Wheatgrass Benefits

The benefits of wheatgrass are myriad, and it’s something that many people reach for as an alternative to other drinks. But how do you get the most out of your drink? What are its best uses in terms of nutrition? We answer these questions and more.

Wheatgrass is a green plant commonly used in many different recipes and products. It has been said to provide antioxidant properties, improve digestion, and promote healthy skin. However, wheatgrass can also cause side effects such as headaches, dizziness, and allergic reactions.


According to studies performed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only around 27% of Americans consume more than three servings of veggies each day. We all know that eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables every day is essential for good health and cleansing. For many individuals, though, this isn’t as simple as it seems. Wheatgrass advantages include various antioxidants and other nutrients in one tiny, easy-to-drink glass, yet it isn’t designed to substitute eating fresh veggies.

Wheatgrass has a 5,000-year history of usage, and the ancient Egyptians adored it for its health and vitality-boosting properties. People are still raving about this nutrient-dense grass, dubbed “green blood,” because of its high chlorophyll content and several wheatgrass advantages.

What Is Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is the juvenile grass of the Triticum aestivum or common wheat plant. This edible grass is either juiced to make a “wheatgrass shot” or milled into a fine green powder to provide a multifunctional product for humans and animals. What is the flavor of wheatgrass? It has a grassy flavor to it and a faint sweetness.

Is wheatgrass safe to consume raw? Young sprouts may be eaten whole and raw, although they’re more often juiced and served as drinks. There are also a few additional alternatives.

Wheatgrass Varieties

Do you want to know how I include wheatgrass into my diet? Wheatgrass may be eaten on its own or combined with other drinks or supplements. Wheatgrass is now regarded as a “superfood,” and various varieties are becoming more readily accessible, including:

  • Juice
  • Capsules
  • Powder
  • Pills
  • Tablets

Which one is the best? All foods should be consumed as near to their natural condition as possible. When it comes to wheatgrass, this implies that drinking it as a juice (“shots”) is preferable to taking it as a pill or powder. You may either go to a store that offers freshly produced wheatgrass shots or attempts to make them yourself (more on this below).

Wheatgrass powder is a decent substitute for fresh wheatgrass if you can’t locate any. However, if you’re looking for the most convenient, high-quality (pure) wheatgrass pills are also a good option.

21 Health Benefits

Wheatgrass is high in various essential elements that your body can’t live without. Is wheatgrass beneficial to one’s health? Hundreds of research on wheatgrass — as well as its individual antioxidants and nutrients — have shown that it has a variety of health advantages, including:

  1. Providing a high chlorophyll dosage
  2. Creating an oxygen-rich environment in your body
  3. Maintaining a healthy metabolic rate
  4. Creating a bodily environment that is alkaline
  5. By inhibiting the development of unfavorable microorganisms, it acts as an antibiotic.
  6. Blood re-building and strengthening
  7. Restoring fertility and restoring hormonal balance
  8. Repairing damaged tissue
  9. Heavy metal’s body is being cleansed.
  10. Cleansing the liver
  11. Assisting with blood sugar control
  12. Treating smells, strep infections, wounds, skin grafts, sinusitis, ear infections, varicose veins, and scars as an antiseptic.
  13. assisting in the prevention of dental decay
  14. Relieving the agony of a sore throat
  15. Eczema and psoriasis are two skin disorders that may be difficult to treat.
  16. Enhancing digestion
  17. Inflammation reduction
  18. Improving vision, especially night vision
  19. Providing sleep assistance
  20. Immune system enhancement
  21. Improvements in nerve signaling and mental health

Here are a few of the most well-known wheatgrass advantages:

1. Increasing Nutrient Absorption and Alkalizing the Body

What effect does wheatgrass have on the human body? Wheatgrass aids the body by alkalizing it and improving the absorption of minerals, including electrolytes, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Creating an alkaline environment is critical if you want to avoid cancer and other chronic illnesses from growing in your body as you age. Unfortunately, acidosis (high amounts of acid due to inadequate alkalinity) is an all-too-common condition nowadays, owing to environmental toxicity and the fact that many individuals consume highly processed meals.

