specific inherited disorders. A few examples are Gilbert’s syndrome, thalassemia, hemolytic anemia, and hereditary spherocytosis.


The hallmark of alcoholic hepatitis, according to a study published in Gastroenterology & Hepatology, is jaundice. However, excessive alcohol intake over a long time causes alcoholic hepatitis, which is an inflammatory disorder of the liver. Bilirubin values of 10–15 milligrams per deciliter indicate severe alcoholic hepatitis.

Infections caused by viruses

Viruses such as hepatitis B, C, and E and other forms of viral infections may accelerate the growth of the disk.

Treatment for Jaundice in the Past


Therapeutic Light

The form and structure of bilirubin molecules are changed by light treatment or phototherapy, so they may be expelled in the urine and stool. The newborn is exposed to non-ultraviolet lights. This is a typical kind of jaundice treatment, and adequate nursing care improves efficacy while reducing problems. The infant wears a diaper and soft eye patches to shield her eyes from the light. Parents may note that the infant has frequent or loose greenish bowel movements; this is the body’s way of eliminating bilirubin via stool, and it should only last a few days.

Immunoglobulin (IVIG)

Suppose the newborn’s jaundice is caused by a blood type difference between the mother and the baby. In that case, intravenous immunoglobulin is given to lower the number of antibodies carried by the mother. Because the mother’s antibodies were helping to the destruction of blood cells in the newborn, this might help to reduce jaundice. However, according to studies, IV immunoglobulin successfully lowers serum bilirubin levels and requires a blood exchange transfusion. This treatment may be risky and has a high fatality rate.

Transfusion of blood

An exchange transfusion is used as an emergency treatment for severe newborn hyperbilirubinemia, particularly in developing countries. This therapy entails regularly removing tiny volumes of blood, diluting the bilirubin and antibodies produced by the mother, and then re-injecting the blood into the infant. In the case of uncommon but life-threatening jaundice, an exchange transfusion may be life-saving.


The therapy for adult jaundice is completely dependent on the underlying cause. Adults do not acquire this illness independently; it is the outcome of an existing ailment. To cure jaundice induced by alcoholic hepatitis, the person must first quit consuming alcohol. Jaundice induced by pharmaceuticals or drugs necessitates discontinuing usage of these goods. If the adult with jaundice has an infection, antibiotics may be prescribed; steroids may be prescribed if he has an autoimmune illness. If the reason is unknown, the patient has a laboratory examination that includes blood counts, liver function testing, and tests for infectious hepatitis. Doctors utilize abdominal imaging such as ultrasonography or computed tomographic scanning if the reason is still unknown.

Treatment Using Natural Ingredients


More frequent feedings aid in the passage of excess bilirubin in the feces of newborns. Supplementing with formula until the jaundice is cured may be advantageous for moms who are breastfeeding and have a poor supply. The symptoms should go away in one to two weeks, but the child should consult a doctor if they don’t.

Excessive frequency of exaggerated jaundice in a hospital or community population of breast-fed infants may be a warning that breastfeeding policies and support are not ideal for establishing good breastfeeding practices, according to research published in Pediatrics Clinic of North America. Breast-feeding mothers need assistance from hospital personnel or lactation consultants, particularly in the first few days of an infant’s life. This ensures that the baby eats enough and can effectively eliminate bilirubin.


Adults should limit their alcohol intake, keep a healthy weight, exercise regularly, control their cholesterol, and prevent hepatitis infections to avoid developing jaundice. Alcohol, for example, has been shown to affect bile acid uptake and secretion, resulting in a reduction in bile flow, according to research. In addition, chronic alcohol abuse may harm the biliary system, leading to fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis, all of which cause different degrees of jaundice.

Many medicines have also been implicated in the development of this illness. Certain medicines should be avoided since they’ve been linked to drug-induced liver damage in the past. Examples of these are Acetaminophen, penicillins, oral contraceptives, chlorpromazine (Thorazine), and estrogenic or anabolic steroids.

The Most Important Things

  • Jaundice is a disorder that causes the skin and whites of the eyes to become yellow, the urine to darken, and the feces to lighten in color. The buildup of bilirubin in the skin and mucous membranes causes this.
  • Neonatal jaundice affects newborns as little as a few days old and usually goes away within one to two weeks. It occurs more often in breast-fed newborns than in formula-fed babies, and it is more likely to occur in premature or underweight neonates.
  • Adult jaundice is caused by a condition or illness that causes the bilirubin level to rise. If the underlying cause is not recognized and addressed, there may be significant or even life-threatening effects.
  • Light treatment (or phototherapy) is often used to cure infant jaundice in hospitals. However, IV immunoglobulin and exchange transfusion are more dangerous and intrusive therapies. To naturally cure newborn jaundice, moms should feed their infants more often to promote bilirubin excretion.
  • Adult jaundice therapy is completely dependent on the underlying cause. For example, adults may reduce their alcohol use, keep a healthy weight, and take fewer drugs that might cause liver problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

How serious can jaundice be?

A: Jaundice can be quite serious, but it depends on the severity of your case. In most cases, jaundice is not life-threatening and will typically only last a few days or weeks before subsiding. It’s important to see your doctor if you notice symptoms such as dark urine that you cannot get rid of by drinking more fluids

How long can you live with jaundice?

A: This is a difficult question. The duration depends on the level of jaundice and how long it has been present at that time; however, I believe you could live with jaundice for at least 6 months if treated properly.

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