Why are You Always Tired and 12 Natural Ways to Fix It

Why are You so Tired?

Having a perpetual sense of feeling tired or run down seems all too common these days.

If you often feel tired, no matter how much you sleep, there may be some underlying problems that are causing your fatigue.

If you are in a non-stop cycle of too little sleep, stimulants to help you stay awake, and always feeling tired, then it may be time to do something about your energy level.

You don’t have to feel tired any longer when you tackle the issues that are causing you to feel this way.

Addressing hormone imbalance, diet, exercise, stress, and other factors, as well as ensuring your quality of sleep is high, can help you have more energy and feel more like yourself.

Our guide can help you learn how.

Some conditions can actually cause fatigue, while others make it more difficult for you to handle everyday stress and energy demands.

Finding out which of these is creating your lack of energy, and addressing it, will be helpful in relieving your exhaustion and helping you feel more rested.

While there are medical interventions you may consider to help enhance your energy level, there are also many natural remedies and treatments you can try at home to improve your energy and quality of life.

If you are getting a full night’s sleep but still feel exhausted, keep reading to learn more about what may be causing you to feel this way, and how to treat it naturally.


Most Common Reasons You May Be Tired


Get Quality Sleep and Plenty of It

Before we address any of the other medical or mental health issues that may be causing your feelings of tiredness, it is crucial first to ensure that you are indeed getting the sufficient sleep your body requires to feel rested and refreshed.

Most adults consistently need seven to nine hours of sleep each night to achieve this aim.

On average, though, most people get six to seven hours of sleep a night, and this chronic sleep deprivation could be contributing to your constant fatigue.

Consistently getting insufficient sleep can lead not just to feelings of tiredness, but to other, more severe health problems, as well (1).

Your body has a natural cycle for sleeping and waking, called your circadian rhythm.

When you regularly disrupt this rhythm, your body must compensate in other ways to make up for not getting the rejuvenation it needs during sleep.

After all, when you are sleeping is when your body repairs cells, processes cognitive function and prepares for the next day.

While lack of sleep can indeed leave you feeling tired, chronically losing just a small amount of sleep can lead to long-term changes in your health and mental state.

Sleeping four to six hours per night for a two-week period has been shown to produce significant cognitive deficits in all areas.

Even in healthy adults, restricting your sleep just a few hours each night can lead to substantial impairment.

If you also have other physical issues, the effects of sleep deprivation are even more significant (2).


Causes of Poor Sleep

There are many factors that can disrupt your circadian rhythm, including the use of stimulants like coffee and energy drinks, and exposure to artificial light from electronic devices (3).

Other causes of poor-quality or insufficient sleep include:

  • excess stress;
  • consuming alcohol;
  • poor nutrition;
  • staying up too late;
  • imbalances in mood or hormones;
  • side effects of medications or supplements;
  • adrenal fatigue;
  • abuse or trauma;
  • pain, whether chronic or acute;
  • digestive problems like reflux, GERD, and other disorders;
  • disruptions caused by other people, children, pets, etc.

There are many more reasons why you may not be sleeping well, but these are the most common affecting most people today.

For your long-term health and wellness, addressing any problems that are contributing to your lack of quality sleep is crucial to returning to healthy sleep habits.

Without proper rest, you risk impaired cognition and motor function, as well as negative influences on your mental state (4).


Natural Ways to Improve Sleep Quality

There are many ways to improve the quality and duration of your sleep naturally.

Here are some that have been proven to work for most people.

  • Magnesium promotes relaxation, and taking a magnesium supplement of up to 400 mg per day can help relieve pain and promote better sleep.
  • Engaging in relaxation or meditation exercises for 30 minutes before sleep helps ease tension and transition to rest.
  • Turning off all electronics up to two hours before bed reduces exposure to artificial blue-light, which can help your body observe natural sleep rhythms.
  • Taking a hot bath using Epsom salts will relax your muscles and improve blood flow, leading to better sleep.
  • High-carbohydrate or sugary meals late in the day can increase glucose levels, which may keep you awake. Avoid these foods in the evening or nighttime.
  • Using essential oils can promote relaxation. Lavender and frankincense are especially helpful.
  • If you must use stimulants like caffeine, confine your use to morning hours. Do not consume these at all after midday.
  • Take melatonin, a natural sleep aid, if you have difficulty falling or staying asleep. Melatonin is your body’s natural sleep aid, and supplementing your levels may restore your melatonin levels to normal.

