Steps to a Natural Diverticulitis Diet

Diverticulitis is a condition that causes small pouches to form in the wall of the large intestine. The condition can be treated with diet and lifestyle changes, but it requires careful monitoring for recurrence. It is a common digestive disorder that causes inflammation in the intestine.

A colon illness, diverticulitis is a painful and distressing disruption in the digestive system that may be successfully managed with a diverticulitis diet. Some people have continuous pain, while others have diverticulitis symptoms that decrease and then flare again.

Diet and several risk factors, particularly after the age of 40, may raise your chances of developing diverticulitis. A diverticulitis diet coupled with good lifestyle practices, on the other hand, may cure this disease in the same way that an SCD diet can help the digestive tract recover.

What Is Diverticulitis?

The inflammation of the tiny sacs of the diverticula that line the digestive system is known as diverticulitis. We all have colonic diverticula. However, diverticulosis occurs when a diverticula develops in the gastrointestinal system, and diverticulitis occurs when the diverticula become inflamed or infected in the gastrointestinal tract. As GI research indicates, diverticula seldom cause issues or significant pain until they become inflamed or infected, in which case the diverticulosis diagnosis is reclassified as diverticulitis.

Diverticular illness is thought to afflict ten percent of Americans over the age of 40. As people become older, the rate continues to rise. Antibiotics and a change in diet may be required in the event of a severe illness.

Many individuals find comfort by avoiding flare-up meals and concentrating on easy-to-digest foods. Diverticula are plaque storage sacs similar to those that may block arteries, but they are found in the lower portion of the large intestine.

It’s essential to clean the region first, then continue with a balanced diet, much as it is with blocked arteries.

Diverticula sacs may get clogged with feces, enabling germs to grow and infect the body. In addition, like addition, as the sacs expand, they exert more pressure on the intestine’s walls, causing pain, gas, stomach discomfort, and other diverticulitis symptoms.

Constipation is both a symptom and a contributing cause to increasing symptoms, and this pressure is exacerbated during bowel motions.

If not addressed, infection and perforation in the digestive system may lead to scarring, creating a partial or complete obstruction. This is why making the required adjustments to aid in the healing of your digestive system is critical.

Symptoms of Diverticulitis

Mild, acute diverticulitis symptoms may be managed with rest and the diverticulitis diet in the early stages. However, diverticulitis that is severe or recurrent may need surgery to be relieved.

When even severe diverticulitis occurs, it is critical to keep an eye out for warning symptoms and begin making dietary and lifestyle adjustments as soon as possible.

You may have diverticulitis if you have two or more of the following symptoms:

  • a significant shift in bowel habits
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Cramping
  • Tenderness in the lower abdomen is a common symptom.
  • Nausea
  • Constipation and diarrhea alternate.
  • Chills and fever

Symptoms and Causes of Diverticulitis

What causes diverticulitis in the first place? Highly processed meals, sugar, and harmful fats are standard components of today’s Western diet. Diverticula, an infection that may cause symptoms in the rectum, can develop due to this diet.

Clinical studies and research indicate that eating a fiber-rich diet may help prevent diverticulitis and aid colon repair. However, there are additional risk factors to consider in addition to a bad diet:

When coupled with a diet deficient in fiber and rich in animal fats, all of these variables may result in the formation of marble-sized diverticula in the digestive system.

Inflammation, infection, and leaking into the abdominal cavity that follows are unpleasant at best and may lead to severe consequences.

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Diverticulitis

STEP 1: Eat a Diverticulitis-Healing Diet 


It’s critical to assist your digestive system in cleaning itself out and beginning to recover during a diverticulitis flare-up or at the onset of symptoms. Use my beef bone broth recipe as a starting point.

Eating bone broths produced from cattle, chicken, lamb, and fish may assist with the leaky gut syndrome, joint health, immune system boosting, and even cellulite reduction, all while healing the digestive tract.

Bone broths with cooked vegetables and a small amount of meat supply your body with vital minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur, and others in an easily digestible form.

