What Is the BMI Chart?

The BMI chart is a tool used to measure body mass index, or the ratio of weight to height. Body shape can vary significantly between people, and health professionals and doctors need to understand how different conditions impact their patients.

The BMI Chart is a weight-for-height index calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared. So it’s a measure of body fat, not just weight.


In 1980, only around 10% to 14% of persons over the age of 20 were deemed obese worldwide. Fast forward to now, and the percentage of people who are obese is approximately 30%. Given that the World Health Organization (WHO) claims that the global prevalence of obesity has more than quadrupled since the 1980s, lowering the number of children and adults classified as “overweight” or “obese” on the BMI chart is now a key concern.

The World Health Organization (WHO) presently categorizes people’s weights depending on their BMI values. However, the BMI calculation based on height is still disputed, owing to limits in knowing how a person’s unique body composition, gender, age, and ethnicity all impact weight.

Evidence shows that body fat isn’t the only factor contributing to someone being heavier than others of the same height. Muscle mass, bone density, and even fluid retention impact one’s weight. Some claim that since BMI calculations ignore this, athletic persons with a high proportion of muscle mass are classified as overweight while leading healthy lives and having a slight risk of obesity-related disorders.

On the other hand, the standardized BMI chart is still regarded as a helpful public health tool for tracking changes in one’s healthy weight and for health authorities to measure efforts in combating the obesity epidemic. According to studies, the higher your BMI, the greater your chance of developing certain ailments. Heart disease (the leading cause of death in many countries), high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, digestive issues such as acid reflux or gallstones, breathing difficulties, sleep apnea, and some kinds of malignancies are examples of frequent health ailments.

Should you use the BMI chart to estimate your health, or should you depend on other methods and measurements? The benefits and drawbacks of measuring and monitoring your BMI over time are discussed here, as well as alternatives to focusing on your weight, such as gaining or retaining more healthy, lean muscle mass.

What Is the BMI?

The BMI measures a person’s body fat based on height and weight. It applies to both adult males and females and individuals of all ages. To put it another way, once you’re an adult, your BMI shouldn’t fluctuate much as you grow older.

BMI measures are one essential evaluation used by doctors and some health authorities in assessing whether someone is at risk for obesity. Wrist circumference measures and measurements of cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which are important risk factors for illnesses and ailments related to obesity, are the other two critical instruments for measuring one’s obesity risk and BMI.

What Is the BMI Chart?

As previously stated, BMI (body mass index) is computed using a formula that considers a person’s weight about their height. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute provides the public with an easy-to-use BMI calculator (which may be used by both men and women). You may input your current weight and height in standard or metric measures to calculate your BMI in seconds, and the calculations will be done for you. Then, when you get your BMI “score” from the BMI calculator, you may compare yourself to other adults of similar height.

The BMI chart used by the National Institute of Health and other agencies may be found here. There are four categories on the standardized BMI chart:

  • A BMI of less than 18.5 indicates that you are underweight (note that some experts feel this number should be closer to 19, as a BMI of 18.5 is very rarely a healthy weight for most adults)
  • A BMI score of 18.5–24.9 is considered a normal and healthy weight.
  • Overweight is defined as a BMI of 25–29.9.
  • Obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or above.

According to the BMI chart, a 65-inch-tall (5-foot-5-inch) adult woman should weigh between 114 and 144 pounds to be deemed “normal.” She would be overweight if she weighed 150–174 pounds and obese if she weighed more than 180 pounds (anything more than this would be labeled “severe obesity”). A typical or healthy weight range for an adult male standing 72 inches tall (6 feet) is 140–177 pounds, overweight is 184–213 pounds, and obese is beyond 220 pounds.

How did the BMI chart and these four categories come to be in the first place?

The initial objective of the BMI chart was to assist persons in achieving what was described as their “ideal weight.” Starting in the 1940s, optimal weight ranges were established not just by a person’s height, as they are now, but also by their body structure (or body composition). For example, optimal weight ranges for large-framed women were defined higher than for small- or medium-framed women.