After you are getting the quality and quantity of rest your body needs, evaluate your energy level to determine if there may be other causes for your feelings of tiredness and exhaustion.

If your symptoms have not abated, consider one of these culprits for your lack of energy.


Get Plenty of Exercises

Another common reason people are chronically tired in today’s society is the pervasiveness of sedentary living.

When you sit all day, your body absorbs stress through your muscles, joints, and bones to create pain and stiffness.

Pain in your back, hips, neck, shoulders, and head are all indications you sit too much.

Because your body needs to move to stay fit and healthy, sitting for large portions of the day can be contributing to inflammation, pain, and feeling tired all the time.

Being sedentary can contribute to many issues that contribute to fatigue, including weight gain, mental health disorders, and high blood pressure.


Causes of Lack of Exercise

While there are many reasons why people don’t get enough exercise in their daily lives, the most common are:

  • chronic pain;
  • having a desk job;
  • lack of motivation;
  • watching too much TV;
  • back problems;
  • depression.


The Impact of Being More Active

Living a mostly sedentary lifestyle promotes hormonal imbalances, sluggishness, fatigue, insomnia, chronic pain and inflammation, and mood disturbances.

When you exercise regularly, you help your body balance hormone levels, regulate your blood sugar, and get better sleep.

When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which enhance mood and improve your stamina.

Exercise builds muscle and helps maintain a healthy weight, which can have positive effects on your overall health, as well as your sleep.

Exercise’s most significant impact on your feelings of fatigue, though, is how it helps your body regulate your hormonal levels responsible for your sleep patterns.

Activity causes healthy depletion of energy, raises your core body temperature and promotes tissue breakdown, all of which enhance the quality of sleep (5).

If you are fatigued and sluggish, exercise can energize you, so even when you are tired and feel like skipping your workout to conserve energy, don’t.

Opting to work out can instead actually leave you feeling more energetic when you are finished.


Natural Ways to Get More Exercise

The most prominent obstacle to exercise is often motivation, but pushing past your initial hesitation can lead to long-term improvements in your overall health, as well as your feelings of tiredness.

Start out small, then build up.

For those who have been sedentary for a long time, even exercising for 20 minutes three times per week can lead to improved energy levels in just a few weeks.

Once you feel the difference, you will be motivated to keep moving.

Here are some other suggestions for being more active throughout your day.

  • Sit on an exercise ball while you work or watch TV. You will strengthen your core muscles in the back and stomach while lessening the strain on your legs and hips.
  • If you can, use a standing desk or a desk that adjusts so you are not always sitting while working.
  • Remember to stretch regularly, especially if you work in front of a computer all day.
  • Plan regular workouts for at least four days per week. Mix up your activity, so you stay motivated and benefit from different types of exercises.
  • For each hour you sit, get up and walk around for 15 minutes.

Improving your energy level through exercise can be a safe, efficient, and inexpensive way to help you feel better.

Being active is a healthy lifestyle choice overall, and when it also leads to better sleep and more energy, it is a choice everyone should make.


Thyroid and Hormone Imbalances

Located in your neck, your thyroid is often referred to as a master gland because it regulates and controls other bodily processes.

As a part of your endocrine system which releases hormones throughout your body, your thyroid plays a significant role in many of your body’s functions, including metabolism, or how efficiently your body uses your stored energy.

Thyroid disorders can include producing too little or too much thyroid hormone.

Imbalances can lead to feelings of fatigue or restlessness, changes in weight, fluctuations in body temperature, and other health problems that impact your sleep and energy levels.

As many as 20 million people have some form of thyroid disease, and more than half are undiagnosed.

Thyroid disease is most likely to cause symptoms such as moodiness, fatigue, joint and muscle pain, shifts in body temperature, problems with vision, changes in weight, and changes in appetite.

Because the thyroid is a master gland, issues with the thyroid can manifest in many different ways.

Thyroid diseases include goiters, thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, and thyroid nodules.


Causes of Thyroid Diseases

One of the following four primary contributing factors causes nearly all thyroid problems, and any one of these could be the reason you are feeling excessively tired, but two of these are more common causes.

