The Cabbage Soup Diet

The cabbage soup diet has become a very popular weight-loss method, but does it really work? Is the cabbage soup diet safe for you to follow in your quest for healthy living? Find out.


The cabbage soup diet’s idea might be enticing if you’re trying to reduce weight. Proponents of the program say that by just substituting cabbage soup, fruits, and vegetables for your normal diets, you may lose up to 10 pounds in a week.

Like other fad diets, it’s intended to deliver short-term benefits without requiring a long-term commitment for individuals looking to lose weight quickly and with little effort. It’s also simpler to stick to than many conventional diets, thanks to clear instructions that outline which foods are acceptable each day and should be avoided entirely.

However, it has sparked a lot of debate; although some people hail it as very beneficial, others argue that it isn’t long-lasting, may be unduly restricted, and is plain harmful.

Is the cabbage soup diet effective? Should you try it or go with a different diet plan to lose weight? Here’s all you need to know about it.

How Does the Cabbage Soup Diet Work?

The cabbage soup diet is a low-fat, high-fiber diet that consists of eating cabbage soup at least once a day for a week. Other specified items, such as fruits, vegetables (especially cabbage), milk, and meat, are permitted on each day.

Like other low-calorie diets, the cabbage soup diet promises rapid weight reduction, with some variants stating that dieters may expect to lose 10–17 pounds in only one week by merely changing what they eat.

The Model’s Diet, Mayo Clinic Cabbage Soup Diet, Sacred Heart Hospital Diet, and Spokane Diet are some of the other names for the diet. Surprisingly, it has no ties to medical organizations like Mayo Clinic or Sacred Heart Hospital.

Although its real roots are unknown, it is said to have started in the 1950s. However, some argue that it’s even older, pointing out that dishes like Doughboy Cabbage Soup were popular during World War I when troops had few other options.

The diet exploded in popularity in the 1980s, and it was widely advertised as a diet followed by models, flight attendants, and celebrities to slim down and lose weight quickly. It was then stated that health organizations were using it to assist obese individuals to lose weight and prepare for surgery.

Keep in mind that there is no solid proof to back up these statements. It has, however, become a popular diet for individuals who want to lose weight quickly without having to track calories or macronutrients rigorously. For example, the cabbage soup diet works like this:

Day 1:

Except for bananas, which are off-limits on this regimen, eat solely cabbage soup and fruit all day.

Day 2:

All day, eat only cabbage soup and chopped vegetables, particularly root vegetables. Corn, beans, and fruit should be avoided. You may finish the day with a baked potato and butter as a treat.

Day 3:

All day, eat as much cabbage soup, fruits, and green vegetables as you like (excluding potatoes). Avoid starchy vegetables, including beets, yams, carrots, maize, and peas.

Day 4:

Consume cabbage soup, bananas, and low-fat milk. This day is designed to make you less hungry for sweets.

Day 5:

Serve cabbage soup with grass-fed meat or grilled skinless chicken and healthy tomatoes (at least twice). Stay hydrated by drinking six to eight glasses of water.

Day 6:

Consume cabbage soup with meat and vegetables (at least once).

Day 7:

Serve cabbage soup with brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices, and vegetables (at least once).


1. It can help you lose weight

There’s no denying that the cabbage soup diet helps you lose weight. Limiting your diet to cabbage soup with a few fruits, veggies, and other low-calorie meals will help you lose weight rapidly by drastically reducing your caloric intake.

A weight reduction cabbage soup diet is thought to give roughly 1,000 calories per day, which is much less than your daily caloric requirements. But, of course, the number of calories in cabbage soup depends on your portion sizes, the ingredients you use, and the items you serve it with.

Keep in mind that a large portion of this quick weight reduction might be attributable to water loss rather than genuine fat loss. Not only that, but losing weight rapidly might lead to weight gain after you resume a regular diet, particularly if your typical diet is unhealthy or heavy in calories.

2. Fiber-dense

This diet is packed with high-fiber foods like cabbage, brown rice, fruits, and vegetables, ensuring that you receive a healthy dosage of fiber. Fiber is a kind of dietary fiber that travels through the body undigested, encouraging satiety and regularity. Not only may increasing your fiber consumption help you feel fuller for longer, but it has also been linked to numerous health advantages, including improved blood sugar management and reduced cholesterol levels.

A half-cup portion of shredded cooked cabbage may provide up to 6% of your daily fiber requirements. By serving your cabbage soup with other fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, you may easily satisfy (and even surpass) your daily fiber requirements.

3. Cabbage is a nutrient-dense vegetable

Cabbage is one of the healthiest foods you can add to your diet in terms of nutrition, and it’s a cornerstone of the cabbage soup diet. Each serving is high in fiber and antioxidants that combat free radicals, as well as micronutrients including vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, and folate.

Furthermore, cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage have been linked to several health advantages. According to research, eating more cruciferous vegetables is linked to a reduced risk of cancer, less inflammation, and even a lower chance of dying from heart disease.

