Urethritis and 5 Natural Ways for Treatments

Urinary tract infections can be difficult to diagnose and treat. In addition, they often result in a long-term flare-up of the symptoms if not properly managed or treated, which may include inflammation and burning sensations. This article offers 5 natural remedies for urethritis relief that effectively relieve the pain associated with this condition.

Urethritis is a condition that affects the urethra, and it can be caused by soap treatment. This article will provide 5 natural ways to relieve urethritis symptoms.


Urethritis is a condition in which the tube that transports urine from the bladder to the outside of the body becomes inflamed. Infections, trauma, or chemical irritants may all cause it.

To recover and prevent long-term consequences, most instances of urethritis need treatment. You may, however, attempt some natural remedies at home to ease discomfort.

What Is Urethritis and How Does It Affect You?

The urethra is inflamed with urethritis. The urethra is the tube via which you urinate, and it is responsible for removing urine from the body. A variety of factors may cause urinary urethritis.

The most prevalent cause of urethritis is sexually transmitted diseases. These situations are often divided into two categories:

  • Gonococcal urethritis is caused by the gonorrhea bacterium and accounts for around 20% of all infected cases.
  • Nongonococcal urethritis – Gonorrhea bacteria don’t cause this, yet it’s still contagious. It is responsible for around 80% of all cases.

Noninfectious urethritis is caused by anything other than bacteria or viruses. They’re uncommon, although they may arise if the urethra is injured or irritated. Urinary catheters, spermicide, antiseptics, and other substances may cause this.

Urethritis is a relatively frequent condition. Around 4 million Americans are impacted each year, with more than 150 million cases recorded globally. However, the issue is also thought to be significantly underreported.

Although urethritis is not a sexually transmitted illness, the infection that causes it (such as gonorrhea or chlamydia) may be shared via sexual contact.

Symptoms and Signs

Men and women have varied signs and symptoms of urethritis. Pain during peeing and an increased need to pee are the most prevalent symptoms for both. Some individuals, on the other hand, experience no symptoms at all. Women are the ones who get it the most. Asymptomatic urethritis is the term for this condition. Others experience symptoms that are caused by something else, including a urinary tract infection, urethral diverticulum, urethral prolapse, or urethral caruncle.

Symptoms of urethritis in women include:

  • While peeing, there is a burning sensation or discomfort.
  • Need to pee often or urgently
  • I’m only peeing in little quantities at a time.
  • Pee that is cloudy or smells bad
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Pelvic discomfort
  • During intercourse, there is pain
  • Discharge from the cervix
  • Chills and fever

Risk Factors and Causes

A variety of factors may cause urinary urethritis. A bacterial infection is the most prevalent. The reason for some occurrences is unknown. Instead of urethritis, these instances might be classified as a urethral syndrome. The following are some of the most common causes of urethritis:

  • Bacteria that cause chlamydia and gonorrhea, such as E. coli and the types that cause gonorrhea
  • Trichomoniasis-causing parasites, for example
  • Herpes simplex virus, human papillomavirus (HPV), and CMV are examples of viruses.
  • A catheter or damage to the urethra may cause urethral trauma.
  • Irritation from spermicide, contraceptive jelly or foam, soaps, or other topical treatments that include chemicals

It’s relatively uncommon for urethritis to be caused by many issues (for example, various bacteria strains) simultaneously, particularly in women. However, there are additional urethritis examples caused by unknown factors.

Several reasons may cause urinary urethritis, including:

  • Being a woman
  • Being a 20-35-year-old guy
  • Sexual behavior increases your chance of contracting a sexually transmitted infection. These are some of them:
    • Having a variety of sexual partners
    • Having a sexual encounter without using a condom
    • Having had a sexually transmitted illness in the past

Treatment as it is now

A physical exam is used to check for discomfort, edema, discharge, or tenderness in the urethra. The health care practitioner may order blood or urine tests to look for germs, viruses, and other issues. For example, you may get tested for HIV and syphilis. A pregnancy test or a pelvic ultrasound may be performed on women. Conventional therapy will be established if the source of inflammation is identified. Treatment varies depending on the origin of the problem; however, it usually comprises the following.