  • Sensitivity or intolerance to specific foods, such as dairy or gluten.
  • Imbalance in hormones caused by poor diet or stress.
  • A deficiency in iodine or selenium.
  • Exposure to radiation, or some other toxic element.

The first two are seen as modern, common causes of thyroid problems, while the last two represent extreme cases or problems that are not as common today.


Natural Ways to Improve Thyroid Function

If a thyroid imbalance is causing you to feel exhausted or tired, there are steps you can take at home to help the gland perform better.

Some will be more effective than others, depending on the cause of your thyroid problem.

  • Avoid dairy and gluten. These are the most common food sensitivities.
  • Consume adaptogenic herbs, which stimulate the release of hormones from your thyroid. Some adaptogens are turmeric, cilantro, milk thistle, ginseng, and ashwagandha.
  • Avoid heavy metals and toxins in your cookware, food storage containers, water bottles, and dishware.
  • If your iodine or selenium levels are low, eat foods rich in these elements, or take supplements to restore your body to healthy levels.
  • Eat a diet rich in lean proteins and healthy fats, and low in carbs.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If you have been experiencing symptoms of extreme tiredness for over six months, you may have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

While CFS’s main symptoms include persistent tiredness or exhaustion, the illness also may cause other problems that can contribute to overall fatigue, as well as that can lead to mental health issues, including depression and anxiety.

Symptoms of CFS include exhaustion that does not improve with rest or sleep, sleep disorders, pain in the muscles or joints, flu-like symptoms or other persistent ailments, cognitive processing problems, headaches, and digestive disorders.

Women are more likely than men to suffer from CFS, and the incidence of diagnosis rises as women age.


Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Researchers have not identified a definite cause for CFS.

Current treatments infer it is due to a combination of factors, such as viral or bacterial infections, psychological disorders, genetic components, and environmental factors.

Most often, treatment involves a focus on the symptoms of CFS, because we do not know the cause at this time.

The most likely causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome include:

  • Frequent infections or persistent inflammation;
  • Candida overgrowth in the intestines;
  • Nutritional deficiencies;
  • Poor sleep habits;
  • Chronic stress levels;
  • Hormone imbalances, including hypothalamic and pituitary dysfunction;
  • Decreased immunity.


Natural Treatments for Chronic Fatigue

Treating chronic fatigue can be difficult because we know little about its causes or triggers.

However, making adjustments in the following areas may improve your symptoms, and will provide you with additional information about their nature.

The most common treatments for chronic fatigue include:

  • Eating a healthy diet rich in Vitamins B-6 and B-12, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Limiting your exposure to possible food allergens or sensitivities, like gluten or dairy (6).
  • Limiting stress and getting sufficient quality rest.
  • Exercising in controlled ways to restrict fatigue, but stimulate healthy bodily functions.
  • Eating herbs and supplements that promote hormone balance and healthy moods, like St. John’s wort, ginseng, alfalfa, maca root, licorice, and bee pollen (7).


Adrenal Glands

Adrenal fatigue occurs when your adrenal glands, which release cortisol and adrenaline, are under constant stress and therefore release too many hormones for your body to function correctly.

When you are stressed, your body needs more energy.

Your adrenals release these energy-producing hormones, giving you a boost.

If the stress levels continue to be high, though, you release too many hormones to be useful.

This cycle continues, leaving you in a state of imbalance.

The symptoms of adrenal fatigue are very similar to chronic fatigue syndrome, which is why it can be hard to diagnose either of these disorders accurately.


The Causes of Adrenal Fatigue

When you are under a great deal of stress, due to work, personal, or familial obligations, this may be contributing to adrenal fatigue.

Since stress is a part of our daily lives, that means many of us could be suffering from adrenal fatigue and not even know it.

While each of us manages stress differently and therefore may have different factors in our lives that can lead to adrenal fatigue, the most common issues include:

  • Chronic stress caused by financial trouble, poor working conditions, or caring for a loved one;
  • Stressful family dynamics or events;
  • Pollution or toxins in your environment;
  • Abuse or trauma;
  • Exercising too much;
  • Insufficient nutrition, or not getting enough food;
  • Substance abuse;
  • Poor quality or insufficient quantity of sleep.


Natural Ways to Treat Adrenal Fatigue

Following the guidelines listed above for treating CFS are also beneficial ways to address adrenal fatigue.