What is wheatgrass so effective in preventing acidosis? Chlorophyll is the main culprit. Chlorophyll has been demonstrated to assist the body’s pH level, naturally regulating and protecting cells. This is one of the reasons why chlorophyll intake has been linked to anti-aging benefits such as smoother skin and improved weight control. So is wheatgrass beneficial to your skin? Don’t be shocked if you see a skin boost with all that chlorophyll!

Will wheatgrass aid in my weight loss? Possibly! Adding chlorophyll-containing chemicals to high-carbohydrate meals decreases hunger motivation and improves satiety signals, according to research published in the journal Appetite in 2013. Overall, including chlorophyll-rich foods into meals seems to minimize food intake and avoid compensatory eating later in the day, perhaps resulting in weight loss over time.

2. Reducing the effects of free radicals

Wheatgrass has a high antioxidant capacity, which is one of its many advantages. It may help reduce oxidation/free radical damage, which contributes to disease genesis and aging. In addition, wheatgrass has been shown to drastically reduce lipid peroxidation in the liver and protect mitochondria inside cells in studies. This has been linked to lower levels of inflammation and a decreased risk of illnesses such as cancer, liver disease, and heart disease.

Wheatgrass has an ORAC score “greater than those reported for many other natural extracts or vegetables,” according to research on antioxidant levels (ORAC values) of several “superfoods.” According to research conducted by the Department of Pharmacology at India’s Gajara Raja Medical College, some of the antioxidants found in wheatgrass include:

  • Phenolic substances
  • Flavonoids
  • Sulfonic acid
  • Triterpenoids
  • Anthraquinol
  • Alkaloids
  • Tannins
  • Saponins

3. Boosting Immunity and Cancer Defense

Wheatgrass has been shown to have anti-cancer properties in studies. It seems to do this by triggering apoptosis (self-destruction of cancerous cells). Wheatgrass may be utilized successfully in holistic cancer treatment programs, according to studies conducted by Israel’s Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care Unit (even those that also use conventional treatments like chemotherapy). It may also be used to prevent cancer. It improves general immune function by regulating immunological activity and combating oxidative stress, which causes cell mutations.

Wheatgrass has been shown in clinical studies to aid with chemotherapy-related side effects such as exhaustion, malabsorption, and deficiencies. In addition, wheatgrass has been shown in clinical studies to have synergistic effects for those with rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, hematological illnesses, diabetes, and obesity, in addition to helping to prevent and cure cancer.

The effects of an aqueous wheatgrass extract on an oral squamous cell cancer cell line were investigated in a 2017 research. According to the researchers, the wheatgrass extract had an inhibitory impact on the multiplication of the oral cancer cell line after just 24 hours. According to the research, Wheatgrass’s anti-cancer properties are likely due to its high level of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase and cytochrome oxidase. These can transform reactive oxygen species and other free radicals into hydrogen peroxide and oxygen molecules. More research is needed, but this study shows wheatgrass may help halt oral cancer progression.

Another in vitro research released in 2016 suggests that wheatgrass may benefit colon cancer patients. Wheatgrass was proven to inhibit the spread of colon cancer and even cause some cancer cells to die in one research. “The aqueous extract of wheatgrass offers a promising plant-based anti-cancer drug,” the researchers conclude.

4. Cholesterol and Triglyceride Reduction

Is wheatgrass good for lowering cholesterol? Wheatgrass is a therapeutic herb for the heart and blood arteries, according to research done at India’s Sharma University of Health Sciences. It has the potential to be useful in the treatment of hyperlipidemia. It really aids in the reduction of high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Wheatgrass was given to rabbits that were fed a high-fat diet that caused hyperlipidemia in one research. Over ten weeks, thirty rabbits were separated into three groups: one getting a control diet, one receiving a high-fat diet, and one receiving a high-fat diet combined with wheatgrass.

Total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione, and vitamin C were measured in fasting blood samples from the animals, and the findings were compared. Hyperlipidemia and oxidative stress were linked to a high-fat diet and reduced glutathione antioxidant levels and vitamin C levels. On the other hand, wheatgrass supplements combined with a high-fat diet enhanced lipid levels (decreased total cholesterol and increased HDL-C). Wheatgrass also raised glutathione and vitamin C levels while lowering MDA levels. (10)

Nutritional Information

According to some experts, Wheatgrass nutrition has over 100 distinct nutrients that humans need. Chlorophyll is one of the wheatgrass’s most apparent (and crucial) nutrients.