4. Aids in the detoxification process

Cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables are well-known for their many health benefits, particularly when it comes to liver function. Your liver is one of your body’s most hardworking organs, functioning around the clock to filter toxins and keep you healthy.

Cruciferous vegetables include glucosinolate, a chemical that may help boost the synthesis of detoxifying enzymes in the liver. Therefore, increasing your cabbage consumption will help you get a healthy quantity of glucosinolates, which can aid in effective detoxification, liver function, and general wellness.

5. Simple to Follow

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’re definitely aware of how difficult it can be. Several diets out there require you to meticulously log everything you consume and then carefully convert it to points, grams, or calories. It may not only be taxing, but it can also deplete motivation and reduce chances of achievement.

The cabbage soup diet differs from many other fad diets in that it is simple, straightforward, and takes no effort, time, or nutritional understanding. The diet plan specifies which foods you should consume and which you should avoid, but it does not impose any severe limitations or restrictions on portion sizes or amounts. This makes it a particularly enticing alternative for dieters who have tried and failed with more restricted diets in the past.

Precautions and Recommendations

The cabbage soup diet is restricted in diversity and provides few options, which might leave you feeling dissatisfied and bored. Furthermore, although it will certainly assist you in losing weight quickly, the majority of the weight reduction will be due to water loss rather than fat loss. This implies that after you resume your usual diet, you’ll almost certainly regain some of the weight you lost.

The diet is also only meant to be used for a brief period. Because there is no diversity in the diet, it does not give a wide range of vitamins and minerals, and if you follow the cabbage soup diet for a month or more, you may develop nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, after completing a one-week diet cycle, it’s usually best to wait a few weeks before beginning again to ensure that you’re obtaining all of the nutrients you need from your normal diet.

The soup may also be rich in salt, which can be problematic for high blood pressure or a low-sodium diet. Cabbage also contains a lot of vitamin K, which may interact with blood thinners like warfarin. If you have any underlying medical concerns, such as heart disease or diabetes, speak with your doctor or a nutritionist before beginning the cabbage soup diet to ensure that it is safe for you.

Suppose you decide to attempt the cabbage soup diet. In that case, it should be used with a well-balanced, nutritious meal to improve general health, establish healthy eating habits, and satisfy your nutritional requirements.

Sizes of Servings

Although the cabbage soup diet is forgiving for portion sizes, if you’re trying to lose weight and remain healthy, it’s better to keep your consumption under control. Overdoing it on the cabbage soup may result in a significant increase in salt consumption, as well as digestive irritation and even flatulence.

Limit yourself to two cups of soup every meal, and be sure to keep the rest of your diet in check. For example, a single part of beef is around 3-4 ounces, while a single portion of brown rice is about 1/2 cup. Other foods, such as bananas, are quite healthful, but they must be consumed in moderation; eating 10 bananas per day, for example, may throw potassium levels completely out of sync and induce an electrolyte imbalance.

To receive a broad range of nutrients and avoid some of the difficulties that might arise from excessive consumption, eat a decent variety of meals (as authorized) in appropriate portion sizes.

How to Make a Smooth Transition

The cabbage soup diet is designed to be a short-term diet that may be followed for up to one week. However, it should be coupled with a well-balanced diet rich in real foods and low in ultra-processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and high-sugar snacks to optimize the health advantages.

It’s recommended to ease back into your usual diet once you’ve finished the diet. Gradually increase your consumption over a few days, and be sure to drink enough water to keep hydrated. Also, practice mindful eating by listening to your body, paying attention to hunger signals, and stopping eating when you’re full.

Here are some nutrient-dense foods that you may include in your normal diet to aid weight reduction and general health:

  • Meat, poultry, and fish are all options.
  • Quinoa, oats, brown rice, barley, and other whole grain products
  • Broccoli, carrots, kale, tomatoes, zucchini, and other vegetables
  • Apples, bananas, oranges, pears, and other fruits
  • Raw yogurt, ghee, grass-fed butter, cottage cheese, and other dairy products
  • Broth made from bones

Last Thoughts

  • The cabbage soup diet is a popular weight-loss approach that consists of eating a few portions of low-calorie soup each day, along with other meals such as fruits and vegetables.
  • There are many recipes to choose from, and it only takes a little trial and error to discover the ideal cabbage soup recipe for you.
  • The cabbage diet is low in calories, rich in fiber, and simple to follow, so it may help you lose weight quickly. Cabbage is also rich in several essential nutrients, may help detoxify, and has been linked to many health advantages.
  • However, the diet is very restricted and might result in health issues and nutritional deficiencies if followed for an extended period. It’s also possible that it won’t result in long-term weight reduction, particularly after consuming a regular diet.
  • If you do decide to try the cabbage soup diet, keep in mind that it should only be used for a limited period, that you should visit your doctor if you have any health concerns, and that you should combine it with a balanced and nutritious diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a cabbage soup diet?

A: In short, the cabbage soup diet is a low-calorie weight loss plan that has been classified as an unproven medical remedy.

How often should you eat cabbage soup to lose weight?

A: This is a hard question with no clear answer. It would be advised to consult your doctor or googles best weight loss soup recipes for more information on this topic.

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