Also, learning to manage and cope with stress will be an essential treatment for adrenal insufficiency.

  • Eat a healthy diet of whole foods.
  • Avoid processed foods and stimulants.
  • Adaptogenic herbs can help regulate your hormones, so try consuming holy basil, maca root, rosemary, aloe vera, and ashwagandha root (9).
  • Practice meditation and relaxation exercises daily to manage stress and lower cortisol levels.



Not only is depression a common mental health disorder, its number one symptom is lack of energy.

Over 16 million adults experience some type of depression-related episode each year (10).

The symptoms of depression can vary, but most often include feeling sad or hopeless, irritability or problems controlling anger, tiredness, sleep disturbances, anxiety, lack of interest in eating or taking care of oneself, and slowed cognition.


Causes of Depression

While there are a number of reasons people develop depression or experience depressive episodes in their life, some variables believed to cause depression are:

  • Trauma or abuse;
  • Imbalance in hormone levels;
  • Substance abuse;
  • Chronic or extreme stress;
  • Nutritional deficiencies;
  • Genetics;
  • Lack of sunlight;
  • Food allergies or sensitivities.


Natural Ways to Treat Depression

While any mental health disorder should be treated in consultation with your physician, there are natural treatments that can enhance your mood and help you cope with some of the other causes of your depression.

Some ways to lessen the severity of depression symptoms or alleviate their impact are:

  • Eating a healthy diet free of processed foods, sugary foods, caffeine, alcohol, and unhealthy fats.
  • Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins, to regulate hormones and enhance mood.
  • Exercising regularly to stimulate endorphin production and promote quality rest.
  • Diffusing essential oils that promote relaxation and elevate mood. Oils such as chamomile, lavender, rose, and bergamot is known to enhance mood.


Leaky Gut Syndrome

Your digestive tract is lined with over 4,000 square feet of semi-permeable lining that allows your body to absorb nutrients from the food you eat.

When this lining is healthy and working correctly, only what is needed and healthy get through this barrier and into your bloodstream.

This lining, however, can develop small holes and cracks that cause your system to leak, letting other particles through and into your blood.

Leaky gut may cause inflammation, infection, changes to the healthy bacteria necessary for your gut to function, and other problems in your digestive tract and surrounding tissues.

When your gut is leaky, bacteria, undigested food particles, and proteins like gluten and casein pass through into your body, creating many problems.

The most common symptoms of the leaky gut syndrome are fatigue, problems with digestion, weight gain, joint and muscle pain, skin problems, difficulty learning or focusing, and changes in mood.

Leaky gut contributes to fatigue and exhaustion because your body is no longer absorbing nutrients correctly, so you are not getting the vitamins and minerals you need to support your natural processes.

When your body no longer has the right fuel to supply essential functions, you slow down and feel tired.


Causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome

The most common culprits in the leaky gut are:

  • Medications, especially antibiotics;
  • Gluten, seeds, and nuts;
  • Highly-processed foods;
  • Medical conditions such as thyroid disease, autoimmune disorders, and Crohn’s disease.


Natural Treatments for Leaky Gut Syndrome

To heal a leaky intestinal lining, you must remove all of the factors that are contributing to the holes and cracks in the first place.

This may involve eliminating foods from your diet, like sugar or gluten.

It could also mean treating underlying medical disorders that are causing your gut to leak.

Replacing unhealthy and processed foods with whole, healthier food sources will also be beneficial to healing your intestinal lining.

Eating nutrient-dense foods will supply your body with what it needs to repair and recover, and it may be necessary to take gut-healing supplements like pancreatic enzymes and L-glutamine to support your body’s healing process.

Consider eating more probiotic-rich foods to help maintain your overall gut health.

Probiotics keep your digestive system working properly by balancing out harmful organisms in the digestive system, including the candida and H. pylori bacteria that cause ulcers and inflammation.

Fermented foods are usually rich in probiotics.

These include kefir, kombucha, kimchi, miso, tempeh, and yogurt.


Are You Dehydrated?

When you do not drink enough water or lose too much of it, you can become dehydrated.

If you don’t take in enough water, your blood actually becomes thicker, which makes your heart work harder to pump it through your system.

Your heart rate slows when you are dehydrated, so you are not getting enough oxygen or nutrients to your cells, which makes you feel tired.

