Top 4 Antibacterial Essential Oils

Essential oils can be used in aromatherapy, and they contain a variety of compounds known to have antimicrobial properties. Here are the top four essential oils you should keep in your medicine cabinet. The top 4 antibacterial essential oils are oregano, thyme, clove, and tea tree.

Why wouldn’t you use a natural resource to acquire the help you need to battle bacteria? Most prescription medications are designed after essential oils produced from plants, so I recommend going with a natural method first if feasible. That’s why, when it comes to fighting germs, nothing beats a mix of nutritious foods and antibacterial essential oils.

The reason for this is that when we introduce synthetics into our bodies, our systems are unable to handle these “foreign” chemicals. Therefore, even if the medication solves one condition, it is likely to create another. It has the potential to disrupt our hormones, endocrine system, brain function, and other bodily functions. Of course, you should educate yourself before using any drug, synthetic or natural, but in most circumstances, the natural method is the most beneficial, particularly in the long term. According to a research published in Neuropharmacology, synthetics produced concerns with brain functioning by “impairing cognitive function” and memory.

Another explanation is that antibiotics provided by doctors might develop germs resistant to them. In other words, synthetic antibiotics often destroy the beneficial bacteria that live in our bodies, which we need to keep healthy. At the same time, many antibiotics fail to kill germs because the illness you’re attempting to treat grows resistant to the treatment due to its widespread usage. Hand sanitizers exemplify antibacterial excess well.

That’s why antibacterial soap and prescription medications should be avoided in favor of these antibacterial essential oils.

Top 4 Antibacterial Essential Oils

Essential oils have been used to treat various ailments for ages, from anxiety and sadness to arthritis and allergies, so the notion of utilizing them to combat infection is not new. In addition, they’ve been used to fight anything from pathogenic bacteria and viruses to fungus. Finally, data demonstrates that antibacterial essential oils may kill germs without making them resistant, making them excellent antibacterial and antimicrobial resources.

Oregano, cinnamon, thyme, and tea tree oils are some of the most efficient antibacterial essential oils for combating bacterial infections, according to clinical experience and medical research.

1. Cinnamon Essential Oil

I love the flavor of cinnamon and use it in my health tonics, baking, and gluten-free oatmeal all the time, but it’s even better knowing that every time I eat it, I’m fighting against possible nasty germs in my body.

According to studies published in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Cinnamon oil was tested against “planktonic E. faecalis” in a root canal operation. After seven and fourteen days of treatment, the cinnamon essential oil proved to be effective in preventing bacterial development, making it a natural choice.

“Cinnamomum zeylanicum essential oil is an excellent antibacterial agent against planktonic and biofilm E. faecalis and has the potential to be a fantastic antimicrobial agent in root canal therapy,” the researchers found.

2. Thyme Essential Oil

Thyme oil has antibacterial properties. The University of Tennessee’s Department of Food Science and Technology researched to assess its effectiveness against germs present in milk and salmonella. Droplets of thyme essential oil with the GRAS designation (generally regarded as safe) were put on the bacteria, much as the cinnamon essential oil.

The findings published in the International Journal of Food Microbiology suggest that utilizing thyme oil as an antimicrobial preservative for food might be a fantastic way to protect our bodies against germs. So isn’t this a better option than the traditional chemical approach? Yes, of course!

3. Oregano Oil

Bacterial resistance to common antibiotics has become a significant concern in the healthcare business, which is startling yet not surprising. This has heightened interest in plants as potential antibacterial alternatives.

Oregano oil and silver nanoparticles, sometimes known as colloidal silver, have been demonstrated in studies to have substantial antibacterial action against certain drug-resistant bacterial strains. In addition, the results showed that both solo and combination treatments reduced cell density, allowing for antibacterial activity via cell disruption. Overall, our findings suggest that oregano essential oil may be a viable option for infection management.

4. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a fantastic way to battle microorganisms on the skin. According to research from India, tea tree oil was shown to be beneficial against E. coli and staph infections when coupled with eucalyptus, which is one of my suggestions for fighting infections prevalent in chest colds. In addition, the investigations found that there was an immediate impact after application, followed by a slow-release effect over a 24-hour period. This implies that although there is an initial cellular reaction when the oils are used, they seem to continue operating inside the body, making it an excellent antibacterial alternative.

I propose combining one or more of these oils with one teaspoon of Manuka honey and/or coconut oil and applying directly to the afflicted region. You may also make a tonic by mixing one drop each of oregano, cinnamon, and thyme with Manuka honey. However, I always recommend reading up on these oils before using them, particularly if you have a medical problem or are pregnant or breastfeeding. Finally, the benefit of these oils is that they are gentler on the gut lining and may be taken for short periods internally and for more extended periods of time externally, as long as your doctor allows and you don’t have any unfavorable reactions to them.

When working with a strategy that combines antibacterial essential oils, bone broth, and probiotics, many of my patients have excellent outcomes against bacterial illnesses.

Uses and Benefits

1. Fight Bacterial Infections (Candida and E. Coli)

Essential oils have been recognized to have antimicrobial qualities, for a long time. In a research, 52 different essential oils were tested against various bacterial strains, including candida, salmonella, staph infections, skin infections, and pneumonia. Thyme essential oil and vetiver oil were identified as the most effective oils in the research. This is why many pharmaceutical companies may use plant extracts in medicine and as preservatives.