You may add veggies to your bone broth, such as carrots, celery, and garlic, or an egg poached in the soup for variety. In addition, drink two to three cups of warm ginger tea each day to help decrease inflammation and improve digestion. Ginger is a nutrient-dense spice that boosts your immune and digestive systems.


The collagen in the bones of cattle and chicken breaks down into gelatin in approximately 48 hours and 24 hours, respectively. Therefore, although you may create broth in less time, I suggest cooking it in a crockpot for at least 48 hours to extract the most flavor out of the bones.

Gelatin has incredible healing qualities, and it may even help people with food sensitivities and allergies handle certain foods better. It also helps maintain a healthy probiotic balance by breaking down proteins to make them simpler to digest. Probiotics aid in the creation of a healthy digestive environment.

Only clear bone broths, clear fresh juices (no pulp), and calming ginger tea should be consumed during the initial phase of the diverticulitis diet.


After the symptoms of diverticulitis have subsided, you may go to stage two of the diverticulitis diet, which includes introducing readily digested meals such as grated, steamed, and then pureed fruits and vegetables while continuing to consume ginger tea and bone broth soups.

Fresh organic fruits and vegetables may be juiced for a nutritional boost. Carrots, beets, grapes, apples, lettuce, and watercress may be juiced and consumed during this stage. Foods with rough skins and tiny seeds should be avoided since they may clog the diverticula sacs.





Start adding fiber-rich foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and unrefined grains, such as quinoa, black rice, fermented grains, or sprouted lentils, after your body has acclimated to the foods in Stage 2. Although experts used to think that eating nuts and seeds were dangerous, they now feel that it is harmless and may even assist you from getting diverticulitis.



Listen to your body; if you start to suffer symptoms of diverticulitis again, go back to the previous stage. It may take a few months for your digestive system to recover fully.


According to University of Oxford experts, Fiber lowers the incidence of diverticular illness. Therefore, fiber from fruits, vegetables, cereals, and potatoes was the focus of the research.

So, in the first few days of Stage 4, progressively increase your intake of high-fiber meals, introducing one new item every three to four days.

As your body adjusts, start eating approximately 25–35 grams of fiber per day to help prevent any possible flare-ups while your digestive system recovers. Start with potatoes, sweet potatoes, and root vegetables, then work your way up to non-processed grains and legumes like oats and lentils.



The contrast between soluble and insoluble fiber is one of the essential distinctions to make. During the digestive process, soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel. The gel slows digestion, enabling more vital nutrients to be interested. On the other hand, insoluble fiber bulks up stools, allowing the meals to pass through your system more rapidly.

Oat bran, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, barley, and peas are all rich in soluble fiber. Whole grains, wheat bran, and vegetables are all high in insoluble fiber.

Researchers from Harvard Medical School’s Department of Nutrition discovered that insoluble fiber lowers the chance of developing diverticular disease. However, don’t let this deter you from eating a healthy, balanced diet. You don’t have to, and you shouldn’t, avoid soluble fiber.

Diverticulitis may flare up if a proper mix of protein, fiber, and fresh fruits and vegetables is not maintained.

STEP 2: Supplements for Diverticulitis Treatment 

Elm Slippery

Native Americans have used slippery elm for generations both topically and internally to treat stomach issues, coughs, and sore throats.

It is now suggested to relieve GERD, Crohn’s disease, IBS, and digestive upset symptoms. Begin with 500 mg three times a day for the duration of the diverticulitis diet. Make sure you drink a full glass of water or another clear beverage before taking this supplement.


Aloe juice improves digestion, normalizes pH levels, regulates intestinal processes, and promotes the growth of good digeHowever, stive flora. Aloe vera juice containing “aloe latex” should be avoided since it may induce severe stomach cramps and diarrhea.

Aloe juice in the amount of 12 to 16 ounces per day is suggested; any more than that may irritate your system.