Other symptoms of dehydration include lethargy, moodiness, feeling confused or foggy, and muscle weakness or spasms.

Even being just slightly dehydrated impairs your attention, memory, and motor function (11).


Causes of Dehydration

Usually, dehydration is caused by not drinking enough water.

Other causes include:

  • Over-exercising without replenishing fluids;
  • Drinking soda, juice, or other sugary beverages;
  • Diabetes;
  • Vomiting, sweating, or diarrhea;
  • Excessive exposure to heat and sunlight;
  • Medications;
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome;
  • Being at higher altitudes;
  • Your menstrual cycle.


Preventing and Treating Dehydration Naturally

The most obvious prevention technique for dehydration is to ensure you are drinking enough water throughout the day.

To stay adequately hydrated, you need between 80-100 ounces of water a day, depending on your size and activity level.

If you are doing strenuous exercise or are outside all day, you should drink more.

Also, your body requires electrolytes, which you can get from various foods and beverages.

The best sources of water and electrolytes include coconut water, fruits like watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, and kiwi, and vegetables like celery, cucumber, carrots, and bell peppers.


Check for Anemia

If you have persistent feelings of tiredness, talk with your doctor about testing your red blood cell count.

If your count is low, you have anemia.

This means your body is not getting sufficient oxygen to all of your cells and tissues, which can lead to feelings of fatigue.

Other symptoms of anemia include weakness in muscles and bones, difficulty concentrating, and issues with coordination.

If your count is extremely low, you may also have fainting spells, chest pains, digestive problems, yellowing of the skin, or trouble breathing (12).


Causes of Anemia

Usually, loss of blood or insufficient nutrition are the causes of anemia.

A diet low in iron, B-12, and folate can lead to anemia.

Your body needs these nutrients to make hemoglobin in its red blood cells.

It is hemoglobin that carries oxygen to your body’s cells.

Women are more likely to be anemic because they regularly lose small amounts of blood through menstruation, and so should be especially careful to eat a nutrient-dense diet to replenish the minerals and vitamins lost.


Treating Anemia Naturally

Just improving your diet can significantly improve your anemia symptoms.

Including lots of foods rich in iron, folate, and B-12 will help you feel better soon.

Foods to consider are liver, blackstrap molasses, nutritional or brewer’s yeast, and green, leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C enhances iron absorption, so be sure to include citrus fruits as well as cauliflower and broccoli in your healthy food choices.


Emotional Stress and Anxiety

Feeling chronically emotionally stressed can lead to feelings of tiredness and fatigue.

Stress impacts your mental health, your digestive processes, and your sleep.

When stress progresses to an anxiety disorder, it can have profound effects on your energy and overall outlook.

As the most common mental illness in the US, anxiety manifests in many different ways, with fatigue and exhaustion being a common symptom.

Because many with anxiety also suffer from depression, and vice versa, these conditions can compound each other, making symptoms worse.


Causes of Emotional Stress and Anxiety

Many risk factors contribute to the development of an anxiety disorder.

These include:

  • Brain chemistry;
  • Genetic makeup;
  • Lifestyle;
  • Dietary habits.


Natural Treatments for Anxiety and Emotional Stress

Adjusting your habits to focus on consuming healthy, nutrient-rich foods and doing sufficient exercise are good ways to lower stress and combat anxiety.

Avoid stimulants, alcohol, and processed foods, as well.

Probiotics can aid digestion and promote proper nutrient absorption.

Consuming foods rich in B vitamins and magnesium, which are known to help relaxation, can be helpful, too.


Blood Sugar Imbalance

Your body’s cells use your blood glucose to create energy and to conduct essential metabolic functions.

When you have too little or too much blood glucose, your sugar is not balanced, and you will likely experience many bothersome symptoms.

One of the most common symptoms of a blood sugar imbalance is tiredness or fatigue.

Other common symptoms that signal your blood sugar is imbalanced include headaches, moodiness, food cravings, and anxiety.

Whether you already have Type I or Type II diabetes, or are pre-diabetic, you are one of over 100 million people in the US with high blood sugar (13).

For a vast majority of people, changing your diet and lifestyle can improve your glucose levels and reverse many of the symptoms of blood sugar imbalance.