This ideal height and weight tables were eventually criticized for being methodologically incorrect, such as not taking genetic or age differences into account. Researchers have now abandoned them in favor of utilizing the BMI chart instead. According to an article in Nutrition Today, despite numerous objections, BMI has supplanted previous methods of predicting or measuring obesity since the 1970s. Despite evidence suggesting that BMI readings enable better detection of someone with a weight issue than earlier height and weight recording, many clinicians and patients still utilize it inconsistently.

Issues with the BMI Calculator

While the BMI chart may assist detect weight increase in a large majority of individuals, it isn’t failsafe or an accurate representation of being overweight or obese for everyone. “Although BMI may be utilized for most men and women, it does have significant limitations,” says the National Institute of Health (NIH).

Because a person’s BMI is claimed to be an “excellent measure” of their risk for illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, and others linked to obesity, most doctor’s appointments still include obtaining your BMI score. These illnesses or ailments are more common in persons with greater body fat levels than usual. At the same time, there is some controversy about whether extra body fat causes these health issues directly or accumulates due to lousy lifestyle practices that also cause weight gain.

The following are some of the concerns leveled against the BMI chart:

1. BMI may overestimate body fat 

The most common critique of the BMI chart is that it ignores a person’s unique body composition, such as the ratio of body fat to fat-free mass. This ignores bone mass, muscle mass, and frame size factors. BMI also ignores gender variations, such as where fat is deposited and the fact that somebody’s fat sites (such as around the waist) are more dangerous than others (like near the thighs).

There are also considerable racial disparities in body composition, according to studies. Persons of Asian or African ancestry, for example, may be genetically smaller-framed than people of Hispanic or Native American origin. According to surveys, African-Americans and Hispanics have much higher BMIs than their similarly weighted Caucasian colleagues. Asians have lower BMIs than most other races, even when other factors such as income, education, and physical activity are considered.

Furthermore, some circumstances, such as crash dieting or excessive physical activity, might cause someone to lose weight in an unhealthy manner, possibly reducing healthy muscle mass and bone structure.

2. BMI may underestimate body fat

As people become older, they gradually lose muscle mass, resulting in weight loss or growth, depending on the person’s lifestyle. Reduced muscle mass may result in weight reduction and, as a result, a lower BMI score, although this isn’t always a good thing. There are several advantages to having more significant muscle; therefore, losing weight should not always be the aim, particularly for individuals who are generally healthy but are aging and weakening due to sarcopenia.

3. Being Overweight

Another contentious issue in obesity research is that some studies show that overweight persons (but not those classified as very obese) are not necessarily less healthy or more likely to die within a given time than adults with a normal BMI.

Based on data from 97 research, a 2013 meta-analysis published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that overweight adults were at least as healthy as normal-weight people. In addition, there is some evidence that overweight persons have a somewhat reduced risk of dying than those of average weight. While many authorities continue to warn about the hazards of obesity, the data showed that persons with a BMI of 25–35 (those classified as overweight or “Grade 1 obese”) did not seem to have an elevated risk of death from any cause.

“People who are overweight, do not have a high waist measurement, and have fewer than two risk factors may need to avoid additional weight gain rather than decrease weight,” according to the National Institutes of Health. Overweight people are encouraged to speak with their physicians to discover whether additional measures, such as waist measurement and risk factors for heart disease, indicate that they are at a higher risk for health concerns.

Is the BMI valuable chart for youngsters as well as adults?

“The BMI is the greatest available instrument for evaluating progress in the battle against obesity,” according to the Archives of Disease in Pediatric, which covers childhood obesity. The House of Commons Select Committee on Obesity proposes that every school-aged child’s body mass index be assessed every year. The results have given a home to the parents to keep them informed of developments in their children’s health. However, according to studies in the United States, just 11 to 29 percent of pediatricians and other clinicians compute children’s BMI measures during regular visits.