2. Defend Against Staph Infections

Patchouli oil, tea tree oil, geranium oil, lavender oil, and grapefruit seed extract were tested against different staph infections at Manchester Metropolitan University’s Department of Biological Sciences. They were tested separately and in various combinations to see whether they were effective against “three strains of Staphylococcus aureus, particularly Oxford S. aureus NCTC 6571 (Oxford strain), Epidemic methicillin-resistant S. aureus (EMRSA 15), and MRSA (untypable).”

When administered as vapors, grapefruit seed extract and geranium oil and a combination of geranium and tea tree oil were the most effective antibacterial agents.

3. Fights Against Hospital-Acquired Infections

Understandably, some individuals are apprehensive of visiting hospitals because of the various illnesses that may be detected there. Several essential oils were examined for their ability to combat Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a bacteria that may cause serious infections in soft tissue, bone, and implants. Tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil were shown to be effective against a variety of germs. In fact, these oils have been utilized in medical settings to combat a variety of strains that have developed resistance to conventional antimicrobials.

Other essential oils, including thyme, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, cinnamon, grapefruit, clove, sandalwood, peppermint, kunzea, and sage oil, were tested further. Again, thyme, lemon, lemongrass, and cinnamon oil were the most effective, although all oils provided significant antibacterial protection as topical therapies.


Multiple antibiotic-resistant coagulase-negative staphs (MARCONS) is a difficult bacterium strain. MARCONS is difficult to study because it has the unusual capacity to create a protective biofilm that protects it from treatment, including antibiotics.

According to a study published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, certain antimicrobial essential oils were shown to be much more effective than prescription antibiotics in removing bacteria from biofilms. The researchers looked at how effective a few essential oils were at killing biofilms formed by “Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PAO1), Pseudomonas putida (KT2440), and Staphylococcus aureus SC-01.” P. aeruginosa is a bacteria found in soil, water, and animals, and it provides the perfect pathway into the human body because biofilms may evade antibiotic treatment and can cause serious, even fatal infections, additional safe and efficient therapies are needed that do not promote resistance to these harmful strains. The cinnamon essential oil has been examined and shown to offer the antibacterial properties that are much required.

5. Keep Bacteria at Bay While Traveling

Bacteria enter the body via the lips, ears, and nose, among other places. If the animal or plant you eat has a virus or bacterium, you may eat it. It can be acquired by swimming in or ingesting bacterially contaminated water. These intruders may even enter the body via the skin’s pores.

However, one of the most common ways to get an illness is via the air as you may inhale it, which may cause germs to enter your lungs. This is why sneezing should always be done with your mouth covered.

Traveling, particularly at airports and railway stations, might place you in a vulnerable position to microorganisms. Although we all need to breathe, adopting specific measures before, during, and after travel may be quite beneficial. For example, I prefer to take a special tonic the day before and the day of my trip. I create a tonic with the same ingredients as my Secret Detox Drink, but I add a drop of oregano oil, which is a natural antibiotic that may help fight off intruders as soon as you come into touch with them. In studies, essential oregano oil was utilized to demonstrate its efficiency against certain bacterial strains. The results showed that essential oregano oil has antibacterial and bacteria-fighting properties.

How to Make Use Of

Some essential oils may be used in various ways, as I said before. For example, they may be used orally (but only if they are 100 percent pure), topically, and diffused.

Super Topical Antibacterial Tonic


  • 1 drop of tea tree essential oil
  • 1 drop essential oil of ginger
  • 1 drop vetiver essential oil
  • 1 drop of lavender essential oil
  • 1 tsp virgin coconut oil


  1. In a small dish or the palm of your hand, combine all the ingredients.
  2. Apply twice a day to the abdomen or directly to the diseased region outside the body.
  3. If irritation occurs, discontinue use right away.

Note: Only take this if your doctor has allowed it and you’ve gone through the required educational materials. Because many oils have been blended with other compounds, it’s critical to ensure that the oils you’re using are pure and allowed for consumption. Always read the label carefully.


Many antimicrobial, antibiotic, and antibacterial essential oils may help combat infections that have already occurred and prevent infections from occurring in the first place. Essential oils, on the other hand, are highly concentrated plant extracts that must be utilized with caution. Check with your doctor, and if they are unaware, seek out a holistic or functional medicine practitioner in your region. In addition, you may look for available medicine physicians in your area by searching online.

Final Thoughts

  • Antibiotic resistance is increasing, as is antibacterial overkill, which results in the spread of more harmful germs. Antibacterial essential oils, thankfully, may help you prevent this.
  • Cinnamon, thyme, oregano, and tea tree essential oils are the top four antimicrobial essential oils. These antibacterial essential oils have been demonstrated to fight bacterial illnesses including candida and E. coli, combat staph infections, aid in treating hospital infections, perhaps combat MARCONS, and protect travelers from germs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the strongest antibacterial essential oil?

A: I am not sure what the strongest antibacterial essential oil is but some that are widely used for this purpose include clove, eucalyptus, tea tree, and peppermint.

What kind of essential oil kills bacteria?

A: Some essential oils that kill bacteria are lavender, lemon, and tea tree oil.

Related Tags

  • antibacterial oils
  • best antibacterial oil for face
  • essential oils for infection and inflammation
  • best essential oils for staph infection
  • best antibacterial essential oils

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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