Left untreated, diabetes can cause significant health problems, including blindness and death.


Causes of Blood Sugar Imbalances

Eating an unhealthy diet is the most common cause of diabetes and other blood sugar disorders.

Processed foods are often high in added sugars and simple carbohydrates, which can elevate blood glucose levels rapidly.

If you have Type 1 or Type II diabetes, or impaired pancreatic function, your blood sugar is imbalanced.

Intestinal parasites and candida can also impact blood sugar levels.


Natural Treatments for Blood Sugar Imbalances

Eliminating the following foods will be helpful in regulating your blood sugar:

  • Refined sugars of any kind;
  • All sugary beverages;
  • Baked goods and desserts;
  • Dairy products containing A1 casein.

Limiting your intake of these foods will also be important:

  • Natural sweeteners like honey and maple syrup;
  • Simple carbohydrates like bread, rice, and white potatoes.

Add more of these types of foods to your diet to improve glucose levels:

  • Whole fruits and vegetables;
  • Whole and ancient grains;
  • Organic or raw dairy products from pasture-fed animals.


Poor Diet

You have likely noticed that the way you eat has an enormous impact on the disorders and dysfunctions you may be experiencing that contribute to excessive feelings of tiredness and fatigue.

The food you put into your body is its fuel, and when you fuel your body with unhealthy ingredients and nutrient-poor foods, it cannot work correctly and feels weak and tired.

Changing your diet can have a significant impact on your overall health and well-being, leading to a better balance of hormones, blood glucose, and cellular function.

Your diet also impacts your cognitive functioning, your mood, and general outlook, how well you sleep, and your motivation to engage in the activity.

Changing your diet, therefore, can literally change your life.


Causes for Eating Poorly

There are many reasons people choose to eat poorly.

These include long-term habits, a lifestyle that hinders food preparation and planning, the convenience of other options, a lack of priority of nutrition, and other influences.


Eating a Better Diet, Naturally

You will want to select foods rich in all the essential vitamins and minerals to promote good health.

When thinking about alleviating fatigue, though, a particular focus on B vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, omega-3 fatty acids, and calcium will be necessary.

Here are a few suggestions for changing your food-related behaviors, which can lead to making healthier choices in your diet.

  • Choose whole foods over processed.
  • Get the majority of your calories from fruits and vegetables, with the addition of lean proteins and healthy fats.
  • When selecting proteins, look for organic and grass-fed meats and wild-caught fish. Or, select plant-based proteins from a variety of sources.
  • Eat for variety, selecting foods that have many different colors.
  • Eat some of your fruits and vegetables raw, and when you cook them, cook them quickly and with little water to preserve the nutrients.
  • Fats should include healthy omega-3s. Consider using olive or coconut oil. Eat avocados, nuts, and seeds, as well.

Avoiding the following will also be important to a healthy diet:

  • Refined sugars and carbohydrates.
  • Too much caffeine or alcohol.
  • Processed and pre-packaged foods with lots of additives and preservatives.



If you have been feeling excessively tired for an extended period, you may want to talk with your doctor to rule out other medical problems.

Be sure to speak with your doctor before making significant lifestyle changes that you have never tried before, as you may make your symptoms worse.

Making healthy lifestyle choices, including diet and exercise, are suggestions that work for nearly everyone, but be sure to consult your physician if you suspect you have a food allergy, problems with your blood glucose, are anemic or have digestive issues.

In addition to natural remedies, you may benefit from conventional medical care to treat more extensive medical problems.

Treating extreme fatigue successfully is not likely to happen overnight, so be patient as you try out new therapies.

Always consult your healthcare provider if your symptoms seem to be getting worse, or change dramatically.

If you are experiencing depression or anxiety, talk with your physician about your symptoms.

Remain hopeful that you can and will find a treatment or combination of treatments that can improve your energy level.

With the right focus on health, nutrition, and lifestyle, you can help your body get the energy it needs, and start feeling better soon.



With a focus on these healthy habits, you can significantly improve your feelings of tiredness and fatigue:

  • Better nutrition;
  • Regularly exercise;
  • Proper rest and sleep;
  • Reduction of stress.

By providing your body with the vitamins and minerals that promote rejuvenation and cell function, and by treating any medical conditions known to cause fatigue, you can see improvement in your energy level and the mood quickly.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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