Wheatgrass’ distinctive vivid green hue is due to the presence of chlorophyll. It’s employed in the human body for various critical functions, much like other nutrient-dense greens. For example, it’s a natural liver cleanser and detoxifier, an antioxidant that helps prevent free radical damage, a blood strengthener (it’s chemically related to hemoglobin), and may make you feel more energized.

Wheatgrass, though, isn’t only about chlorophyll. Wheatgrass advantages also include a high concentration of amino acids (protein building blocks), digestive enzymes, and several vitamins and minerals required for a disease-free life.

Wheatgrass is high in the nutrients listed below: (11)

  • Chlorophyll
  • Flavonoids and phenolic acid are antioxidants.
  • Iron
  • Magnesium and calcium, for example, are electrolytes.
  • Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.
  • Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is
  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Selenium

Wheatgrass is well-known in Ayurveda for its cleansing and revitalizing properties. Wheatgrass is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to tonify the spleen, improve digestion, and assist the body remove moisture. Wheatgrass and barley grass are occasionally used interchangeably in TCM. Wheatgrass is fermented first in TCM before being dried. Wheatgrass has long been used to heal gastrointestinal problems in traditional medicine.

Wheatgrass vs. Barley Grass: Which is Better?

Wheatgrass and barley grass are two distinct types of immature cereal grasses that are typically consumed as fresh juice or powder. Wheatgrass is derived from the young shoots of the wheat plant, while barley grass is derived from the young shoots of the barley plant.

Wheatgrass and barley grass both have a lot of chlorophyll in them. They also include a variety of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids. Barley grass has a milder flavor than wheatgrass, according to most people.

These grasses are often utilized for comparable health reasons. Both, for example, are strong in antioxidants and are excellent free radical scavengers.

What to Look for and How to Use

Wheatgrass is available fresh, as pills or capsules, frozen juice, and powder at shops and online. Wheatgrass — particularly fresh wheatgrass drinks — may help you feel better no matter your present health situation. Growing wheatgrass is simple, inexpensive, and the most effective method to get fresh wheatgrass daily. Once you have wheatgrass, you may regularly add a tiny quantity to beverages, smoothies, plain water, or other recipes. This is a fantastic way to get all of your chlorophyll and vegetables in one go!

Wheatgrass starter kits may be acquired online for a low price if you wish to cultivate your own wheatgrass. You may purchase a wheatgrass kit that contains everything you’ll need, or you can buy the items you’ll need individually, like seeds and a juicer.

Wheatgrass is the most densely cultivated nutrient in excellent soil; therefore, buy organic soil wherever feasible. Keep in mind that it’s critical to properly clean all equipment to avoid bacteria development, which might occur when working with young grasses or sprouts.

Once you’ve grown your own wheatgrass, you’ll need to squeeze it into liquid form using a juicer (the ideal technique) or a high-powered blender. Making your own juice can save you a lot of money in the long run since a tiny bit of wheatgrass goes a long way. However, they might be rather costly when purchasing wheatgrass shots from a shop.

Fresh wheatgrass is readily available in juice bars and health shops if you don’t want to cultivate your own wheatgrass. You may also seek dried wheatgrass in a store-bought green powder mix. Typically, these products blend a dozen or more different grasses and high-antioxidant meals into a single product. They are simple to use and may help you save a lot of time.


Wheatgrass shots are popular among those who like to consume wheatgrass by themselves. If you’re seeking different ways to utilize wheatgrass powder or fresh wheatgrass, here are a few healthy suggestions:

Dosage and Supplements

What is the recommended daily intake of wheatgrass juice? Many individuals begin with one ounce per day and gradually go to two ounces after a week or so. Wheatgrass does not have a standard dosage or range of doses; thus, the right amount to take depends on your age and condition. If you’re unclear about the optimal dose for you, read the wheatgrass supplement instructions carefully. If you’re still unsure, consult with your health care practitioner. (13)

Interesting Facts and History

Wheatgrass eating began in the 1930s in the United States, courtesy to Charles Franklin Schnabel, an American agricultural scientist recognized as the “father of wheatgrass.” He had a lot of wheatgrass experiences. Many entailed giving newly cut grass to dead birds in an attempt to resuscitate them. What did he discover? Not only did the chickens improve, but they also produced more eggs than healthy hens who had not been administered wheatgrass!