  • Antibiotics and maybe a pain killer will be prescribed if you have bacterial urethritis. This aids in the relief of pain, the battle against infection, and the reduction of the danger of spreading the illness to others.
    • Azithromycin, doxycycline, levofloxacin, ofloxacin, and erythromycin are among the antibiotics used. Most of these treatments are seven days long, although azithromycin is a single dosage.
    • If you have infectious urethritis, you and your spouse should be tested and treated.
    • To prevent spreading the illness to others, avoid sex or use condoms while receiving treatment and for at least one week after that.
    • Even if you start to feel better after a few days, always finish the antibiotic course.
    • If your illness persists after antibiotic treatment, you may be offered a new antibiotic. Alternatively, the health care professional might look for other factors, including a virus, trauma, or a current issue.
  • You may be given an antiviral treatment for viral urethritis if one is available for the virus you have. Acyclovir, for example, is used to treat herpes simplex. In addition, because test results take time to get back, you may be given antibiotics to take until the real reason for your illness is discovered.
  • There may be no need for therapy for transient or minor urethritis caused by spermicide, soap, or other products since the symptoms may go away on their own, especially after the substance is stopped. However, if the pain or symptoms persist for more than a day or two or are accompanied by other symptoms such as a fever, stomach or back discomfort, nausea, or vomiting, get medical attention right once.
    • It’s possible that you’ll be recommended to cease using spermicides or other forms of topical contraception.
    • It’s possible that you’ll be advised to avoid or minimize strong sexual activity.
    • It’s possible that you’ll be encouraged to drink more water.
    • If you use scented body products or soaps, you may be encouraged to switch to unscented alternatives.
  • For urethritis induced by trauma or injury, antibiotics may be required to prevent or treat infection, depending on the origin of the damage. For example, if you have anything stuck in your penis, you may require medicine and expert medical help to get it out. In other circumstances, a doctor may determine that you don’t need antibiotics and that you may just wait for the inflammation to go away on its own.

To reduce burning and pain, your doctor may prescribe a prescription drug, as well as an over-the-counter pain reliever or anti-inflammatory. Urethritis may usually be treated by addressing the underlying problem. Symptoms may, however, continue longer than a few weeks or come and go. Chronic urethritis is defined as urethritis that lasts six weeks or more.

Urethritis may spread to other organs if left untreated, causing significant problems. Once the infection has spread, it may be much more difficult to cure, and the symptoms can be considerably more painful or severe. Urethritis may develop scarring in the urethra (urethral stricture) or the pelvis (pelvic inflammatory illness), both of which can cause reproductive issues. It may be fatal if the infection spreads to the blood and produces sepsis. If you have a sexually transmitted infection, you are more likely to get urethral cancer.

How to Deal with Symptoms

You may want to try these natural solutions for symptom management in addition to following a health care professional’s advice for your urethritis treatment:

1. Get plenty of water

According to an American Family Physician journal, people with urethritis should drink lots of water during and after therapy. Drinking enough water each day helps wash germs out of the urethra, lowers bacteria concentrations in the bladder and urine, and lowers your risk of infection in the future. This is especially significant for women since their urethra is shorter than men’s.

Usually, the typical advice of eight glasses of water each day suffices. Another way to figure out how much water you need is to drink a pint for every 50 pounds of body weight. In warmer weather or if you exercise, you may need to drink more. Spread out your drinking to pee every 90 minutes or so throughout the day. This suggests you’re emptying your bladder and flushing your urethra regularly.

2. Maintain a high level of hygiene

Bacteria from the anus, such as E. coli, may enter the urethra and cause urethritis in certain people. Although inadequate hygiene isn’t the cause of most instances of urethritis, taking proper care of your genitals might help reduce symptoms and prevent subsequent infections in certain circumstances. These pointers could be helpful:

  • Wash your genital region with water and a moderate, fragrance-free soap regularly. Pat the area dry with a soft cloth.
  • Avoid using scented body wash, soap, lotion, or other items on or around your genitals in general.
  • To prevent pushing feces into the urethra, wipe from front to back.
  • Instead of taking a bath, take a shower. If you decide to take a bath, avoid adding bubble baths, salts, shampoos, soaps, or anything to the water.
  • When you feel the need to pee, don’t keep it in. Bacteria may grow in the bladder and urethra if urine is kept there.
  • Use genital deodorants, sprays, scented pads, and undergarments sparingly.
  • Wear loose garments and underwear made of cotton.

3. Modify your sexual behavior

Most urethritis cases are caused by sexually transmitted illnesses, which may be passed on to others. Changing your sexual behaviors may help alleviate symptoms while also preventing the spread of the virus. Consider the following suggestions:

  • Avoid sex while you’re experiencing symptoms, throughout therapy, and for seven days after you’ve finished. If you’re still having problems a week after completing therapy, see a doctor and continue to avoid sex.
  • If you have sex, wear a condom to prevent the illness from spreading to your partner.
  • Use a lubricant that is water-soluble and free of scents and colors.
  • Avoid spermicides, contraceptive gels, and foams, especially if they include the same odors or chemicals that irritate you.
  • Avoid urethral damage by minimizing or eliminating strong sexual activity.

You may also lower your odds of urethritis recurrence by following these sex safety tips:

  • If you have several relationships, be tested for sexually transmitted illnesses regularly.
  • Limit the number of partners you have.
  • Don’t exchange sex for cash or drugs.
  • If you are not in a monogamous relationship with someone likewise infection-free, you should use a condom.
  • After consuming alcohol or taking drugs, avoid having sex.
  • After you’ve had sex, go pee.