Root of Licorice

Licorice root reduces stomach acid, relieves heartburn, and works as a mild laxative to help you get rid of waste in your colon. In addition, this root aids digestion while reducing cholesterol levels by increasing bile production. When you have symptoms of diverticulitis, take 100 milligrams every day.

Digestive Enzymes are enzymes that help the body digest food.

The ultimate aim of the diverticulitis diet, vitamins, and lifestyle modifications is to encourage your digestive system to operate effectively, in addition to repairing your colon from diverticulitis.

Digestive enzymes aid in the breakdown of meals, allowing nutrients to be absorbed. Individuals with digestive issues may take digestive supplements containing vital enzymes to help with digestion.


Food sensitivities should be avoided, and digestive issues such as constipation, gas, and bloating should be alleviated with live probiotics to the diet. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that coat your digestive system’s lining and help fight illness. For example, if you have diverticulitis, you need an infusion of these bacteria to help your colon recover and avoid recurrence of the disease.

STEP 3: Lifestyle Changes for Diverticulitis Treatment

Diverticulitis requires more than simply a healing diverticulitis diet and vitamins to maintain a healthy digestive system. The mouth is where digestion begins. Therefore, it is critical to chew each mouthful of food thoroughly until it is almost liquefied. The more food is broken down before it reaches the stomach, the more nutrients are available for absorption.

According to medical research, diverticular illness may be prevented by combining physical exercise and a high-fiber diet. Running or utilizing a rebounder regularly may help alleviate symptoms and flare-ups. Even moderate-intensity exercise aids in bowel function regulation, stress reduction, and weight management.

Your psychological well-being is intertwined with your physical well-being; stress management and good coping strategies are critical. Stress has an impact on both the mind and the body. To successfully handle everyday stress, try natural stress relievers.

Also, remember that straining on the toilet puts too much pressure on the colon, which may cause tiny rips. Instead, choose a stool that allows you to raise your feet slightly to minimize strain.

Consequences of Diverticulitis

You may repair your digestive system and go ahead without pain and suffering with integrated natural treatments that include a healing diet, natural supplements, and lifestyle modifications.

While problems with nutritional supplements or food are uncommon, I always suggest consulting a doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever and chills that don’t go away
  • Nausea and vomiting persist.
  • Stool with blood
  • Severe abdominal pain in a specific region
  • Rectal bleeding is a common problem.
  • Symptoms of shock include dizziness or weakness.

Diverticular bleeding, a fistula (or an irregular connection) between the colon and urinary system, or other severe problems may be the cause of these symptoms. In addition, feces and waste from the intestines may seep into the abdominal cavity or urinary system. As a result, it’s conceivable that an abscess may form, as well as blockages.

Natural healing techniques, such as a diverticulitis diet, will be helpful in the overwhelming majority of cases of diverticulitis.

Last Words on the Diverticulitis Diet

Individuals who follow the three stages for healing described above will usually start to feel better within a few days. Continue with the diverticulitis diet and lifestyle modifications as your symptoms fade to ensure you allow yourself enough time to recover. Your doctor may also recommend a colonoscopy as a follow-up procedure.

Diverticulitis does not heal in a matter of days; it is a process that may take So done months. Don’t lose faith, and be patient.

Soon, you’ll be able to enjoy your life once again. Make sure to get enough rest and control your stress during the procedure. You may notice that you are losing stubborn weight and that your energy levels are increasing over time.

It’s important to remember that a healthy diet rich in high-fiber foods and low in unhealthy animal fats, as well as probiotic supplements, can help prevent diverticulitis flare-ups. In any event, a colonoscopy is recommended to verify that everything is returning to normal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good meal for someone with diverticulitis?

A: In general, the best meal for someone with diverticulitis is a diet that’s low in fat and high in fiber.

What are the trigger foods for diverticulitis?

A: A diet high in fiber can help prevent diverticulitis, but it is essential to avoid eating foods that cause gas and bloating.

What foods are harmful to eat if you have diverticulitis?

A: Many foods can cause diverticulitis, so it is best to avoid them. Some of the most common culprits are spicy foods, carbonated drinks, and fatty foods.

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