A year later, in a follow-up experiment, the scientist discovered that chickens fed a wheatgrass-fortified diet produced twice as many eggs. Schnabel was so ecstatic with his discoveries that he began drying wheatgrass to make a powdered form to give to his human friends and family. His wheatgrass supplement was well-received, and by the 1940s, cans of his powdered grass could be found in major drugstore chains throughout the United States and Canada.

Side Effects and Risks

Although there is evidence that shows wheatgrass has health advantages, there haven’t been many long-term studies that indicate how wheatgrass interacts with other foods or offer much information about whether it might cause allergies in certain individuals. Wheatgrass may cause allergic reactions in those who are sensitive to other grasses. In addition, wheatgrass may contain the pollen of other plants due to cross-contamination and cross-pollination. Before consuming wheatgrass products, consult your doctor if you have any plant allergies.

We know about most of the wheatgrass advantages from individuals who have taken it for years and can witness its favorable effects. However, not every claim can yet be substantiated by rigorous scientific research. Therefore, wheatgrass should be used as part of a balanced, nutritious diet rather than substituting complete vegetables and fruits.

On the other hand, Wheatgrass is usually deemed safe when taken orally in therapeutic levels for up to 18 months or when applied topically for up to six weeks. The long-term safety of wheatgrass as a medication is yet unknown. What are the wheatgrass side effects? Wheatgrass side effects include nausea, lack of appetite, and constipation. (14)

Wheatgrass is natural, unprocessed food. It’s commonly cultivated in the ground or in water, and it’s eaten raw. In rare situations, it might be contaminated with food-borne germs or mold. If you’re expecting a child, it’s advisable to either cultivate your own or avoid eating it. Always consult with your doctor before taking wheatgrass if you have a known allergy to other grasses, wheat, or chemicals often included in supplements.

It is gluten-free when wheatgrass is picked without seeds from a growing wheat plant. In this scenario, wheatgrass is safe for persons with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Because of the risk of cross-contamination, your doctor may advise you to avoid wheatgrass totally if you have celiac disease or a wheat allergy. If you have gluten sensitivity, you should only use gluten-free wheatgrass products to get the wheatgrass benefits without the gluten. (15)

Are there any additional risks associated with wheatgrass? For example, wheatgrass can reduce blood sugar levels; thus, persons with diabetes should see their doctor before taking it. As a result, you should discontinue wheatgrass use at least two weeks before any planned operation.

Last Thoughts

  • Wheatgrass is the juvenile grass of the Triticum aestivum or common wheat plant.
  • Wheatgrass’ health advantages stem from its high level of chlorophyll, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, among other things.
  • What are the advantages of wheatgrass? According to a study, wheatgrass has several health advantages, including the capacity to reduce disease-causing free radicals, lower cholesterol, and fight cancer. It could even aid with weight reduction.
  • Is wheatgrass good for detoxing your body? Wheatgrass is popular for its detoxifying properties due to its high chlorophyll concentration.
  • Wheatgrass may be purchased fresh or as a supplement, or it can be grown at home and juiced whenever you like!
  • Wheatgrass should be used as part of a balanced, nutritious diet rather than substituting complete vegetables and fruits.

Cacao Nibs – A Superfood that Boosts Energy and Fat Burning

Wheatgrass is a type of grass that has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries. It is known to have high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Wheatgrass can be consumed in various ways, such as juice, smoothies, or salads. The side effects are not well documented, but they may cause diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Reference: wheatgrass nutrition per 100g.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does wheatgrass have side effects?

A: In a word, yes. Wheatgrass has been known to have side effects such as an upset stomach and headaches for some users. These are the most common reported issues with wheatgrass, though, so it really depends on each person’s body chemistry whether or not they would experience these things with the product.

What is wheatgrass good for in the body?

A: Wheatgrass is a healthy food that has a lot of nutrients. It’s good for you and can help with many issues like digestive problems, skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, arthritis, cramps, and more!

Is it OK to drink wheatgrass every day?

A: It is not recommended to drink wheatgrass every day. Drinking too much of it can lead to a severe reaction in the body, and drinking it too often could interfere with your ability to digest vegetables.

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  • wheatgrass powder benefits and side effects
  • wheatgrass health benefits
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  • wheatgrass uses

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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