4. Make dietary changes

Even though dietary adjustments haven’t been shown to aid urethritis, the American Academy of Family Physicians believes they may benefit some individuals. There’s also evidence that nutrition influences patients with urinary tract diseases like interstitial cystitis. So you may evaluate whether changing your diet and drinking habits helps relieve urethral discomfort. Among the possibilities are:

  • Carbonated drinks, tea, fruit juice, alcohol, and caffeine should all be avoided.
  • High-acid meals and beverages should be avoided, such as cranberry juice, tomato products, lemon juice, and other citrus drinks.
  • Horseradish, vinegar, chile, and peppers should all be avoided.
  • Artificial sweeteners and chocolate should be avoided in your diet.
  • Foods with many spices should be avoided, such as Mexican, Thai, and Indian cuisine.
  • More water, milk, low-acid fruits and vegetables (cruciferous veggies, mushrooms, peas, squash, and potatoes), meat, poultry, shellfish, oats and rice, and snacks like pretzels and popcorn are recommended.

You may also keep track of your diet and symptoms to see whether your urethritis worsens after consuming specific foods or beverages. If you’ve experienced problems with your stomach after taking antibiotics or are concerned about your general bacterial balance, talk to your doctor about adding yogurt or a probiotic to your diet.

5. Think about natural medicines

Natural therapies have long been utilized to treat urinary tract discomfort and infection. However, because sexually transmitted diseases are the most common cause of urethritis, you should consult a doctor for an examination and, if necessary, treatment. If you’re interested in experimenting with herbal remedies or supplements to see if they may assist with your symptoms, talk to your doctor first. Some plants and supplements might mix with pharmaceuticals or create health concerns in certain individuals.

To relieve bladder irritation and infection-related symptoms, the following natural therapies have been used:

  • Cranberry. Although cranberry juice is no longer recommended, standardized cranberry capsules have a high concentration of proanthocyanidins (PACs), which may assist your body to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Leaves of Agathosma Betulina (Buchu) or Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi (Bearberry). Both of them are said to be beneficial in the battle against urinary tract infections. Buchu should be combined with couchgrass and yarrow for infusions or capsules, according to “The Complete Medicinal Herbal: A Practical Guide to the Healing Properties of Herbs.” It also suggests adding corn silk to the mixture to help it burn more easily.
  • Marshmallow leaves (Althaea Officinalis) have also been prescribed for urethritis. It may be mixed with yarrow and buchu to make infusions and tinctures.
  • Uvaria Afzalii and Anthocliesta Djalonensis whole-root, hot water extract formulations were tested in the lab against nongonococcal urethritis and found to be efficient in killing numerous types of bacteria known to cause the illness.
  • Echinacea Purpurea (echinacea), Hydrastis Canadensis (goldenseal), and Equisetum arvense (horsetail) may also be beneficial. These and most of the herbs mentioned above have been proven to be somewhat helpful in reducing inflammation, fighting infection, boosting the immune system, and helping the body flush germs from the urinary system in some natural medicine studies and traditional medical practice.


  • Antibiotics are required in the great majority of urethritis patients. However, if a skilled health care practitioner has advised you it is safe, do not try to self-treat urethritis.
  • If you’ve been given antibiotics, make sure you finish the complete course.
  • Symptoms may persist after therapy in certain circumstances. If you don’t feel better after one week, call your health care physician for a follow-up appointment.
  • If you have a fever, nausea or vomiting, pelvic or abdominal discomfort, or any other significant change in symptoms, get emergency medical attention right once. These symptoms might suggest that the illness has progressed throughout your body.
  • If you feel you have urethritis, consult a doctor very once. Untreated urethritis may impair fertility and/or enable the infection to spread to other persons or sections of your body, which can be fatal.
  • Consult a health care provider before adding herbs or supplements to your routine. Medications and biological processes may interact with many herbs and supplements. This might alter the effectiveness of your prescription drugs and cause hazardous health adverse effects.
  • Suppose your urethritis is caused by a sexually transmitted illness like gonorrhea or chlamydia. In that case, public health authorities will follow your case, and you will be requested to submit the names and contact information for all of your recent sexual partners. Therefore, it is vital to provide this information honestly and properly in order to preserve these people’s health.

Last Thoughts

  • Urethritis is a condition in which the tube that transports urine out of the body becomes inflamed (the urethra). It’s a relatively common disease.
  • Sexually transmitted illnesses such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, and others are the most common causes of urethritis.
  • The most common therapy for urethritis is a course of antibiotics. In addition, antivirals, modifications in hygiene or sexual behaviors, or over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory drugs may be used to treat urethritis if antibiotics are unsuccessful.
  • If you’re thinking about trying a urethritis home cure, be sure to talk to your doctor first. If left untreated, urethritis may lead to reproductive difficulties or major infections, both of which can be fatal.
  • Symptoms of urethritis usually go away in a week or two after therapy. However, it would be best if you avoided having unprotected intercourse throughout therapy and for a week after that. If a sexually transmitted infection causes your condition, you should also test any recent sexual partners.

5 Natural Ways to Relieve Urethritis Symptoms

  1. Getting enough water
  2. Taking excellent care of one’s personal hygiene
  3. Changing your sexual behavior
  4. Changing your eating habits
  5. Taking herbal therapies into consideration


Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get rid of urethritis naturally?

A: Urination, sexual intercourse, and antibiotics are the most effective methods for treating urethritis.

How do you soothe an inflamed urethra?

A: Massage with gentle pressure.

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