Not wanting to stigmatize children by telling them they’re overweight at a vulnerable age, not having time to perform another test during checkups, not fully believing that BMI is a good predictor of being unhealthy, or not having good enough advice to give the child’s parents regarding how an overweight child should lose weight are all barriers that doctors have reported.

Tools for Determining Your Ideal Weight

The basic conclusion is that your BMI or weight alone does not define your health, as you can see. Focusing on increasing your body compensation, such as retaining lean muscle mass as you age and lowering fat in unstable regions like your waist. Remember that, regardless of your current weight, adopting healthier habits, such as increasing your physical activity and limiting your intake of processed foods, can help you in various ways.

1. Pay attention to visceral fat and your weight

A buildup of fat around your waist/midsection, as well as a rapid or significant shift in your weight, are both “red flags” to watch out for (or BMI score). In addition, weight increase might indicate that a recent lifestyle adjustment, such as reducing your physical activity or altering your food, is negatively influencing your weight.

Excess fat in your belly might indicate hazardous visceral fat, which is a high-risk factor for various ailments. Visceral fat is formally defined as “excess intra-abdominal adipose tissue accumulation,” or fat stored deeper under the skin than “subcutaneous” belly fat. It may wrap around essential organs such as the liver, pancreas, etc. kidneys.

According to a significant body of evidence, if the majority of your fat is concentrated around your waist (rather than your hips, giving you a “pear shape”), you’re more likely to develop heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Women with a waist size of more than 35 inches and males with a waist size of more than 40 inches have been proven to be at an increased risk. First, use an essential tape measure around your center, just above your hipbones, to get your waist measurement. Then, take your size as you completely exhale.

2. Monitor Metabolic Disease-Related Health Markers

Apart from your weight, make sure that as you age, you continue to monitor and strive to improve measures of the following conditions, which might put you at risk for chronic illness if they fall outside of the “normal” or healthy range. Consult your doctor about how you can better monitor and comprehend measures linked to:

  • Blood pressure that is too high (hypertension)
  • LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol) levels are high.
  • HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol) levels are low.
  • Triglyceride levels are high.
  • Blood glucose levels are too high (sugar)

3. Reduce Other Obesity Risk Factors

Also, bear in mind that risk factors for obesity-related disorders like diabetes or heart issues include things like:

Regular exercise, especially as you become older, is one of the finest things you can do to improve your health (both mind and body).

While exercising by itself is unlikely to help you lose weight, there are various additional reasons to continue doing so. For example, people’s muscular mass and strength drop as they age, but strength training may help reverse this and maintain you in a healthy weight range and protect you against diabetes and depression.

According to research, high-intensity resistance exercise burns visceral fat quicker than most other activities. The US government advises 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise each week and two sessions of muscle-strengthening exercises for a person to get the health advantages of exercise. Exercise of “moderate-intensity” is described as an activity that raises your heart rate to between 64 percent and 76 percent of your maximum heart rate, which varies depending on your age and weight.

Last Thoughts

  • BMI is a metric that measures a person’s weight in relation to their height. Underweight is defined as a BMI of less than 18.5; average weight is defined as a BMI of 18.5–24.9; overweight is defined as a BMI of 25–29.9; and obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or higher, according to the BMI chart used by most authorities.
  • BMI assessments have limitations in that they do not account for body composition or muscle mass, ethnicity, genetics, advanced age, gender, or other risk variables such as waist size and cholesterol levels.
  • Focusing on healthy behaviors, lowering body fat at the waist, keeping lean muscle mass, and improving metrics like blood sugar, blood pressure, and triglycerides are alternatives to using BMI scores to assess someone’s health.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is BMI?

A: BMI, or body mass index, is the weight-for-height measure. It was initially published in 1832 by the French statistician Adolphe Quetelet and has since been used to calculate an individual’s risk for obesity and various other health problems.

Is BMI a good measure?

A: BMI is a popular measure of body mass index. It is frequently used to determine whether you’re underweight, overweight, or healthy for your height and gender.

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